Extracting resource in Argo workflow using "resource" template/step with "get" action and passing to downstream steps? - kubernetes

I'm exploring an easy way to read K8S resources in the Argo workflow. The current documentation is focusing mainly on create/patch with conditions (https://argoproj.github.io/argo/examples/#kubernetes-resources), while I'm curious if it's possible to perform "action: get", extra part of the resource state (or full resource) and pass it downstream as artifact or result output. Any ideas?

action: get is not a feature available from Argo.
However, it's easy to use kubectl from within a Pod and then send the JSON output to an output parameter. This uses a BASH script to send the JSON to the result output parameter, but an explicit output parameter or an output artifact are also viable options.
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
generateName: kubectl-bash-
entrypoint: kubectl-example
- name: kubectl-example
- - name: generate
template: get-workflows
- - name: print
template: print-message
- name: message
value: "{{steps.generate.outputs.result}}"
- name: get-workflows
image: bitnami/kubectl:latest
command: [bash]
source: |
some_workflow=$(kubectl get workflows -n argo | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $1;}')
kubectl get workflow "$some_workflow" -ojson
- name: print-message
- name: message
image: alpine:latest
command: [sh, -c]
args: ["echo result was: '{{inputs.parameters.message}}'"]
Keep in mind that kubectl will run with the permissions of the Workflow's ServiceAccount. Be sure to submit the Workflow using a ServiceAccount which has access to the resource you want to get.


Tekton: yq Task gives safelyRenameFile [ERRO] Failed copying from /tmp/temp & [ERRO] open /workspace/source permission denied error

We have a Tekton pipeline and want to replace the image tags contents of our deployment.yml:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: microservice-api-spring-boot
replicas: 3
revisionHistoryLimit: 3
app: microservice-api-spring-boot
app: microservice-api-spring-boot
- image: registry.gitlab.com/jonashackt/microservice-api-spring-boot#sha256:5d8a03755d3c45a3d79d32ab22987ef571a65517d0edbcb8e828a4e6952f9bcd
name: microservice-api-spring-boot
- containerPort: 8098
- name: gitlab-container-registry
Our Tekton pipeline uses the yq Task from Tekton Hub to replace the .spec.template.spec.containers[0].image with the "$(params.IMAGE):$(params.SOURCE_REVISION)" name like this:
- name: substitute-config-image-name
name: yq
- fetch-config-repository
- name: source
workspace: config-workspace
- name: files
- "./deployment/deployment.yml"
- name: expression
value: .spec.template.spec.containers[0].image = \"$(params.IMAGE)\":\"$(params.SOURCE_REVISION)\"
Sadly the yq Task doesn't seem to work, it produces a green
Step completed successfully, but shows the following errors:
16:50:43 safelyRenameFile [ERRO] Failed copying from /tmp/temp3555913516 to /workspace/source/deployment/deployment.yml
16:50:43 safelyRenameFile [ERRO] open /workspace/source/deployment/deployment.yml: permission denied
Here's also a screenshot from our Tekton Dashboard:
Any idea on how to solve the error?
The problem seems to be related to the way how the Dockerfile of https://github.com/mikefarah/yq now handles file permissions (for example this fix among others). The 0.3 version of the Tekton yq Task uses the image https://hub.docker.com/layers/mikefarah/yq/4.16.2/images/sha256-c6ef1bc27dd9cee57fa635d9306ce43ca6805edcdab41b047905f7835c174005 which produces the error.
One work-around to the problem could be the usage of the yq Task version 0.2 which you can apply via:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/catalog/main/task/yq/0.2/yq.yaml
This one uses the older docker.io/mikefarah/yq:4#sha256:34f1d11ad51dc4639fc6d8dd5ade019fe57cf6084bb6a99a2f11ea522906033b and works without the error.
Alternatively you can simply create your own yq based Task that won't have the problem like this:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: replace-image-name-with-yq
- name: source
description: A workspace that contains the file which need to be dumped.
- name: IMAGE_NAME
description: The image name to substitute
- name: FILE_PATH
description: The file path relative to the workspace dir.
- name: YQ_VERSION
description: Version of https://github.com/mikefarah/yq
default: v4.2.0
- name: substitute-with-yq
image: alpine
workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path)
- /bin/sh
- '-c'
- |
set -ex
echo "--- Download yq & add to path"
wget https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/$(params.YQ_VERSION)/yq_linux_amd64 -O /usr/bin/yq &&\
chmod +x /usr/bin/yq
echo "--- Run yq expression"
yq e ".spec.template.spec.containers[0].image = \"$(params.IMAGE_NAME)\"" -i $(params.FILE_PATH)
echo "--- Show file with replacement"
cat $(params.FILE_PATH)
resources: {}
This custom Task simple uses the alpine image as base and installs yq using the Plain binary wget download. Also it uses yq exactly as you would do on the command line locally, which makes development of your expression so much easier!
As a bonus it outputs the file contents so you can check the replacement results right in the Tekton pipeline!
You need to apply it with
kubectl apply -f tekton-ci-config/replace-image-name-with-yq.yml
And should now be able to use it like this:
- name: replace-config-image-name
name: replace-image-name-with-yq
- dump-contents
- name: source
workspace: config-workspace
- name: IMAGE_NAME
value: "$(params.IMAGE):$(params.SOURCE_REVISION)"
- name: FILE_PATH
value: "./deployment/deployment.yml"
Inside the Tekton dashboard it will look somehow like this and output the processed file:

How to restart Tekton PipelineRun, having a pipeline-run.yml defined in git (e.g. using Cloud Native Buildpacks)?

We want to use the official Tekton buildpacks task from Tekton Hub to run our builds using Cloud Native Buildpacks. The buildpacks documentation for Tekton tells us to install the buildpacks & git-clone Task from Tekton Hub, create Secret, ServiceAccount, PersistentVolumeClaim and a Tekton Pipeline.
As the configuration is parameterized, we don't want to start our Tekton pipelines using a huge kubectl command but instead configure the PipelineRun using a separate pipeline-run.yml YAML file (as also stated in the docs) containing the references to the ServiceAccount, workspaces, image name and so on:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
name: buildpacks-test-pipeline-run
serviceAccountName: buildpacks-service-account # Only needed if you set up authorization
name: buildpacks-test-pipeline
- name: source-workspace
subPath: source
claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
- name: cache-workspace
subPath: cache
claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
- name: image
value: <REGISTRY/IMAGE NAME, eg gcr.io/test/image > # This defines the name of output image
Now running the Tekton pipeline once is no problem using kubectl apply -f pipeline-run.yml. But how can we restart or reuse this YAML-based configuration for all the other pipelines runs?
There are some discussions about that topic in the Tekton GitHub project - see tektoncd/pipeline/issues/664 and tektoncd/pipeline/issues/685. Since Tekton is heavily based on Kubernetes, all Tekton objects are Kubernetes CRDs - which are in fact immutable. So it is intended to not be able to re-run an already run PipelineRun.
But as also discussed in tektoncd/pipeline/issues/685 we can simply use the generateName variable of the metadata field like this:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
generateName: buildpacks-test-pipeline-run-
serviceAccountName: buildpacks-service-account # Only needed if you set up authorization
name: buildpacks-test-pipeline
- name: source-workspace
subPath: source
claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
- name: cache-workspace
subPath: cache
claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
- name: image
value: <REGISTRY/IMAGE NAME, eg gcr.io/test/image > # This defines the name of output image
Running kubectl create -f pipeline-run.yml will now work multiple times and kind of "restart" our Pipeline, while creating a new PipelineRun object like buildpacks-test-pipeline-run-dxcq6 everytime the command is issued.
Keep in mind to delete old PipelineRun objects once in a while though.
tkn cli has the switch --use-pipelinerun to the command tkn pipeline start, what this command does is to reuse the params/workspaces from that pipelinerun and create a new one, so effectively "restarting" it.
so to 'restart' the pipelinerun pr1 which belong to the pipeline p1 you would do:
tkn pipeline start p1 --use-pipelinerun pr1
maybe we should have a easier named command, I kicked the discussion sometime ago feel free to contribute a feedback :
You cannot restart a pipelinerun.
Since in tekton, a pipelinerun is one time execution for a pipeline(treat as template), so it should not able to be restart, another kubectl apply for pipelinerun is another execution...

Tekton running pipeline via passing parameter

I have a Tekton Pipeline and PipelineRun definitions. But, I couldn't achieve to run Pipeline via passing parameter.
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
generateName: build-deploy-
tekton.dev/pipeline: build-deploy
serviceAccountName: tekton-build-bot
name: build-deploy
- name: registry-address
value: $(REG_ADDRESS)
- name: repo-address
#value: $(REPO_ADDRESS)
value: $(REPO_ADDRESS)
- name: repo-name
value: $(REPO_NAME)
- name: version
value: $(VERSION)
- name: source
claimName: my-pvc
How can I pass while parameters while trying to run that runner with following command kubectl create -f pipelinerun.yaml?
value: $(REG_ADDRESS) -> I wanted to pass registry address as right before the running pipeline instead of giving hard-coded constant.
Any ideas?
You cannot pass those parameters when using kubectl create.
There are two alternatives:
Use tkn cli
You can use tkn, a purpose made CLI for Tekton. Then you can start a run of a Pipeline with, e.g.:
tkn pipeline start build-deploy \
--param registry-address=yay \
--param repo-name=nay \
--workspace name=source,claimName=my-pvc
Initiate pipeline with Trigger
You can setup a Trigger that initiates runs of your Pipeline on certain events, e.g. when you push to Git.
Then your PipelineRun template with parameter mapping is done using a TriggerTemplate

How to setup ansible playbook that is able to execute kubectl (kubernetes) commands

I'm trying to write simple ansible playbook that would be able to execute some arbitrary command against the pod (container) running in kubernetes cluster.
I would like to utilise kubectl connection plugin: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/connection/kubectl.html but having struggle to figure out how to actually do that.
Couple of questions:
Do I need to first have inventory for k8s defined? Something like: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/inventory/k8s.html. My understanding is that I would define kube config via inventory which would be used by the kubectl plugin to actually connect to the pods to perform specific action.
If yes, is there any example of arbitrary command executed via kubectl plugin (but not via shell plugin that invokes kubectl on some remote machine - this is not what I'm looking for)
I'm assuming that, during the ansible-playbook invocation, I would point to k8s inventory.
I would like to utilise kubectl connection plugin: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/plugins/connection/kubectl.html but having struggle to figure out how to actually do that.
The fine manual describes how one uses connection plugins, and while it is possible to use in in tasks, that is unlikely to make any sense unless your inventory started with Pods.
The way I have seen that connection used is to start by identifying the Pods against which you might want to take action, and then run a playbook against a unique group for that purpose:
- hosts: all
- set_fact:
# this is *just an example for brevity*
# in reality you would use `k8s:` or `kubectl get -o name pods -l my-selector=my-value` to get the pod names
- nginx-12345
- nginx-3456
- add_host:
name: '{{ item }}'
- my-pods
with_items: '{{ pod_names }}'
- hosts: my-pods
connection: kubectl
# and now you are off to the races
- command: ps -ef
# watch out if the Pod doesn't have a working python installed
# as you will have to use raw: instead
# (and, of course, disable "gather_facts: no")
- raw: ps -ef
First install k8s collections
ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
and here is play-book, it will sort all pods and run a command in every pod
hosts: localhost
- vars/main.yaml
- community.kubernetes
name: Get the pods in the specific namespace
kubeconfig: '{{ k8s_kubeconfig }}'
kind: Pod
namespace: test
register: pod_list
name: Print pod names
msg: "pod_list: {{ pod_list | json_query('resources[*].status.podIP') }} "
- set_fact:
pod_names: "{{pod_list|json_query('resources[*].metadata.name')}}"
kubeconfig: '{{ k8s_kubeconfig }}'
namespace: "{{ namespace }}"
pod: "{{ item.metadata.name }}"
command: apt update
with_items: "{{ pod_list.resources }}"
register: exec
label: "{{ item.metadata.name }}"
Maybe you can use like this...
- shell: |
kubectl exec -i -n {{ namespace }} {{ pod_name }} -- bash -c 'clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO customer FORMAT CSV"
--user=test --password=test < /mnt/azure/azure/test/test.tbl'
As per the latest documentation you can use the following k8s modules
The following are some of the examples
- name: Create a k8s namespace
name: testing
api_version: v1
kind: Namespace
state: present
- name: Create a Service object from an inline definition
state: present
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: web
namespace: testing
app: galaxy
service: web
app: galaxy
service: web
- protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8000
name: port-8000-tcp
port: 8000
- name: Remove an existing Service object
state: absent
api_version: v1
kind: Service
namespace: testing
name: web

How to skip a step for Argo workflow

I'm trying out Argo workflow and would like to understand how to freeze a step. Let's say that I have 3 step workflow and a workflow failed at step 2. So I'd like to resubmit the workflow from step 2 using successful step 1's artifact. How can I achieve this? I couldn't find the guidance anywhere on the document.
I think you should consider using Conditions and Artifact passing in your steps.
Conditionals provide a way to affect the control flow of a
workflow at runtime, depending on parameters. In this example
the 'print-hello' template may or may not be executed depending
on the input parameter, 'should-print'. When submitted with
$ argo submit examples/conditionals.yaml
the step will be skipped since 'should-print' will evaluate false.
When submitted with:
$ argo submit examples/conditionals.yaml -p should-print=true
the step will be executed since 'should-print' will evaluate true.
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
generateName: conditional-
entrypoint: conditional-example
- name: should-print
value: "false"
- name: conditional-example
- name: should-print
- - name: print-hello
template: whalesay
when: "{{inputs.parameters.should-print}} == true"
- name: whalesay
image: docker/whalesay:latest
command: [sh, -c]
args: ["cowsay hello"]
If you use conditions in each step you will be able to start from a step you like with appropriate condition.
Also have a loot at this article Argo: Workflow Engine for Kubernetes as author explains the use of conditions on coinflip example.
You can see many examples on their GitHub page.