SetGlobal in execute in GAMS - global

Consider I want to execute to parameter (paramter1 and parameter2). I do the following:
$onEcho > Textfile.txt
par = parameter1 rng = parameter1!A1
par = parameter2 rng = parameter2!A1
execute_unload 'export.gdx', parameter1 parameter2;
But instead of writing that line two times, could I do something like this:
$setGlobal Parameter parameter1 parameter2
$onEcho > Textfile.txt
par = %parameter% rng = %parameter%!A1
execute_unload 'export.gdx', %parameter%;
However, this code does not work. How can I specify mine parameters one place instead of writing them mulitple times?

In GAMS you can define macros, but for your purpose, $batInclude might be better:
$onEchoV >
$echo par = %1 rng = %1!A1 > Textfile.txt
execute_unload 'export.gdx', %1;
$batInclude parameter1
$batInclude parameter2
EDIT: Now, that I understood your question better, after discussing it in the comments, here is a new solution using the put facility:
$setGlobal Parameter parameter1, parameter2
Set exportPars / %Parameter% /;
File fx / 'Textfile.txt' /;
put fx;
put 'par = ' ' rng = ' '!A1' /;
execute_unload 'export.gdx', %Parameter%;


How can I extract first and last line from multiple text blocks separated with new line?

I have a file containing multiple tests with detailed action written one beneath another. All test blocks are separated one from another by new line. I want to extract only first and last line from the all blocks and put it on one line for each block into a new file. Here is an example:
Results= PASS
Results= PASS
output.txt should be sometime like this:
test1 PASS
test2 FAIL
testX PASS
type = testcase
summary = MP3 encoder test
ActionGroup[Linux_Enc] = PASS
ActionGroup[Linux_Playb] = PASS
ActionGroup[Linux_Pause_Resume] = PASS
ActionGroup[Linux_Fast_Seek] = PASS
Duration = 230.607398987 s
Total_Result = PASS
type = testcase
summary = composer
Background[0xff000000] = PASS
Background[0xffFFFFFF] = PASS
Background[0xffFF0000] = PASS
Background[0xff00FF00] = PASS
Background[0xff0000FF] = PASS
Background[0xff00FFFF] = PASS
Background[0xffFFFF00] = PASS
Background[0xffFF00FF] = PASS
Duration = 28.3567230701 s
Total_Result = PASS
type = testcase
summary = rotation
Rotation[0] = PASS
Rotation[1] = PASS
Rotation[2] = PASS
Rotation[3] = PASS
Duration = 14.0116529465 s
Total_Result = PASS
Thank you!
Short and simple gnu awk:
awk -F= -v RS='' '{print $1 $NF}' file
[Linux_MP3Enc_xffv.2_Con_37_003] PASS
[Composer__vtx_007] PASS
[Videox_Rotate_008] PASS
If you do not like the brackets:
awk -F'[]=[]' -v RS='' '{print $2 $NF}' file
Linux_MP3Enc_xffv.2_Con_37_003 PASS
Composer__vtx_007 PASS
Videox_Rotate_008 PASS
Using sed as tagged (although other tools would probably be more natural to use) :
sed -nE '/^\[.*\]$/h;s/^Results= ?//;t r;b;:r;H;x;s/\n/ /;p'
Explanation :
/^\[.*\]$/h # matches the [...] lines, put them in the hold buffer
s/^Results= ?// # matches the Results= lines, discards the useless part
t r;b # on lines which matched, jump to label r;
# otherwise jump to the end (and start processing the next line)
:r;H;x;s/\n/ /;p # label r; append the pattern space (which contains the end of the Results= line)
# to the hold buffer. Switch Hold buffer and pattern space,
# replace the linefeed in the pattern space by a space and print it
You can try it here.
One way to solve this is using a regular expression such as:
The regex matches your sample output and stores the test id (e.g. "test1") in the capture group named "testId" and the outcome (e.g. "PASS") in the capture group "outcome".
(Test it in regexr)
The regex can be used in any language with regex support. The below code shows how to do it in Python.
(Test it in
import re
# Read from input.txt
with open('input.txt', 'r') as f:
indata =
# Modify the regex slightly to fit Python regex syntax
pattern = '(?:.*)(?P<testId>test\d+)(?:.*\n){4}.*(?P<outcome>PASS|FAIL)'
# Get a generator which yeilds all matches
matches = re.finditer(pattern, indata)
# Combine the matches to a list of strings
outputs = ['{} {}'.format('testId'),'outcome')) for m in matches]
# Join all rows to one string
output = '\n'.join(outputs)
# Write to output.txt
with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
Running the above script on input.txt containing:
Results= PASS
Results= PASS
yields a file output.txt containing:
test1 PASS
test2 FAIL
test444 PASS
In order to print the first and last line from the block, how about:
awk -v RS="" '{
n = split($0, a, /\n/)
print a[1]
print a[n]
}' input.txt
Result for the 1st example:
Total_Result = PASS
Total_Result = PASS
Total_Result = PASS
The man page of awk tells:
If RS is set to the null string, then records are separated by blank lines.
You can easily split the block with blank lines with this feature.
Hope this helps.

How to make unigram, bigram, trigram model from sentences or data train on file.txt in Python?

i have some code to make unigram, bigram, and trigram from some sentences, but i want this code can make it from file.txt , im newbie in programing let me know what i must do ?
def ngrams(s, n=2, i=0):
while len(s[i:i+n]) == n:
yield s[i:i+n]
i += 1
txt ='Python is one of the awesomest languages'
unigram = ngrams(txt.split(), n=1)
a = list(unigram)
bigram = ngrams(txt.split(), n=2)
b = list(bigram)
trigram = ngrams(txt.split(), n=3)
c = list(trigram)
When you want to write a file (notice the 'w' in the open statement):
with (open('some.txt', 'w')) as file:
file.write("this is an example!")
When you want to read a file (notice the 'r' in the open statement):
with (open('some.txt', 'r')) as file:
line = file.readline();
This should be a good starting point for you.

embed a number and extension in a variable file name

I want to save data to files that have consecutive numbers in these file names within a for-loop.
first I have a function "SetConfeguration.m" in which I specifie the input directory and the file name as fields in a structure as below
StrConf.InputDirectory = 'C:/ElastixMatlab/elx_input';
StrConf.ParameterFilename = 'parameter.%d.txt';
the structure "StrConf" will be used as a parameter in the main function as below
ParameterFilename = fullfile(Conf.InputDirectory, Conf.ParameterFilename);
for Cpt = 1:NbParameterFiles
TmpParameterFilename = sprintf(ParameterFilename, Cpt - 1);
disp('ParameterFilename: '); disp(ParameterFilename);
I have the following error:
Warning: Invalid escape sequence appears in format string. See help sprintf for
valid escape sequences.
> In elxElastix at 153
In elxExampleStreet at 93
ParameterFilename :
TmpParameterFilename :
I think you forgot to call the structure StrConf to access the parameters
TmpParameterFilename = sprintf(StrConf.ParameterFilename, Cpt - 1);
disp('ParameterFilename: '); disp(StrConf.ParameterFilename);
Also, i suggest you to make a little change in the for loop, since it loops from 0 to n-1.
ParameterFilename = fullfile(Conf.InputDirectory, Conf.ParameterFilename);
for Cpt = 0:NbParameterFiles-1
TmpParameterFilename = sprintf(StrConf.ParameterFilename, Cpt);
disp('ParameterFilename: '); disp(StrConf.ParameterFilename);
This way you save an operation in every iteration, since you don't make the substraction of Cpt - 1, making your code a little bit more efficient.
You need to use sprintf before fullfile. The problem is that fullfile is normalizing your path separator from / used in your code, to \ which is the standard on Windows. But \ is also used for escape sequences which sprintf recognizes.
This will work better:
for Cpt = 1:NbParameterFiles
TmpParameterFilename = fullfile(Conf.InputDirectory, ...
sprintf(StrConf.ParameterFilename, Cpt - 1));
disp('ParameterFilename: '); TmpParameterFilename;
I think you want
TmpParamterFilename = sprinf('%s%d.txt',ParameterFilename, Cpt-1);
And then ParameterFilename wouldn't have .txt at the end.

How do you concatenate strings in a Puppet .pp file?

Here is my naive approach:
# puppet/init.pp
$x = 'hello ' +
This does not work. How does one concatenate strings in Puppet?
Keyword variable interpolation:
$value = "${one}${two}"
Note that although it might work without the curly braces, you should always use them.
I use the construct where I put the values into an array an then 'join' them.
In this example my input is an array and after those have been joined with the ':2181,' the resulting value is again put into an array that is joined with an empty string as separator.
$zookeeperservers = [ '', '', '' ]
$mesosZK = join([ "zk://" , join($zookeeperservers,':2181,') ,":2181/mesos" ],'')
resulting value of $mesosZK
Another option not mentioned in other answers is using Puppet's sprintf() function, which functions identically to the Ruby function behind it. An example:
$x = sprintf('hello user %s', 'CoolUser')
Verified to work perfectly with puppet. As mentioned by chutz, this approach can also help you concatenate the output of functions.
The following worked for me.
puppet apply -e ' $y = "Hello" $z = "world" $x = "$y $z" notify { "$x": } '
notice: Hello world
notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[Hello world]/message: defined 'message' as 'Hello world'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.04 seconds
The following works as well:
$abc = "def"
file { "/tmp/$abc":
You could use the join() function from puppetlabs-stdlib. I was thinking there should be a string concat function there, but I don't see it. It'd be easy to write one.
As stated in docs, you can just use ${varname} interpolation. And that works with function calls as well:
$mesosZK = "zk://${join($zookeeperservers,':2181,')}:2181/mesos"
$x = "${dirname($file)}/anotherfile"
Could not use {} with function arguments though: got Syntax error at '}'.

Saving file with part of file name and date

Hi there I'm currently trying to find a way to save 2 variables from my workspace into a file. I want the file name to be put together using the original and the current date.
I only want the max value from the variables so:
The original file name is:
The only portion of this original file name that I would like to use is:
These can be saved in a text file or spreadsheet, it doesnt matter.
An example of the new file name would be something like this:
If something could be done in the file to display which variable is which, for example:
Streaking: 1.272 % this would come from the variable max(streaking)
Tap_Total: 2.252 % this would come from the varaible max(tap_total)
% Construct a questdlg with three options
choice = questdlg('Would you like to save?', ...
'Save Options', ...
% Handle response
switch choice
case 'Yes'
disp([choice ' processing.'])
save_option = 1;
case 'No'
disp([choice ' processing.'])
save_option = 0;
case 'Cancel'
save_option = 2;
file_to_get = evalin( 'base', 'file_to_get' );
streaking = evalin( 'base', 'streaking' );
tap_total = evalin( 'base', 'tap_total' );
if save_option == 0
elseif save_option == 1
max_streak = max(streaking);
max_tap = max(tap_total);
str_streak = mat2str(max_streak);
str_tap = mat2str(max_tap);
fname = file_to_get;
pruned_fname = regexprep(fname,'_PRI(\w*).(\w*)','');
new_fname = [pruned_fname '_' date '.csv'];
path1 = '\\pfile01thn\bbruffey$\My Documents\analysis data\Banding and Streaking Results';
fid = fopen([path1 new_fname], 'w');
fprintf(fid,['Max Banding: %s\nMax Streaking: %s'],str_tap,str_streak)
elseif save_option == 2
This would be a great place to use the regexprep command to prune the original filename down.
fname = '3_FM001_02_05460$BandP$64_24000_FWD_1x1_PRI_PRI_PRI_PRI_15_17_ActivePixelMeans.csv';
pruned_fname = regexprep(fname,'_PRI(\w*).(\w*)','');
pruned_fname =
Now, a note about the regexprep command I used here. This is specific for the filename you provided here. Since it looks like you want to trim off everything after the the first _PRI I used a tag (\w*) which means any combination of [a-z A-Z _ 0-9] can follow. Notice that since this is a filename there is a . there hence why I added a period in and followed that with another (\w*) to finish out the csv. You can find more info on these sorts of operators here.
Now that you have the pruned_fname you can simply add whatever you want to it. So if you want to add the date in with an underscore to space it just simply do something like this:
new_fname = [pruned_fname '_' date '.csv'];
new_fname =
Now you simply need to open the file to write to it. you might need to append the path to where you want to save it, I'm just going to call it path for now. It would be something like C:\Documents\
fid = fopen([path new_fname], 'w')
Now with the fid you have the id of the file you want to write to. This should be a new file and if it isn't you are going to overwrite the file contents if you do it this way. Just be aware =)
Next you can simply write those first two lines to the file using fwrite fprintf, just to name a few possible functions.
Hopefully that'll get you setup there!