PSFTP Unknown Command - PowerShelll Batch Task - Putty - powershell

I hope you and your family are doing well-
I've been struggling with this error that I really don't understand.
This is the PowerShell script that I created to upload files to a ftp server using PSFTP
$comd1= "lcd C:\Users\jhosef.cardich\Desktop\sol\"
$upload_result = ($comd1) | & $path -pw $pass "$user#$hst" 2> $
$comd2="put myfile,txt"
$upload_result+= $comd2 | & $path -pw $pass "$user#$hst" 2> $
$upload_result | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Users\jhosef.cardich\Desktop\sol\sftp.txt" -Append
"DateTime Stamp - Upload: $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Users\jhosef.cardich\Desktop\sol\sftp.txt" -Append
and this the output I get every time I run my code: (I would like you to focus on the second line)
Remote working directory is /download
psftp> psftp: unknown command "ktop\sol\"
psftp> quit
Remote working directory is /download
psftp> quit
DateTime Stamp - Upload: 11/18/2020 21:21:49
As you can see, I do not understand why in the second line I get the error "unknown command" and it seems that psftp only detects a part of the string where I have defined the path. I also tried this implementation but I'm getting the same error (Call multiple commands from powershell e.g psftp).

Update on this:
The problem was due to some configurations on the server in which the script that contains the putty command was being executed.
Exactly, it was a problem with the windows trusted hosts that for some reason we don't know how the FTP host that we are using to connect putty, was removed from that list.
We've noticed that when we tried to open a connection with Filezilla, it prompted a notification asking us to trust and add the FTP domain to the windows trusted host list.
When we accept that, suddenly the script was working fine again.
Very strange, but my advice is to use WinScp instead of putty.


Piping file contents to remote file over SSH

I am trying to share an SSH public key with a remote server using Powershell. Typically, in Linux environments, using Bash, I would use cat and a pipe to append the contents of the file, like so:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user#machine 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
However, I am communicating between Windows 10 hosts using the SSH feature in Windows 10, so do not have access to GNU utilities.
Instead, I am trying to use Powershell. I currently have the following Powershell code:
Get-Content ~\.ssh\ | ssh user#machine "'$_' | Out-File -FilePath ~\.ssh\authorized_keys -Append"
This runs without error but the file on the remote machine is empty. How would I go about appending my public key to the authorized_keys file on the remote machine?
I may be approaching this problem from the wrong direction; most of my shell scripting experience is in Bash on Linux. If there is a cleaner Powershell solution, I would love feedback!
CLARIFICATION: I am using PowerShell as the default shell on my remote Windows host.
I solved this by getting rid of the pipe after Get-Content and evaluating the Get-Content call in the command I run with SSH:
ssh user#machine "'$(Get-Content .\.ssh\' | Out-File -FilePath ~\.ssh\authorized_keys -Append"

Hello do i'm trying to code a powershell script that upload and overwrite a folder to an other folder

So I'm basically new to powershell coding and I don't really know if I'm doing this right - just started a few days ago.
My main goal is to send a folder to a ftp server and overwrite the folder that's already on the server due to daily upload. Sorry but I'm a bit of a nerd and would like a few recommendations if I'm doing this well or not. Thank you
I tried to code something using powershell and a batch file .
And it actually work's but localy on my pc ( copy the folder and paste it in wanted folder) But it just won't work when trying to do this on a remote ftp server that's saved on my pc.
[string]$sourceDirectory = "C:\test\*"
[string]$destinationDirectory = "C:\Users\c0ld\Desktop/receive "
Copy-item -Force -Recurse -Verbose $sourceDirectory -Destination $destinationDirectory
Bat script:
PowerShell.exe -Command "& 'C:/test.ps1'"
So this works when working on actual local folder, but when trying to do this on a network FTP folder it's actually not working.
First make sure you have the correct permissions to access the server.
Then remember(this got me a couple times) that instead of c:\path, you would use the admin share to access a remote pc, which is \remotecomputer\c$\path.

Run exe with arguments on remote machine

This one is ruining me. Something that I'm pretty sure should be simple just isn't working and it's probably just a single quotation/character out of place.
There's a lync/Skype tool called sefautil.exe that does all kinds of marvelous things the webGUI doesn't. A typical command would be:
C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2015\ResKit>sefautil.exe /server:sfbpool01.domain.local sip:user1#domain.local /setfwddestination:user2#domain.local /enablefwdimmediate
This works fine when remoted onto any of the machines, but I'm really struggling to run it via remote PowerShell.
Whatever commands I try via invoke-command either give me a standard /? response or nothing at all. I've passed the args via -ArgumentList, as a variable, as anything I can think of and it's just not working.
What makes the thing even more tasking as if you run without admin rights, you won't ever get any results. The command has to be ran as an admin. Now I can quite easily put an admin mode checker into my script, but if it's just as easy to send the command as admin I'll take it.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
I've gone about it a different way which feels a little cheap, but it does work so can't complain.
I've created a scheduled task on the server hosting sefautil.exe to run a batch file under elevated permissions - I've called it sefautil.
I also copied sefaUTIL.exe to C:\TEMP on the server.
Then in my PowerShell script I'm using:
$SERVER = "\\computer1\c$\temp"
"cd \" | Out-File "$SERVER\sefautiltest.bat" -Encoding unicode
"cmd /c C:\Temp\sefautil.exe /" | Out-File "$SERVER\sefautiltest.bat" -Append
gc $SERVER\sefautiltest.bat | out-file $server\sefautil.bat -encoding ascii
Invoke-Command -Credential $CREDS -ComputerName computer 01-ScriptBlock { schtasks /Run /TN sefautil }
It's almost certainly a long winded way of doing this, but it does work.
Thanks for giving me a fresh perspective on things.
A Little late to the party, but I'm sure a lot of other SfB-Admins will struggle here as well.
This is how I made it work:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Global:SefaUtilServer -ScriptBlock {&'C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2015\ResKit\SEFAUtil.exe' '/server:epsachhst-lfe11.epsa.swisscom-mcc.local' $args[0] "/enablefwdnoanswer" "/setfwddestination:$($args[1])" "/callanswerwaittime:$($args[2])"} -Credential $Global:LyncSchedTask_Cred -Authentication Credssp -ArgumentList #($UserSip.replace("sip:",""),$Destination,$Delay)
Hint: make sure, that you don't run in the "Powershell Double Hop issue". SefaUtil will make a Connection to a Frontend Server (I assume it's the one with the CMS located) to make the actual changes in the DB. (See my answer on TechNet: (by
This is the solution I came up with below.
Basically create a batch file with powershell on the SfB server and then run it with psexec to use the System account (psexec had been copied to the server).
Make sure you insert your own server's name where it has "servername" and run the script with an account that has sufficient permissions. Then call the script with the correct parameters.
BTW, I've noticed it can return an error code of 1 if the forwarding is already in place.
param ([string]$FwdUser,[string]$DestUser)
#skype for business phone forwarding
#create a batch file to run the command, run it as system with psexec and remove the batch file afterwards. sefautil does not cooperate with remote execution
$sefautilcmd = "`"C:\Program Files\Skype for Business Server 2015\ResKit\SEFAUtil.exe`" / " + $FwdUser + " /setfwddestination:" + $DestUser + " /enablefwdimmediate"
New-Item \\servername\c$\temp\tempfwd.bat
Set-Content \\servername\c$\temp\tempfwd.bat $sefautilcmd
Invoke-Command -ComputerName servername -ScriptBlock {C:\temp\psexec.exe -s -accepteula c:\temp\tempfwd.bat}
Remove-Item \\servername\c$\temp\tempfwd.bat

How do I issue a remote copy command?

The script I'm working on right now performs a bunch of work on the email server for processing Litigation hold requests. One of the components of this script is to copy all the data from an identified folder on a file server to a secure backup location that can't be altered which happens to reside on the same remote server. I have the script working fine but it copies all the files across the network from the file server to the email server where the PowerShell script is run and then pushes it right back to the same file server it came from to the "hold" folder. This is creating severe delays as some of these folders are several thousands of files ranging from a few bytes to several meg each.
I'm looking for a way for my PowerShell script running on the email server to issue a remote command to the file server to copy a folder from one directory to another (all on the same remote server). Any suggestions?
Currently, I'm using the robocopy command in my script but I'm open to other ways of performing this.
robocopy "Source Folder" "Destination Folder" /e
I'm looking for something like:
PSEXEC \\\FileServer -s -d Copy "Source folder" to "Destination folder"
I just can't seem to find any material on the old google train that satisfies the situation.
psexec \\fileserver -s robocopy "source" "destination" /e
should work just fine. With PSRemoting enabled on the fileserver you could also do
Invoke-Command -Computer fileserver -Scriptblock {
& robocopy "source" "destination" /e
Note that this assumes local paths on the remote server. If you're working with network shares on the remote host you'll be running into the second hop problem.
For some strange reason the first attempt to use PSEXEC prior to posting resulted in an error stating it didn't know how to handle the command. But I plugged in the PSEXEC command again and it worked perfectly today.
Thank you.

how to edit a file in powershell remoting session (powershell)

I am connecting to another computer using powershell remoting, really nice. can do lots, but how do I edit a file?
PS C:\Users\guutlee> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName appprod
[appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> cd \myapp
[appprod]: PS C:\myapp>
what can I do to open a file editor on a file on the remote machine?
[appprod]: PS C:\myapp> edit app.config
so edit "filename" just seems to hang, from powershell.exe or from powershell_ise.exe
The only thing I can think of is back out of the pssession and "start \webprod\c$\inetpub\myapp\web.config", which would open visual studio.
[appprod]: PS C:\myapp> exit
PS C:\Users\guutlee> start \agobuild\c$\myapp\app.config
PS C:\Users\guutlee> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName appprod
[appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> cd \myapp
[appprod]: PS C:\myapp> myapp.exe
Of course with this I have to re-find the file, hope that the c$ share is available and accessible, and the reconnect my pssession and re-find my working directory when I want to go on. It doesn't seem very elegant.
I could maybe wrap this is a function, but having a hard time wrapping my head around that..
so how do I conveniently edit a file with a remote pssession?
kbrimington's post got me thinking me about the -X option to ssh. probably would be an awesome thing for powershell sessions to be able to forward windowed apps back to the original windowing environment...
but still I'd be happy just to edit the file.
tests using vi, emacs, cmd and edit
PS C:\Users\Meredith> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName appprod
[appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> C:\vim\vim72\vim filename.txt
[appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> C:\emacs-23.2\bin\emacs.exe -nw filename.txt
emacs.exe : emacs: standard input is not a tty
+ CategoryInfo \: NotSpecified: (emacs: standard input is not a tty:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId \: NativeCommandError
[appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> cmd
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
[appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> edit filename.txt
vi and edit hang (Control-C to get a prompt back)
cmd runs, producing a prompt, but immediately exits back to the powershell prompt
emacs produces the error (standard input is not a tty)
Jered suggests pulling the file back locally to edit. I embellished his answer to copying using pssessions rather than UNCs (perhaps this is what he intended)
PS C:\Users\Meredith> Invoke-Command -Session $ps -ScriptBlock {get-content c:/inetpub/myapp/web.config} > web.config
edit web config
PS C:\Users\Meredith> get-content web.config | Invoke-Command -Session $ps -ScriptBlock {set-content c:/inetpub/myapp/web.config}
Potentially we could run the invoke-commands in either direction, local to remote or remote back to local.
If you are using Powershell 5, you can use command called PSEdit. It only works from ISE.
So first, open PowerShell ISE
Then open remote session to the remote computer using Enter-PSSession
Then edit the file using PsEdit 'filename'
The remote file will be opened in a new tab in your (local) ISE window.
Actually I found this answer from the comments section of this SO question , but I think it will be helpful for others if I post it as answer here.
Can you not pull the file locally, edit it and post it? I know this is tedious and not elegant but it seems editors are presently having issue with remote sessions.
Get-Content REMOTE\Filename.txt > LOCAL\Filename.txt
Make your changes locally and then
Set-Content -path REMOTE\Filename.txt -value (get-content LOCAL\Filename.txt)
Also if you are only replacing certain instances you can do this pretty easily.
Get-Content REMOTE\Filename.txt | foreach-object { $_ -replace "OLD", "NEW" } | Set-Content REMOTE\Filename.txt
After much digging around, I found something that seems relevant in the powershell help documentation. At the powershell prompt, type:
help about_remote_troubleshooting
At the very end of the help file that is displayed, there is a section entitled 'TROUBLESHOOTING UNRESPONSIVE BEHAVIOUR', which states:
This section discusses remoting problems that prevent a command from
completing and prevent or delay the return of the Windows PowerShell
Some native Windows programs, such as programs with a user interface,
console applications that prompt for input, and console
applications that use the Win32 console API, do not work
correctly in the Windows PowerShell remote host.
When you use these programs, you might see unexpected behavior, such
as no output, partial output, or a remote command that does not
complete. To end an unresponsive program, type CTRL + C. To view any
errors that might have been reported, type "$error" in the
local host and the remote session.
Thus it would seem even non-GUI console applications such as VIM won't work unfortunately. Anyone
care to shed a little light on why this might be the case and/or whether it can be worked
around? I would REALLY love it if I could use vim over powershell remoting.
First, create a temp folder on the local machine (LOCALTEMPFOLDER). Then, use the following function:
function vimrem {param([parameter(position=0,mandatory=$true)][string]$Session, [parameter(position=1,mandatory=$true)][string]$Path)
$TempFile = split-path -path $Path -leaf
copy-item -fromsession $Session -path $Path -destination LOCALTEMPFOLDER\$TempFile
copy-item -tosession $Session -path LOCALTEMPFOLDER\$TempFile -destination $Path
remove-item -path LOCALTEMPFOLDER\$TempFile
This should work, but you will have leave an interactive session before using this function.
PowerShell_ISE.exe \\REMOTE\...\File.txt
will load and edit the file directly and save it back to the remote computer in one step and, since its command line, easy to build functions using it. Doesn't get around sharing problems, but the easiest way I've found.
Try it out using a console-based editor such as VI or Emacs. As in my comment, I think the problem is that the edit command is bound to a windowed application which, in turn, is not virtualized across a remote session.
I try all the above suggestion and even other microsoft related solution but none works the way you and I want --"full interactive and responsive shell"--. If you really want to have the ssh experience that unix users have from the beggining of time i recomend you install an ssh server. I personally use freesshd, you can find it here and instructions of how to configure it here After you make all that it says in the instructions you only need to use any ssh client app to connect to your computer and use powershell full interactive. Vim, edit, emacs or whatever you use to edit a file is going to work without any problem.
i encourage you to not waste your time with psremoting, telnet, winrs, psexec, trying to achieve what a real interactive shell provide (i already lost it, T_T). Try that ssh server an see for your self.
Inspired by the answer provided by #chenz, this can also be done using Visual Studio Code when inside the Powershell Integrated Shell. I tried this with Powershell 7 over SSH remoting, but should also work with WinRM remoting as well.
Enter-Session ...
[RemoteSystem] PS> psedit service.log
The filename will follow this pattern:
I got nano to work easily over SSH to PowerShell. It's available in Chocolatey so you can just do...
choco install nano -y
Then you can just do...
nano filename
I've been looking into this quite thoroughly given the limitations of PSRemoting and the possible work arounds or solutions.
Console editors do not work as they are native (exe) commands and are character based. (I'm wondering if cmd over ssh works with these) It needs to be a cmdlet to properly interact with the console host over a psremote session.
A PSRemote session is line based. You edit the line locally push enter and then it is sent to the remote end, the command is executed and the result returned. So it does support line interactivity but not character interactivity.
Given all these limitations, GNU's ed appears to be a perfect fit. I'm surprised that no one has looked at implementing it as a cmdlet.
I decided to investigate this further, I checked that the powershell cmdlet read-host works and then the C# equivalent PSHostUserInterface.ReadLine() work over a PSRemote session and they do, which is all that is needed to make a working line editor.
So here's what I've done so far. I could probably use some help on the more exotic regex code.
I've used this to edit files via a psremote session. (I wouldn't go editing large source files with it, but for the odd small config file or ps1 script it is perfect.)
Make sure you are familiar with GNU ED before using this cmdlet. It'd be like trying to use VI for the very first time, otherwise.