I can't run commands in cmd access denied as administrator - access-denied

as administrator I cannot execute commands in cmd, access denied, nor does it allow me to run gpedit, change settings on network adapters, or change permissions on any folder.

Click Windows button and write "command"
Then you'll get "Run as administration".


Access denied in Window10 running powershell as administrator

I run the cmd prompt as administrator.
The cmd is attrib +h +s +r filename.png
.But the error Access denied is appeared.Can someone help me to get through .I already searching in google .Nothing have solved it yet.
You can change your permissions to the file, remove TrustedInstaller and add yourself make sure you check everything on, then try again.

TeamCity BuildAgent does not see the network drive

I want to copy the file to a network drive using build agent (powershell or cmd (Build Steps)).
# or
cd P:\foolder\
# ...
But the commands don't work. Build log: "Disk P not found".
The disk is connected via windows. When running from windows, the commands work.
I assume java/BuildAgent doesn't have rights. But my user has rights. And java, and BuildAgent runs under my user.
Please, do not offer FTP
Open command prompt as Administrator
bind your drive again using below command
net use x: \\\Share
again do the same in Command prompt without administrator (if its not bounded)

I need permission from myself to delete folders w/Powershell

I am trying to delete some folders on my C: drive, but I cannot remove them after we got switched over to using AD and Group policy on our domain. When I try to delete the folder it tells me "You require permission from OURDOMAIN\matt.johnson to make changes to this folder", but then if I open up powershell and run whoami it tells my I am 'OURDOMAIN\matt.johnson'... so why do I still not have permission to delete it! I even tried using takeown then rmdir and I still get permission denied errors.
Well, not exactly a PowerShell issue but more about user rights elevation in the post-XP OSes.
Right click on PowerShell Icon, and choose "runas Administrator", then run your command.

Psexec "run as (remote) admin"

I wrote some c# code that uses PSexe.
I want it to run a remote exe on a machine connected to my LAN.
That exe creates a new local user.
When I run that exe locally on the remote machine (after right click --> "run as Admin") - it works fine.
I don;t know how to simulate the right click --> "run as Admin" from Psexec.
I have tried the -l flag but it didn't work
Simply add a -h after adding your credentials using a -u -p, and it will run with elevated privileges.
Use psexec -s
The s switch will cause it to run under system account which is the same as running an elevated admin prompt. just used it to enable WinRM remotely.

Starting/Stopping a service on Windows 2008 Server from the command line - access denied

I am trying to start a service from the command line using "net start SERVICENAME" and I get an access denied error.
I am an administrator on this server since I am in a domain group that are admins on the server. I can start/stop the service from the Services tool.
I am new to 2008/Vista so maybe I am just missing something..
I did not use "run as administrator". Is this something new in 2008? Where do I find this option?
This might work:
runas /user:administrator net start
Type cmd into the search box in the start menu.
Right click on cmd.exe and Run As Administrator.
You could also create a shortcut to cmd and set the shortcut to run as administrator if this is something you're going to do often.
Alternatively, you could:
runas /user:DOMAIN\Administrator cmd
To launch another shell with admin privileges.
In case you needed to run more than one command as the administrator...