my powershell script calls a third party console application which uses custom commands. I want powershell to try to run that console applications command but if an error is returned (not by the powershell script but the external console app) which contains a specific string then run another command instead. If not just move onto the next instruction in the script.
What would be the best way of handling that, so basically:
if command1 returns "error1" then run command2. if command 1 does not return error1 skip command2 and move down the script.
You can call and catch errors of native applications in many ways.
Some examples:
1. Most easy with no process handling, no distinguishing between success and error.
$nativeAppFilePath = 'ping.exe'
# parameters as collection. Parameter-Value pairs with a space in between must be splitted into two.
$nativeAppParam= #(
# using powershell's call operator '&'
$response = & $nativeAppFilePath $nativeAppParam
2. Easy, same as 1., but distinguishing between success and error possible.
$nativeAppFilePath = 'ping.exe'
# parameters as collection. Parameter-Value pairs with a space in between must be splitted into two.
$nativeAppParam= #(
# using powershell's call operator '&' and redirect the error stream to success stream
$nativeCmdResult = & $nativeAppFilePath $nativeAppParam 2>&1
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
# success handling
} else {
# error handling
# even with redirecting the error stream to the success stream (above)..
# $LASTEXITCODE determines what happend if returned as not "0" (depends on application)
Write-Error -Message "$LASTEXITCODE - $nativeCmdResult"
! Now two more complex snippets, which doesn't work with "ping.exe" (but most other applications), because "ping" doesn't raise error events.
3. More complex with process handling, but still process blocking until the application has been finished.
$nativeAppProcessStartInfo = #{
FileName = 'ping.exe' # either OS well-known as short name or full path
Arguments = #(
'-n 5'
RedirectStandardOutput = $true # required to catch stdOut stream
RedirectStandardError = $true # required to catch stdErr stream
UseShellExecute = $false # required to redirect streams
CreateNoWindow = $true # does what is says (background work only)
try {
$nativeApp= [System.Diagnostics.Process]#{
EnableRaisingEvents = $true
StartInfo = $nativeAppProcessStartInfo
# Warning: As soon as the buffer gets full, the application could stuck in a deadlock. Then you require async reading
# see:
$stdOut = $nativeApp.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stdErr = $nativeApp.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
# To avoid deadlocks with synchronous read, always read the output stream first and then wait.
# see:
if ($stdOut.Result) {
# success handling
if ($stdErr.Result) {
# error handling
} finally {
4. The most complex with realtime output & reaction, capturing, and so on...
This time with wmic.exe and a nonsense parameter as example.
$appFilePath = 'wmic.exe'
$appArguments = #(
$appWorkingDirPath = ''
# handler for events of process
$eventScriptBlock = {
# $Event is an automatic variable. Only existent in scriptblocks used with Register-ObjectEvent
# received app output
$receivedAppData = $Event.SourceEventArgs.Data
# Write output as stream to console in real-time (without -stream parameter output will produce blank lines!)
# (without "Out-String" output with multiple lines at once would be displayed as tab delimited line!)
Write-Host ($receivedAppData | Out-String -Stream)
Insert additional real-time processing steps here.
Since it is in a different scope, variables changed in this scope will not get changed in parent scope
and scope "$script:" will not work as well. (scope "$global:" would work but should be avoided!)
Modify/Enhance variables "*MessageData" (see below) before registering the event to modify such variables.
# add received data to stringbuilder definded in $stdOutEventMessageData and $stdErrEventMessageData
# MessageData parameters for events of success stream
$stdOutEventMessageData = #{
# useful for further usage after application has been exited
Data = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
# add additional properties necessary in event handler scriptblock above
# MessageData parameters for events of error stream
$stdErrEventMessageData = #{
# useful for further usage after application has been exited
Data = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
# add additional properties necessary in event handler scriptblock above
#region Process-Definition, -Start and Event-Subscriptions
try {
$appProcessStartInfo = #{
FileName = $appFilePath
Arguments = $appArguments
WorkingDirectory = $appWorkingDirPath
RedirectStandardOutput = $true # required to catch stdOut stream
RedirectStandardError = $true # required to catch stdErr stream
# RedirectStandardInput = $true # only useful in some circumstances. Didn't find any use yet, but mentioned in:
UseShellExecute = $false # required to redirect streams
CreateNoWindow = $true # does what is says (background work only)
$appProcess = [System.Diagnostics.Process]#{
EnableRaisingEvents = $true
StartInfo = $appProcessStartInfo
# to obtain available events of an object / type, read the event members of it: "Get-Member -InputObject $appProcess -MemberType Event"
$stdOutEvent = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $appProcess -Action $eventScriptBlock -EventName 'OutputDataReceived' -MessageData $stdOutEventMessageData
$stdErrEvent = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $appProcess -Action $eventScriptBlock -EventName 'ErrorDataReceived' -MessageData $stdErrEventMessageData
# async reading
while (!$appProcess.HasExited) {
# Don't use method "WaitForExit()"! This will not show the output in real-time as it blocks the output stream!
# using "Sleep" from System.Threading.Thread for short sleep times below 1/1.5 seconds is better than
# "Start-Sleep" in terms of PS overhead/performance (Test it yourself)
# maybe timeout ...
} finally {
if (!$appProcess.HasExited) {
$appProcess.Kill() # WARNING: Entire process gets killed!
if ($stdOutEvent -is [System.Management.Automation.PSEventJob]) {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $stdOutEvent.Name
if ($stdErrEvent -is [System.Management.Automation.PSEventJob]) {
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $stdErrEvent.Name
$stdOutText = $stdOutEventMessageData.Data.ToString() # final output for further usage
$stdErrText = $stdErrEventMessageData.Data.ToString() # final errors for further usage
I'm attempting to work with large text files (500 MB - 2+ GB) that contain multi line events and sending them out VIA syslog. The script I have so far seems to work well for quite a while, but after a while it's causing ISE (64 bit) to not respond and use up all system memory.
I'm also curious if there's a way to improve the speed as the current script only sends to syslog at about 300 events per second.
Example Data
START--random stuff here
more random stuff on this new line
more stuff and things
START--some random things
additional random things
blah blah
START--data data more data
blah data
Function SendSyslogEvent {
$Server = ''
$Message = $global:Event
$Severity = '10'
$Facility = '22'
$Hostname= 'ServerSyslogEvents'
# Create a UDP Client Object
$UDPCLient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$UDPCLient.Connect($Server, 514)
# Calculate the priority
$Priority = ([int]$Facility * 8) + [int]$Severity
#Time format the SW syslog understands
$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "MMM dd HH:mm:ss"
# Assemble the full syslog formatted message
$FullSyslogMessage = "<{0}>{1} {2} {3}" -f $Priority, $Timestamp, $Hostname, $Message
# create an ASCII Encoding object
$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
# Convert into byte array representation
$ByteSyslogMessage = $Encoding.GetBytes($FullSyslogMessage)
# Send the Message
$UDPCLient.Send($ByteSyslogMessage, $ByteSyslogMessage.Length) | out-null
$LogFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path E:\Unzipped\
foreach ($File in $LogFiles){
$EventCount = 0
$global:Event = ''
switch -Regex -File $File.fullname {
'^START--' { #Regex to find events
if ($global:Event) {
# send previous events' lines to syslog
write-host "Send event to syslog........................."
$EventCount ++
# Current line is the start of a new event.
$global:Event = $_
default {
# Event-interior line, append it.
$global:Event += [Environment]::NewLine + $_
# Process last block.
if ($global:Event) {
# send last event's lines to syslog
write-host "Send last event to syslog-------------------------"
$EventCount ++
There are a couple of real-bad things in your script, but before we get to that let's have a look at how you can parameterize your syslog function.
Parameterize your functions
Scriptblocks and functions in powershell support optionally typed parameter declarations in the aptly named param-block.
For the purposes if this answer, let's focus exclusively on the only thing that ever changes when you invoke the current function, namely the message. If we turn that into a parameter, we'll end up with a function definition that looks more like this:
function Send-SyslogEvent {
$Server = ''
$Severity = '10'
$Facility = '22'
# ... rest of the function here
(I took the liberty of renaming it to PowerShell's characteristic Verb-Noun command naming convention).
There's a small performance-benefit to using parameters rather than global variables, but the real benefit here is that you're going to end up with clean and correct code, which will save you a headache for the rest.
.NET is a "managed" runtime, meaning that we don't really need to worry about resource-management (allocating and freeing memory for example), but there are a few cases where we have to manage resources that are external to the runtime - such as network sockets used by an UDPClient object for example :)
Types that depend on these kinds of external resources usually implement the IDisposable interface, and the golden rule here is:
Who-ever creates a new IDisposable object should also dispose of it as soon as possible, preferably at latest when exiting the scope in which it was created.
So, when you create a new instance of UDPClient inside Send-SyslogEvent, you should also ensure that you always call $UDPClient.Dispose() before returning from Send-SyslogEvent. We can do that with a set of try/finally blocks:
function Send-SyslogEvent {
$Server = ''
$Severity = '10'
$Facility = '22'
$Hostname= 'ServerSyslogEvents'
$UDPCLient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$UDPCLient.Connect($Server, 514)
$Priority = ([int]$Facility * 8) + [int]$Severity
$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "MMM dd HH:mm:ss"
$FullSyslogMessage = "<{0}>{1} {2} {3}" -f $Priority, $Timestamp, $Hostname, $Message
$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$ByteSyslogMessage = $Encoding.GetBytes($FullSyslogMessage)
$UDPCLient.Send($ByteSyslogMessage, $ByteSyslogMessage.Length) | out-null
finally {
# this is the important part
Failing to dispose of IDisposable objects is one of the surest way to leak memory and cause resource contention in the operating system you're running on, so this is definitely a must, especially for performance-sensitive or frequently invoked code.
Re-use instances!
Now, I showed above how you should handle disposal of the UDPClient, but another thing you can do is re-use the same client - you'll be connecting to the same syslog host every single time anyway!
function Send-SyslogEvent {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$Server = ''
$Severity = '10'
$Facility = '22'
$Hostname= 'ServerSyslogEvents'
# check if an already connected UDPClient object was passed
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Client') -and $Client.Available){
$UDPClient = $Client
$borrowedClient = $true
$UDPClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$UDPClient.Connect($Server, 514)
$Priority = ([int]$Facility * 8) + [int]$Severity
$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "MMM dd HH:mm:ss"
$FullSyslogMessage = "<{0}>{1} {2} {3}" -f $Priority, $Timestamp, $Hostname, $Message
$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$ByteSyslogMessage = $Encoding.GetBytes($FullSyslogMessage)
$UDPCLient.Send($ByteSyslogMessage, $ByteSyslogMessage.Length) | out-null
finally {
# this is the important part
# if we "borrowed" the client from the caller we won't dispose of it
if($UDPCLient -and -not $borrowedClient){
This last modification will allow us to create the UDPClient once and re-use it over and over again:
# ...
$SyslogClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$SyslogClient.Connect($SyslogServer, 514)
foreach($file in $LogFiles)
# ... assign the relevant output from the logs to $message, or pass $_ directly:
Send-SyslogEvent -Message $message -Client $SyslogClient
# ...
Use a StreamReader instead of a switch!
Finally, if you want to minimize allocations while slurping the files, for example use File.OpenText() to create a StreamReader to read the file line-by-line:
$SyslogClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$SyslogClient.Connect($SyslogServer, 514)
foreach($File in $LogFiles)
$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenText($File.FullName)
$msg = ''
while($null -ne ($line = $reader.ReadLine()))
Send-SyslogEvent -Message $msg -Client $SyslogClient
$msg = $line
$msg = $msg,$line -join [System.Environment]::NewLine
# last block
Send-SyslogEvent -Message $msg -Client $SyslogClient
# Same as with UDPClient, remember to dispose of the reader.
This is likely going to be faster than the switch, although I doubt you'll see much improvement to the memory foot-print - simply because identical strings are interned in .NET (they're basically cached in a big in-memory pool).
Inspecting types for IDisposable
You can test if an object implements IDisposable with the -is operator:
PS C:\> $reader -is [System.IDisposable]
Or using Type.GetInterfaces(), as suggested by the TheIncorrigible1
PS C:\> [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient].GetInterfaces()
IsPublic IsSerial Name
-------- -------- ----
True False IDisposable
I hope the above helps!
Here's an example of a way to switch over a file one line at a time.
get-content file.log | foreach {
switch -regex ($_) {
'^START--' { "start line is $_"}
default { "line is $_" }
Actually, I don't think switch -file is a problem. It seems to be optimized not to use too much memory according to "ps powershell" in another window. I tried it with a one gig file.
I have a simple Powershell script that I wrote in the Powershell ISE. The gist of it is that it watches a named pipe for a write as a signal to perform an action, while at the same time monitoring its boss process. When the boss-process exits, the script exits as well. Simple.
After struggling to get the named pipe working in Powershell without crashing, I managed to get working code, which is shown below. However, while this functions great in the Powershell ISE and interactive terminals, I've been hopeless in getting this to work as a standalone script.
$bosspid = 16320
# Create the named pipe
$pipe = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream(
# If we don't do it this way, Powershell crashes
# Brazenly stolen from
Add-Type #"
using System;
public sealed class CallbackEventBridge
public event AsyncCallback CallbackComplete = delegate {};
private void CallbackInternal(IAsyncResult result)
public AsyncCallback Callback
get { return new AsyncCallback(CallbackInternal); }
$cbbridge = New-Object CallBackEventBridge
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $cbbridge -EventName CallBackComplete -Action {
$pipe.BeginWaitForConnection($cbbridge.Callback, 1)
Host-Write('The named pipe has been written to!')
# Make sure to close when boss closes
$bossproc = Get-Process -pid $bosspid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$exitsequence = {
if (-Not $bossproc) {$exitsequence.Invoke()}
Register-ObjectEvent $bossproc -EventName Exited -Action {$exitsequence.Invoke()}
# Begin watching for events until boss closes
$pipe.BeginWaitForConnection($cbbridge.Callback, 1)
The first problem is that the script terminates before doing anything meaningful. But delaying end of execution with such tricks like while($true) loops, the -NoExit flag, pause command, or even specific commands which seem made for the purpose, like Wait-Event, will cause the process to stay open, but still won't make it respond to the events.
I gave up on doing it the "proper" way and have instead reverted to using synchronous code wrapped in while-true blocks and Job control.
$bosspid = (get-process -name notepad).id
# Construct the named pipe's name
$pipename = -join('named-pipe-',$bosspid)
$fullpipename = -join("\\.\pipe\", $pipename) # fix SO highlighting: "
# This will run in a separate thread
$asyncloop = {
param($pipename, $bosspid)
# Create the named pipe
$pipe = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream($pipename)
# The core loop
while($true) {
# The specific signal I'm using to let the loop continue is
# echo m > %pipename%
# in CMD. Powershell's echo will *not* work. Anything other than m
# will trigger the exit condition.
if ($pipe.ReadByte() -ne 109) {
# (The action this loop is supposed to perform on trigger goes here)
# Set up the exit sequence
$bossproc = Get-Process -pid $bosspid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$exitsequence = {
# While PS's echo doesn't work for passing messages, it does
# open and close the pipe which is enough to trigger the exit condition.
&{echo q > $fullpipename} 2> $null
if ((-Not $bossproc) -or $bossproc.HasExited) { $exitsequence.Invoke() }
# Begin watching for events until boss closes
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $asyncloop -Name "miniloop" -ArgumentList $pipename,$bosspid
while($true) {
Start-Sleep 1
if ($bossproc.HasExited) { $exitsequence.Invoke() }
This code works just fine now and does the job I need.
I want to parallelize information gathering in my PS scripts.
My scripts usually do something along the lines of
foreach ($system in $systemlist) {
$system = Add-InformationToServerObj $system
and thus the $systemlist gets populated with more information which later gets used.
How can such a task which requires saving output to one shared list/array be parallelized?
Start-Job is an option, but it's quite high overhead in processing time since each job kicks of a new process and data will have to be serialized between the parent process and the job process.
Use Runspaces instead:
# Create initial sessionstate object for the runspaces
$InitialSessionState = [initialsessionstate]::Create()
# Import module that contains Add-InformationToServerObj
# Create and open the runspacepool
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool($InitialSessionState)
# Create a new PowerShell instance per "job", collect these along with the IAsyncResult handle (we'll need it later)
$Jobs = foreach($system in $systemlist)
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create()
New-Object psobject -Property #{
Instance = $PSInstance
IAResult = $PSInstance.BeginInvoke()
# Wait for runspaces to complete
while($InProgress = #($Jobs |Where-Object {-not $_.IAResult.IsCompleted})){
# Here you could also use Write-Progress
Write-Host "$($InProgress.Count) jobs still in progress..."
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
# Collect the output
$systemlist = foreach($Job in $Jobs)
# Dispose of the runspacepool
The above is a very basic example and has zero error handling - consider using something like Invoke-Parallel or PoshRSJobs instead (PoshRSJobs can also be found on the gallery)
use this :
foreach ($system in $systemlist) {
start-job -scriptblock{$system = Add-InformationToServerObj $system }
I run a maintenance Powershell script which remotely checks Windows server event logs for various entries and then takes appropriate corrective/alerting actions.
The script runs every 5 minutes, but will occasionally run too long due to Get-WinEvent calls timing out with an RPC unavailable error while attempting to query unreachable/unresponsive servers.
To avoid this issue, I am working on wrapping the Get-WinEvent calls in Jobs so that I can apply a configurable timeout to them.
For Get-WinEvent jobs finding multiple events, Receive-Job properly returns a 'System.Object[]' array containing 'System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord' objects. If only a single event is found, Receive-Job returns a 'System.Management.Automation.PSObject' object instead.
Without the Job-related code, a Get-WinEvent call finding one event returns a non-array 'System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord' object which can easily be wrapped with an array for downstream consumption.
Anyone have a better way to add a timeout to a remote Get-WinEvent call or an explanation/fix for the 'System.Management.Automation.PSObject' being returned instead of a non-array 'System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord' object?
The function and some sample calls are shown below:
Function CollectRemoteEvents($the_server,$event_log,$events_to_find,$event_label,$search_start,$search_timeout,$max_event_count){
$job_info = Start-Job -name GetEvents -scriptblock {param($server,$logname,$eventID,$StartTime,$MaxEvents) Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $server -FilterHashtable #{"logname"=$logname;"id"=$eventID;StartTime=$StartTime} -MaxEvents $MaxEvents} -Arg $the_server,$event_log,$events_to_find,$search_start,$max_event_count
#if the provided timeout value is greater than 0, use it
if($search_timeout -gt 0){
#if the job takes a while, tell it to timeout after ## seconds
$wait_result = Wait-Job -id $ -timeout $search_timeout
#if the timeout was specified as 0, let the job run to completion
$wait_result = Wait-Job -id $
$current_job_state = Get-Job -id ($
#check if the job has completed before time runs out
if($current_job_state.State -eq "Completed"){
#capture the job object
$job = Get-Job -id ($
#retrieve the output of the job; if the job raises errors, exceptions will be populated into the $joberror variable
#NOTE: the $ is *intentionally* left out of the 'joberror' variable name in the command below
$job_result = $job | Receive-Job -ErrorVariable joberror -ErrorAction Stop
If($joberror -ne "" -And $joberror -ne $null){
#if joberror is not empty, the job failed; log it
# write-host "JobError: '$joberror'" #used for debugging, this would log to file in a production capacity
# write-host $job_result.gettype() #used for debugging
return ,$job_result
#the search timed out
# write-host "The event log search timed out." #used for debugging, this would log to file in a production capacity
return $null
}Catch [Exception]{
If($_.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq "NoMatchingEventsFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand"){
#No logon timeout events were registered since $search_start
write-host "$the_server : No $event_label events were found."
return #()
}Elseif($_.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand"){
#"argument validation error", exit the function with a return value indicating failure
write-host "$the_server : Event log retrieval failed, can't check for $event_label events (Argument validation error);"
return $null
}Elseif($_.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq "System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand"){
#"the RPC server is unavailable", exit the function with a return value indicating failure
write-host "$the_server : Event log retrieval failed, can't check for $event_label events (RPC server unavailable);"
return $null
#if the server logs cannot be retrieved, exit the function with a return value indicating failure
write-host "$the_server : Event log retrieval failed, can't check for $event_label events (Check access/permissions)($($_.FullyQualifiedErrorID));"
return $null
$server_name = "localhost"
$system_event_ID = #(6013)
$app_event_ID = #(1033)
$timeout_check_timespan = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-2)
$WinEvent_timeout = 10 #how long to let the Job run before timing out
$returns_array = CollectRemoteEvents $server_name 'System' $system_event_ID "Label One" $timeout_check_timespan $WinEvent_timeout 5
$returns_non_array = CollectRemoteEvents $server_name 'Application' $app_event_ID "Label Two" $timeout_check_timespan $WinEvent_timeout 1
write-host ""
write-host $returns_array
write-host $returns_array.count
write-host ""
write-host $returns_non_array
write-host $returns_non_array.count
The comma on the main return line is attempt to force an array to be returned (see: Count property of array in PowerShell with pscustomobjects )
I have also tried instantiating an array and then adding the result set to it:
$var = #()
$var += $results
return $var
casting the result set as an array:
return [Array]($results)
and returning the result set as part of an array:
return #($results)
I believe that this is a different issue than the one covered in the 'Function return value in Powershell' proposed solution - in my issue the problem of the object types is present before the function returns.
Uncommenting the following line for debugging purposes
# write-host $job_result.gettype() #used for debugging
Results in the following output being printed:
The System.Object[] line is returned by a Job running a Get-WinEvent query that finds multiple events.
The 'System.Management.Automation.PSObject' line is returned by a Job running a Get-WinEvent query that finds a single event
After lots of googling based upon a suggestion from a Reddit user, it appears that you effectively have to double-wrap the single-object return content to have it end up as an array:
#this *does not* work
return #(#($job_result))
#This works
return , #($job_result)
If I have a powershell script say called caller.ps1 which looks like this
$output = SomeLibraryFunction
where library.ps1 looks like the following
function SomeLibraryFunction()
Write-Output "Some meaningful function logging text"
Write-Output "return value"
What I'd like to achieve is a way in which the library function can return it's value but also add some logging messages that allow the caller to process those internal messages as they see fit. The best I can think of is to write both to the pipeline and then the caller will have an array with the actual return value plus the internal messages which may be of use to a logger the calling script has.
Am I going about this problem the right way? Is there a better way to achieve this?
It's usually not a good idea to mix logging messages with actual output. Consumers of your function then have to do a lot of filtering to find the object they really want.
Your function should write logging messages to the verbose output stream. If the caller wants to see those messages, it can by specifying the -Verbose switch to your function.
function SomeLibraryFunction()
Write-Verbose "Some meaningful function logging text"
Write-Output "return value"
In PowerShell 3+, consumers can redirect your verbose messages to the output stream or a file:
# Show verbose logging messages on the console
SomeLibraryFunction -Verbose
# Send verbose logging messages to a file
SomeLibraryFunction -Verbose 4> verbose.txt
# redirect verbose message to the output stream
SomeLibraryFunction -Verbose 4>&1
Other options include:
Writing to a well-known file
Writing to the Event Log
Use Start-Transcript to create a log of the session.
Something like Tee-Object might be helpful to you
function SomeLibraryFunction()
$filepath = "C:\temp\log.txt"
write-output "Some meaningful function logging text" | Tee-Object -FilePath $filepath -Append
write-output "return value" | Tee-Object -FilePath $filepath -Append
For more information on Tee-Object look here
You could use an If statement based on a variable like $logging=$true but i could see that getting messy.
Another Approach
If you are looking for more of an optional solution then maybe you could use something like this Start-Transcript and Stop-Transcript which creates a record of all or part of a Windows PowerShell session in a text file.
function SomeLibraryFunction()
write-output "Some meaningful function logging text"
write-output "return value"
$logging = $True
If ($logging){
Start-Transcript -Path C:\temp\log.txt -Append
If ($logging){
This would just show that you could toggle the Start and Stop. You could even set the switch with a paramater passed to the script if you chose.
NOTE The output might be more that you are looking for but at least give it a try. Also, this will not work in the Powershell ISE as you will get an error Start-Transcript : This host does not support transcription.
Another way to do this would be to return a compound object that includes the results and the log information. This is then easy to pick apart.
function MyFunc
# initialize
$result = $null
$log = #()
# write to the log
$log += "This will be written to the log"
$log += "So will this"
# record the result
$result = $true
# return result and log combined into object
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{ result = $result; log = $log -join "`r`n" }
# Call the function and get the results
$MyFuncResult = MyFunc
# Display the returned result value
Write-Host ( "MyFunc Result = {0}" -f $MyFuncResult.Result )
# Display the log
write-host ( "MyFunc Log = {0}" -f $MyFuncResult.Log )
Alternatively, if you want to avoid the object, pass in a log variable by reference. The function can write to the log variable and the changes will be visible in the calling scope. To do this, you need to add the [ref] prefix to the function definition AND the function call. When you write to the variable in the function you need to refer to the .value property.
function MyFunc2 ([ref]$log)
# initialize
$result = $null
# write to the log
$log.value += "`r`nThis will be written to the log"
$log.value += "`r`nSo will this"
# record the result
$result = $true
# return result and log combined into object
return $result
# Call the function and get the results
$log = "before MyFunc2"
$MyFuncResult = MyFunc2([ref]$log)
$log += "`nafter MyFunc2"
# Display the returned result value
write-host ( "MyFunc2 result = {0}" -f $MyFuncResult )
# Display the log
write-host ( "MyFunc2 Log = {0}" -f $Log )