Generic filter for ActiveMQ to consume message based on filter - kubernetes

I have 2 microservices - service A and service B. For service A there is one pod running, and for service B there are two pods. Service A publishes messages on an ActiveMQ, and service B consumes it.
There are two pods for service B so I want to have a generic filter so that pod 1 of Service B consumes the message based on the given generic filter and pod 2 consumes the messages based on the given generic filter.
For Example, there is a userId in the payload and if the userId is even then I want pod 1 to consume and userId is odd then I want pod 2 to consume.
Can any one let me know that how to do this.

I understand how you could have a use case for this scenario. You can use a destinationInterceptor to perform a broker-side filter using a selector. I don't generally recommend this, since it generally requires a broker restart to make changes to the filtering rules.
If load traffic load is medium (less than 10M messages per day and/or less ~300 msg/s peak) you can readily use a Camel route to filter traffic using a content-based-router pattern (CBR) and support making changes to the filter rules (ie.. a new userId is added or one is removed).
producer -> queue://PRE.SORT -> Camel route CBR consumes
Then the Camel route doing CBR produces messages in the queue(s) based on the userId values
NOTE: Camel is very capable of handling over 10M messages a day and 300 msg/s. I'm providing these 'medium' sizing metrics as a guideline to where you can set it up quickly and not worry too much about performance tuning, etc.


Architecture for ML jobs platform

I'm building a platform to run ML jobs.
Jobs will be started from an interface.
I'm making a service for each type of jobs. Some times, a service S1 might require to first make a request to another service S2 and get its output before running its own job.
Each service is split into 2 Kubernetes deployment:
one that will pull the message from a topic, check it and persist it to a database (D1)
one that will read request from the database, run the actual job, update the request state in the database and then answer to the client (D2)
Here is the flow:
interface generates a PubSub message to a topic T1
D1 pulls message from T1 and persist a request to a database
D2 sees the new request in the database and runs it then update its state in the database and answer to the client
To answer to the client, D2 has 2 options:
push a message to a pubsub topic T2 that will continiously be checked by the client. An id is passed in both request and response so that only the client can pull it from the topic.
use a callback provided by the client to make a POST request
What do you think abouut this architecture ? Does the usage of PubSub makes sense ? Also does it make sense to split each service into 2 deployment (1 that deals with request, 1 that runs the actual job ) ?
interface generates a PubSub message to a topic T1 D1 pulls message
from T1 and persist a request to a database
If there's only one database, I'm not sure I see much advantage in using a topic (implying pub/sub). Another approach would be to use a queue: the interface creates jobs into the queue, then you can have any number of workers processing it. Depending on the situation you may not even need the database at all - if all the data needed can be in the message in the queue.
use a callback provided by the client to make a POST request
That's better if you can do it, on the assumption that there's only one consumer for the event; pub/sub is more for broadcasting out to multiple consumers. Polling works but is really inefficient and has limits on how much it can scale.
Also does it make sense to split each service into 2 deployment (1
that deals with request, 1 that runs the actual job ) ?
Having separate deployables make sense if they are built by different teams and have a different release cadence or if you need to scale them out independently, otherwise it may not be necessary.

Microservice data replication patterns

In a microservice architecture, we usually have two ways for 2 microservices to communicate. Let’s say service A needs to get information from service B. The first option is a remote call, usually synchronous over HTTPS, so service A query an API hosted by service B.
The second option is adopting an event-driven architecture, where the state of service B can be published and consumed by service A in an asynchronous way. Using this model, service A can update its own database with the information from the service B’s events and all queries are made locally in this database. This approach has the advantage of a better decoupling of microservices, from development until operations. But it comes with some disadvantages related to data replication.
The first one is the high consumption of disk space, since the same data can reside in the databases of the microservices that need it. But the second one is worst in my opinion: data can become stale if service B can’t process its subscription as fast as needed, or it can’t be available for service A at the same time it’s created at service B, given the eventual consistency of the model.
Let’s say we’re using Kafka as an event hub, and its topics are configured to use 7 days of data retention. Service A is kept in sync as service B publishes its state. After two weeks, a new service C is deployed and its database needs to be enriched with all information that service B holds. We can only get partial information from Kafka topics since the oldest events are gone. My question here is what are the patterns we can use to achieve this microservice’s database enrichment (besides asking service B to republish all its current state to the event hub).
There are 2 options:
You can enable log compaction for Kafka for an individual topic. That will keep the most recent value for a given key discarding old updates. This saves space and also holds more data than the normal mode for a given retention period
Assuming you take a backup of service B DB on a daily basis, on introduction of a new service C, you need to first create the initial state of C from the latest backup of B and then replay the Kafka topic events from the particular offset id that represents the data after the backup.
Your concern is right but at the same time Microservices approach is give and take. You get loose coupling at the cost of individual data base for each service. There is no right answer to microservices architecture and really depends on what you are trying to achieve.
According to CAP theorem you have to compromise between consistency and availability and in most cases we go with eventual consistency . If your service A is not consistent with B then it will eventually be and that's the trade off at the cost of availability.
Another thing regarding microservice is that you only keep the reference of data from other service and may be very limited actual data from other service but definitely not much. And that too only if replicating the data is making your service independent and autonomouse, if you can't achieve any of it even after replicating the data then there is no point. e.g. Your shipping service will have complete history of order transition , but your booking service only have the latest status of order (e.g. in transit , On board etc) . User goes to booking and you show the current status of the order. But if user click details you get all the order transition history from shipping microservice. Now at some point your shipping service goes down and your user comes to check the status you at-least have current order status even when you can't show the details because order status is replicated in the booking service.
Regarding new services joining the system at later stage , Event sourcing is the pattern that you use for these kind of scenarios. Its complex pattern but it will bring your newly added services to the state at which you want them to be. You basically save all your events in an event store and replay them to attain the current state of the system and pre-populate service C database with those events.

Changing number of partitions for a reliable actor service

When I create a new Service Fabric actor the underlying (auto generated) actor service is configured to use 10 partitions.
I'm wondering how much I need to care about this value?
In particular, I wonder whether the Actor Runtime has support for changing the number of partitions of an actor service on a running cluster.
The Partition Service Fabric reliable services topic says:
In rare cases, you may end up needing more partitions than you have initially chosen. As you cannot change the partition count after the fact, you would need to apply some advanced partition approaches, such as creating a new service instance of the same service type. You would also need to implement some client-side logic that routes the requests to the correct service instance, based on client-side knowledge that your client code must maintain.
However, due to the nature of Actors and that they are managed by the Actor Runtime I'm tempted to believe that it would indeed be possible to do this. -- That the Actor Runtime would be able to take care of all the heavylifting required to re-partition actor instances.
Is that at all possible?
The number of partitions in a running service cannot be changed. This is true of Actors as well as Reliable Services. Typically, you would want to pick a large number of partitions (more than the number of nodes) up front and then scale out the number of nodes in the cluster instead of trying to repartition your data on the fly. Take a look at Abhishek and Matthew's comments in the discussion here for some ideas on how to estimate how many partitions you might need.

How can I reach a specific replica of a stateless service

I've created a stateless service within Service Fabric. It has a SingletonPartition, but multiple instances (InstanceCount is -1 in my case).
I want to communicate with a specific replica of this service. To find all replica's I use:
var fabricClient = new FabricClient();
var serviceUri = new Uri(SERVICENAME);
Partition partition = (await fabricClient.QueryManager.GetPartitionListAsync(serviceUri)).First();
foreach(Replica replica in await fabricClient.QueryManager.GetReplicaListAsync(partition.PartitionInformation.Id))
// communicate with this replica, but how to construct the proxy?
//var eventHandlerServiceClient = ServiceProxy.Create<IService>(new Uri(replica.ReplicaAddress));
The problem is that there is no overload of the ServiceProxy to create one to the replica. Is there another way to communicate with a specific replica?
The scenario we are building is the following. We have different moving parts with counter information: 1 named partitioned stateful service (with a couple of hundred partitions), 1 int64 partitioned stateful service, and 1 actor with state. To aggregate the counter information, we need to reach out to all service-partitions and actor-instances.
We could of course reverse it and let everyone send there counts to a single (partitioned) service. But that would add a network call in the normal flow (and thus overhead).
Instead, we came up with the following. The mentioned services&actors are combined into one executable and one servicemanifest. Therefore they are in the same process. We add a stateless service with instancecount -1 to the mentioned services&actors. All counter information is stored inside a static variable. The stateless service can read this counter information.
Now, we only need to reach out to the stateless service (which has an upper limit of the number of nodes).
Just to get some terminology out of the way first, "replica" only applies to stateful services where you have a unique replica set for each partition of a service and replicate state between them for HA. Stateless services just have instances, all of which are equal and identical.
Now to answer your actual question: ServiceProxy doesn't have an option to connect to a specific instance of a deployed stateless service. You have the following options:
Primary replica: connect to the primary replica of a stateful service partition.
Random instance: connect to a random instance of a stateless service.
Random replica: connect to a random replica - regardless of its role - of a stateful service partition.
Random secondary replica - connect to a random secondary replica of a stateful service partition.
ServiceProxy.Create<IMyService>(serviceUri, partitionKey, TargetReplicaSelector.RandomInstance)
So why no option to connect to a specific stateless service instance?
Well, I would turn this question around and ask why would you want to connect to a specific stateless service instance? By definition, each stateless instance should be identical. If you are keeping some state in there - like user sessions - then now you're stateful and should use stateful services.
You might think of intelligently deciding which instance to connect to for load balancing, but again since it's stateless, no instance should be doing more work than any other as long as requests are distributed evenly. And for that, Service Proxy has the random distribution option.
With that in mind, if you still have some reason to seek out specific stateless service instances, you can always use a different communication stack - like HTTP - and do whatever you want.
"Well, I would turn this question around and ask why would you want to connect to a specific stateless service instance?"
One example would be if you have multiple (3x) stateless service instances all having WebSocket connections to different clients, let's say 500 each. And you want to notify all 1500 (500x3) users of the same message, if it was possible to connect directly to a specific instance (which I would expect was possible, since I can query for those instances using the FabricClient), I could send a message to each instance which would redirect it to all connected clients.
Instead we have to come up with any of multiple workarounds:
Have all instances connect to some evented system that allows them to trigger on incoming message, e.g. Azure Event Hubs, Azure Service Bus, RedisCache.
Host an additional endpoint, as mentioned here, which makes it 3 endpoints pr service instance: WCF, WebSocket, HTTP.
Change to a stateful partitioned service which doesn't hold any state or any replicas, but simply allows to call partitions.
Currently having some serious issues with RedisCache so migrating away from that, and would like to avoid external dependencies such as Event Hubs and Service Bus just for this scenario.
Sending many messages each second, which will give additional overhead when having to call HTTP, and then the request need to transition over to the WebSocket context.
In order to target a specific instance of stateless service you can use named partitions. You can have a single instance per partition and use multiple Named partitions. For example, you can have 5 named partitions [0,1,2,3,4] each will have only one instance of the "service". Then you can call it like this
ServiceProxy.Create<IMyService>(serviceUri, partitionKey, TargetReplicaSelector.RandomInstance)
where partitionKey parameter will have one of values [0,1,2,3,4].
the real example would be
new ServicePartitionKey("0"), // One of "0,1,2,3,4"
This way you can choose one of 5 instances. But all 5 instancies may not be always available. For example during startup or when the service dies and SF is recreating or it is in InBuild stage... So for this reason you should run Partition discovery

HornetQ clustering topologies

I understand that in HornetQ you can do live-backup pairs type of clustering. I also noticed from the documentation that you can do load balancing between two or more nodes in a cluster. Are those the only two possible topologies? How would you implement a clustered queue pattern?
Let me answer this using two terminologies: One the core queues from hornetq:
When you create a cluster connection, you are setting an address used to load balance hornetq addresses and core-queues (including its direct translation into jms queues and jms topics), for the addresses that are part of the cluster connection basic address (usually the address is jms)
When you load balance a core-queue, it will be load balanced among different nodes. That is each node will get one message at the time.
When you have more than one queue on the same address, all the queues on the cluster will receive the messages. In case one of these queues are in more than one node.. than the previous rule on each message being load balanced will also apply.
In JMS terms:
Topic subscriptions will receive all the messages sent to the topic. Case a topic subscription name / id is present in more than one node (say same clientID and subscriptionName on different nodes), they will be load balanced.
Queues will be load balanced through all the existent queues.
Notice that there is a setting on forward when no consumers. meaning that you may not get a message if you don't have a consumer. You can use that to configure that as well.
How would you implement a clustered queue pattern?
Tips for EAP 6.1/HornetQ 2.3 To implement a distributed queue/topic:
Read the official doc for your version: e.g. for 2.3
Note that the old setting clusterd=true is deprecated, defining the cluster connection is enough, check that internal core bridges are created automatically / clustered=true is deprecated in 2.3+
take the full-ha configuration as a baseline or make sure you have jgroups properly set. This post goes deeply into the subject:
Without it, no errors are shown, the core bridge connection is
established... but messages are not being distributed, again no errors
or warnings at all...
make sure security domain and security realms, users, passwords, roles are properly set.
E.g. I confused the domain id ('other') with the realm id
('ApplicationRealm') and got auth errors, but the errors were
generic, so I wasted time checking users, passwords, roles... until I
eventually found out.
debug by enabling debug (