Protractor Session Creation - protractor

I am facing the below issue while creating the session for protractor. I need help on resolving this error.
please click here to view the issue

This is a mismatch of ChromeDriver v87 and Chrome v86. These versions need to match to work. The latestest version ChromeDriver that matches your browser is 86.0.4240.22 (see
You could download this version with webdriver-manager. webdriver-manager update If you need to download this file manually, you could download it from the ChromeDriver website


Unsupported Chrome Driver

It seems that every time chrome has a new version, I get stuck with this error when running pipeline
System.InvalidOperationException : session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 98
Current browser version is 97.0.4692.99 with binary path C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (SessionNotCreated)
I've tried install webdriver-manager, it shows the right version, but the problem keeps on. When running locally it all works.
What am I missing here?
You can see the version of chrome which is installed on the pipeline from this link:
(then select the agent server version you are using)
Then you need to make sure you are using the same version of the chrome driver in your project.
Or use a self hosted agent instead if you want to use a certain version of chrome.
You need to upgrade chrome in your release environment to the latest version, 98.0.
If you are running on a windows VM, for example, that means you need to:
RDP on to the server
load Chrome
view the About Chrome page (chrome://settings/help)
let it upgrade to the newer version
relaunch chrome

Unable to automate Hybrid Android mobile app using appium

I want to automate test a basic Hybrid Mobile Application running in Android.I am able to launch the app in emulator but not able to enter the text in the login screen.
Getting error as
"Exception in thread "main"
io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException: An unknown server-side
error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No
Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '53.0.2785'. See
for more details. "
Please help me resolving this!!!!!
If you see chromedriver.exe change log you will get the version you require for hybrid app automation. The browser used in your device have versin 53+
See this url [check ChromeDriver 2.24 details] it says it supports browser with version 53+. Get this exe from
How to connect with Appium -
If you are using appium desktop, it gets installed as windows application in program files folder. Now location of chromedriver.exe it uses is as mentioned below.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-chromedriver\chromedriver\win\chromedriver.exe [This location may be bit different in your case]
Replace above location chromedriver from downloaded chromedriver.exe(from step2)
Note - Ideally automation should work without throwing exception. Incase still it doesn't work then try 1+ or 1- version of 2.24
You got everything you need in exception message:
Go here
and read explanation on compatibility.
No Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '53.0.2785'
Appium was not able to get chromedriver for your emulator that have Chrome 53.0.2785
So the first solution is to get Chromedriver v2.26 and add absolute path to binary as chromedriverExecutable capability:
1) download from the link above and unzip
2) in your code add capability with the path to chromedriver.exe:
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability("chromedriverExecutable", "/abs/path/to/chromedriver.exe")
If you get new emulator, first check what browser version is preinstalled and try to upgrade.

Whats are the Protractor Supported versions of Firefox, IE and Safari?

Whats are the Protractor Supported versions of Firefox, IE and Safari?
My test does not run in Firefox latest version.
#High level Protractor is just a wrapper around webdriver. It depends on browser versions you want to test en the webdrivers for that browsers you have downloaded with webdriver-manager as said by #alecxe.
Currently there are some known issues with the webdrivers that can also be found on the Protractor GitHub:
Firefox latest has problems with Angular2 apps, see this link, as far as I can remember Protractor worked till Firefox 47, it broke due to problems in de webdriver of Firefox from version 48-50 and it started working from 51, but not for Angular 2.
IE11 works
Microsoft Edge, see this, as far as I can see still not stable on version 14.
Safari 9, works, but it's with the old Safari Driver, it misses a lot of user interactions like Tabs, mouse events and so on.
Safari 10, I've heard that it works with the latest version of the Safari webdriver, don't heave experience with it, see also here for a guy who had problems with it but got it working.
Chrome, should work with all latest versions if you always keep you ChromeDriver up-to-date.
Hope this gives you a good idea!
Protractor depends on the webdriver-manager package which now, since version 12.0.0, installs the latest versions of selenium-webdriver, iedriver, chromedriver and geckodriver.
Then, to determine which browser versions are supported, you need to see what driver version was installed by the webdriver-manager:
$ webdriver-manager status
and then look up what browser versions your installed driver version supports.
My test does not run in Firefox latest version.
In your case, you might be experiencing this problem:
Webdriver-manager will now by default grab the latest versions of all
binaries (standalone, chromedriver, iedriver, gecko driver). Use the
--versions.(binary name) to pin to a specific version. Selenium standalone 3.0.1 has a bug which prevents it from working with any
version of FireFox. We have tested version 3.0.0-beta4 and know that
it works with FireFox 51, and we expect that the 3.0.2 release will
also work.
Which currently means that you should be able to fix it by running:
$ webdriver-manager update
Or, you may also try the directConnect mode.

Ionic live reload feature not reloading application

I tried to use live reload feature with ionic serve and ionic emulate ios --livereload. Server starts well, application is displayed on simulator (or in browser) and it works smoothly.
When I change a file (a js or html in www directory) and save it, console write HTML changed: www/index.html for example, but application doesn't reload itself as it should be.
I supposed that websocket between server and app could be broken, but when I kill the server (Ctrl-C), web inspector immediatly fire the following error :
[Error] WebSocket network error: The operation couldn’t be completed. Connection refused (, line 0, x4)
So I supposed that there is no issue with websocket. Moreover, it is displayed with no error in Network pane of web inspector.
Is there something I missed to made livereload work ?
My configuration :
Cordova CLI: 5.0.0
Ionic Version: 1.0.0
Ionic CLI Version: 1.4.5
Ionic App Lib Version: 0.0.22
ios-deploy version: 1.7.0
ios-sim version: 3.1.1
OS: Mac OS X Yosemite
Node Version: v0.10.30
Xcode version: Xcode 6.3.2 Build version 6D2105
Don't hesitate to ask me for clarification if something is not clear.
I also tested it without Internet connection at all to check if it was a firewall issue or something like that, but it changes nothing.
Try running ionic address and selecting the correct interface.
If it doesn't work and it's iOS 9, it may be an issue with Apple ATS:
It could also be a CORS issue. In this case, try installing the cordova-white-list plugin.
I solved this doing this:
Go to
Copy the content of your package.json in the input tab.
Then click in the update button
Copy the content of the output tab and paste replacing the content of your package.json
Save the file, and run npm install
When the updates are finish just run ionic serve and it should be works fine again
I have faced such a problem, tried a fresh new app, worked perfectly, tried another old app, also worked perfectly.
Tried to stop using some modules (clipboard in my case and another one), solved the problem, in my case it was an error in the way I am importing or using it.
Hope this will help someone

Getting rid of browser restart on plugin installation

I have been working on a browser plugin for windows which involves displaying camera output in browser. Presently I'm working on Windows 7. After plugin installation, I want to start the plugin immediately without restarting the browser. I noticed that as soon as plugin is registered, it started working in Google Chrome Version 24.0.1312 as well as in Internet Explorer 9. But it fails to do so in Mozilla Firefox 18.0.1. Can anyone help me solve this problem of restarting the browser after plugin installation. And will this problem occur in MacOS as well?
You need to do a navigator.plugins.refresh(false); in javascript to tell the browser to rescan the plugins.
Explore /Installer/js -folder in FireBreath sources