Facebook APP - How do I make my Facebook App Live - facebook

Am new to Facebook related stack. So, please bear if its a dumb question.
I created a Facebook App but I couldn't able to find the option to make my APP Live. Do I need to submit it for review and then only I can able to make it Live?
Also am trying to do a Facebook messaging using send API. Am getting "message": "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: messages".
Am I missing something? Please help.

Also am trying to do a Facebook messaging using send API. Am getting
"message": "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist:
Your URL should be in this format
This means you're missing the /me object in your call. Also since, it's a POST request you need to attach a body with the following params to the call.
"messaging_type": "<MESSAGING_TYPE>",
"recipient": {
"id": "<PSID>"
"message": {
"text": "hello, world!"
Do I need to submit it for review and then only I can able to make it
According to the page you linked, you need to request pages_messaging permission and that requires App Review in order for this Send API to work in your app.
Additionally, If you want to test this in development mode, you can give a role to the user(as a developer, tester, or analytics user) you're trying to message and test with them as mentioned on the page you linked:
Apps in Development Mode, are restricted to message people that have a
role in the app. Additionally, Pages in unpublished status will only be
allowed to message people with a role on the Page.


Instagram OAuth API returns "insufficient_dev_role" 400 error

I have a Facebook app in Live mode, that has passed review and has Instagram Basic Display set up, having passed review for the following permissions: instagram_graph_user_profile and instagram_graph_user_media.
According to the documentation, if I visit https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?app_id=[my app ID]&redirect_uri=[My app redirect URL]&scope=user_profile,user_media&response_type=code in a browser and authenticate, I should be redirected back to my redirect URL with a code.
However, if I try that with any user who I have not explicitly set up as an Instagram Tester, I receive the following error, even though my app is in Live mode:
"error_type": "OAuthException",
"code": 400,
"error_message": "insufficient_dev_role"
Note that another similar question was asked a few months ago - the difference in this case is that my app is in Live mode, and therefore should allow any user to authorise via OAuth, while for the other question the app was still in Development mode, so the issue was adding appropriate Instagram Testers.
This has been identified as a known issue that Instagram is working to fix.

cannot subscribe FB page to FB app recently

I have a FB app that works well before. It allows users to subscribe their pages to our app.
Recently, I got the error below when trying to subscribe a page to our app:
'Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active apps or apps that have not recently accessed this data due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform.'
I am using this request url: https://graph.facebook.com/me/subscribed_apps?access_token=xxx
It worked great before but not for now.
However, when I try to submit the same request with the
it works.
Anyone canshow me how can I fix this problem?
Have the same issue here. My APP uses Facebook Graph API to import events. Credentials for APP (token) was enabled a long time ago....
Now seems its throwing and error also at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/1405126029586258?method=GET&path=157956504840454%2Fevents&version=v2.12
Nether my APP or Graph API is working. Below the error message....
"error": {
"message": "Unsupported get request. Object with ID '157956504840454' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api",
"type": "GraphMethodException",
"code": 100,
"error_subcode": 33,
"fbtrace_id": "EHCB6/XyJsA"
Same error on my app at Wordpress to import events
Message from Facebook answering the question...
As we begin enhancing our new app review process and make changes to our platform, the Events, Groups, Pages and Instagram APIs will no longer be available to new developers. Testing of our more robust process starts today and the new process should resume in a few weeks, but apps currently accessing Events and Groups APIs will lose access today. Going forward, access to these APIs will require a formal app review and for apps using the Pages API, submission is required within 90 days once app review resumes or access will be removed.

Facebook Graph API subscribed_apps edge only works with pages I own

I have a Facebook APP and it is already published and approved to access the manage_pages and pages_messaging permissions. Facebook Login and Messenger are also installed. I also have a Webhook set and it works well.
My objective
I would like to make it easy for my users to create and publish a bot within the app, like what Chatfuel does. The user logins in using Facebook, create a new bot, link to a page and automatically the bot is available for use. The user will not be involved in manual configuration of the bot publishing process but rather simply pointing the page they would like the bot to appear.
What I have done so far
Login user with Facebook and collect their access_token and user_id using the app_token
Using the token, retrieve the pages owned by the user GRAPH_API_URL/me/accounts?access_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN
From the results obtained above, I'm able to display the pages to the users for them to choose where to publish the bot. I'm able to get the selected PAGE_ID and PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN for use in the next step
I then send a POST request to subscribed the app to the page. Remember the app is the same one they used to login and approve the needed permissions as per my defined scope ('email', 'public_profile', 'manage_pages', 'publish_pages', 'pages_show_list')
Subscribing app to a page, I send a POST request to:
The response I got was a success:
{"success": true}
The Problem Using the pages I own the process works well and I'm able to chat with the bots and from the app dashboard I can clearly see the pages have been added to the subscription list. My users are able to go through the all process, and from the logs, they also get a success response but their pages are not added and they cannot chat with the bot. To verify their subscriptions, I sent a GET request to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/PAGE_ID/subscribed_apps?access_token=PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN and the response is positive as shown in the example below:
"data": [
"link": "http://mywebsite.com/",
"name": "MyApp",
"id": "1438393....."
From the highlighted steps, is there anything I might be missing? How can I get the above done properly? Thanks in advance for your input.

Publishing Facebook Open Graph Stories from Backend

When I try to make a POST to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.4/me/<app_namespace>:<action>
with user access_token into body I'm getting the following error:
"error": {
"message": "(#15) This method must be called with an app access_token.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 15
Why Facebook is asking me for app access_token? I want to publish a story into wall of user specified by access_token, so I really need to use the application access_code?
Check the details of your action configuration in app dashboard. On the bottom, under “Advanced Options”, there is a option “Requires App Token to Publish” – sounds like you have that set to “Yes”.
This option exists to prevent users from “cheating” by publishing actions themselves, by using their user access token for your app – for example if you have a game with an Open Graph story about the user reaching a certain level or amount of points, then you probably wouldn’t want users to be able to publish that on their own, without actually achieving the necessary level/points in your app.

Accessing Facebook Ads API request error 270

I have a whitelisted Facebook App that is out of sandbox mode and has been approved for the Ads API, but I am receiving the following error when trying to make requests to the Ads API.
"error": {
"message": "(#270) This Ads API request is not allowed for apps with only developer access",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 270
This occurs when using adgroupstats, adcampaignstats, and reportstats requests, etc. The adaccounts request does return my account information though. My dashboard does read "This app is public and available to all users", as I needed to get out of sandbox mode in order for my app to be whitelisted.
Is there another setting that I have missed in order to gain access to the Ads API calls that I need?
This is most likely due to your dev/admin accounts of the app not being set as "Admins" in facebook's ad manager. Let me know if this solves this issue for you.
Old response:
I am running into the same issue. Can not run api calls against reportstats even though the user that the app/ad account belongs too was an admin, i change that user to a developer and its still happening.
I opened a bug report for this: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/786289188058999