TailwindCSS autocompletion in PhpStorm not working - autocomplete

I just updated PhpStorm to version 2020.3 which now supports autocompletion for Tailwind CSS. But in my new updated version it isn't working and can't figure out why.
In html, blade and css files, there is no autocompletion for Tailwind CSS.
Do I have this enable somewhere? Why isn't it working?

Looks like there is an bug when using npm installer and when you are using version npm:#tailwindcss/postcss7-compat#^2.0.1 of tailwind.
My solution:
delete node_modules and use yarn install

I solved by downloading the tailwindcss library.

if you are using a node version manager check that your project Language & Frameworks configuration for Node.js and NPM is actually using the same node version where you installed tailwind and postCSS packages

To fix the problem, update to version 2021.3.1. Do not look for another solution because it does not exist
enter image description here


How to set extension for a liquibase installed on CentOS?

I have liquibase installed on CentOS, but I have got very old scripts created for version 1.9, so, they need modifyColumn tag to run.
I found that there is an extension for liquibase version 3.1 and elder which can add this functionality.
But I cannot figure out how to install this extension to my liquibase.
On my CetOS it is intalled as a jar file, so I cant put the extension jar to it.
When I put this jar as a set_classpath value it does not work.
Could you help me with this problem?
Yes, upgrade to 3.2.2 has solved the problem.

Install project from github

I need to install this project/code as its required for a project I am working on.
Is the easiest way to just grab whats in the Dist folder and copy it into the project?
Do all projects have npm install commands? in the documentation this one doesn't appear to have any explanation for installing it?
See this page for npm:
I guess only if a project is shared on npm, you can use npm commands.
For this particular project, you can use npm, as you can see by searching for the project on npmjs.com.
npm install --save react-modal will install the package in your project.
In general, however, yes, if a project doesn't have installation instructions and it isn't on npm, then you will have to download the code from github.
Found the answer and have been installing npm packages for fun every since ;) I followed this tutorial Node.js and npm into for VS2015
I found editing the packages.json file first fixed it for me. Cause after doing so then running the commands it installed perfectly fine. Thanks for the answers guys, did help me find the issue and the eventual solution.

Doxygen plugin for qt-creator 3.3.0

I want to install Doxygen plug-in from this link on my qt-creator3.3.0. I do not find any packages for this version. I tried other versions and I didn't get any result.
Does anyone know what should I do?
I am using linux Ubuntu.
You'll have to compile from source.
The weblink you provided has instructions on how to do that.

How do I create a typescript project?

I am trying to learn typescript with Node.js and the TypEcs Eclipse plugin. I installed Node.js and did npm install -g typescript. I also followed instructions on the TypEcs front page to install TypEcs with Eclise Luna.
Now I have a typescript perspective as shown below. But there is no project type for TypeScript when I try to create a test project.
My question is,
How should I start a new TS project with TypEcs?
You should install Nodeclipse Enide Studio 2014 plugins for Node.js. Nodeclipse has simple Typescript option in new Node.js project wizards. (It is also better idea to start from simpler JavaScript first)
I am lead of Nodeclipse, I don't yet use Typescript, but I would like to collaborate on the
"Node.js + TypeScript" topic on GitHub. Be ready to share, discuss and research.
I haven't got Eclipse here to test, but I believe you can start by creating any of the available project types that includes JavaScript.
If you aren't sure what to use, choose a static web project (this doesn't have any server-side code).

CDNJS old Javascript libraries

I wanted to use Knockback.js to my project, but CDNJS in NetBeans 7.4 offers me only version 0.17.2, but the latest version is 0.18.2.
How is it possible to get the latest version of Knockback.js with CDNJS or is it possible to use somehow node.js' npm in a Netbeans project?
In dialog where you select JS files to import to project, there is a "Update: Never", if you click on it, it will updates list of offered JS libraries (it takes some time). However, NetBeans offers JS files from CDNJS.com, where Knockback is only in version 0.17.2, so update action in NetBeans won't help you (now, once CDNJS.com starts to offer 0.18.2, update action will help)