Defining a matrix by avoiding the use of for loops - matlab

I have a 3D matrix X of size a x b x c.
I want to create a 3D matrix Y in MATLAB as follows:
X = rand(10, 10, 5);
[a, b, c] = size(X);
for i = 1 : c
for j = 1 : a
for k = 1 : b
if j<a && k<b
Y(j, k, i) = X(j+1, k, i) + X(j, k+1, i).^4;
Y(j, k, i) = X(a, b, i) + X(a, b, i).^4;
How can I do that by avoiding using a lot of for loops? In other words, how can I rewrite the above code in a faster way without using a lot of loops?

Indexing Arrays/Matrices
Below I added a portion to your script that creates an array Z that is identical to array Y by using indexing that covers the equivalent indices and element-wise operations that are indicated by the dot . preceding the operation. Operations such as multiplication * and division / can be specified element-wise as .* and ./ respectively. Addition and subtraction act in the element-wise fashion and do not need the dot .. I also added an if-statement to check that the arrays are the same and that the for-loops and indexing methods give equivalent results. Indexing using end refers to the last index in the corresponding/respective dimension.
Y = zeros(a,b,c);
Y(1:end-1,1:end-1,:) = X(2:end,1:end-1,:) + X(1: end-1, 2:end,:).^4;
Y(end,1:end,:) = repmat(X(a,b,:) + X(a,b,:).^4,1,b,1);
Y(1:end,end,:) = repmat(X(a,b,:) + X(a,b,:).^4,a,1,1);
Full Script: Including Both Methods and Checking
X = rand(10, 10, 5);
[a, b, c] = size(X);
%Initialed for alternative result%
Z = zeros(a,b,c);
%Looping method%
for i = 1 : c
for j = 1 : a
for k = 1 : b
if j < a && k < b
Y(j, k, i) = X(j+1, k, i) + X(j, k+1, i).^4;
Y(j, k, i) = X(a, b, i) + X(a, b, i).^4;
%Indexing and element-wise method%
Z(1:end-1,1:end-1,:) = X(2:end,1:end-1,:) + X(1: end-1, 2:end,:).^4;
Z(end,1:end,:) = repmat(X(a,b,:) + X(a,b,:).^4,1,b,1);
Z(1:end,end,:) = repmat(X(a,b,:) + X(a,b,:).^4,a,1,1);
%Checking if results match%
if(Z == Y)
fprintf("Matched result\n");
Ran using MATLAB R2019b


Simplifying function by removing a loop

What would be the best way to simplify a function by getting rid of a loop?
function Q = gs(f, a, b)
X(4) = sqrt((3+2*sqrt(6/5))/7);
X(3) = sqrt((3-2*sqrt(6/5))/7);
X(2) = -sqrt((3-2*sqrt(6/5))/7);
X(1) = -sqrt((3+2*sqrt(6/5))/7);
W(4) = (18-sqrt(30))/36;
W(3) = (18+sqrt(30))/36;
W(2) = (18+sqrt(30))/36;
W(1) = (18-sqrt(30))/36;
Q = 0;
for i = 1:4
W(i) = (W(i)*(b-a))/2;
X(i) = ((b-a)*X(i)+(b+a))/2;
Q = Q + W(i) * f(X(i));
Is there any way to use any vector-like solution instead of a for loop?
sum is your best friend here. Also, declaring some constants and creating vectors is useful:
function Q = gs(f, a, b)
c = sqrt((3+2*sqrt(6/5))/7);
d = sqrt((3-2*sqrt(6/5))/7);
e = (18-sqrt(30))/36;
g = (18+sqrt(30))/36;
X = [-c -d d c];
W = [e g g e];
W = ((b - a) / 2) * W;
X = ((b - a)*X + (b + a)) / 2;
Q = sum(W .* f(X));
Note that MATLAB loves to handle element-wise operations, so the key is to replace the for loop at the end with scaling all of the elements in W and X with those scaling factors seen in your loop. In addition, using the element-wise multiplication (.*) is key. This of course assumes that f can handle things in an element-wise fashion. If it doesn't, then there's no way to avoid the for loop.
I would highly recommend you consult the MATLAB tutorial on element-wise operations before you venture onwards on your MATLAB journey:

Translate an equation into a code

Can you help me please translate this equation into a code?
I tried this code but its only the first part
theSum = sum(M(:, y) .* S(:, y) ./ (1 + K(:, y)))
EDIT: sorry, I was having a brainfart. The answer below makes no assumptions on the nature of M, K, etc, which is why I recommended functions like that. But they're clearly matrices. I'll make another answer, I'll leave this here for reference though in case it's useful
I would start by making the M, K, X, L, and O expressions into simple functions, so that you can easily call them as M(z,y), X(z,y) (or X(z,j) depending on the input you need ) etc.
Then you will convert each summation into a for loop and collect the result (you can think about vectorisation later, right now focus on translating the problem). The double summation is essentially a nested for loop, where the result of the inner loop is used in the outer one at each outer iteration.
So your end result should look something like:
Summation1 = 0;
for z = 1 : Z
tmp = M(z,y) / K(z,y) * (X(z,y) / (1 + L(z,y));
Summation1 = Summation1 + tmp;
Summation2 = 0;
for j = 1 : Y
if j ~= y
for z = 1 : Z
tmp = (M(z,j) * X(z,j) * O(j)) / (K(z,j)^2 * (1 + L(z,j)) * X(z,y);
Summation2 = Summation2 + tmp;
Result = Summation1 - Summation2;
(Btw, this assumes that all operations are on scalars. If M(z,y) outputs a vector, adjust for elementwise operations appropriately)
IF M, K, etc are all matrices, and all operations are expected to be element-wise, then this is a vectorised approach for this equation.
Left summation is
S1 = M(1:Z,y) ./ K(1:Z,y) .* X(1:Z,y) ./ (1 + L(1:Z,y));
S1 = sum(S1);
Right summation is (assuming (O is a horizontal vector)
S2 = M(1:Z, 1:Y) .* X(1:X, 1:Y) .* repmat(O(1:Y), [Z,1]) ./ ...
(K(1:Z, 1:Y) .^ 2 .* (1 + L(1:Z, 1:Y))) .* X(1:Z, 1:Y);
S2(:,y) = []; % remove the 'y' column from the matrix
S2 = sum(S2(:)); % add all elements
End result: S1 - S2
this is lambda version vectorized:
equation = #(y,M,K,X,L,O) ...
sum(M(:,y)./K(:,y).*X(:,y)./(1+L(:,y))) ...
-sum(sum( ...
bsxfun( ...
#times ...
,M(:,[1:y-1,y+1:end]) ...
.* X(:,[1:y-1,y+1:end]) ...
.* O(:,[1:y-1,y+1:end]) ...
./ (K(:,[1:y-1,y+1:end]) .^ 2 ...
.*(1+ L(:,[1:y-1,y+1:end]))) ...
,X(:,y) ...
) ...
%%% example:
y = 3;
Y = 5;
Z = 10;
M = rand(Y, Z);K = rand(Y, Z);X = rand(Y, Z);L = rand(Y, Z);O = rand(Y, Z);

MATLAB - vectorize iteration over two matrices used in function

I have two matrices X and Y, both of order mxn. I want to create a new matrix Z of order mx1 such that each i th entry in this new matrix is computed by applying a function to ith and ith row of X and Y respectively. In my case m = 100000 and n = 2. I tried using a loop but it takes forever.
for i = 1:m
Z = function(X(1,:),Y(1,:), constant_parameters)
Is there an efficient way to vectorize it?
This is the function
function [peso] = fxPesoTexturaCN(a,b, img, r, L)
ac = num2cell(a);
bc = num2cell(b);
imgint1 = img(sub2ind(size(img),ac{:}));
imgint2 = img(sub2ind(size(img),bc{:}));
peso = (sum((a - b) .^ 2) + (r/L) * (imgint2 - imgint1)) / (2*r^2);
Where img, r, L are constats. a is X(1,:) and b is Y(1,:)
And the call of this function is
peso = bsxfun(#(a,b) fxPesoTexturaCN(a,b,img,r,L), a, b);

manipulating indices of matrix in parallel in matlab

Suppose I have a m-by-n-by-p matrix "A", each indices stores a real number, now I want to create another matrix "B" and B(i, j, k) = f(A(i, j, k), i, j, k, otherVars), is there a faster way to do it in matlab rather than looping through all the elements? (notice the function requires the index number (i, j, k))
An example is as follows(The actual function f could be more complex):
A = rand(3, 4, 5);
B = zeros(size(A));
C = 10;
for x = 1:size(A, 1)
for y = 1:size(A, 2)
for z = 1:size(A, 3)
B(x, y, z) = A(x,y,z) + x - y * z + C;
I've tried creating a cell "B", and
B{i, j, k} = [A(i, j, k), i, j, k];
I then applied cellfun() to do the parallel computing, but it's even slower than a for-loop over each elements in A.
In my real implementation, function f is much more complex than B = A + X - Y.*Z + C; it takes four scaler values and I don't want to modify it since it's a function written in an external package. Any suggestions?
Vectorize it by building an ndgrid of the appropriate values:
[X,Y,Z] = ndgrid(1:size(A,1), 1:size(A,2), 1:size(A,3));
B = A + X - Y.*Z + C;

How to Vectorize Dependent For-Loops

I'm working on a function that takes a 1xn vector x as input and returns a nxn matrix L.
I'd like to speed things up by vectorizing the loops, but there's a catch that puzzles me: loop index b depends on loop index a. Any help would be appreciated.
x = x(:);
n = length(x);
L = zeros(n, n);
for a = 1 : n,
for b = 1 : a-1,
c = b+1 : a-1;
if all(x(c)' < x(b) + (x(a) - x(b)) * ((b - c)/(b-a))),
L(a,b) = 1;
From a quick test, it looks like you are doing something with the lower triangle only. You might be able to vectorize using ugly tricks like ind2sub and arrayfun similar to this
tril_lin_idx = find(tril(ones(n), -1));
[A, B] = ind2sub([n,n], tril_lin_idx);
C = arrayfun(#(a,b) b+1 : a-1, A, B, 'uniformoutput', false); %cell array
f = #(a,b,c) all(x(c{:})' < x(b) + (x(a) - x(b)) * ((b - c{:})/(b-a)));
L = zeros(n, n);
L(tril_lin_idx) = arrayfun(f, A, B, C);
I cannot test it, since I do not have x and I don't know the expected result. I normally like vectorized solutions, but this is maybe pushing it a bit too much :). I would stick to your explicit for-loop, which might be much clearer and which Matlab's JIT should be able to speed up easily. You could replace the if with L(a,b) = all(...).
Updated version, to prevent wasting ~ n^3 space on C:
tril_lin_idx = find(tril(ones(n), -1));
[A, B] = ind2sub([n,n], tril_lin_idx);
c = #(a,b) b+1 : a-1;
f = #(a,b) all(x(c(a, b))' < x(b) + (x(a) - x(b)) * ((b - c(a, b))/(b-a)));
L = zeros(n, n);
L(tril_lin_idx) = arrayfun(f, A, B);
Slight variant, which does not use ind2sub and which should be more easy to modify in case b would depend in a more complex way on a. I inlined c for speed, it seems that especially calling the function handles is expensive.
[A,B] = ndgrid(1:n);
v = B<A; % which elements to evaluate
f = #(a,b) all(x(b+1:a-1)' < x(b) + (x(a) - x(b)) * ((b - (b+1:a-1))/(b-a)));
L = false(n);
L(v) = arrayfun(f, A(v), B(v));
If I understand your problem correctly, L(a, b) == 1 if for any c with a < c < b, (c, x(c)) is “below” the line connecting (a, x(a)) and (b, x(b)), right?
It is not a vectorization, but I found the other approach. Rather than comparing all c with a < c < b for each new b, I saved the maximum slope from a to c in (a, b), and used it for (a, b + 1). (I tried with only one direction, but I think that using both directions is also possible.)
x = x(:);
n = length(x);
L = zeros(n);
for a = 1:(n - 1)
L(a, a + 1) = 1;
maxSlope = x(a + 1) - x(a);
for b = (a + 2):n
currSlope = (x(b) - x(a)) / (b - a);
if currSlope > maxSlope
maxSlope = currSlope;
L(a, b) = 1;
I don't know your data, but with some random data, the result is the same with original code (with transpose).
An esoteric answer: You could do the calculations for every a,b,c from 1:n, exclude the don't cares, and then do the all along the c dimension.
[a, b, c] = ndgrid(1:n, 1:n, 1:n);
La = x(c)' < x(b) + (x(a) - x(b)) .* ((b - c)./(b-a));
La(b >= a | c <= b | c >= a) = true;
L = all(La, 3);
Though the jit would probably do just fine with the for loops since they do very little.
Edit: still uses all of the memory, but with less maths
[A, B, C] = ndgrid(1:n, 1:n, 1:n);
valid = B < A & C > B & C < A;
a = A(valid); b = B(valid); c = C(valid);
La = true(size(A));
La(valid) = x(c)' < x(b) + (x(a) - x(b)) .* ((b - c)./(b-a));
L = all(La, 3);
Edit2: alternate last line to add the clause that c of no elements is true
L = all(La,3) | ~any(valid,3);