Performing random trials in pyspark - pyspark

I am learning pyspark recently and wanted to apply in one of the problems. Basically i want to perform random trials on each record in a dataframe.My dataframe is structured as below.
O1,D1,3 4 4 5 6 7 8 ... ,10
O2,D2,1 6 9 10 12 16 18 ..., 20
O3,D3,7 12 15 16 18 20 ... ,50
Here distribution column is 100 percentile points where each value is space separated.
I want to loop through each of these rows in the dataframe and randomly select a point in the distribution and add those many days to order_date and create a new column arrival_date.
At the end i want to get the avg(quantity) by arrival_date. So my final dataframe should look like
What i have achieved till now is below
df ="header",True).csv("/tmp/test.csv")
def randSample(row):
order_id = row.order_id
quantity = int(row.quantity)
data = []
for i in range(1,20):
n = random.randint(0,99)
randnum = int(float(row.edd.split(" ")[n]))
arrival_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row.order_date.split(" ")[0], "%Y-%m-%d") + datetime.timedelta(days=randnum)
data.append((arrival_date, quantity))
return data
finalRDD =
The calculations look correct, however the finalRDD is structured as list of lists as below
Each of the list inside the main list is a single record . And each tuple inside the nested list is a trial of that record.
Basically i want the final output as flattened records, so that i can perform the average.


Pyspark dataframe filter based on in between values

I have a Pyspark dataframe with below values -
[Row(id='ABCD123', score='28.095238095238095'), Row(id='EDFG456', score='36.2962962962963'), Row(id='HIJK789', score='37.56218905472637'), Row(id='LMNO1011', score='36.82352941176471')]
I want only the values from the DF which have score between the input score value and input score value + 1, say, the input score value is 36 then I want the output DF with only two ids - EDFG456 & LMNO1011 as their score falls between 36 & 37. I achieved this by doing as follows -
input_score_value = 36
input_df = my_df.withColumn("score_num", substring(my_df.score, 1,2))
output_matched = input_df.filter(input_df.score_num == input_score_value)
The above code gives the below output, but it takes too long to process 2 mil rows. I was thinking if there is some better way to do this to reduce the response time.
[Row(id='EDFG456', score='36.2962962962963'), Row(id='LMNO1011',score='36.82352941176471')]
You can use the function floor.
from pyspark.sql.functions import floor
output_matched = input_df.filter(foor(input_df.score_num) == input_score_value)
It should be much faster compared to substring. Let me know.

how to find max value from multiple columns in dataframe in spark [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Scala/Spark dataframes: find the column name corresponding to the max
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have input spark dataframe as
sample A B C D
1 1 3 5 7
2 6 8 10 9
3 6 7 8 1
I need to find the max among A,B,C,D columns which are subject marks.
I need to create a new dataframe with max_marks as the new column.
sample A B C D max_marks
1 1 3 5 7 7
2 6 8 10 9 10
3 6 7 8 1 8
I have done this using scala as
val df = df.columns.toSeq
val df1=df.foldLeft(df){(df,colName)=> df.withColumn("max_sub",max((colName)))
I am getting an error message
"main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException:grouping expression sequence is empty
this dataframe has about 100 columns so how to iterate over this dataframe
It would be helpful to iterate over the data frame as the columns where the mean has to be found out are about 10 out of 100 column dataframe with about 10000 records
I am looking to dynamically pass the columns without giving the column names manually which means to loop over the columns that i choose and perform any mathematical operation
There are many ways to accomplish this one of the ways would be using map.
Simple pseudo code to do what you want (It wont work in anyway but I think the idea is clear)
df = df.withColumn("max_sub", "A"){x=> {
max = "A"
maxVal = 0
for col in x{
if(col != "max_sub" && x.col > maxVal){
max = col
maxVal = x.col
x.max_sub = max

Pair RDD tuple comparison

I am learning how use spark and scala and I am trying to write a scala spark program that receives and input of string values such as:
12 13
13 14
13 12
15 16
16 17
17 16
I initially create my pair rdd with:
val myRdd = sc.textFile(args(0)).map(line=>(line.split("\\s+"))(0),line.split("\\s+")(1))).distinct()
Now this is where I am getting stuck. In the set of values there are instances like (12,13) and (13,12). In the context of the data these two are the same instances. Simply put (a,b)=(b,a).
I need to create an RDD that has one or the other, but not both. So the result, once this is done, would look something like this:
12 13
13 14
15 16
16 17
The only way I can see it as of right now is that I need to take one tuple and compare it with the rest in the RDD to make sure it isn't the same data just swapped.
The numbers just need to be sorted before creating a tuple.
val myRdd = sc.textFile(args(0))
.map(line => {
val nums = line.split("\\s+").sorted
(nums(0), nums(1))

Reshaping and merging simulations in Stata

I have a dataset, which consists of 1000 simulations. The output of each simulation is saved as a row of data. There are variables alpha, beta and simulationid.
Here's a sample dataset:
simulationid beta alpha
1 0.025840106 20.59671241
2 0.019850549 18.72183088
3 0.022440886 21.02298228
4 0.018124857 20.38965861
5 0.024134726 22.08678021
6 0.023619479 20.67689981
7 0.016907209 17.69609466
8 0.020036455 24.6443037
9 0.017203175 24.32682682
10 0.020273349 19.1513272
I want to estimate a new value - let's call it new - which depends on alpha and beta as well as different levels of two other variables which we'll call risk and price. Values of risk range from 0 to 100, price from 0 to 500 in steps of 5.
What I want to achieve is a dataset that consists of values representing the probability that (across the simulations) new is greater than 0 for combinations of risk and price.
I can achieve this using the code below. However, the reshape process takes more hours than I'd like. And it seems to me to be something that could be completed a lot quicker.
So, my question is either:
i) is there an efficient way to generate multiple datasets from a single row of data without multiple reshape, or
ii) am I going about this in totally the wrong way?
set maxvar 15000
/* Input sample data */
input simulationid beta alpha
1 0.025840106 20.59671241
2 0.019850549 18.72183088
3 0.022440886 21.02298228
4 0.018124857 20.38965861
5 0.024134726 22.08678021
6 0.023619479 20.67689981
7 0.016907209 17.69609466
8 0.020036455 24.6443037
9 0.017203175 24.32682682
10 0.020273349 19.1513272
forvalues risk = 0(1)100 {
forvalues price = 0(5)500 {
gen new_r`risk'_p`price' = `price' * (`risk'/200)* beta - alpha
gen probnew_r`risk'_p`price' = 0
replace probnew_r`risk'_p`price' = 1 if new_r`risk'_p`price' > 0
sum probnew_r`risk'_p`price', mean
gen mnew_r`risk'_p`price' = r(mean)
drop new_r`risk'_p`price' probnew_r`risk'_p`price'
drop if simulationid > 1
save simresults.dta, replace
forvalues risk = 0(1)100 {
use simresults.dta
reshape long mnew_r`risk'_p, i(simulationid) j(price)
keep simulation price mnew_r`risk'_p
rename mnew_r`risk'_p risk`risk'
save risk`risk'.dta, replace
use risk0.dta
forvalues risk = 1(1)100 {
merge m:m price using risk`risk'.dta, nogen
save merged.dta, replace
Here's a start on your problem.
So far as I can see, you don't need more than one dataset.
The various reshapes and merges just rearrange what was first generated and that can be done within one dataset.
The code here in the first instance is for just one pair of values of alpha and beta. To simulate 1000 such, you would need 1000 times more observations, i.e. about 10 million, which is not usually a problem and to loop over the alphas and betas. But the loop can be tacit. We'll get to that.
This code has been run and is legal. It's limited to one alpha, beta pair.
input simulationid beta alpha
1 0.025840106 20.59671241
2 0.019850549 18.72183088
3 0.022440886 21.02298228
4 0.018124857 20.38965861
5 0.024134726 22.08678021
6 0.023619479 20.67689981
7 0.016907209 17.69609466
8 0.020036455 24.6443037
9 0.017203175 24.32682682
10 0.020273349 19.1513272
local N = 101 * 101
set obs `N'
egen risk = seq(), block(101)
replace risk = risk - 1
egen price = seq(), from(0) to(100)
replace price = 5 * price
gen result = (price * (risk/200)* beta[1] - alpha[1]) > 0
bysort price risk: gen mean = sum(result)
by price risk: replace mean = mean[_N]/_N
Assuming now that you first read in 1000 values, here is a sketch of how to get the whole thing. This code has not been tested. That is, your dataset starts with 1000 observations; you then enlarge it to 10 million or so, and get your results. The tricksy part is using an expression for the subscript to ensure that each block of results is for a distinct alpha, beta pair. That's not compulsory; you could do it in a loop, but then you would need to generate outside the loop and replace within it.
local N = 101 * 101 * 1000
set obs `N'
egen risk = seq(), block(101)
replace risk = risk - 1
egen price = seq(), from(0) to(100)
replace price = 5 * price
egen sim = seq(), block(10201)
gen result = (price * (risk/200)* beta[ceil(_n/10201)] - alpha[ceil(_n/10201)]) > 0
bysort sim price risk: gen mean = sum(result)
by sim price risk: replace mean = mean[_N]/_N
Other devices used: egen to set up in blocks; getting the mean without repeated calls to summarize; using a true-or-false expression directly.
NB: I haven't tried to understand what you are doing, but it seems to me that the price-risk-simulation conditions define single values, so calculating a mean looks redundant. But perhaps that is in the code because you wish to add further detail to the code once you have it working.
NB2: This seems a purely deterministic calculation. Not sure that you need this code at all.

Using SUM and UNIQUE to count occurrences of value within subset of a matrix

So, presume a matrix like so:
20 2
20 2
30 2
30 1
40 1
40 1
I want to count the number of times 1 occurs for each unique value of column 1. I could do this the long way by [sum(x(1:2,2)==1)] for each value, but I think this would be the perfect use for the UNIQUE function. How could I fix it so that I could get an output like this:
20 0
30 1
40 2
Sorry if the solution seems obvious, my grasp of loops is very poor.
Indeed unique is a good option:
res=arrayfun(#(y)length(x(x(:,1)==y & x(:,2)==1)),u)
Taking apart that last line:
arrayfun(fun,array) applies fun to each element in the array, and puts it in a new array, which it returns.
This function is the function #(y)length(x(x(:,1)==y & x(:,2)==1)) which finds the length of the portion of x where the condition x(:,1)==y & x(:,2)==1) holds (called logical indexing). So for each of the unique elements, it finds the row in X where the first is the unique element, and the second is one.
Try this (as specified in this answer):
>>> [c,~,d] = unique(a(a(:,2)==1))
c =
d =
>>> counts = accumarray(d(:),1,[],#sum)
counts =
>>> res = [c,counts]
Consider you have an array of various integers in 'array'
the tabulate function will sort the unique values and count the occurances.
table = tabulate(array)
look for your unique counts in col 2 of table.