Cucumber Test Runner file-Not executing step definitions - eclipse

I am building a Restassured API test framework with cucumber.(This is a new adventure for me so apologies if this seems basic)
Below is how I setup my test runner file.
package cucumber.Options;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
#CucumberOptions(features="src/test/java/features", glue={"stepDefinitions"},strict=true,stepNotifications = true)
public class TestRunner{
I have made sure the glue matches my step def file, ive also tried adding the full path.
However my step definitions no matter what I set as the glue are not being executed.
As soon as I run the TestRunner File as a junit test junit marks the runs as complete.
I set up a simple scenario where I am just printing a test output to console and console never shows the output.
I even tried setting my glue to a filename that doesnt even exist to see if i got an error but i get the same result as above.
And whenever I click one of the the lines in the feature file I get error "Test class not found in selected project"
Has anyone experienced the same behavior with eclipse?


install4j how to parse json in a form component

I'm trying to parse json in an action script for a form component.
I tried to:
import javax.json.JsonObject;
And get the following on a test compile:
Failed to compile script
1. ERROR in /private/var/folders/3t/l3dvn7tx1j76wsx17xfjcpww0000gn/T/ (at line 1)
import javax.json.JsonObject;
The import javax.json cannot be resolved
How do I achieve the equivalent of this import so I can parse json? I started going down the rabbit hole of create a JMOD for javax.json but that's starting to seem like the wrong path.
The package javax.json is not part of the JRE, but a JEE 7 API. You can download the JAR file from
and add it on the "Installer->Screens & Actions->Custom code" step. Then the class will be available in all scripts.

How to debug unit test while developping a package in Julia

Say I develop a package with a limited set of dependencies (for example, LinearAlgebra).
In the Unit testing part, I might need additional dependencies (for instance, CSV to load a file). I can configure that in the Project.toml all good.
Now from there and in VS Code, how can I debug the Unit tests? I tried running the "runtests.jl" in the debugger; however, it unsurprisingly complains that the CSV package is unavailable.
I could add the CSV package (as a temporary solution), but I would prefer that the debugger run with the configuration for the unit testing; how can I achieve that?
As requested, here is how it can be reproduced (it is not quite minimal, but instead I used a commonly used package as it give confidence the package is not the problem). We will use DataFrames and try to execute the debugger for its unit tests.
Make a local version of DataFrames for the purpose of developing a feature in it. I execute dev DataFrames in a new REPL.
Select the correct environment (in .julia/dev/DataFrames) through the VS-code user interface.
Execute the "proper" unit testing by executing test DataFrames at the pkg prompt. Everything should go smoothly.
Try to execute the tests directly (open the runtests.jl and use the "Run" button in vs-code). I see some errors of the type:
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package CategoricalArrays not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("CategoricalArrays")` to install the CategoricalArrays package.
which is consistent with CategoricalArrays being present in the [extras] section of the Project.toml but not present in the [deps].
Finally, instead of the "Run" command, execute the "Run and Debug". I encounter similar errors here is the first one:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
merge | 19 19
PASSED: index.jl
FAILED: dataframe.jl
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package DataStructures not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("DataStructures")` to install the DataStructures package.
So I can't debug the code after the part requiring the extras packages.
After all that I delete this package with the command free DataFrames at the pkg prompt.
I see the same behavior in my package.
I'm not certain I understand your question, but I think you might be looking for the TestEnv package. It allows you to activate a temporary environment containing the [extras] dependencies. The discourse announcement contains a good description of the use cases.
Your runtest.jl file should contain all necessary imports to run tests.
Hence you are expected to have in your runtests.jl file lines such as:
using YourPackageName
using CSV
# the lines with tests now go here.
This is a standard in Julia package layout. For an example have a look at any mature Julia such as DataFrames.jl (

Visual studio code using pytest for Pyspark getting stuck at SparkSession Creation

I am trying to run a pyspark unit test in Visual studio code on my local windows machine. when i debug the test it gets stuck at line where I am creating a sparksession. It doesn't show any error/failure but status bar just shows "Running Tests" . Once it work, i can refactor my test to create sparksession as part of test fixture, but presently my test is getting stuck at sparksession creation.
Do i have to install/configure on my local machine for sparksession to work?
i tried a simple test with assert 'a' == 'b' and i can debug and test run succsfully, so i assume my pytest configurations are correct. Issue i am facing is with creating sparksession.
# test code
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row, DataFrame
import pytest
def test_poc():
spark_session = SparkSession.builder.master('local[2]').getOrCreate() #this line never returns when debugging test.
spark_session.createDataFrame(data,schema) #data and schema not shown here.
What I have done to make it work was:
Create a .env file in the root of the project
Add the following content to the created file:
Go to .vscode file in the root, expand and open settings.json. Add the following like (replace <workspace_path> with your actual workspace path):
"python.envFile": "<workspace_path>/.env"
After refreshing the Testing section in Visual Studio Code, the setup should succeed.
Note: I use pyenv to setup my python version, so I had to make sure that VS Code was using the correct python version with all the expected dependencies installed.
Solution inspired by py4j.protocol.Py4JError: org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonUtils.getEncryptionEnabled does not exist in the JVM and

how to debug unittest in vscode using pytest

I am trying to use vscode to debug some unit tests using pytest. One special thing is I am importing the module I need to test from another folder.
so inside, I imported the function I need to test:
import func
def test_func():
But when I tried to debug it using vscode, it told me "module func is not found!"
Should I do some extra configuration to make it work?

How to fix "Test Class not found in selected project" in cucumber junit

I am new to Cucumber. I created a simple cucumber script to launch google in browser. I properly created features, steps and runner classes. When I ran the runner class, the junit result shows green but the scenario not executed (browser not launched). On checking the results and trying to double-click, it says "Test Class not found in selected project".
I already tried changing order of JRE in Build path->Order&Export option. This is Eclipse.JUnit result image
This is the runner class:
package Runners;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
#CucumberOptions(features="Features/ChromeTest.feature",glue= {"src/test/java/Steps"})
public class ChromeRunner {
I assume you keep your features files also within src/test/java path
if so,please try running with
**assuming that you have created features and steps as package inside src/test/java path