unsupported frontend protocol 1234.5680: server supports 2.0 to 3.0 - postgresql

I am running confluence 7.9.1 and postgres 10 but when we start only postgres container it doesn't throw below logs
unsupported frontend protocol 1234.5680: server supports 2.0 to 3.0
but when we start confluence with version 7.9.1 , postgres container will throw above logs.
Anyone know how we can resolve this since we tried PGGSSENCMODE=disable in env but it didnt help.

We resolved this by using new postgresql-42.2.18.jar which we replaced with postgresql-42.2.16.jar
suggested here : https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-60515?error=login_required&error_description=Login+required&state=14f30dda-a08b-4f9d-9841-ed77c8e91c79
Thank you for your support.

For those who are using postgresql-42.2.16.jar or prior and are looking to quiet this error without upgrading the JDBC jar, you can use the following option in the connection string - note case sensitivity:


RDS upgrade postgres version 13.1, unsupported DB Instance Class

I'm trying to upgrade from version 12.5 to the version 13.1 in RDS. But I'm receiving an error similar to the one described in this question: RDS does not support creating a DB instance with the following combination. As far as I understand in order to upgrade a proper version DB instance class should be selected. However the error message shows a previous selection, not a new one. Same message is received in Terraform setting up
engine_version = "13.1"
instance_class = "db.t3.small"
Screenshot from AWS showing the changes and message:
Copied error message to make it easier to research:
We're sorry, your request to modify DB instance [service-name] has failed.
RDS does not support creating a DB instance with the following combination: DBInstanceClass=db.t2.small, Engine=postgres, EngineVersion=13.1, LicenseModel=postgresql-license. For supported combinations of instance class and database engine version, see the documentation.
Is there some key to allow_instance_class_change (a made up key) or something else I overlooked what prevents an upgrade? Thank you!
I would suggest upgrading to T3 first, then upgrading to PostgreSQL 13. If you need to do those at the same time you might have better luck going through the API, but I'm guessing the way the version 13 upgrade works you need to already be on a supported instance type for the upgrade to proceed.

ADD content-Type in postgres request?

I want use elasticsearch via zombodb extension so I use this query in postgres : CREATE INDEX idx_zdb_graduated ON masterview USING zombodb(zdb('masterview', masterview.ctid), zdb(masterview)) WITH (url='http://localhost:9200/'
but it has a this error
> ERROR: rc=406; {"error":"Content-Type header [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] is not supported","status":406}
I googled and i found that i should use -H'Content-Type:application/json' if I use curl to connect to elasticsearch . but i don't know how can I add content-type to my query ?
You probably use unsupported version's elastic search or postgresql or os.
I had same error with elastisearh version than 6 and fix it to version.
In my git repository, with debian 9, postgres:9.5, and elasticsearch:5.6.4 should work.

Mongo::Error::OperationFailure (not authorized on [db] to execute command....(13))

On my production server, I keep getting not authorized error randomly. The following is my setup:
MongoDB 3.2.1
Mongo (ruby driver) 2.2.3
Mongoid 5.1.1
bson 4.0.2
I don't have username and password configured in mongoid.yml. I only have uri configured to connect to remote database server.
I search-fu was weak, and couldn't find anything that could explain/help what's going on.
Any help would be much, much appreciated.
Thank you,
It seems like upgrading to mongo 3.x fixes the problem, as this jira ticket shows.

Anyone using hadoop_fdw with cloudera 5.2.0?

After painful installation of hadoop_fdw into our running pgsql 9.3.4, I am trying to connect it to cloudera cluster 5.2.0 with no luck.
Is there a way of debugging the fdw? After creating the foreign table and selecting from it, I just got an error - ERROR: failed to connect to Hive: No more data to read.
btw.: Some old version of hadoop_fdw was capable of using url (jdbc://server:port/args), but not the recent version, there's just address & port.
Hadoop_fdw didn'd make it. There's probably something wrong/old/obsolete in hive.c. But with even more effort we managed to make jdbc_fdw work with cloudera jdbc drivers. The steps were as follows:
1) install jdbc_fdw extension
2) merge all driver jar files into one
3) CREATE SERVER cloudera2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER jdbc_fdw OPTIONS(drivername 'com.cloudera.hive.jdbc4.HS2Driver',url 'jdbc:hive2://fqdn:10000;user=hive',querytimeout '15', jarfile '/opt/cloudera/combined.jar');
mental note: set client_min_messages to debug5; can help you identify where is the problem e.g.:driver not found etc

Heroku could not authenticate mongolab

It was corrected two days ago. And yesterday I committed some changes to heroku and the application crashed, I found from heroku logs that:
/app/.bundle/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/mongo-1.4.0/lib/mongo/db.rb:137:in `issue_authentication': Failed to authenticate user 'larryzhao' on db 'uthenera' (Mongo::AuthenticationError)
I even explicitly input the host/port/username/password/db name into mongoid.yml, still it could not get pass authentication.
I tried both database in Rackspace and in Amazon, but neither could authenticate.
Have you met with that before? Is there anything else I could check on Heroku besides heroku logs ?
Today I encountered the same on Heroku:
Mongo::AuthenticationError: Failed to authenticate user 'heroku_app111' on db 'heroku_app111'.
from /home/ad/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.3#app/gems/mongo-1.11.1/lib/mongo/functional/authentication.rb:205:in `issue_authentication'
It's not because of this RUBY-890 bug, but because MongoLab upgraded to MongoDB 3.0 which uses SCRAM-SHA-1 challenge-response user authentication mechanism. So I needed latest ruby mongo driver version which is counting with this. In my case latest 1.x branch.
The minimum driver versions that support SCRAM-SHA-1 are:
Driver Language Version
C 1.1.0
C++ 1.0.0
C# 1.10
Java 2.13
Node.js 1.4.29
Perl 0.708.0.0
PHP 1.6
Python 2.8
Motor 0.4
Ruby 1.12
Scala 2.8.0
Of course you have to be sure your credentils are ok :)
Make sure you're using the right username to connect to your database. The username you use to log into mongolab.com is different from the one attached to the 'uthenera' database. Have a look at the Users tab for that database at mongolab.com to see what database user(s) you've configured.
Hope that helps. Feel free to email support#mongolab.com if you need further assistance.
You can get your database username and password using:
heroku config | grep MONGODB_URI
The response is in this format:
MONGOLAB_URI: mongodb://username:password#mlab.com:12345/db