Connection shape script shows GUID not a name of reference element - enterprise-architect

In my MDG technology I have a my own type of connection "MyConn" extended of InformationFlow. "MyConn" has tag "ServiceRef" which is linked via tagged value to another MDG element «MyService».
When I use in "MyConn" shape script the construction
print(" -> ");
the shape depicts GUID of "MyService", not a "Name", as I experienced in other cases (for element, not connections).
Is there a way to show name of referenced element, not a GUID ? Sparx 13.5

That's obviously a(nother) bug in EA. It's still broken in 15.1. You might report that (or use your time for something more useful). Eventually post the question on Sparx' forum and one of the nice Sparxian (KP if any) will have an idea.
Since shape script is so limited the only way around would be to use an add-in call to decipher the name from the GUID, just like
You would need to implement that decipherGUID operation in your add-in. If you desperately need that be aware that for each connector to be rendered EA will call that add-in. That can easily drop performance to non-usability.


Adding signingCertificateV2 attribute to SignedCms

ContentInfo content = new ContentInfo(new Oid("1.2.840.113549.1.7.5"), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str.ToString()));
SignedCms signedCms = new SignedCms(content, true);
CmsSigner cmsSigner = new CmsSigner(cert);
cmsSigner.IncludeOption = X509IncludeOption.EndCertOnly;
cmsSigner.DigestAlgorithm = new Oid("2.16.840.");
cmsSigner.SignerIdentifierType = SubjectIdentifierType.IssuerAndSerialNumber;
Pkcs9AttributeObject att = new Pkcs9AttributeObject();
AsnEncodedData data = new AsnEncodedData(new SHA1Managed().ComputeHash(cert.RawData));
cmsSigner.SignedAttributes.Add(new Pkcs9SigningTime(DateTime.UtcNow));
//cmsSigner.SignedAttributes.Add(new Pkcs9ContentType());
//cmsSigner.SignedAttributes.Add(new Pkcs9MessageDigest());
return Convert.ToBase64String(signedCms.Encode());
I have used this code to sign a document and this code is working fine but my problem is that there is another requirement needed to add "SigningCertificateV2" attribute as a signed attribute...
I have already added ContentType, MessageDigest and SigningTime. But i dont know how to add "SigningCertificateV2" attribute.. (1.2.840.113549.
Can You please help me with this?
(It seems this question's been sitting unanswered for more than a year and a half, so I really hope Asharf managed to comply with the new requirement somehow. There's been more than 300 views though, so hopefully a late answer would still be helpful.)
The types in System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs do not provide support for the full range of attributes defined by various Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) specs like CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures (CAdES) and Enhanced Security Services Update (ESSCertIdUpdate), but only for the most commonly used attribs like Pkcs9ContentType, Pkcs9MessageDigest, Pkcs9SigningTime, etc.
Specifically, there's no "strongly-typed" wrapper around the SigningCertificatev2 attribute, defined by ESSCertIdUpdate (RFC 5035). In that case, one has to use the "generic" CryptographicAttributeObject type and construct the ASN.1 encoded data for the attribute "by hand", that is, concoct a raw byte[], typically by using System.Formats.Asn1.AsnWriter (and thoroughly reading the relevant RFC -- that's always a good idea, btw).
Defining a wrapper for the SigningCertificatev2 attrib requires a fair amount of code as several other related RFC types like ESSCertIDv2 and PolicyInformation need also be defined.
Luckily, there's a well-known open-source software project that already does exactly that -- it can be used for "inspiration" ;-). That's NuGet, and specifically the NuGet client.
(I know link-only answers are frowned upon on SO, but I guess a link-mostly answer is better than no answer, so here goes...).
Here are the links to the relevant parts in the GutHub repo.
CreateSigningCertificateV2() in AttributeUtility
The SigningCertificateV2 type itself.
The EssCertIdV2 type, used by SigningCertificateV2.
The NuGet client's attribute implementation can't be used directly as a library, but it should provide a nice guideline about how to construct the PKCS attribute.

IBM Chatbot Assistant - Array with same values

I have this piece of code in JSON editor of Watson:
"context": {
"array": "<? entities['spare_part'].![literal] ?>",
"array_size": "<?$array.size() ?>"
When the input of the user, for example, is "Hello, I need a valve, and the part number of the valve is 1234", the size of the array ends up being 2 since the user mentions the word "valve" twice in his input. Some nodes are being executed depending on size of the array. For instance if the size of the array is 1, some nodes will be ignored because they are only executed only if the size of the array is 2.
I want the array to store only the inputs with different values, which is basically I don`t want the array to store the values of the same type, in my case 2 valves. If it is possible somehow please show me a way.
All that can be done, but the best approach depends on the overall system architecture. Remember that Watson Assistant is a conversation service, not a data processing platform...
You can process JSON in either Watson Assistant directly using the built-in methods and SpEL, see these links to get started:
That would require some coding within the dialog nodes. It could be ok. What I would recommend is to either process in your app that drives the dialog (you need that app anyway) or to code up small server actions to transform data.
If it is the word you are looking for, you can use contextual entities to train for this.
As an example I created the following intent (along with general intents from catalog).
For each example I highlighted the "valve" word that is the one I am interested in, and added to the entity.
Now when I test it I get the following.
All this was done in a couple of minutes. For production level you may want to add more examples, or think about how you want to annotate.

Protractor Implementation in Angular2 without using ids

I have application in Angularjs2, and developers have not been using ids into it. Now I have to implement the Protractor on same application. Is there anyway to implement the Protractor without using "absolute XPath"?
Thanks in advance!
Please find a huge range of locator-possibilities on the official Protractortest API Page
Every element on a page needs to be uniquely identifiable... else the page wouldn't work, no matter which technology. Therefore with the help of any of the above provided locator-possibilities you'll always find the element you're looking for.
And there is never a need for XPath, except for this only one. (though there is an parentElementArrayFinder introduced in the meantime, so not even that one exception is valid anymore)
If you could use XPath, you can for sure use CSS-Locators.
Here some examples for locators:
$('div.class#id[anyAttribute="anyValue"] div.child.somewhere-below-div-point-class')
element(by.cssContainingText('div[data-index="2"]', 'select this option'))
Or as a specific example the "Learn More" of the "Tree List" section of :
treeListSection = element(by.cssContainingText(' h2', 'Tree List')).getDriver();
learnMoreBtn = treeListSection.element(by.cssContainingText('','Learn More'));;
Those are just examples, but there is always a way to do it.
If you provide some example-HTML in your Question, I can direct you towards a solution.
For getting the Parent Web Element, one could use getDriver() as well

What does the parameter "cvid" in Bing search engine stands for?

As I searching something with Bing and I open the Chrome development tools. Here is the request url:
So, what does the parameter "cvid" stands for? It seems if i don't set a cvid,i can't get the complete result html in my program.
By the way, the cvid is calculated by the browser automaticlly, so how to calculate?
In the Bing search context, cvid represents the JavaScript parameter ConversationId. Bing uses this key to identify your search result collection as its reply to your query, q. Similarly, pq is PartialQuery. These and other parameters may also apply to different kinds of searches, such as image or video searches.
Next, qs is your query's SuggestionType, sc shows your SuggestionCount, and from the suggestion list (dropped down, if enabled), sp shows the SuggestionPosition you chose. In your case, you did not select a suggestion, so &sp=-1. Toward the end of your string, sk is the SkipValue, because you might skip through your result pages, first tells the issuer how many results belong on the first page, and I'll let you figure out what FORM means. ;)
Navigate to Bing, conduct a search, choose some options, change your displays, and change some search types. Next, open file explorer and navigate to your Windows OS equivalent of the following path.
Next, you may need to adjust your View temporarily to "Show hidden files, folders, and drives." View tab > Options > Change... > View tab again, and click the bullet to "Show...".
In File Explorer's Search pane at the upper right, enter *.js to find all JavaScript files. It may point you several subfolders deeper, and the folder names may be hashed. Choose a JavaScript file you find interesting, right-click the file, and open it with Notepad, your favorite IDE, or some similar editor. You should see something akin to this (truncated; may not run independently):
var AutoSuggest,__extends,Bing,sa_inst;(function(n){var t;(function(n){var t,i,r,u,f,e;(function(n){n.User="SRCHHPGUSR"})(t=n.CookieNames||(n.CookieNames={})),function(n){n.AutoSuggest="AS"}(i=n.CrumbNames||(n.CrumbNames={})),function(n){n.CursorPosition="cp";n.ConversationId="cvid";n.SuggestionCount="sc";n.PartialQuery="pq";n.SuggestionPosition="sp";n.SuggestionType="qs";n.PreviewPaneSuggestionType="qsc";n.SkipValue="sk";n.PreviewPaneSkipValue="skc";n.Ghosting="ghc";n.Css="css";n.Count="count";n.DataSet="ds";n.SessionId="sid";n.TimeStamp="qt";n.Query="q";n.ImpressionGuid="ig";n.QFQuery="qry";n.BaseQuery="bq";n.FormCode="form";n.HashedMuid="nclid";n.RequestElToken="elvr";n.ElTokenValue="elv";n.AppId="appid";n.History="history";n.NoHistory="nohs";n.ApiTextDecoration="textdecorations";n.ClientId="clientid";n.Market="mkt";n.Scope="scope";n.CountryCode="cc";n.HomeGeographicRegion="hgr";n.SetLang="setlang";n.ZeroInputSerp="zis"}(r=n.QueryParams||(n.QueryParams={}))
I hope that helps someone! :D
I'm also trying to find out what this is :)
I'm pretty sure it's an encryption mechanism for bing a la public key cryptography, though I could be wildly wrong. There is another field called pq - and p's and q's are used a lot in crypto theory.
The field is 32 nibbles (e.g. 8D0E519A91024A08B075654D006C0A14) which equals 128 bits. This number results in some arithmetic operation with the binary value of your search and bing's private key - thus making url generation quite difficult.

LibXML: Comment-out a block of Elements

IS there a way to add/initate a comment ( e.g. $dom->createComment ... ) such that it comments out an entire block of xml tags. Basically I want to turn-off the content between the comment.
For example, it would look like this:
<!-- comment to blocking
<DD>d's content is good</DD>
Actually this question is a pre-cursor to my attempt to figure-out a method to be able to markup/label/identify the changes to an xml files in support of new client software functionality, but be able to have the ability to remove / back-out these xml changes in the rare event the client needs to fall back to the previous software version (and no I can't just simply point back to the original xml file because the client is allowed to make minor modifications to existing node text values). This is all going to be controlled via a perl script and LibXML's core modules (I can't use modules the client doesn't have).
So basically I've identified three possible types of xml changes as a result of new client sw functionality:
1.) ADD new element node(s) (typically to support new sw functionality)
2.) DELETE element node(s), or blocks of (would be rare, but never-the-less a possibility)
3.) CHANGE node text values (rare, but the new sw may require a new value)
For all three types, the client needs the ability to back out the changes. One thing I was thinking to use is ATTRIBUTES since the existing xml files don't use them. For example, for an ADD change type, I could include an atribute like 'ADD="sw version 4.1"' . This way if it needs to be removed, I could just simply have the perl script find those attribute strings and delete them (using LibXML methods). Same thing with CHANGE change type - I could use an attribute like CHG="newvalue_oldvalue", then again use straight perl (or LibXML) to switch back the value based on the contents of the attribute. The DELETE change type is giving me a problem though (as welll as the others lol!). I want to be able to "keep" the deleted lines in the xml file soley for the purposes if the sw falls back a version (at some late point the perl script could eventually cleanup/delete them).
I know this is a lot, I'm new to LibXML (but not to perl). I was just wonder if any of you have any thoughts as to how to go about it or seen anything resembling this kind of request ... I'd be grateful for any kind of advice! Thank you...