How to use match keyword inside if condition for UI automation using Karate? [duplicate] - ui-automation

Find the example here.
def a = condition ? " karate match statement " : "karate match statement"
Is it possible to do something like this??

This is not recommended practice for tests because tests should be deterministic.
The right thing to do is:
craft your request so that the response is 100% predictable. do not worry about code-duplication, this is sometimes necessary for tests
ignore the dynamic data if it is not relevant to the Scenario
use conditional logic to set "expected value" variables instead of complicating your match logic
use self-validation expressions or schema-validation expressions for specific parts of the JSON
use the if keyword and call a second feature file - or you can even set the name of the file to call dynamically via a variable
in some cases karate.abort() can be used to conditionally skip / exit early
That said, if you really insist on doing this in the same flow, Karate allows you to do a match via JS in 0.9.6.RC4 onwards.
See this thread for details:
The result of karate.match() will return a JSON in the form { pass: '#boolean', message: '#string' }
If none of the above options work - that means you are doing something really complicated, so write Java interop / code to handle this


Do we have something similar to Pass, Continue and Break statement in Karate? [duplicate]

Find the example here.
def a = condition ? " karate match statement " : "karate match statement"
Is it possible to do something like this??
This is not recommended practice for tests because tests should be deterministic.
The right thing to do is:
craft your request so that the response is 100% predictable. do not worry about code-duplication, this is sometimes necessary for tests
ignore the dynamic data if it is not relevant to the Scenario
use conditional logic to set "expected value" variables instead of complicating your match logic
use self-validation expressions or schema-validation expressions for specific parts of the JSON
use the if keyword and call a second feature file - or you can even set the name of the file to call dynamically via a variable
in some cases karate.abort() can be used to conditionally skip / exit early
That said, if you really insist on doing this in the same flow, Karate allows you to do a match via JS in 0.9.6.RC4 onwards.
See this thread for details:
The result of karate.match() will return a JSON in the form { pass: '#boolean', message: '#string' }
If none of the above options work - that means you are doing something really complicated, so write Java interop / code to handle this

Can't use Gatling Expression Language inside my own code/functions

I'm creating one report for all simulations in SCALA, in part of them I don't have all attributes and I need to replace that because I'm getting no attribute defined error.
I was trying below code and many many more:
val dbc_communityID = if ("${communityID.exists()}" == true) "${communityID}" else "N/A"
I always have "N/A". I also checked
== 1
== "true"
I spend definitely to much time of that,
Please help
Quoting Gatling official documentation:
This Expression Language only works on String values being passed to Gatling DSL
methods. Such Strings are parsed only once, when the Gatling
simulation is being instantiated.
For example queryParam("latitude", session => "${latitude}") wouldn’t
work because the parameter is not a String, but a function that
returns a String.
Also, queryParam("latitude", "${latitude}".toInt) wouldn’t because the
toInt would happen before passing the parameter to the queryParam
The solution here would be to pass a function:
session => session("latitude").validate[Int].
In short: you can't mix Gatling EL and functions/custom code. If you want to implement some custom logic that deals with Session data, you have to use the Session API, eg:
session => session("communityID").asOption[String].getOrElse("N/A")
if ("${communityID.exists()}" == true)
You are comparing a fixed String with a Boolean so the result will always be false. There is probably a compiler warning about this.
It is possible that you want this, but hard to say without know more about the rest of the code:
if (s"${communityID.exists()}" == "true")
But in that case it is simpler to write
if (communityID.exists())

(Scala) Am I using Options correctly?

I'm currently working on my functional programming - I am fairly new to it. Am i using Options correctly here? I feel pretty insecure on my skills currently. I want my code to be as safe as possible - Can any one point out what am I doing wrong here or is it not that bad? My code is pretty straight forward here:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
val file = "myFile.txt"
val myGame = Game(file) //I have my game that returns an Option here
if(myGame.isDefined) //Check if I indeed past a .txt file
val solutions = myGame.get.getAllSolutions() //This returns options as well
if(solutions.isDefined) //Is it possible to solve the puzzle(crossword)
for(i <- solutions.get){ //print all solutions to the crossword
i.solvedCrossword foreach println
-Thanks!! ^^
When using Option, it is recommended to use match case instead of calling 'isDefined' and 'get'
Instead of the java style for loop, use higher-order function:
myGame match {
case Some(allSolutions) =>
val solutions = allSolutions.getAllSolutions
case None =>
As a rule of thumb, you can think of Option as a replacement for Java's null pointer. That is, in cases where you might want to use null in Java, it often makes sense to use Option in Scala.
Your Game() function uses None to represent errors. So you're not really using it as a replacement for null (at least I'd consider it poor practice for an equivalent Java method to return null there instead of throwing an exception), but as a replacement for exceptions. That's not a good use of Option because it loses error information: you can no longer differentiate between the file not existing, the file being in the wrong format or other types of errors.
Instead you should use Either. Either consists of the cases Left and Right where Right is like Option's Some, but Left differs from None in that it also takes an argument. Here that argument can be used to store information about the error. So you can create a case class containing the possible types of errors and use that as an argument to Left. Or, if you never need to handle the errors differently, but just present them to the user, you can use a string with the error message as the argument to Left instead of case classes.
In getAllSolutions you're just using None as a replacement for the empty list. That's unnecessary because the empty list needs no replacement. It's perfectly fine to just return an empty list when there are no solutions.
When it comes to interacting with the Options, you're using isDefined + get, which is a bit of an anti pattern. get can be used as a shortcut if you know that the option you have is never None, but should generally be avoided. isDefined should generally only be used in situations where you need to know whether an option contains a value, but don't need to know the value.
In cases where you need to know both whether there is a value and what that value is, you should either use pattern matching or one of Option's higher-order functions, such as map, flatMap, getOrElse (which is kind of a higher-order function if you squint a bit and consider by-name arguments as kind-of like functions). For cases where you want to do something with the value if there is one and do nothing otherwise, you can use foreach (or equivalently a for loop), but note that you really shouldn't do nothing in the error case here. You should tell the user about the error instead.
If all you need here is to print it in case all is good, you can use for-comprehension which is considered quite idiomatic Scala way
for {
myGame <- Game("mFile.txt")
solutions <- myGame.getAllSolutions()
solution <- solutions
crossword <- solution.solvedCrossword
} println(crossword)

how to use forAll in scalatest to generate only one object of a generator?

Im working with scalatest and scalacheck, alsso working with FeatureSpec.
I have a generator class that generate object for me that looks something like this:
object InvoiceGen {
def myObj = for {
country <- Gen.oneOf(Seq("France", "Germany", "United Kingdom", "Austria"))
type <- Gen.oneOf(Seq("Communication", "Restaurants", "Parking"))
amount <- Gen.choose(100, 4999)
number <- Gen.choose(1, 10000)
valid <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[Boolean]
} yield SomeObject(country, type, "1/1/2014", amount,number.toString, 35, "something", documentTypeValid, valid, "")
Now, I have the testing class which works with FeatureSpec and everything that I need to run the tests.
In this class I have scenarios, and in each scenario I want to generate a different object.
The thing is from what I understand is that to generate object is better to use forAll func, but for all will not sure to bring you an object so you can add minSuccessful(1) to make sure you get at list 1 obj....
I did it like this and it works:
scenario("some scenario") {
forAll(MyGen.myObj, minSuccessful(1)) { someObject =>
Given("A connection to the system")
loginActions shouldBe 'Connected
Then("something should happened")
but im not sure exactly what it means.
What I want is to generate an invoice each scenario and do some actions on it...
im not sure why i care if the generation work or didnt work...i just want a generated object to work with.
TL;DR: To get one object, and only one, use myObj.sample.get. Unless your generator is doing something fancy that's perfectly safe and won't blow up.
I presume that your intention is to run some kind of integration/acceptance test with some randomly generated domain object—in other words (ab-)use scalacheck as a simple data generator—and you hope that minSuccessful(1) would ensure that the test only runs once.
Be aware that this is not the case!. scalacheck will run your test multiple times if it fails, to try and shrink the input data to a minimal counterexample.
If you'd like to ensure that your test runs only once you must use sample.
However, if running the test multiple times is fine, prefer minSuccessful(1) to "succeed fast" but still profit from minimized counterexamples in case the test fails.
Gen.sample returns an option because generators can fail:
ScalaCheck generators can fail, for instance if you're adding a filter (listingGen.suchThat(...)), and that failure is modeled with the Option type.
[…] if you're sure that your generator never will fail, you can simply call Option.get like you do in your example above. Or you can use Option.getOrElse to replace None with a default value.
Generally if your generator is simple, i.e. does not use generators that could fail and does not use any filters on its own, it's perfectly safe to just call .get on the option returned by .sample. I've been doing that in the past and never had problems with it. If your generators frequently return None from .sample they'd likely make scalacheck fail to successfully generate values as well.
If all that you want is a single object use Gen.sample.get.
minSuccessful has a very different meaning: It's the minimal number of successful tests that scalacheck runs—which by no means implies
that scalacheck takes only a single value out of the generator, or
that the test runs only once.
With minSuccessful(1) scalacheck wants one successful test. It'll take samples out of the generator until the test runs at least once—i.e. if you filter the generated values with whenever in your test body scalacheck will take samples as long as whenever discards them.
If the test passes scalacheck is happy and won't run the test a second time.
However if the test fails scalacheck will try and produce a minimal example to fail the test. It'll shrink the input data and run the test as long as it fails and then provides you with the minimized counter example rather than the actual input that triggered the initial failure.
That's an important property of property testing as it helps you to discover bugs: The original data is frequently too large to lend itself for debugging. Minimizing it helps you discover the piece of input data that actually triggers the failure, i.e. corner cases like empty strings that you didn't think of.
I think the way you want to use Scalacheck (generate only one object and execute the test for it) defeats the purpose of property-based testing. Let me explain a bit in detail:
In classical unit-testing, you would generate your system under test, be it an object or a system of dependent objects, with some fixed data. This could e.g. be strings like "foo" and "bar" or, if you needed a name, you would use something like "John Doe". For integers and other data, you can also randomly choose some values.
The main advantage is that these are "plain" values—you can directly see them in the code and correlate them with the output of a failed test. The big disadvantage is that the tests will only ever run with the values you specified, which in turn means that your code is also only tested with these values.
In contrast, property-based testing allows you to just describe how the data should look like (e.g. "a positive integer", "a string of maximum 20 characters"). The testing framework will then—with the help of generators—generate a number of matching objects and execute the test for all of them. This way, you can be more sure that your code will actually be correct for different inputs, which after all is the purpose of testing: to check if your code does what it should for the possible inputs.
I never really worked with Scalacheck, but a colleague explained it to me that it also tries to cover edge-cases, e.g. putting in a 0 and MAX_INT for a positive integer, or an empty string for the aforementioned string with max. 20 characters.
So, to sum it up: Running a property-based test only once for one generic object is the wrong thing to do. Instead, once you have the generator infrastructure in place, embrace the advantage you then have and let your code be checked a lot more times!

how to test if a string DON'T match using protractor

I'm migrating my karma-ng-scenario tests suite to protractor. I would like to do something like
// karma-ng-scenario
in the protractor way. But it seems there isn't a not() function.
I'm using angular-translate to bind the LONGIN_CONNECT string into multiple languages and I want to test if the string is translated.
More globally, is there a a way test if something is different ? ... don't have a class, don't exists on the page, is not selected, ...
It is definitely worth looking at the API docs. I have these open pretty much all the time.
There are lots of Web Driver functions you can use like isEnabled(), isDisplayed(), isSelected() etc. Protractor uses Jasmine syntax so you can use '.toBe(false)' to assert things are false.
To check for classes, you can do something like:
To compare strings and assert that they do NOT match you could use .not. Jasmine docs
Every matcher's criteria can be inverted by prepending .not:
expect(x).not.toEqual(y); compares objects or primitives x and y and
passes if they are not equivalent
You can use something like:
There is a .not property nowadays.
I'm using the following to check for NOT matching:
expect(element('legend').text() === "LOGIN_CONNECT").toBe(false);