UIScrollView is unable to scroll - swift

I have a scroll view, then inside the scroll view I have a view, and then lastly I have a text view inside the view. I turned off scrolling on the text view so that the more a user types the bigger the text view gets. I then gave trailing, leading, and top constraints to the scroll view. After that I set the view inside the scroll view to 0,0,0,0 for its frame and then I gave top, bottom, trailing, and leading to the text view. Lastly I set the the views width equal to the superview and the scroll view height equal to the view inside of it. In theory when a user types and it goes to a new line the view should get bigger and since the scroll view and view have equal heights the scroll view should also get bigger. However when I go to a new line the view gets bigger but I am unable to scroll, no scroll bar, nothing. Heres some screenshots of the constraints:

Figured it out...
The scrollview height and the view can't be equal, the view should be larger than the scroll view or else there's no point in having the scroll view.


Storyboard Scrollview with StackView inside not scrolling

I know similar questions were asked before but all of them do it programatically and I'm trying to do this in the storyboard.
I have a scroll view with top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints, with a view inside it that is pinned to all edges of the scroll view and has equal width and height #250. Inside that I have a stack view with 6 other views that will change their height dynamically based on how much text each label gets. And it all works fine except for the fact that it doesn't scroll even when content overflows.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's a look at the storyboard:
You need to remove the inner view height which = 250 , and pin the stackView to all it's edges

Get the needed height to display all content within a View

I have a custom view that gets loaded from nib that has a number of subviews. Some of these subviews contain labels which can be a dynamic height. This view ends up being added as a subview to a view that is in a scroll view.
Think ScrollView > View > SubView > Dynamic Labels
I am using auto layout constraints and therefore need to set the height of SubView that is required to display all the content in itself, so that the ScrollView will scroll the length necessary to display everything in the SubView.
I know with a UILabel, you can do something like val neededLabelHeight = label.sizeThatFits(CGFloat(width: label.frame.height, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)) to get the needed height to display on a single label, but when I attempt to do this on a whole custom view loaded from nib, it just has the height of the view I have in my nib file.
Is there something similar for doing it on a view with more subviews, other than calculating the needed hight of the view by summing all the needed heights of its subviews and vertical constraints?
Here is a simple example...
The XIB file looks like this:
Note: the Bottom Label has a constraint of >= 8 to the bottom of the view. That way you don't have to worry about IB showing an error during design. Any extra space at the bottom will automatically "disappear" at run-time.
The Storyboard looks like this:
The scroll view has a red background (to make it easy to see). The labels and views containing buttons are laid-out and constraints are set as we normally set them.
The "Blue" view - TheXIB Container View - has a Height constraint of 120, but is set as a Placeholder that will be removed at run-time, allowing the view loaded from the XIB to control its height. This will be the view to which we add our Labels Holder View from the XIB.
Here's how it looks with a small amount of text:
It's not scrollable, because there isn't enough content.
After tapping the "Add" buttons a few times, it looks like this:
and it is scrollable (we can see it's scrolled down in this image).
For folks who prefer using a "content view" as the "root" view of a scroll view, it works the same (orange view is the content view, inset by 8-pts on each side):
Here is a link to this example project: https://github.com/DonMag/LoadXIBIntoScroll
And here's a gif animation of it in action:

Vertically centering UILabel programatically in scrollview that doesn't match the view swift

I have a horizontal scrollview that fills 1/3rd of the view.
I want to put a UILabel in the centre of the scroll view, which I have successfully done with:
let reagentsLocationx = mainscrollview.frame.width/2-100
However, I am struggling to centre the label vertically within the scrollview. When I use similar code for reagentsLocationy it centres the label in the view and not within the scroll view.
How do I centre the label, in Swift, just within the scrollview?
Many thanks.
I think this is because you are using frame and not bounds. I don't believe frame will ever be larger than your screen space, but bounds it equal to the view's actual size. Try basing it on the bounds of the scroll views height.
UIScrollView().contentSize.height might be what you are looking for.
No need of setting sizes in code.
Everything done in the storyboard.
Drag your scrollview into your view controller.
Set top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints from the scrollview to the parent view or safe area.
Drag your text label into the scrollview.
Set your top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints to the scrollview.
IMPORTANT set a second leading and trailing constraint, now from the text label to the parent view (UIView - not scrollview) or safe area.
This makes sure that the text label knows his width and so the scrollview knows it too.

how to set height of UIScrollView properly

I have a View. Inside that view I have Scroll view. Inside that Scroll View I have Content View. I set constraint that content view height and width is equal to View's height and width. The problem is that I have Navigation bar above of my superview. So when I look at simulator on running time it gives me extra space of that navigation bar inside UIScrollview. So have can I adjust height of content view.
I want to create constratin like this . Content view height = superview height - 66. 66 is the height of navigation bar...
the better way is inside your main view put Navigation bar on top of the view and put your Scrollview below the Navigation bar and inside that ScrollView Put the Content View
and if you want to put Navigation bar under the Scrollview you should specify the top space constraint of Content View other wise it will give the same output

UIScrollView in iOS doesn't response scroll to top

I have two UIScrollViews, one is horizental, the other is like page on the horizontal view. I want to click the status bar and have the vertical scrollView scroll to the top, but it doesn't work.
I searched for some information that said I must set UIScrollView.scrollsToTop=NO, but it doesn't work. Could somebody tell me why?
The scroll view only scrolls to the top if there is a single scroll view present with the scrollsToTop property set to YES.
Make sure it's set to NO on your horizontal scroll view and all the child, vertical scroll views contained within. Then, using the horizontal scroll view's delegate, as one vertical scroll view leaves the visible area, toggle the property to NO and toggle the incoming vertical scroll view's property to YES.