What does X(1:n, 1) mean in Matlab? [closed] - matlab

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In a sample code I have X(1:n, 1)
I don't understand how it works
n=3 in a sample
Is it a matrix? but isn't () used for indexing so how it's a double index?

I imagine that your X is a two-dimmensional matrix. Generalizing, it can be said that to access the elements of a matrix is done with: X(n,m).
The common case is to get one single number, in that case n and m are integer numbers. But you can also pass vectors to n and m positions and that way extract a submatrix from the original one.
As an example:
X = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
X(1:3,1) = [1; 4; 7]


Matlab random elements from array [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to pick two different random elements from given array with their positions. Similar like with datasample, but with datasample there is a possibility of picking the same element twice.
I could use while loop or similar, but I suppose there is an easier way to do it.
Say you have a matrix A:n by m, you can choose two elements at random as following,
A=[2 7 8;5 4 6;8 3 11];%given array
[n m]=size(A);
x=2;%two different random elements
i=randperm(n,x)%row index for x elements
j=randperm(m,x)%column index for x elements
A(i(1),j(1)) %First random element
A(i(2),j(2)) %Second random element
If you try this you could get something like,
i =
2 3
j =
2 1
ans =
ans =
the code can be further simplified but just wanted to make it clear. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or require further clarification.

Matlab: making an array of numbers divisible by 3 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to generate an array of random numbers that are divisible by 3 in matlab. What is the way to do this?
try this:
a = randi(100, 5) * 3;
a = a(:);
use randi(100, 5) to create a pseudo random 5x5 matrix of integers between 1 and 100. multiply by 3 to make them all divisible by 3. use the colon operator : to convert it to a 25 long array.
As suggested by #tashuhka you can avoid the : by:
a = randi(100, [25,1]) * 3;
You can read all about it here

Optimization using ga algorithm [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to do an optimization problem using ga algorithm. The number of decision variable is 3. i.e 3 x 1 matrix. but first element is always 0. keeping this as reference I want to optmize other two variables. How can I do this task?
Then just use
lb = [0,0,0];
ub = [0,8,8];
IntCon = [0 2 3];

Finding the maximum value of each row and reshaping the matrix [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Say we have the following matrix:
2 5
5 3
6 3
6 4
What I'm trying to do is:
1- Find the maximum value of each row
For this part, I think we can do the following?
[r,c] = size(u);
for i=1:c
for j=1:r
for i=1:c
for j=1:r
2- Then, I want to reshape the above matrix to a 2x2 matrix.
I think we can here do the following?
At the beginning it sounds trivial. I tried performing step 1 above on a 65536x2 matrix, but ended up with a 131072x1matrix, where I was originally planning to reshape into a 256x256 matrix, as I thought that I will end up with a 65536x1 matrix for the first step.
What could be going wrong?
When in Matlab - vectorize!
mx = max( u, [], 2 ); % find max along rows of u
reshape( mx, 256, 256 );

Store the result for for-loop [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following data: ET = [1 3 5 7 6 4], and below is my code:
for i=1:3
meanET(i)=ET(:,1+(2*i-2)); %//for i=1,extract ET column 1 data
However, MATLAB display's an error that says that in the assignment A(I)=B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same, and therefore I modified my code to this:
for i=1:3
meanET=ET(:,1+(2*i-2));%for i=1,extract ET column 1 data
After running the latter code, it showed meanET=6, stdET=4, and totalET=10, which means that it only stored the data for i=3 in the workspace. I want to get the result like
totalET=[4 12 10] in the workspace, corresponding to i = 1, 2, 3. How do I do that?
OR you could just go with a simple vectorized solution:
>> totalET = ET(1:2:5) + ET(2:2:6)
totalET =
4 12 10
you should just declare your target array at the beginning of your code:
for i=1:3