How can i display count of related documents on parent level? - mongodb

I'm trying to build a voting system where you can have X num of options to vote for on an entry.
The query I'm building now is when retrieving an entry, I would like to get the numbers of votes per option on an entry.
I have a very clear understanding of how I would do this in SQL but grasping to understand the concepts of aggregation, lookup, and group in MongoDB
The model looks like this:
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac5",
"options": [
"name": "First Option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac6",
"name": "Second Option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18are",
"name": "Third Option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18aef",
"_id": "5fc2766438401a2308e18ac8",
"options": [
"name": "Some other option"
"_id": "5fc2766438401a2308e18ac9",
"_id": "5fc2766438401a2308e18aca",
"name": "This is also an option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac5",
"entryId": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac6"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18aer",
"entryId": "5fc2765938401a2308e18are"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ek",
"entryId": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac6"
And I want the results of Entry to look like this.
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac5",
"options": [
"name": "First Option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18ac6",
"votes": 1,
"name": "Second Option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18are",
"votes": 0,
"name": "Third Option"
"_id": "5fc2765938401a2308e18aef",
"votes": 5,
"_id": "5fc2766438401a2308e18ac8",
"options": [
"name": "Some other option"
"_id": "5fc2766438401a2308e18ac9",
"votes": 3,
"_id": "5fc2766438401a2308e18aca",
"name": "This is also an option"
"votes": 10,

$lookup to join votes collection, pass local field optoins._id and foreign field entryId
$project get options votes, $map to iterate loop of options array, $filter to get matching entryId records and $size to get count of element in return array, merge votes field and current object using $mergeObjects
$lookup: {
from: "votes",
localField: "options._id",
foreignField: "entryId",
as: "votes"
$project: {
options: {
$map: {
input: "$options",
as: "a",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
votes: {
$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$votes",
cond: { $eq: ["$$this.entryId", "$$a._id"] }


How to use current field in second $match?

Let's say i have 2 collections
// Post collection:
"_id": "somepost1",
"author": "firstuser",
"title": "First post"
"_id": "somepost2",
"author": "firstuser",
"title": "Second post"
"_id": "somepost3",
"author": "firstuser",
"title": "Third post"
// User collection:
"_id": "firstuser",
"nickname": "John",
"posts": {
"voted": []
"_id": "seconduser",
"nickname": "Bob",
"posts": {
"voted": [
"_id": "somepost1",
"vote": "1"
"_id": "somepost3",
"vote": "-1"
And i need to get this result:
"_id": "somepost1",
"author": {
"_id": "firstuser",
"nickname": "John"
"title": "First post",
"myvote": "1"
"_id": "somepost2",
"author": {
"_id": "firstuser",
"nickname": "John"
"title": "Second post",
"voted": "0"
"_id": "somepost3",
"author": {
"_id": "firstuser",
"nickname": "John"
"title": "Third post",
"myvote": "-1"
How can i make a request with aggregation, which will display this output with dynamic _id of elements?
I have problem with using current _id of post in second $match and setting "myvote" to 0 if there are no element in "posts.voted" associated with current post.
Here what i've tried:[
$match: {
author: "firstuser"
$lookup: {
from: "user",
localField: "author",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "author"
$addFields: {
author: {
$arrayElemAt: [
$lookup: {
from: "user",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "posts.voted._id",
as: "Results"
$unwind: "$Results"
$unwind: "$Results.posts.voted"
$match: {
"Results.posts.voted._id": "ID OF CURRENT POST"
$project: {
_id: 1,
author: {
_id: 1,
nickname: 1
title: 1,
myvote: "$"
From the $match docs:
The query syntax is identical to the read operation query syntax
The query syntax does not allow usage of document values. which is what you're trying to do.
What we can do is use $expr within the $match stage, this allows us to use aggregation oprerators, thus also giving access to the document values. like so:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: ['$Results.posts.voted._id', '$_id'],

How to group and a count fields in a mongoDB collection

I'm really new to mongodb coming from a sql background and struggling to work out how to run a simple report that will group a value from a nested document with a count and in a sort order with highest count first.
I've tried so many ways from what I've found online but I'm unable to target the exact field that I need for the grouping.
Here is the collection.
"_id": {
"$oid": "6005f95dbad14c0308f9af7e"
"title": "test",
"fields": {
"6001bd300b363863606a815e": {
"field": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "6001bd300b363863606a815e"
"title": "Title Two",
"datatype": "string"
"section": "Section 1",
"6001bd300b363863423a815e": {
"field": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "6001bd3032453453606a815e"
"title": "Title One",
"datatype": "string"
"section": "Section 1",
"6001bd30453534863423a815e": {
"field": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "6001bd300dfgdfgdf06a815e"
"title": "Title One",
"datatype": "string"
"section": "Section 1",
"sections": ["Section 1"]
The result I need to get from the above example would be:
"Title One", 2
"Title Two", 1
Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thank you so much.
Having dynamic field names is usually a poor design.
Try this one:
{ $set: { fields: { $objectToArray: "$fields" } } },
{ $unwind: "$fields" },
{ $group: { _id: "$fields.v.field.title", count: { $count: {} } } },
{ $sort: { count: -1 } }
Here's another way to do it. The $project throws away everything except for the deep-dive to "title". Then just $unwind and $sortByCount.
"$project": {
"titles": {
"$map": {
"input": {
"$objectToArray": "$fields"
"in": "$$this.v.field.title"
"$unwind": "$titles"
"$sortByCount": "$titles"
Try it on

Select data from two MongoDB tables and update the results

We have the following problem
Given are the tables and fields
"_id": "1",
"State": "INITIAL",
"_class": "com.example.dto.OfferData"
"_id": "2",
"State": "COMPLETED",
"_class": "com.example.dto.OfferData"
"_id": {
"$oid": "a"
"Description": "asdf",
"NetPrice": "100",
"GrossPrice": "116",
"VatRate": "16",
"OfferId": "1",
"_class": "com.example.dto.Article"
"_id": {
"$oid": "b"
"Description": "my description",
"NetPrice": "100",
"GrossPrice": "119",
"VatRate": "19",
"OfferId": "1",
"_class": "com.example.dto.Article"
"_id": {
"$oid": "c"
"Description": "my description",
"NetPrice": "100",
"GrossPrice": "116",
"VatRate": "16",
"OfferId": "2",
"_class": "com.example.dto.Article"
Now we have to update all articles belonging to an offer with the state "initial" in the following way: if the VatRate is equal to 16 than it must be updated to 19 AND the GrossPrice must be recalculated from the existing NetPrice.
The result should be: the article with _id = "a" and VatRate = 16 for OfferId = 1 (State = INITIAL) should have VatRate = 19 and GrossPrice = 119. The fields should be updated and persisted in the original MongoDB collection.
Can we do this only with Mongo-shell? Our Version is 3.6.
Our tries:
We have played around with .aggregate, $lookup, $match and $project but without much luck. It's the first time we are using the Mongo-shell.
$match: { "state": { "$eq": "INITIAL" } }
$project: { "articles": 1 }
$match your State condition
$lookup with Articles collection
$map to iterate loop of selected-articles array, check condition using $cond if VatRate is "16" then updated to 19 and recalculate GrossPrice as per NetPrice using $multiply before it convert NetPrice to integer because its in string type, back to merge objects with current objects using $mergeObjects
{ $match: { State: { $eq: "INITIAL" } } },
$lookup: {
from: "Articles",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "OfferId",
as: "selected-articles"
$addFields: {
"selected-articles": {
$map: {
input: "$selected-articles",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$this.VatRate", "16"] },
VatRate: 19,
GrossPrice: {
$multiply: [{ $toInt: "$$this.NetPrice" }, 19]

MongoDB aggregate merging fields

I have a mongo Database I'll like to "join" two of them and then merge some other fields:
Let's see the schemas:
Students Schema (and data):
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd564981b1313de790b580"),
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "21",
"image": "https://XXXX/481.png",
"subjects": [
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd4e6881b1313de790b56b"),
"passed": true,
"_id": ObjectId("5fcb63fa8814d96876c687bf"),
"__v": NumberInt("1"),
and Subject schema:
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd4e6881b1313de790b56b"),
"course": 3,
"teacher": "John Smith",
"name": "Math",
"_id": ObjectId("5fcb63fa8814d96876c687bf"),
"name": "IT",
"course": 8,
"teacher": "John Peter",
What I'll like to make a query with the subjects (all info) of a student, also if the student have additional fields in subject like passed add it to the subject subdocument.
Here is my query till now:
_id : ObjectId('5fbd564981b1313de790b580')
$lookup :
from : "subjects",
localField : "subjects._id",
foreignField : "_id",
as : "FoundSubject"
which correctly make the "join" but the merge is still missing, I got as result:
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd564981b1313de790b580"),
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "21",
"image": "https://XXXX/481.png",
"subjects": [
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd4e6881b1313de790b56b"),
"passed": true,
"_id": ObjectId("5fcb63fa8814d96876c687bf"),
"__v": NumberInt("1"),
"FoundSubject": [
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd4e6881b1313de790b56b"),
"course": 3,
"teacher": "John Smith",
"name": "Math"
"_id": ObjectId("5fcb63fa8814d96876c687bf"),
"name": "IT",
"course": 8,
"teacher": "John Peter"
but I'll like to have:
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd564981b1313de790b580"),
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "21",
"image": "https://XXXX/481.png",
"subjects": [
"_id": ObjectId("5fbd4e6881b1313de790b56b"),
"course": 3,
"teacher": "John Smith",
"name": "Math",
"passed": true,
"_id": ObjectId("5fcb63fa8814d96876c687bf"),
"name": "IT",
"course": 8,
"teacher": "John Peter"
"__v": NumberInt("1"),
with merged data and field "passed" added. How can accomplish that?
I'm new to MongoDB coming from MySQL.
You need to merge both objects, add below stage after $lookup,
MongoDB Version From 3.4
$map to iterate loop of students array
$reduce to iterate loop of FoundSubject array, check condition if condition match then return required fields otherwise return initial value
$project to remove FoundSubject from result
$addFields: {
subjects: {
$map: {
input: "$subjects",
as: "s",
in: {
$reduce: {
input: "$FoundSubject",
initialValue: {},
in: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: ["$$s._id", "$$this._id"] },
_id: "$$this._id",
course: "$$this.course",
name: "$$",
teacher: "$$this.teacher",
passed: "$$s.passed"
{ $project: { FoundSubject: 0 } }
MongoDB Version From 4.4
$map to iterate loop of students array,
$filter to get matching document from FoundSubject array and $first to get first object from array returned by filter
$mergeObjects to merge current objects with found result object from filter
remove FoundSubject using $$REMOVE
// skipping your stages
$addFields: {
FoundSubject: "$$REMOVE",
subjects: {
$map: {
input: "$subjects",
as: "s",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
$first: {
$filter: {
input: "$FoundSubject",
cond: { $eq: ["$$s._id", "$$this._id"] }

How can I reduce the duplicate data from my aggregation pipeline?

I have a pipeline that works great for what I need... but I think there is some redundant data that can be removed from the pipeline.
Expected output
This is what I want the output to look like
"_id": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056936",
"name": "Mike",
"history": [
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1411",
"what": "Log IN"
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1422",
"what": "Log OUT"
Current output
This is what the output currently looks like
"docs": [
"_id": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056936",
"name": "Mike",
"history": {
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1411",
"what": "Log IN"
"historyIndex": 0
"_id": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056936",
"name": "Mike",
"history": {
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1422",
"what": "Log OUT"
"historyIndex": 1
User doc
In real life there will be more users than this... of course...
"_id": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056936",
"name": "Mike",
History docs
again, to make it simple, I am keeping data short
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1411",
"userId": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056936",
"what": "Log IN"
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1422",
"userId": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056999",
"what": "Log IN"
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1433",
"userId": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056936",
"what": "Log OUT"
"_id": "5ecb263c166b8500047c1444",
"userId": "5ecee2189fdd1b0004056999",
"what": "Log OUT"
mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2 middleware
I am also using mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2, but I don't think that is my issue, but it definitely comes into play when the results are returned. it needs to have the docs flattened so it can count and paginate them:
"totalDocs": 941,
"limit": 500,
"page": 1,
"totalPages": 2,
"pagingCounter": 1,
"hasPrevPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true,
"prevPage": null,
"nextPage": 2
Here is my pipeline
var agg_match = {
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId)
var agg_lookup = {
$lookup: {
from: 'it_userhistories',
localField: '_id',
foreignField: 'userId',
as: 'history'
var agg_unwind = {
$unwind: {
path: "$history",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
includeArrayIndex: 'historyIndex',
var agg = [
var pageAndLimit = {
User.aggregatePaginate(myAggregate, pageAndLimit)
You can use $map operator to do this. Following query will be helpful (I have not included the match stage in the pipeline, you can easily include it):
$lookup: {
from: "history",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "userId",
as: "history"
$project: {
name: 1,
history: {
$map: {
input: "$history",
as: "h",
in: {
_id: "$$h._id",
what: "$$h.what"