Spring Batch - abstract Step definition in Java configuration? - spring-batch

My Spring Batch Job configuration has 5 steps, all of which are identical except for the reader. Is there a way I can abstract out all of the other parts of the step into a "parent" step, so that I don't need to repeat everything? I know this can be done in XML, but I can't figure out the java equivalent.
Here's one of the steps:
public Step quarterlyStep(FileIngestErrorListener listener, ItemReader<DistributionItem> quarterlyReader) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("quarterlyStep")
.reader(quarterlyReader) // The only thing that changes among 5 different steps
Here's the definition of one of the readers:
public PoiItemReader<DistributionItem> yearEndReader(#Value("#{jobExecutionContext['filename']}") String filename) {
PoiItemReader<PortfolioFundsDistributionItem> reader = new PoiItemReader<>();
reader.setResource(new FileSystemResource(filename));
return reader;

You can do something like:
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private SimpleStepBuilder<Integer, Integer> createBaseStep(String stepName) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get(stepName)
.<Integer, Integer>chunk(5)
public Step step1(ItemReader<Integer> itemReader) {
return createBaseStep("step1")
public Step step2(ItemReader<Integer> itemReader) {
return createBaseStep("step2")


How can I enable or disable a Step dynamically reading the enableStatus from the Database?

public Step step1(){
return stepBuilderFactory.get("checkInfo").<A, B>chunk(10)
I have created this step called "checkInfo", and i have other steps with other name. In my database I have a table "STEPS" with the name of the step and if it is enabled or disabled.
So i have to chain only the steps enabled to my JOB.
public void getActiveSteps(){
stepsList = stepManagementRepository.findAllByActive(true);
for (StepManagement s : stepsList){
I get all of the active ones in this function. The problem is, how can I get the step i want by the name saved on my DB? (So then i can use the .next() in the job, only if the step is active)
public Job runJob(){
SimpleJobBuilder jobBuilder = jobBuilderFactory.get("mainCalculationJob")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
return jobBuilder.build();
I solved getting bean by name:
#Bean(name = "checkInfo")
public Step step1(){
return stepBuilderFactory.get("checkInfo").<A, B>chunk(10)
public Job runJob(){
SimpleJobBuilder jobBuilder = jobBuilderFactory.get("mainCalculationJob")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
.start((Step) context.getBean("checkInfo"));
return jobBuilder.build();

My spring batch step keeps looping after reaching build

This section reads in the file from our server, processes it, writes it out and archives it.
public Step step1() {
log.info("Made if to step1");
System.out.println("Made it to Step 1");
return this.stepBuilderFactory.get("step1")
.<PaymentTransaction, PaymentTransaction>chunk(10)
public JobExecutionDecider decider() {
System.out.println("Made it to the decider");
return (jobExecution, stepExecution) -> new FlowExecutionStatus("Success"); }
public FlowJobBuilder job() {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("BenefitIssuance")
However when it reaches the build() step at the end, it loops back to the reader
As mentioned in the comments, I don't see why the job() method returns a FlowJobBuilder and not a Job. The following job definition does not loop back on the same step:
public Job job() {
return jobs.get("job")

How do I create custom ItemReader for each step in my Spring Batch project

I am trying to use a custom reader, processor and writer in each step:
public Step step1(StepBuilderFactory factory,
ItemReader reader,
ExpireAssessmentWriter writer,
AssessmentItemProcessor processor,
PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager){
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1")
//update aggregate balance table
public Step step2(StepBuilderFactory factory,
ItemReader reader,
BalanceItemWriter writer,
BalanceProcessor processor,
PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager){
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step2")
public Step step3(StepBuilderFactory factory,
ItemReader<Assessment> reader,
CustomWriter3 writer,
CustomItemProcessor3 processor,
PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager){
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step3")
The first steps works fine but thats only when I leave this reader in the same class:
private static final String READER_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE COLUMN='TEST'";
public JdbcCursorItemReader<Assessment> reader(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcCursorItemReaderBuilder<Assessment>()
.rowMapper(new AssessmentMapper())
How can I create a custom reader for each of these steps that will read it's own query?
Can I create a custom reader that extends JdbcCursorItemReader
and returns this same snippet of code? :
public JdbcCursorItemReader<Assessment> reader(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JdbcCursorItemReaderBuilder<Assessment>()
.rowMapper(new AssessmentMapper())
Since the item type is the same for all steps, you can create a method that accepts a query and returns an item reader:
public JdbcCursorItemReader<Assessment> getReader(DataSource dataSource, String query) {
return new JdbcCursorItemReaderBuilder<Assessment>()
.name("AssessmentUtilityReader") // can be passed as a parameter as well
.rowMapper(new AssessmentMapper())
Then call this method in each step definition and pass the required query for each step.
To Turn your reader in a custom component, which can be autowired, add the following class:
public class AssessmentUtilityReader extends JdbcCursorItemReader<Assessment> {
public AssessmentUtilityReader(final DataSource dataSource) {
setRowMapper(new AssessmentMapper());
// language=SQL
Hint: The Comment (// language=SQL) is an hint for IntelliJ to use SQL highlighting in the following lines. It's optional.
Simply autowire in steps definition:
public Step step3(StepBuilderFactory factory,
AssessmentUtilityReader<Assessment> assessmentUtilityReader,
CustomWriter3 writer,
CustomItemProcessor3 processor,
PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager){
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step3")

Can multi job Spring Batch app load minimum set of beans? [duplicate]

I have a Spring Batch project with multiple jobs (job A, job B, job C,...). When I run a particular job A, I got the log of the job A shows that all of the beans of job B, C,... are created too. Is there any way to avoid the creation of the other beans when job A is launched.
I have tried to use #Lazy annotation but it 's seem not working.
public class BatchConfiguration {
public JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
public DataSource springDataSource;
public DataSource batchJobDataSource;
public class B extends BatchConfiguration {
private String partnerId;
public Job ProcessB(JobCompletionNotificationListener listener) {
return jobBuilderFactory
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public Step (ProcessStepB() {
return stepBuilderFactory
.<PartnerDTO, PartnerDTO> chunk(1)
#Bean(destroyMethod = "")
public Reader getPartner() {
return new Reader(batchJobDataSource,partnerId);
public Processor process() {
return new Processor();
HistoryWriter historyWriter() {
return new HistoryWriter(batchJobDataSource);
UpdateWriter updateWriter() {
return new UpdateWriter(batchJobDataSource);
public CompositeItemWriter<PartnerDTO> saveTransaction() {
List<ItemWriter<? super PartnerDTO>> delegates = new ArrayList<>();
CompositeItemWriter<PartnerDTO> itemWriter = new CompositeItemWriter<>();
return itemWriter;
I have also put the #Lazy over the #Configuration but it does work too.
That should not be an issue. But here are a few ideas to try:
Use Spring profiles to isolate job beans
If you use Spring Boot 2.2+, try to activate the lazy bean initialization mode
Package each job in its own jar. This is the best option IMO.

Spring Batch: AsyncItemProcessor and AsyncItemWriter

1) I have a large file (> 100k lines) that needs to be processed. I have a lot of business validation and checks against external systems for each line item. The code is being migrated from a legacy app and i just put these business logic into the AsyncitemProcessor, which also persists the data into the DB. Is this a good practise to create/save records in the ItemProcessor (in lieu of ItemWriter) ?
2) Code is ::
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.liquidation.lpid")
#EntityScan(basePackages = "com.liquidation.lpid.entities")
public class SimpleJobConfiguration {
public JobRepository jobRepository;
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private SessionFactory myFtpSessionFactory;
public JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor lpidItemTaskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor tExec = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return tExec;
public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution){
String name = stepExecution.getStepName();
System.out.println("name: " + name);
public SomeItemWriterListener someItemWriterListener(){
return new SomeItemWriterListener();
public FlatFileItemReader<FieldSet> lpidItemReader(#Value("#{stepExecutionContext['fileResource']}") String fileResource) {
System.out.println("itemReader called !!!!!!!!!!! for customer data" + fileResource);
FlatFileItemReader<FieldSet> reader = new FlatFileItemReader<FieldSet>();
reader.setResource(new ClassPathResource("/data/stage/"+ fileResource));
DefaultLineMapper<FieldSet> lineMapper = new DefaultLineMapper<FieldSet>();
DelimitedLineTokenizer tokenizer = new DelimitedLineTokenizer();
reader.setSkippedLinesCallback(new LineCallbackHandler() {
public void handleLine(String line) {
if (line != null) {
lineMapper.setFieldSetMapper(new PassThroughFieldSetMapper());
return reader;
public ItemWriter<FieldSet> lpidItemWriter() {
return new LpidItemWriter();
private MultiFileResourcePartitioner multiFileResourcePartitioner;
public Step masterStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("masterStep")
.partitioner(slaveStep().getName(), multiFileResourcePartitioner)
public ItemProcessListener<FieldSet,String> processListener(){
return new LpidItemProcessListener();
public Step slaveStep() {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("slaveStep")
.listener(new ChunkListener())
public AsyncItemWriter<FieldSet> asyncItemWriter(){
AsyncItemWriter<FieldSet> asyncItemProcessor = new AsyncItemWriter<>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return asyncItemProcessor;
public ItemProcessor<FieldSet, FieldSet> processor() {
return new lpidCheckItemProcessor();
public AsyncItemProcessor<FieldSet, FieldSet> asyncItemProcessor() {
AsyncItemProcessor<FieldSet, FieldSet> asyncItemProcessor = new AsyncItemProcessor<FieldSet, FieldSet>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return asyncItemProcessor;
public Job job() throws Exception {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("job").incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer()).start(masterStep()).build();
The itemwriter runs before the itemprocessor has completed. My understanding is: for every chunk, the item reader reads the data, item processor will churn through each item, and at the end of the chunk, the item writer gets called (which in my case,it does not do anything since the itemprocessor persists the data). But the itemwriter gets called before the item processor gets completed and my job never completes. What am i doing incorrectly here? (I looked at previous issues around it and the solution was to wrap the writer around the AsyncItemWriter(), which i am doing) .