Flutter generic REST API call function - flutter

I am working on first my flutter app. App required to call rest api and return back result. I am looking to create generic function to call rest api. I have written below code but I am not understating, how can I decode api response in specific model.
Future<T> apiRequest<T>(
String endPoint,
RequestMethod method, {
String body = '',
String token = '',
}) async {
http.Response resp;
final String url = LocalConstants.apiBaseUrl + endPoint;
final Map<String, String> headers = new Map<String, String>();
HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader, () => 'application/json');
if (token != null && token.isNotEmpty) {
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader, () => 'Bearer ' + token);
try {
if (method == RequestMethod.get) {
resp = await http.get(
headers: headers,
} else if (method == RequestMethod.put) {
resp = await http.put(
headers: headers,
body: body,
} else if (method == RequestMethod.post) {
resp = await http.post(
headers: headers,
body: body,
} else if (method == RequestMethod.delete) {
resp = await http.delete(
headers: headers,
if (resp != null && this.validateResponse(resp)) {
return json.decode(resp.body);
// else {
// Response resp = new Response();
// resp.respMsg = LocalConstants.genericError;
// resp.respCode = LocalConstants.resp_failure;
// Response.
// }
} on TimeoutException catch (e) {
} on SocketException catch (e) {
print('Socket Error: $e');
} on Error catch (e) {
print('General Error: $e');
Below is code which I can use to call rest api
await ApiService.newInstance(context)
.apiRequest<GenericResp>('/api/people', RequestMethod.get);
Here is my GenericResp class
import 'package:project/models/Response.dart';
class GenericResp extends Response {
int id;
int otherId;
String mappingId;
GenericResp.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
id = json['id'];
otherId = json['other_id'];
mappingId = json['mapping_id'];
respCode = json['resp_code'];
respMsg = json['resp_msg'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = <String, dynamic>{};
data['id'] = this.id;
data['other_id'] = this.otherId;
data['mapping_id'] = this.mappingId;
data['resp_code'] = this.respCode;
data['resp_msg'] = this.respMsg;
return data;
How can I decode body json.decode(resp.body); to GenericResp of type T?

You can add a generic argument that will deserialize your json data to GenericResp. Something like that:
Future<T> apiRequest<T>(
String endPoint,
RequestMethod method, T Function(Object json) fromJson, {
String body = '',
String token = '',
}) async { ... }
And after json decoding you are to use fromJson argument:
if (resp != null && this.validateResponse(resp)) {
return fromJson(json.decode(resp.body));
And then a call would look like this:
await ApiService.newInstance(context).apiRequest<GenericResp>('/api/people',
RequestMethod.get, (json) => GenericResp.fromJson(json));


Flutter multipart image no sending with the rest of the body

I'm trying to send a multipart request using the flutter http package and so far, every field is sent successfully, except the image. The code is below.
Future multipartPostRequestProfile(
id, dob, country, state, gender, File? imgPath) async {
var token = await storage.read(key: 'jwt');
var request = http.MultipartRequest(
'PUT', Uri.parse('url'));
request.files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(
request.fields['dateOfBirth'] = dob;
request.fields['country'] = country;
request.fields['state'] = state;
request.fields['gender'] = gender;
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
"Authorization": "Bearer $token"
var res = await request.send();
var result = await http.Response.fromStream(res);
if (result.statusCode != 200)
return {'result': result.statusCode, 'body': result.body};
final Map<String, dynamic> responseData = jsonDecode(result.body);
return responseData;
try this..method
Future multipartRequestPost(
String url,
String methodName, {
required Map<String, String> header,
File? image1,
File? image2,
Map<String, String>? body,
String? image1Key,
String? image2Key,
}) async {
var client = http.Client();
try {
String fullURL = APIUrl.baseUrl + url;
var request = http.MultipartRequest(methodName,
if (body != null) {
if (image1?.path.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
request.files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(image1Key ?? '',
image1?.path ?? ''));
request.files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(image2Key ??
'', image2?.path ?? ''));
http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
final respStr = await response.stream.bytesToString();
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201) {
return response.statusCode;
catch (exception) {
throw AppException.exceptionHandler(exception);

Flutter: How to send multiple images using for loop

I am using http package to perform multipart request.I am trying to upload multiple images using for loop but I am not getting any idea how to do it following is my postman response in the below image you can see 2 fields one is attribute and another one is image here I want to loop only adhar and pan inside attributes after sending "mobileno":"4567654","role":"p","userstatus":"D", to database
following is my multipart request code
Future<void> insertCategory(String category, BuildContext context) async {
var flutterFunctions =
Provider.of<FlutterFunctions>(context, listen: false);
var data = {"mobileno":"4567654","role":"p","userstatus":"D","adhar":"adhar","pan":"pan"};
var url = PurohitApi().baseUrl + PurohitApi().insertcategory;
Map<String, String> obj = {"attributes": json.encode(data).toString()};
try {
final client = RetryClient(
retries: 4,
when: (reponse) {
return reponse.statusCode == 401 ? true : false;
onRetry: (request, response, retryCount) async {
if (retryCount == 0 && response?.statusCode == 401) {
var accesstoken = await Provider.of<Auth>(context, listen: false)
request.headers['Authorization'] = accesstoken;
var response = await http.MultipartRequest('Post', Uri.parse(url))
..files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(
"imagefile", flutterFunctions.imageFile!.path,
contentType: MediaType("image", "jpg")))
..headers['Authorization'] = token!
final send = await client.send(response);
final res = await http.Response.fromStream(send);
var messages = json.decode(res.body);
} catch (e) {
Future<Object> addUserImages(List<XFile> files, String userID, String token) async {
try {
var url = Uri.parse(API_BASE_URL + addUserImagesUrl);
var request = http.MultipartRequest("POST", url);
request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer ${StaticServices.userBaseModel!.token!.token}";
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
String fileName = DateTime.now().microsecondsSinceEpoch.toString().characters.takeLast(7).toString();
var pic = http.MultipartFile.fromBytes("files", await File(files[i].path).readAsBytes(), filename: '${userID}_${i}_$fileName', contentType: MediaType("image", files[i].mimeType ?? "png"));
//add multipart to request
var response = await request.send();
var responseData = await response.stream.toBytes();
var responseString = String.fromCharCodes(responseData);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Success(response: Images.fromJson(jsonDecode(responseString)));
return Failure(
errorMessage: responseString,
} on HttpException {
return Failure(errorMessage: "No Internet Connection");
} on FormatException {
return Failure(errorMessage: "Invalid Format");
} on SocketException {
return Failure(errorMessage: "No Internet Connection");
} catch (e) {
return Failure(errorMessage: "Invalid Error");

Generic deserialization in Flutter / Dart

I'm trying to write a HTTP driver class that takes in a generic class and deserializes the response. I haven't found a good, clean way to do this in Flutter.
I've defined datamodel classes like this:
class MyClass {
String field1;
String field2;
MyClass.fromJson(Map<dynamic, dynamic> json)
: field1 = json["field1"],
field2 = json["field2"];
This works well and good if I do it manually...
MyClass makeRequest() {
Response response = http.get(url);
MyClass class = MyClass.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
return class;
What I want, is to make a generic HTTP driver like this:
void makeRequest<T>() {
Response response = http.get(url);
T parsed = T.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
return parsed;
Is there a way to do this in Flutter/Dart? I've been trying to figure out the right syntax to use a base class and extends but haven't gotten it. Any ideas?
This is what I usually use in my network call, feel free to use. Btw, I recommend the dio package for convenient headers and params config, as well as other error handling features.
// Define an extension
extension BaseModel on Type {
fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) {}
// For single object
Future<T> makeGetRequest<T>({String url, Map<String, dynamic> params}) {
return http
.get(buildUrl(url, params)) // Don't need the buildUrl() if you use Dio
.then((response) => handleJsonResponse(response))
.then((data) => T.fromJson(data));
// For list of object
Future<List<T>> makeGetRequestForList<T>({String url, Map<String, dynamic> params}) {
return http
.get(buildUrl(url, params)) // Don't need the buildUrl() if you use Dio
.then((response) => handleJsonResponse(response))
.then((data) => List<T>.from(data.map((item) => T.fromJson(item)));
// Helper classes without Dio
String buildUrl(String url, [Map parameters]) {
final stringBuilder = StringBuffer(url);
if (parameters?.isNotEmpty == true) {
parameters.forEach((key, value) => stringBuilder.write('$key=$value&'));
final result = stringBuilder.toString();
return result;
// With Dio, you can simply do this:
final res = await API().dio
.get(url, queryParameters: params) // Don't need the [buildUrl] here
.then((response) => handleJsonResponse(response))
.then((data) => T.fromJson(data));
// Handle JSON response
handleJsonResponse(http.Response response, [String endpoint = '']) {
'API: $endpoint \nCODE: ${response.statusCode} \nBODY: ${response.body}');
if (_okStatus.contains(response.statusCode)) {
return jsonDecode(response.body);
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.unauthorized) {
throw Exception(response.statusCode);
} else {
throw Exception("HTTP: ${response.statusCode} ${response.body}");
// Example class
class Post {
final String title;
Post.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) : title = data['title'];
// Use the function
Future<Post> getPost() async {
final result = await makeGetRequest<Post>(params: {'post_id': 1});
return result;

What the equivalent code in flutter dio compare to android retrofit #body?

Now I try to transform my Andorid project to flutter. but I stucked on an api call.
here is my android code in Kotlin:
* sendSms
* #return
#Headers("Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8")
fun sendSms(#Body params: Map<String, String?>): Observable<ApiResult<String>>
Now I want to implement this api call in flutter use dio, but I still got wrong, my flutter code
is :
class Req {
static Req _instance;
static const int connectTimeOut = 5 * 1000;
static const int receiveTimeOut = 7 * 1000;
static Req getInstance() {
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = Req._internal();
return _instance;
Dio _client;
Req._internal() {
if (_client == null) {
BaseOptions options = new BaseOptions();
options.connectTimeout = connectTimeOut;
options.receiveTimeout = receiveTimeOut;
_client = new Dio(BaseOptions(
baseUrl: 'https://gw.ec.iunicorn.com/',
// 添加缓存插件
// dio.options.headers[HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader] = Global.profile.token;
_client.options.headers['source'] = 'ANDROID';
if (!Global.isRelease) {
(_client.httpClientAdapter as DefaultHttpClientAdapter).onHttpClientCreate =
(client) {
// client.findProxy = (uri) {
// return "PROXY";
// };
client.badCertificateCallback =
(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) => true;
void post(
String url,
OnData callBack, {
Map<String, String> params,
Options options,
FormData formData,
OnError errorCallBack,
CancelToken token,
}) async {
method: RequestType.POST,
options: options,
formData: formData,
params: params,
errorCallBack: errorCallBack,
token: token,
void _request(
String url,
OnData callBack, {
RequestType method,
Map<String, String> params,
Options options,
FormData formData,
OnError errorCallBack,
ProgressCallback progressCallBack,
CancelToken token,
}) async {
final id = _id++;
int statusCode;
try {
Response response;
if (method == RequestType.GET) {
if (mapNoEmpty(params)) {
response = await _client.get(url,
queryParameters: params, cancelToken: token);
} else {
response = await _client.get(url, cancelToken: token);
} else {
if (mapNoEmpty(params) || formData != null) {
response = await _client.post(
data: formData ?? params,
onSendProgress: progressCallBack,
cancelToken: token,
} else {
response = await _client.post(url, cancelToken: token);
statusCode = response.statusCode;
if (response != null) {
if (response.data is List) {
Map data = response.data[0];
} else {
Map data = response.data;
print('HTTP_REQUEST_BODY::[$id]::${params ?? ' no'}');
if (statusCode < 0) {
_handError(errorCallBack, statusCode);
} catch (e) {
_handError(errorCallBack, statusCode);
static void _handError(OnError errorCallback, int statusCode) {
String errorMsg = 'Network request error';
if (errorCallback != null) {
errorCallback(errorMsg, statusCode);
print("HTTP_RESPONSE_ERROR::$errorMsg code:$statusCode");
void sendSms(BuildContext context, Callback callback) async {
(t) {
SmsResponse r = SmsResponse.fromJson(t);
if (callback != null) {
formData: FormData.fromMap({
options: RequestOptions(
headers: {
HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
errorCallBack: (msg, code) {
msg: AppLocalizations.of(context).send_sms_fail,
toastLength: Toast.LENGTH_SHORT,
gravity: ToastGravity.CENTER,
backgroundColor: Colors.orangeAccent,
timeInSecForIosWeb: 1);
Now I want to know is the data in dio is equivalent to the #Body in java retrofit, if not, how can I do?
Doing this in plain Dio leads to a lot of boilerplate. There is also an equivalent retrofit package for Flutter inspired by the same package for Android. https://pub.dev/packages?q=retrofit
From there it's almost the same, you just add () after #Body. Here is an example
Future<bool> changePassword({
#required #Body() Map<String, dynamic> params,
#required #Header('auth-token') String token,

Question mark converted to %3F in URI

I'm working on a project and I'm trying to get information from an API. When I write the link it doesn't detect the character "?" and it substitutes this char for "%3F" so I can't access to the API.
final String _charactersUrl = '/api/character/?page=2';
I get status code 500 from the API:
The class that gets information from the API
class Api {
final String _baseUrl = 'rickandmortyapi.com';
final String _charactersUrl = '/api/character/?page=2';
final String _charactersJsonKey = 'results';
final HttpClient _httpClient = HttpClient();
Future<List<Character>> getCharacters() async {
final uri = Uri.https(_baseUrl, _charactersUrl);
final response = await _getJson(uri);
if (response == null || response[_charactersJsonKey] == null) {
print('Api.getCharacters(): Error while retrieving characters');
return null;
return _convert(response[_charactersJsonKey]);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _getJson(Uri uri) async {
try {
final request = await _httpClient.getUrl(uri);
final response = await request.close();
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.OK) {
print('Api._getJson($uri) status code is ${response.statusCode}');
return null;
final responseBody = await response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
return json.decode(responseBody);
} on Exception catch (e) {
print('Api._getJson($uri) exception thrown: $e');
return null;
List<Character> _convert(List charactersJson) {
List<Character> characters = <Character>[];
charactersJson.forEach((character) {
return characters;
I would be very grateful if someone could help me. Thanks!
The Uri class expects you to use the Uri.https constructor differently.
The third positional parameter is queryParameters, which you should use instead of passing your query parameters to the unencodedPath:
final String _baseUrl = 'rickandmortyapi.com';
final String _charactersPath = '/api/character/';
final Map<String, String> _queryParameters = <String, String>{
'page': '2',
Future<List<Character>> getCharacters() async {
final uri = Uri.https(_baseUrl, _charactersPath, _queryParameters);