Custom PostgreSQL Dockerfile - postgresql

I am trying to create multiple PostgreSQL databases using Dockerfile and create a container from this image.
My sample setup looks like this:
FROM postgres:11.8
COPY init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
In order to build the docker image and SSH into a running container I run the following commands:
docker build -t postgres:v11.8 .
docker run -it postgres:v11.8 bash
One of the problems that I'm facing right now is the error below as soon as I try to connect using psql -U postgres command:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket
The second issue I have is how to make the separate lines within init.sql (CREATE DATABASE ) into a single line or loop?
Thanks, guys!

I'm not sure, but when you run your docker image only with -it flags that way it's not really running the PostgreSQL process. First, run your container as its should without the flags with:
docker container run --name db <your-custom-image>:<tag>
After that, if you want to enter the container's bash then run with -it flags with the correct container name (db).


Docker Postgres data host volume mapping

I'm trying to docker-containerize PostgreSQL server and this container will have many other applications as well. The need is that, PostgreSQL server data should be mapped to the host volume so that when container is stopped, we won't lose the data. Also that, the next time when we start the container, the same directory can be mapped again and postgres can use the old data. Below is the DOCKERFILE. Note that I'm using ubuntu 22.04 on the host.
FROM ubuntu:22.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt install -y postgresql
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
Docker image is built using the command
docker build -t pg_test .
and the container is run using the command
docker run --name test -v /home/me/data:/var/lib/postgresql/14/main pg_test
'/home/me/data' is the host directory which is empty where I want to map the postgres server data. '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main' is the directory inside the docker container where the postgres is supposed to store the data.
Once the docker container starts, I enter the docker container using the command
docker exec -it test bash
and once I'm inside, I'm trying to start the PostgreSQL service. But PostgreSQL fails to start as there is no data in '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main' directory. I understand that since I have mapped an empty host directory to '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main' directory, postgres doesn't have the files required to start.
I understand that I'm doing it the wrong way, but I couldn't find a way around it. Can anyone please help me to do this the right way, if there is one?
Any help would be appreciable.
You should use the postgres docker image, it will set up the db for you when you start the container, you can find instructions on
If you must use a custom image, you will need to initialize the db yourself, usually by running initdb or whatever your system provides.
But really you should use the appropriate docker image, and if you need more services you start them in their own container and connect them to the postgres one

Backup PostgreSQL database running in a container on Digital Ocean

I'm a newbie to Docker, I'm working on a project that written by another developer, the project is running on Digital Ocean Ubuntu 18.04. It consists of 2 containers (1 container for Django App, 1 container for PostgreSQL database).
It is required from me now to get a backup of database, I found a bash file written by previous programmer:
### Create a database backup.
### Usage:
### $ docker-compose -f <environment>.yml (exec |run --rm) postgres backup
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset
working_dir="$(dirname ${0})"
source "${working_dir}/_sourced/"
source "${working_dir}/_sourced/"
message_welcome "Backing up the '${POSTGRES_DB}' database..."
if [[ "${POSTGRES_USER}" == "postgres" ]]; then
message_error "Backing up as 'postgres' user is not supported. Assign 'POSTGRES_USER' env with another one and try again."
exit 1
backup_filename="${BACKUP_FILE_PREFIX}_$(date +'%Y_%m_%dT%H_%M_%S').sql.gz"
pg_dump | gzip > "${BACKUP_DIR_PATH}/${backup_filename}"
message_success "'${POSTGRES_DB}' database backup '${backup_filename}' has been created and placed in '${BACKUP_DIR_PATH}'."
my first question is:
is that command right? i mean if i ran:
docker-compose -f production.yml (exec |run --rm) postgres backup
Would that create a backup for my database at the written location?
Second question: can I run this command while the database container is running? or should I run docker-compose down then run the command for backup then run docker-compose up again.
Sure you can run that script to backup, one way to do it is executing a shell in container with docker-compose exec db /bin/bash and then run that script.
Other way is running a new postgres container attached to the postgres container network:
docker run -it --name pgback -v /path/backup/host:/var/lib/postgresql/data --network composeNetwork postgres /bin/bash
this will create a new postgres container attached to the network created with compose, with a binding volume attached, then you can create this script in the container and back up the database to the volume to save it to other place out of container.
Then when you want to backup simple start docker container and backup:
docker start -a -i pgback
You dont need to create other compose file, just copy the script to he container and run it, also you could create a new postgres image with the script and run it from CMD, just to run the container, there are plenty ways to do it.

A container is a database server. How to ask it's Dockerfile to complete its construction after that container has started?

I am using a postgis/postgis Docker image to set a database server for my application.
The database server must have a tablespace created, then a database.
Then each time another application will start from another container, it will run a Liquibase script that will update the database schema (create tables, index...) when needed.
On a terminal, to prepare the database container, I'm running these commands :
# Run a naked Postgis container
sudo docker run --name ecoemploi-postgis
-d -v /data/comptes-france:/data/comptes-france postgis/postgis
# Send 'bash level' commands to create the directory for the tablespace
sudo docker exec -it ecoemploi-postgis
bin/sh -c 'mkdir /tablespace && chown postgres:postgres /tablespace'
Then to complete my step 1, I have to run SQL statements to create the tablespace in a PostGIS point of view, and create the database by a CREATE DATABASE.
I connect myself, manually, under the psql of my container :
sudo docker exec -it ecoemploi-postgis bin/sh
-c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR"
-p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres'
And I run manally these commands :
But I would like to have a container created from a single Dockerfile having done all the needed work. The difficulty is that it has to be done in two parts :
One before the container is started. (creating directories, granting them user:group).
One after it is started for the first time : declaring the tablespace and creating the base. If I understand well the base image I took, it should be done after an entrypoint has been run ?
What is the good way to write a Dockerfile creating a container having done all these steps ?
The PostGIS image "is based on the official postgres image", so it should be able to use the /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d mechanism. Any files you put in that directory will be run the first time the database container is started. The postgis Dockerfile already uses this directory to install the PostGIS extensions into the default database.
That means you can put your build-time setup directly into the Dockerfile, and copy the startup-time script into that directory.
FROM postgis/postgis:12-3.0
RUN mkdir /tablespace && chown postgres:postgres /tablespace
COPY createdb.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/20-createdb.sql
# Use default ENTRYPOINT/CMD from base image
For the particular setup you describe, this may not be necessary. Each database runs in an isolated filesystem space and starts with an empty data directory, so there's not a specific need to create an alternate data directory; Docker style is to just run multiple databases if you need isolated storage. Similarly, the base postgres image will create a database for you at first start (named by the POSTGRES_DB environment variable).
In order to run a container, your Dockerfile must be functional and completed.
you must enter the queries in a bash file and in the last line you have to enter an ENTRYPOINT with this bash script

How can i persist my data in docker/postgres container?

I know there are probably many ways to do this. What I am looking for is a way to do it using (preferably) only my DockerFile and one container.
Here is my current dockerfile:
FROM postgres:latest
Here is the command I used to build this container:
docker built -t my_db .
And here is the command that I use to run the container:
docker run -p 5432:5432 my_db
What I would like to do is have the data stored in the container if possible, but I don't seem to understand how or where postgres stores it's data. I saw on another stack overflow post that postgres will store it by default in /var/lib/postgresql/data however when I look in that folder I see nothing. I can however verify that postgres is running because I am using a client called teamSQL and from that client I can create tables and insert/read data.
I can also verify that when i stop the container and restart the data is definitely not persisted.
Note: this is running in OSx but I don't think that is relevant.
You should use Docker volumes, so when you stop your container, data will persist on host machine, and when you start container again data will be mounted to it
docker volume create pgdata
docker run -p 5432:5432 -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data my_db

Creating a running Postgres service inside a docker container

I'm a bit new to Docker.
I have two containers running using docker-compose.
One is the API and the other is the actual application.
I want to add a new DB container using the Postgres official image.
It's a bit hard to find a simple tutorial on how to create the container and populate it with a predefined sql file (of schemas and data).
When I start with "CMD /etc/init.d/postgresql start" in the Dockerfile I get an error saying: "No PostgreSQL clusters exist; see "man pg_createcluster" ... (warning)."
Since it takes me too much time to get things going I was wondering if it might be better to get an Ubuntu image and install Postgres on my own since there is only one source on how to use the image - docker hub, and I don't seem to understand it that well.
Any ideas or simple steps on how to compose and 'configure' this image?
If you want populate your database with some file, A simply way to do this is:
How to extend this image
If you would like to do additional initialization in an image derived
from this one, add one or more *.sql, *.sql.gz, or *.sh scripts under
/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d (creating the directory if necessary).
After the entrypoint calls initdb to create the default postgres user
and database, it will run any *.sql files and source any *.sh scripts
found in that directory to do further initialization before starting
the service.
FROM postgres:alpine
COPY init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql
version: '3'
//your app definition
build: .
Pull the postgres image
docker pull postges:14.2
Create the service with the below command
docker service create --name postgres --network my_overlay --env "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password" --publish 5432:5432 postgres:14.2
Try to connect using userName as postgres and password as password to the default postgres db.
jdbc:postgresql:// // JDBC connection