How to implement a customized spinner to select time in flutter - flutter

I am currently trying to implement a time select Widget, it should look something like this:
And it should work like shown in this video:
I would like to have the design, shown in the picture combined with the wheel in the video to select a specific time.
But I am struggling with this for a while. I know there is a package: flutter_time_picker_spinner, but I count't find any way to customize the spinner in the way I need to (like in the picture: Image_Link )
I hope I gave enough information, if something is still unclear please tell me.

My approach would be download and style it as you like.

You can use ListWheelScrollView to get the result you are looking for. Style each individual button the way you want and add them as children. From there you can style the ListWheelScrollView to get your desired look.


Create a menu on avatar click

I've been searching for quite a while now, and I don't know if I'm not searching the correct term, but I want to make a menu that displays over the current screen when you click on your avatar.
Like this one from Google:
Or this one from Facebook:
I tried using showMenu(), but this one requires that I use PopUpMenuItem() which is, but it does not allow customizing the whole menu. For what I understand, I have to draw a Material() widget or Stack() over the current screen, but I have no knowledge on that.
What you need is an OverlayEntry. They're tricky, and there are packages that help you manage overlays more easily. Please check these:

Is there a way to transform a list item to a popup?

I want to achieve a similar effect as shown in the gif. The List should also push away a bit.
Try making it a list of custom components component and on click / select you change it's properties to be bigger as in the gif. This might help:

How to create a Circular row in flutter?

After a lot of searches, I still can't create a Circular Row Like the Image below. this screenshot is from MetaTrader4.
I think what you need is a CustomMultiChildLayout.
Look at this tutorial on how to use it:

Flutter Web background with opacity

I want page that has opacitiy on its background, so the user can see previous page's layout even in the second page. I try to use showDialog(), but it wasn't the answer, since it does not have routename. I will attach the picture that I want. Please help.
What I want
You can check this answer on SO, is similar.
Or do it in a different way and use Stack and Opacity widgets to achieve this.

how to display drop-down in iphone, like in this image

I want to display drop down menu like the one you see in this image
(below From and To)
How can i create that? Any good tutorial.
Best regards
You will have to use UIPicker for this purpose.This is used as a dropdown whereever needed in iPhone.
Please refer the link below
How to create drop down list box for an iphone app
It looks like that app is using a combination of a UIWebView and an html select tag. To do something similar would involve a solid bit of html and javascript hackery, but in essence would be:
Create a UIWebView and inject the appropriate HTML into it to make the dropdown.
User uses dropdown as if it was in mobile safari and picks something.
When you need it, you use a javascript call with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: to grab the value of the dropdown by id and pass it back to your code.
There are a few gotchas here, mainly with constructing the dropdown and the webview such that it's big enough to show the expanded dropdown but transparent to see under it when the dropdown is not expanded, it's not scrollable, and that sort of thing.
I wonder if a UIActionsheet might be better ... you could easy make a button to call the sheet. Adding multiple buttons to the sheet transforms it into a table that you can scroll.