How to update me endpoint in Strapi? - content-management-system

Im working with Strapi v3.4.0 for a project. I want to allow the authenticated user to update his personal informations when hitting the following endpoint:
PUT /users/me
for now I'm just trying to console.log a message when i hit the endpoint, I have followed the step from this video: but I keep getting 403 error "Forbidden". Am I doing something wrong?

I understand this update me problem in Strapi is really painful. I have also followed the tutorial on the link you put above to no avail since Strapi just updated to the new version. I tried a workaround for this solution. So basically, I tried to create an additional method on the model that shows on the api folder (Previously, I am trying to add a new method on user controller but again I got this 403 error as well). As for my approach, I created a model called User Profile and then add the custom method for updating the current user data shown below.
"method": "PUT",
"path": "/updateMe",
"handler": "user-profile.updateMe",
"config": {
"policies": []
"method": "PUT",
"path": "/user-profiles/:id",
"handler": "user-profile.update",
"config": {
"policies": []
and on the controller, I added the following snippets
'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
const sanitizeUser = user =>
sanitizeEntity(user, {
model: strapi.query('user', 'users-permissions').model,
const formatError = error => [
{ messages: [{ id:, message: error.message, field: error.field }] },
module.exports = {
async updateMe(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.state.user;
let updateData = {
const data = await strapi.plugins['users-permissions'].services.user.edit({ id }, updateData);
After that, enable the updateMe for the public use (for now, you do not have to worry since the ctx.state.user line will check if the token is valid or not, { at least until the developer officially create this updateMe function })
That is all. You just have to pass the attributes to the body and the auth header and you are good to go. You can pretty much put the function anywhere you want
PS: Take a note that you have to put the updateMe route above the update route. Else, it will give you the same 403 error
PPS: This is just a workaround until the developer officially includes the updateMe function, which we cannot expect in short time


Document AI Contract Processor - batchProcessDocuments ignores fieldMask

My aim is to reduce the json file size, which contains the base64 image sections of the documents by default.
I am using the Document AI - Contract Processor in US region, nodejs SDK.
It is my understanding that setting fieldMask attribute in batchProcessDocuments request filters out the properties that will be in the resulting json.
I want to keep only the entities property.
Here are my call parameters:
const documentai = require('#google-cloud/documentai').v1;
const client = new documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(options);
let params = {
"name": "projects/XXX/locations/us/processors/3e85a4841d13ce5",
"region": "us",
"inputDocuments": {
"gcsDocuments": {
"documents": [{
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"gcsUri": "gs://bubble-bucket-XXX/files/CymbalContract.pdf"
"documentOutputConfig": {
"gcsOutputConfig": {
"gcsUri": "gs://bubble-bucket-XXXX/ocr/"
"fieldMask": {
"paths": [
client.batchProcessDocuments(params, function(error, operation) {
if (error) {
return reject(error);
return resolve({
However, the resulting json is still containing the full set of data.
Am I missing something here?
The auto-generated documentation for the Node.JS Client Library is a little hard to follow, but it looks like the fieldMask should be a member of the gcsOutputConfig instead of the documentOutputConfig. (I'm surprised the API didn't throw an error)
The REST Docs are a little more clear
Note: For a REST API call and for other client libraries, the fieldMask is structured as a string (e.g. text,entities,pages.pageNumber)
I haven't tried this with the Node Client libraries before, but I'd recommend trying this as well if moving the parameter doesn't work on its own.

Do notifications currently in beta work in testing?

I'm trying to push a notification to an unpublished Action in testing. I'm using a snippet I found here
In particular
function send(err, tokens) {
var notif, payload;
notif = { userNotification: { title: 'Commuter Alert' },
target: { userId: userId, intent: intent } };
console.log( JSON.stringify(notif) );
payload = { 'auth': { 'bearer': tokens.access_token },
'json': true,
'body': { 'customPushMessage': notif, 'isInSandbox': false } };'',
I get a 400/Bad Request response with a message of
Invalid user id for target.
The notification stringified looks like this:
{"userNotification":{"title":"Commuter Alert"},"target":{"userId":"APhe68Has7QXmEFRmxhe9MGcLK2t","intent":""}}
and the userId that it shows is the same as the one that shows on the request tab in the simulator
"user": {
"userId": "APhe68Has7QXmEFRmxhe9MGcLK2t",
"permissions": [
], ...
To my nearsighted eyes, it looks like the userId is OK. Anyone?
EDIT: It turns out that the error message is correct and so is the code. When I try testing the Action under a different identity the POST completes with a 200/OK status. What is slightly weird is that the user id that works is about twice as long as the one that does not. The one that does not has 2FA turned on but I don't know if that is significant.

REST API Multiple PUT or DELETE in one time

Greeting everyone, I have a datatable in my html page that I populated using REST API. I can create new row and also update or delete by selecting a row and clicking the edit or delete button.
But currently I am unable to delete update or delete multiple row at once due to url error,
e.g : PUT,7,9/ 404 (Not Found)
how can I split this this into several separate url with respective id when I update or delete.
e.g :
Below is my code, any help is much appreciated thank you.
idSrc: 'id',
ajax: {
create: {
type: 'POST',
url: content_path,
data: function (content_data) {
var create_data = {};
$.each(, function (id, value) {
create_data['name'] = value['name'];
create_data['description'] = value['description'];
create_data['category'] = value['category'];
return create_data;
success: function () {
edit: {
type: 'PUT',
url: '/dashboard/content_detail/_id_/',
data: function (content_data) {
var updated_data = {};
$.each(, function (id, value) {
updated_data['description'] = value['description'];
updated_data['category'] = value['category'];
updated_data['name'] = value['name'];
return updated_data;
success: function () {
remove: {
type: 'DELETE',
url: '/dashboard/content_detail/_id_/',
data: function (content_data) {
var deleted_data = {};
$.each(, function (id, value) {
deleted_data['id'] = id;
return deleted_data;
success: function () {
If you're going to allow the update of a large number of items at once, then PATCH might be your friend:
Looking at the RFC 6902 (which defines the Patch standard), from the client's perspective the API could be called like
PATCH /authors/{authorId}/book
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/dashboard/content_detail/5", "value": "test"},
{ "op": "remove", "path": "/dashboard/content_detail", "value": [ "7", "9" ]}
From a design perspective you don't want several ids in your url.
I would prefer single calls for each change, thinking in resources you only manipulate one at a time.
In case this is a perfomance issue, I recommend a special url marked with action or something simliar, to make clear this ist not REST.
In HTTP it is not required for information to only exist on a single resource. It is possible to have multiple resources that represent the same underlying data.
It's therefore not out of the question to create a resource that 'represents' a set of other resources that you wish to DELETE or PUT to.
I do agree that it might not be the most desirable. I think we tend to prefer having information only exist in a single part of tree, and I think we like to avoid situations where updating a resource effects a secondary resource's state. However, if you are looking for a strictly RESTful solution to solve this problem, I think it's the right way.
Therefore a url design such as:
Is not necessarily non-RESTful or goes against the HTTP protocol. The fact that you're getting a 404 on that URL currently has to do with your application framework, not the protocol (HTTP) or architecture (REST) of your API.
However, for cases such as these I feel I would personally be inclined to sometimes create a separate POST endpoint that, acting outside of REST like an RPC endpoint. Specifically for these types of batch requests.

How to read a collection that depends on another one in Meteor

I'm trying to load the latest post from a collection and at the same time all of the comments of that same post. The collection have references instead of storing the whole documents inside each other:
Post { title, body, etc..}
Comment { postId, body, etc.. }
I'm using iron-router as the routing package and in the route of my page I'm subscribing with this way:
this.route('home', {
path: '/',
template: 'home',
waitOn: function () {
return [
The code that retrieves the post is simply:
Posts.findOne({}, {sort:{createdAt:-1, limit:1}});
Now the problem is that I don't know how to retrieve the comments without reading the whole collection. I can't subscribe in the router as I still do not have the post ID to query the Comments collection.
I guessed I could do that from the Template, but of course if I query the Comments collection, it's still empty. But I do have the postId as it's inside the Posts collection at that time. But I would need to trigger a subscription from the Template and that doesn't sound like a clean solution.
What would the best practice be? Thanks!
Server side code:
Meteor.publish("latestPost", function () {
var post = Posts.find({}, {sort:{created:-1}}).fetch()[0];
console.log("publish : " + post.title);
return [
Posts.find({_id: post._id}),
Comments.find({postId: post._id})
Client side code:
this.route('home', {
path: '/',
template: 'home',
waitOn: function () {
return [
return {
Check this repository to see whole example.
After user changes to another route, then subcriptions are being automatically stopped.
I would also include a limit in the server side finder options
{sort : {created : -1}, limit : 1}

Using HATEOAS and Backbone.js

I've started experimenting with Backbone.js, and was struck by the documentation for the documentation for the url property on Backbone.Model.
In particular, I'm building out a REST API that uses HATEOAS/hypermedia to drive the client(s).
I can see the usefulness of Backbone's default behaviour of building up URLs itself for items in a collection, but for my case, would prefer to have the model URLs built out of the data that is parsed.
Has anyone extended/built on Backbone to make it do this? Maybe building upon a "standard" like HAL?
For clarification, let's say I have the following:
GET /orders >>
"_links": {
"self": "/orders/123"
"name": "Order #123",
"date": "2012/02/23"
"_links": {
"self": "/orders/6666"
"name": "Order #666",
"date": "2012/03/01"
and I have an Order model like:
var Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
I would like the url property to be automatically pulled out of the "self" reference in the HAL. I think creating a new base model something like (not tested):
var HalModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: function() {
return get("_links").self;
I've extended backbone to do exactly this, the library is available here:
Thanks for the clarification #Pete.
I think I see what your proposing and I suppose it could work. However, in your example, you first had to know the /Orders url before you were able to get the orders. And if you reworked your json to have an id property, you'd be pretty close to the default implementation of backbone.
Now if you just want to use a generic model or base model (e.g. HALModel) and just bootstrap it with data, your approach could be useful and definitely could work. However, I would look at overriding parse to pull the url out and set it on the model:
parse: function(response) {
this.url = response._links.self;
delete response._links;
return response;
I complement here the response of Simon to explain how to easily do it using gomoob/backbone.hateoas.
// Instanciation of an Hal.Model object is done the same way as you're
// used to with a standard Backbone model
var user = new Hal.Model({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
_links: {
avatar: {
href: "http://localhost/api/users/1/avatar.png"
self: {
href: "http://localhost/api/users/1"
_embedded: {
address: {
"city" : "Paris",
"country" : "France",
"street" : "142 Rue de Rivoli",
"zip" : "75001",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost/api/addresses/1"
// Now we you can easily get links, those lines are equivalent
var link1 = user.getLink('avatar');
var link2 = user.getLinks().get('avatar');
// So getting self link is simple too
var self = user.getLink('self');
// All the Hal.Link objects returned by backbone.hateoas are in fact
// standard Backbone models so its standard Backbone
// You can do more with shortcut methods if your HAL links
// have more properties
// You can also manipulate embedded resources if you need
Finally we provide an Hal.Model.url() implementation which is more powerful than standard Backbone url() and which is very useful if you use HAL.
// By default url() returns the href of the self link if this self
// link is present
// If the self link is not defined then url() has the same behavior
// as standard Backbone url() method
// My user is link to a user collection having a URL equal to
// 'http://localhost/user1'
user.url(); // http://localhost/users/1
// My user is not link to a user collection in this case the URL is
// generate using the model urlRoot property by default
user.urlRoot = 'http://myserver/users';
user.url(); // http://localhost/users/1
// backbone.hateoas also allows you to define an application wide root
// URL which prevent to use absolute URLs everywhere in your code
Hal.urlRoot = 'http://localhost/api'; // HAL root API URL
var user = new Hal.Model({ id : 1});
user.urlMiddle = 'users';
user.url(); // http://localhost/api/users/1
Hope this helps, don't hesitate to post issues on our github if you need help on this.
You can override the url function on the model to calculate the URL however you want; it's completely extensible.