Windows command prompt creating but not redirecting output to file - perl

I'm having the opposite problem of so many posts I've seen on here.
I'm running a perl command written by someone else and the output is all being forced to the screen despite using the ">" command.
Windows clearly knows what I'm intending because the file name I give is being created fresh and new every time I execute my command but the contents/size of the log file are empty and 0 bytes long.
My perl executable lives in a different place than my perl routine/.pl file.
I tried running as administrator and not.
This is not something wrong with the program. Some of my coworkers execute it just fine and there is no output to their screens.
The general syntax is:
F:\git\repoFolderStructure\bin>perl param1 param2 commaSeparatedParam3 2020-12-17,18:32:33 2020-12-17,18:33:33 > mylogfile.log
>>>>>Lots and lots of output I wish was in a file
Also attempted in the directory with my perl.exe and gave the path to my repo folder's bin.
Is there something weird about windows that could create/prevent the > operator behavior?
Here's the kicker: I did ipconfig > out.txt just fine, though...nothing written to the screen.
Thanks for any tips for what I could do to try and change the behavior!

It could be that the output is being sent to STDERR, while you are capturing STDOUT. Append 2>&1 to capture both to the same file.
>perl -e"print qq{STDOUT\n}; warn qq{STDERR\n};" >stdout
>type stdout
>perl -e"print qq{STDOUT\n}; warn qq{STDERR\n};" 2>stderr
>type stderr
>perl -e"print qq{STDOUT\n}; warn qq{STDERR\n};" >stdout 2>stderr
>type stdout
>type stderr
>perl -e"print qq{STDOUT\n}; warn qq{STDERR\n};" >both 2>&1
>type both
Note that 2>&1 must come after you redirect STDOUT if you want to combine both streams.


Meaning of open( STDERR, ">&STDOUT" )

i find this in one sample script,
then i search from google and found the following words,
Note that you cannot simply open STDERR to be a dup of STDOUT in your Perl
program and avoid calling the shell to do the redirection. This doesn't
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
This fails because the open() makes STDERR go to where STDOUT was going at
the time of the open(). The backticks then make STDOUT go to a string, but
don't change STDERR (which still goes to the old STDOUT).
Now I am confused. What exactly is the meaning of open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT"); ?
With the & in the mode >& in the call
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"; # or: open STDERR, ">&", \*STDOUT
the first given filehandle is made a copy of the second one. See open, and see man 2 dup2 since this goes via dup2 syscall. The notation follows the shell's I/O redirection.
Since here the first filehandle exists (STDERR)† it is first closed.
The effect is that prints to STDERR will go to where STDOUT was going before this was done, with the side effect of the original STDERR being closed.
This is legit and does not result in errors but is not a good way to redirect STDERR in general -- after that we cannot restore STDERR any more. See open for how to redirect STDERR.
The rest of the comment clearly refers to a situation where backticks (see qx), which redirect STDOUT of the executed command(s) to the program, are used after that open call. All this seems to refer to an idea of redirecting STDERR to STDOUT in this way.
Alas, the STDERR, made by that open call to go where STDOUT was going, doesn't get redirected by the backticks and thus still goes "there." In my case prints to STDERR wind up on the terminal as I see the warning (ls: cannot access...) with
perl -we'open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"; $out = qx(ls no_such)'
(unlike with perl -we'$out = qx(ls no_such 2>&1)'). Explicit prints to STDERR also go to the terminal as STDOUT (add such prints and redirect output to a file to see).
This may be expected since & made a copy of the filehandle, so the "new" one (the former STDERR) still goes where STDOUT was going, that is to the terminal. What is of course unintended in this case and thus an error.
† Every program in UNIX gets connected to standard streams stdin, stdout, and stderr, with file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 respectively. In a Perl program we then get ready filehandles for these, like the STDERR (for fd 2).
Some generally useful posts on manipulations of file descriptors in the shell:
What does “3>&1 1>&2 2>&3” do in a script?
In the shell, what does “ 2>&1 ” mean?
File descriptors & shell scripting
Order of redirections
Shell redirection i/o order
It's basically dup2(fileno(STDOUT), fileno(STDERR)). See your system's dup2 man page.
In short, it associates STDERR with the same stream as STDOUT at the system level. After the command is performed writing to either will be the same as writing to STDOUT before the change.
Unless someone's messed with STDOUT or STDERR, it's equivalent to the shell command
exec 2>&1

ksh script: how redirect on the same file all stdout and stderr using exec, adding a different prefix?

I'd like to..
on ksh
using exec on script begin
redirect both stdout and stderr on the same file
(and till here I got it)
adding a different "prefix" to text line, one for stdout lines and one for stderr ones
let's say,
if stdout produces "hallo stdout"
and stderr "hallo stderr"
on my dump file I'd like to have
FROM STDOUT : hallo stdout
FROM STDERR : hallo stderr
ps: hi everyone. That's my first....forget my bad english

Perl STDERR printed in the wrong order with Tee

I'm trying to redirect STDOUT and STDERR from a perl script - executed from a bash script - to both screen and log file.
print "This is a standard output";
print "This is a second standard output";
print STDERR "This is an error";
./ 2>&1 | tee -a logfile.log
If I execute the perlscript directly the screen output is printed in the correct order :
This is a standard output
This is a second standard output
This is an error
But when I execute the bash script the STDERR is printed first (in both screen and file) :
This is an error
This is a standard output
This is a second standard output
With a bash script as child the output is ordered flawlessly. Is it a bug with perl or tee? Am I doing something wrong?
An usual trick to turnoff buffering is to set the variable $|. Add the below line at
beginning of your script.
$| = 1;
This would turn the buffering off. Also refer to this excellent article by MJD explaining buffering in perl. Suffering from Buffering?
I guess this has to do with the way STDOUT and STDERR buffers are flushed. Try
autoflush STDOUT 1;
at the beginning of your perl script so that STDOUT is flushed after each print statement.

troubles while redirecting stderr in csh

I'm writing a Perl script that should execute commands in shell and parse their output. As a shell I'm intended to use csh. I've started with this
my $out = `cmd`
but it doesn't capture STDERR, which I need too. Running sh with output redirection does nothing
my $out = `sh -c "cmd 2>&1"`
still captures only STDOUT, not STDERR.
Even redirecting to file in csh doesn't work for me
tcsh$ cmd >& logfile.log
still captures STDOUT only %)
The command I'm trying to execute is actuallty sh script and some commands in this script print into STDERR and I want to capture that output. If I execute sh -c "cmd 2>/dev/null" STDERR actually goes to /dev/null and only STDOUT is printed in terminal.
Could anyone help me with this?
I believe there is something you are not telling us. Are you on cygwin? Or Windows? Do you have a PERL5SHELL environment variable set?
There is something that you are not telling us because both of these work fine on the five platforms I can easily test on:
% perl -le '$out = `sh -c "grep missing /dev/nowhere 2>&1" | cat -n`; chomp $out; print "got <<<$out>>>"'
got <<< 1 grep: /dev/nowhere: No such file or directory>>>
But in far, there is no reason to call sh(1) explicitly for shelling out. That’s because Perl always calls sh(1) for all its backtick, pipe opens, and system() shell-outs:
% perl -le '$out = `grep missing /dev/nowhere 2>&1 | cat -n`; chomp $out; print "got <<<$out>>>"'
got <<< 1 grep: /dev/nowhere: No such file or directory>>>
The only except to this I can think of occurs on non-Unix systems, where because they have no /bin/sh, something else is defined.
But under no circumstances will simple shell-outs be calling tcsh(1) behind your back. You’d’ve had to’ve seriously hacked the perl(1) source to get that to happen. I also rather doubt you could (easily) hack the binary, since the string "/bin/tcsh" is going to be longer than "/bin/sh", and it isn’t very often going to be found in /bin/ anyway.
That you can’t get stderr redirection working even from the shell says something pretty weird is going on. I think we need more information.
Here, you are capturing the STDOUT of sh, which is not the STDERR of cmd:
my $out = `sh -c "cmd 2>&1"`;
Can you just run cmd directly?
my $out = `cmd 2>&1`;
Backquotes capture STDOUT not STDERR.
system will dump both stdout and stderr to their parent's settings.
If you want to capture STDERR, you need something like IPC::Open3:
Extremely similar to open2(), open3() spawns the given $cmd and connects CHLD_OUT for reading from the child, CHLD_IN for writing to the child, and CHLD_ERR for errors. If CHLD_ERR is false,
You said that running the command cmd >& logfile.log in tcsh sends only cmd's stdout to the log file, not its stderr. That doesn't make sense.
Try replacing cmd with the following script:
echo stdout
echo STDERR 1>&2
Both "stdout" and "STDERR" should show up in logfile.log.
If so, then perhaps your "cmd" is doing something odd. My best guess is that cmd is writing to /dev/tty, not to either stdout or stderr; that wouldn't be affected by redirection.
To see what I mean, add this line to the above script:
echo tty > /dev/tty
I don't really have time to mock up an example as I normally would, nor even test one. I am thinking that you might try using Capture::Tiny to see if that helps.

How can I suppress system output when using nohup from Perl?

In Perl I am starting a process using the nohup command. The command is below:
system("nohup myproc pe88 &");
This works fine and the process starts as expected. However I would like to suppress the following output of this command - which is:
Sending output to nohup.out
I must have this process redirecting all of it's output to nohup.out but I just don't want it displayed when I run my Perl program. I want to instead, print my own user friendly message. I've tried a few variants but nothing has worked for me yet.
"Sending output to nohup.out" message is sent to STDERR, so you can catch the STDERR via the usual methods
either via shell: system("nohup myproc pe88 2> /tmp/error_log.txt &");
Use /dev/null instead of /tmp/error_log.txt if you don't need stderr at all; and add "> /tmp/myout.txt" to redirect stdout.
Or by capturing via Perl (don't use system() call, instead use IPC::Open3 or capture command from IPC::System::Simple)
How about:
system("nohup myproc pe88 >nohup.out 2>&1 &");
The man page for nohup says:
If standard output is a terminal,
append output to 'nohup.out' if
possible, '$HOME/nohup.out' otherwise.
If standard error is a terminal,
redirect it to standard output. To
save output to FILE, use `nohup
So if you explicitly redirect STDOUT and STDERR to nohup.out, then nohup doesn't print that message. Granted, you don't get the automatic fallback to $HOME/nohup.out if nohup.out is unwritable, but you can check for that first if that's an issue.
Note that if you redirect just STDOUT, nohup prints a "redirecting stderr to stdout" message.