Inferring a generic type from its nested type - swift

I am trying to create a Fetchable protocol that contains the location of where to get the objects from as part of its type, and instead of writing the fetch function with an explicit type parameter, like this:
func fetch<Model: Fetchable>(_ type: Model.Type, path: Model.Path) -> AnyPublisher<[Model], Error> {
// ...
I would like Model to be inferred from the Model.Path parameter:
func fetch<Model: Fetchable>(path: Model.Path) -> AnyPublisher<[Model], Error> {
// ...
This is inspired by #RobNapier's approach here. It's not exactly the same, and so I might be missing salient details to make it work.
Here's what I have:
protocol Locatable {
associatedtype Model
var value: String { get }
protocol Fetchable: Codable {
associatedtype Path: Locatable where Path.Model == Self
struct Message {
let content: String
extension Message: Fetchable, Codable {
enum Path: Locatable {
typealias Model = Message
case forUser(_ userId: String)
var value: String {
switch self {
case .forUser(let userId): return "/user/\(userId)/messages"
When I call fetch, I get an error "Generic parameter 'Model' could not be inferred"
let pub = fetch(path: Message.Path.forUser("123"))
But this works with a fetch that accepts the type parameter explicitly (even infers its own Message.Path type):
let pub = fetch(Message.self, .forUser("123"))
Any idea how (if possible) to solve this?

It is not enough information to infer, but if we write
let pub: AnyPublisher<[Message], Error> = fetch(path: Message.Path.forUser("123"))
everything goes well.
Update: nested type is just a type it is not dividable, so to help swift to infer parent we need to reverse declaration, like below (tested with Xcode 12.1):
func fetch<Path: Locatable>(path: Path) ->
AnyPublisher<[Path.Model], Error> where Path.Model: Fetchable {
and now your desired expression becomes possible
let pub = fetch(path: Message.Path.forUser("123"))


Is it possible for a Swift type to be inferred by "pulling out" a Type value from a generic function's parameter?

(Apologies if the title is confusing, but I explain the question better here!)
I'm building a networking library that can perform JSON decoding on its responses.
Host apps adopting this library will create enums conforming to NetLibRoute. All that currently does is enforce the presence of asURL:
public protocol NetLibRoute {
var asURL: URL { get throws }
In a host app, I have a routing system that enforces API structure at the compiler-level (via enums and associated values) for each endpoint, like this:
enum Routes: NetLibRoute {
case people(Int?)
// Other routes go here, e.g.:
// case user(Int)
// case search(query: String, limit: Int?)
var asURL: URL {
let host = ""
let urlString: String
switch self {
case let .people(personID):
if let personID {
urlString = host + "api/people/\(personID)"
} else {
urlString = host + "api/people/"
// Build other URLs from associated values
return URL(string: urlString)!
I also want each enum to be associated with a certain Codable type. I can do that, of course, by modifying the Route protocol declaration to also require a type conforming to Decodable:
protocol NetLibRoute {
var asURL: URL { get throws }
var decodedType: Decodable.Type { get } // This
And a matching computed property in my Routes enum:
var decodedType: Decodable.Type {
switch self {
case .people(_):
return Person.self
// And so on
The Problem
Currently, my networking code has a declaration something like this:
public static func get<T>(route: NetLibRoute,
type: T.Type) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// performing request on route.asURL
// decoding from JSON as T or throwing error
// returning decoded T
Which lets me call it like this:
let person = try await NetLib.get(route: Routes.people(1), type: Person.self)
However, this redundancy (and potential human error from mismatching route and type) really irks me. I really want to be able to only pass in a route, and have the resulting type be inferred from there.
Is there some way to get the compiler to somehow check the NetLibRoute enum and check its decodedType property, in order to know what type to use?
Ultimately, I want this networking function to take one parameter (a route) and infer the return type of that route (at compile-time, not with fragile runtime hacks or !s), and return an instance of the type.
Is this possible?
Potential Alternatives?
I'm also open to alternative solutions that may involve moving where the get function is called from.
For example, calling this get function on a route itself to return the type:
let person = try await Routes.people(1).get(type: Person.self) // Works, but not optimal
let person = try await Routes.people(1).get() // What I want
Or even on the type itself, by creating a new protocol in the library, and then extending Decodable to conform to it:
public protocol NetLibFetchable {
static var route: NetLibRoute { get }
extension Decodable where Self: NetLibFetchable {
public static func get<T>() async throws -> T where Self == T, T: Decodable {
// Call normal get function using inferred properties
return try await NetLib.get(route: route,
type: T.self)
Which indeed lets me call like this:
let person = try await Person.get() // I can't figure out a clean way to pass in properties that the API may want, at least not without once again passing in Routes.people(1), defeating the goal of having Person and Routes.people inherently linked.
While this eliminates the issue of type inference, the route can no longer be customized at call-time, and instead is stuck like this:
extension Person: NetLibFetchable {
public static var route: NetLibRoute {
Routes.people(1) // Can't customize to different ID Ints anymore!
Which makes this particular example a no-go, and leaves me at a loss.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, for your time, and for your help.
I really want this library to be as clean as possible for host apps interacting with it, and your help will make that possible.
Are you wedded to the idea of using an enum? If not, you can do pretty much what you want by giving each enum value its own type and using an associated type to do what you want.
public protocol NetLibRoute
var asURL: URL { get throws }
associatedtype Decoded: Decodable
struct Person: Decodable
var name: String
struct Login: Decodable
var id: String
struct People: NetLibRoute
typealias Decoded = Person
var id: Int
var asURL: URL { return URL(filePath: "/") }
struct User: NetLibRoute
typealias Decoded = Login
var id: String
var asURL: URL { return URL(filePath: "/") }
func get<N: NetLibRoute>(item: N) throws -> N.Decoded
let data = try Data(contentsOf: item.asURL)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(N.Decoded.self, from: data)
let thing1 = try get(item: People(id: 1))
let thing2 = try get(item: User(id: "foo"))
Where you might have had a switch before to do different things with different Routes you would now use a function with overloaded arguments.
func doSomething(thing: Person)
// do something for a Person
func doSomething(thing: Login)
// do something else for a Login
doSomething(thing: thing1)
doSomething(thing: thing2)
I think the problem lays in this function.
public static func get<T>(route: Route,
type: T.Type) async throws -> T where T: Decodable {
// performing request on route.asURL
// decoding from JSON as T or throwing error
// returning decoded T
On the first hand, it uses concretions instead of abstractions. You shouldn't pass a Route here, it should use your protocol NetLibRoute instead.
On the other hand, I think that the type param is not needed. Afaik you can get the Type to Decode with the var:
Am I missing something on this matter?
Apart from that, I'd rather go with struct instead of enum when trying to implement the Routes (concretions). Enums cannot be extended. So you won't be allowing the creation of new requests in client side, only in the library.
I hope I've helped.
PS: Some time ago I made this repo. Maybe that could help you (specially this class). I used Combine instead of async/await, but it's not relevant to what you need.

Swift: Same-Type requirement makes generic parameters equivalent?

I'm using swift 5 and try to compile the following code:
protocol BasicProtocol {
associatedtype T
var str: T {get set}
struct AItem<U>: BasicProtocol {
typealias T = U
var str: T
init<G: StringProtocol>(str: G) where G == T {
self.str = str
I got compilation error:
error: Test.playground:10:45: error: same-type requirement makes generic parameters 'G' and 'U' equivalent
init<G: StringProtocol>(str: G) where G == T {
How to make them equivalent? or I can't?
Update 1:
This is the problem I encountered: I want to declare struct "AItem", hoping it has a generic type "T". And this generic type will have some restrictions, such as: "T: StringProtocol". Then for some reason, I need to use an array to load these structs, and ensure that the generics of each structure can be set at will.
I learned that there is "type-erase" might can solve this. So I tried this way, but it seemed unsuccessful. The problems mentioned above have occurred.
Update 2:
struct AItem<T: StringProtocol> {
var aStr: T
var array: [AItem<Any>] = [AItem(aStr: "asdfasdf")]
Look,If you compile this code, you will get a compilation error:
error: Test.playground:5:13: error: type 'Any' does not conform to protocol 'StringProtocol'
var array: [AItem<Any>] = [AItem(aStr: "asdfasdf")]
If I use "var array: [AItem<String>]", I will not be able to put any other non-"String" but implemented "StringProtocol" instance in the array.
This is why I said I want "ensure that the generics of each structure can be set at will".
Update 3:
very thanks for #jweightman, now I update my question again.
protocol ConstraintProtocol {}
extension String: ConstraintProtocol{}
extension Data: ConstraintProtocol{}
extension Int: ConstraintProtocol{}
struct AItem<T = which class has Implemented "ConstraintProtocol"> {
var aPara: T
init(aPara:T) {
self.aPara = aPara
// make a array to contain them
var anArray: [AItem<Any class which Implemented "ConstraintProtocol">] = [AItem(aPara: "String"), AItem(aPara: 1234), AItem(aPara: Data("a path")), …]
// then I can use any item which in anArray. Maybe I will implement a method to judge these generics and perform the appropriate action.
for curItem in anArray {
var result = handleItem(curItem)
do something...
func handleItem<T: ConstraintProtocol>(item: AItem<T>) -> Any? {
if (item.T is ...) {
do someThing
return ......
} else if (item.T is ...) {
do someThing
return ...
return nil
This is my whole idea, but all of which are pseudo-code.
It seems like type erasure is the answer to your problem. The key idea to the type erasure pattern is to put your strongly typed but incompatible data (like an AItem<String> and an AItem<Data>) inside of another data structure which stores them with "less precise" types (usually Any).
A major drawback of type erasure is that you're discarding type information—if you need to recover it later on to figure out what you need to do with each element in your array, you'll need to try to cast your data to each possible type, which can be messy and brittle. For this reason, I've generally tried to avoid it where possible.
Anyways, here's an example of type erasure based on your pseudo code:
protocol ConstraintProtocol {}
extension String: ConstraintProtocol{}
extension Data: ConstraintProtocol{}
extension Int: ConstraintProtocol{}
struct AItem<T: ConstraintProtocol> {
var aPara: T
init(aPara: T) {
self.aPara = aPara
struct AnyAItem {
// By construction, this is always some kind of AItem. The loss of type
// safety here is one of the costs of the type erasure pattern.
let wrapped: Any
// Note: all the constructors always initialize `wrapped` to an `AItem`.
// Since the member variable is constant, our program is "type correct"
// even though type erasure isn't "type safe."
init<T: ConstraintProtocol>(_ wrapped: AItem<T>) {
self.wrapped = wrapped
init<T: ConstraintProtocol>(aPara: T) {
self.wrapped = AItem(aPara: aPara);
// Think about why AnyAItem cannot expose any properties of `wrapped`...
var anArray: [AnyAItem] = [
AnyAItem(aPara: "String"),
AnyAItem(aPara: 1234),
AnyAItem(aPara: "a path".data(using: .utf8)!)
for curItem in anArray {
let result = handleItem(item: curItem)
print("result = \(result)")
// Note that this function is no longer generic. If you want to try to "recover"
// the type information you erased, you will have to do that somewhere. It's up
// to you where you want to do this.
func handleItem(item: AnyAItem) -> String {
if (item.wrapped is AItem<String>) {
return "String"
} else if (item.wrapped is AItem<Data>) {
return "Data"
} else if (item.wrapped is AItem<Int>) {
return "Int"
return "unknown"
An alternative to type erasure you could consider, which works well if there's a small, finite set of concrete types your generic could take on, would be to use an enum with associated values to define a "sum type". This might not be a good choice if the protocol you're interested in is from a library that you can't change. In practice, the sum type might look like this:
enum AItem {
case string(String)
case data(Data)
case int(Int)
var anArray: [AItem] = [
.data("a path".data(using: .utf8)!)
for curItem in anArray {
let result = handleItem(item: curItem)
print("result = \(result)")
func handleItem(item: AItem) -> String {
// Note that no casting is required, and we don't need an unknown case
// because we know all types that might occur at compile time!
switch item {
case .string: return "String"
case .data: return "Data"
case .int: return "Int"

Convert Swift Encodable class typed as Any to dictionary

In connection with my previous questions, I decided to subclass NSArrayController in order to achieve the desired behavior.
class NSPresetArrayController: NSArrayController {
override func addObject(_ object: Any) {
if let preset = object as? Preset {
super.addObject(["name":, "value": preset.value])
} else {
This works, but what if I wanted something that works for any Encodable class, and not just one with two properties called name and value?
Basically, the problem is creating a dictionary from a class, where the keys are the property names, and the values are the values of these properties.
I tried writing something like this:
class NSPresetArrayController: NSArrayController {
override func addObject(_ object: Any) {
if let encodableObject = object as? Encodable {
let data = try! PropertyListEncoder().encode(encodableObject)
let any = try! PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data, options: [], format: nil)
However, I get a compile error:
Cannot invoke 'encode' with an argument list of type '(Encodable)'
1. Expected an argument list of type '(Value)'
How do I fix this so it compiles?
The problem is that protocols don't always conform to themselves. PropertyListEncoder's encode(_:) method expects a Value : Encodable argument:
func encode<Value : Encodable>(_ value: Value) throws -> Data
However the Encodable type itself is currently unable to satisfy this constraint (but it might well do in a future version of the language).
As explored in the linked Q&A (and also here), one way to work around this limitation is to open the Encodable value in order to dig out the underlying concrete type, which we can substitute for Value. We can do this with a protocol extension, and use a wrapper type in order to encapsulate it:
extension Encodable {
fileprivate func openedEncode(to container: inout SingleValueEncodingContainer) throws {
try container.encode(self)
struct AnyEncodable : Encodable {
var value: Encodable
init(_ value: Encodable) {
self.value = value
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try value.openedEncode(to: &container)
Applied to your example:
class NSPresetArrayController : NSArrayController {
override func addObject(_ object: Any) {
guard let object = object as? Encodable else {
// Not encodable, maybe do some error handling.
do {
let encoded = try PropertyListEncoder().encode(AnyEncodable(object))
let cocoaPropertyList = try PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: encoded, format: nil)
} catch {
// Couldn't encode. Do some error handling.
The type of the value that you pass to encode(_:) has to be a concrete type that implements Encodable. This means you need to recover the object's real type from the Any that you have. In order to cast, you must have a statically-specified type to which you are casting. You can't say object as! type(of: object), in other words; you have to say object as? MyClass (or in a generic context you can say object as? T).
Therefore, I believe that the only way to get around this is to statically enumerate the types you are working with, like so:
import Foundation
struct S : Encodable {
let i: Int
struct T : Encodable {
let f: Float
struct U : Encodable {
let b: Bool
func plistObject(from encodable: Any) -> Any? {
let encoded: Data?
switch encodable {
case let s as S:
encoded = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(s)
case let t as T:
encoded = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(t)
case let u as U:
encoded = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(u)
encoded = nil
guard let data = encoded else { return nil }
return try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(from: data,
options: [],
format: nil)
Needless to say, this is rather gross. It's inflexible, repetitive boilerplate. I'm not sure I can actually recommend its use. It's an answer to the literal question, not necessarily a solution to the problem.

Swift Generics - Protocol does not conform to Protocol

I'm trying to get a container that implements a set of protocols that i pass as parameter to a function on the original container.
struct Container {
let someProperty: String
let otherProperty: String
// Subcontainers
protocol Base {}
protocol SomePropertyContainer: Base {
var someProperty: String { get }
protocol OtherPropertyContainer: Base {
var otherProperty: String { get }
extension Container: SomePropertyContainer, OtherPropertyContainer {}
// Sub Container Provisioning Protocol
protocol SubContainerProviderProtocol {
func subContainer<T: Base>(protos: T.Type) -> T?
extension Container: SubContainerProviderProtocol {
func subContainer <T: Base>(protos: T.Type) -> T? {
return self as? T
// Example container
let subContainerProvider: SubContainerProviderProtocol = Container(someProperty: "Why does this not work!", otherProperty: "Seriously.")
Getting this up and running would allow me to inject the ContainerProviderProtocol into consumers while giving them the possibility to specify themselves which SubContainer they actually want.
E.g. a class that would be interested in only the someProperty could look like this
// Example Container Provider consumer
class SomeClass {
let subContainerProvider: SubContainerProviderProtocol
init(subContainerProvider: SubContainerProviderProtocol) {
self.subContainerProvider = subContainerProvider
func printSomeProperty() {
let someProperty = subContainerProvider
.subContainer(protos: SomePropertyContainer.self)?
// Example call
let someClass = SomeClass(subContainerProvider: subContainerProvider)
someClass.printSomeProperty() // "Why does this not work!"
This solution would be incredible for dependency injection & testability.
However the restriction T: Base is causing the compiler error
In argument type 'SomePropertyContainer.Protocol', 'SomePropertyContainer' does not conform to expected type 'Base'
Not specifying conformance to Base will compile, but would also allow to pass any type as T.
I've tried with associated types within an additional protocol etc, however have not figured it out. And while this issue is incredibly fun, I'm running out of ideas.
Possibly related to (but not exactly same)
Here's the problem: at some point you have to start working with actual types, and not just protocols. Your line:
func container<T: Base>(protos: T.Type) -> T?
is telling the compiler that you're going to give this function a type, generically T, that conforms to the protocol Base, not another protocol. You need something like this:
class SPC: SomePropertyContainer {
var someProperty: String = ""
class SomeClass {
let containerProvider: ContainerProviderProtocol
init(containerProvider: ContainerProviderProtocol) {
self.containerProvider = containerProvider
func printSomeProperty() {
let someProperty = containerProvider
.container(protos: SPC.self)?
SPC is a type that conforms to the SomePropertyContainer protocol, which itself conforms to the Base protocol, so this is what your code is expecting.

testing protocol conformance with associated types

I have a protocol that uses an associated type, as such:
protocol Populatable {
typealias T
func populateWith(object: T)
and classes that implement the protocol:
class DateRowType: Populatable {
func populateWith(object: NSDate) {
class StringRowType : Populatable {
func populateWith(object: String) {
but when I try to cast or test for conformance, like this:
let drt = DateRowType()
let srt = StringRowType()
let rowTypes = [drt, srt]
let data = [NSDate(), "foo"]
for (i, p: Populatable) in enumerate(rowTypes) {
I get the error:
Protocol 'Populatable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
What's the correct way to test if the object conforms to the Populatable protocol?
Note: all the code required to try this out is contained in the question, just copy the code blocks into a playground.
As the error says, you cannot cast it to Populatable here. I think the correct way is to cast it to EventRowType.
if let rowController = self.table.rowControllerAtIndex(i) as? EventRowType {
And you already tested that 'EventRowType' class conforms 'Populatable' protocol. Because if the EventRowType doesn't have function named 'populate', swift compiler says,
Type 'EventRowType' does not conform to protocol 'Populatable'
I don't think you will be able to go generic the whole way, unless possibly by using AnyObject and testing the class of the parameter in each populateWith function.
But this will work:
for (i, p) in enumerate(rowTypes) {
if let dateRow = p as? DateRowType {
dateRow.populateWith(data[i] as! NSDate)
else if let stringRow = p as? StringRowType {
stringRow.populateWith(data[i] as! String)
You will just need to expand this for every Populatable class you add.