Fetch adjacent column word? - tableau-api

I want condition like "if max(col1) then col2 end "in tableau calculated feild, output will be "e".
thanks in advance

Simply use
If [col1] = {max([col1])} then col2 end
Drop this in view and Hide nulls, you'll get desired value.

I've tried it with these steps and it looks to be working :)
# first find the max. Using fixed lod calculation to do it across the whole dataset. The 1 is the same value across all so its doing a group max, but the group is the full data
MaxCol1: {fixed 1: MAX(Col1)}
# pick out rows where max is found in Col1
Col1Match: Col1=[MaxCol1]
# find Col2 where there's a match and fill rest with NULL's
Col2Value: IF [Col1Match] then Col2 else NULL end
# This will be a bunch of NULL's and "e"
# Finally, do the same as in the first calculation to get the result
Output: {fixed 1 : max([Col2Value])}
You can try combining some of these steps together now to clean up the space a bit. Does this suffice or is your real data more complicated?


How to use a substring in a google query to group results?

I'm a recovering engineer who is trying to remember how to do things like this in Googlesheet query language and I've completed just about everything I need. There is one more query to do and I'm stuck.
I know how to split up timestamps, pivot on date info from it, how to find contains results and count occurrences but I'm stumped on this one. How do you group by a substring? I've tried Left, regex extract, and about anything else I can think of but no luck.
I have a google spreadsheet with 5 pages, each with 4 columns. Each page is created from a form that a user is entering data into. I've added a date filter in B1 and B2 on my results sheet that works fine, too.
Here is an example of a query I'd like to see work.
=query({User1!A1:F; User2!A1:F; User3!A1:F; User4!A1:F; User5!A1:F}, "SELECT Col4, COUNT(Col4) Where Col1>= datetime '"&TEXT(B1,"yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss")&"' AND Col1 <= datetime '"&TEXT(B2+1,"yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss")&"' AND (Col4 is not null AND Col4 = 'Submits') group by **Left(Col2,4) AND** Col4 pivot month(Col1)+1, Day(Col1), Year(Col1)",1)
That bold bit seems to be the problem area. The rest of this works.
Here are the contents of the fields I'm working within each of the pages:
Col 1 - Timestamp
Col 2 - Opportunity # String that I want to use the left 4 chars as
a group by - strings look like O347-183XXXX so I want to use just
O347 in this case
Col 3 - Opportunity Name (not needed in result)
Col 4 - Strings that I want to count the occurrence of one item (7
different strings total) so I want the result to be a count the
occurrence of 'submits' for example.
I want to output a table with a group by Col2 Substring on the left column, Col4 count values for each substring, and pivot by date.
It ought to look like this when I get the results
I've seen some things here and other places that lead me partway there but I just hope there is an easy way to do this.

Group by month using cell above filtered cells

I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:
I have two columns I'm interested in, Date and Count. Every few dates, there will be a "TOTAL" line where all the Counts corresponding to that TOTAL will be summed.
I want an output that looks like the cells to the right, where all the TOTAL counts are summed according to month. The problem lies in that Column A has only the date or TOTAL, in separate rows, and this layout can't be changed, leaving me thinking I need to reference the cell directly above TOTAL in column A, which has the correct month I want to group that TOTAL by.
The reason why I can't just filter column A by date range is because of inconsistent use, where sometimes the count data is only entered in the TOTAL row.
I've scoured the internet exploring FILTER, INDIRECT, QUERY, SUMIFS, etc... but can't find exactly how to do this.
I can easily filter column B where A:A="TOTAL", but what I think I am needing to do after that is use each cell above where A:A="TOTAL" as a range for the month criteria, somehow using what I found here: https://exceljet.net/formula/sum-by-month, expressed by ">="&D3 and "<="&EOMONTH(D3,0).
Any help or alternatives would be appreciated. Thank you.
or a different (offset) approach:
=QUERY(FILTER({EOMONTH(INDIRECT("A1:A"&ROWS(B2:B)), 0), B2:B}, A2:A="total"),
"select Col1,sum(Col2)
group by Col1
label sum(Col2)''
format Col1'mmmm'", 0)
Query formula is great for these kind of situations but looking at it by month will introduce issues if you plan on looking at multi-year data:
=arrayformula(QUERY(QUERY({row(A:A),TEXT(A:A,"MMMM"),B:B},"SELECT max(Col1),Col2,sum(Col3) where Col3 is not null group by Col2 order by max(Col1) label Col2 'Month', sum(Col3) 'Count'"),"SELECT Col2,Col3"))
IF(A2:A<>"total", {ROW(A2:A), DATEVALUE("01/"&MONTH(A2:A)&"/2000")}), 2, 1)),
IF(A2:A= "total", A2:A, ), B2:B},
"select Col1,sum(Col3)
where lower(Col2) = 'total'
group by Col1
label sum(Col3)''
format Col1'mmmm'", 0))

How do you divide a single column in a table by a constant in Tableau?

Sorry if this seems trivial, but I am fairly new to Tableau. I have a simple table that has 1 dimension for columns and 1 dimension for rows. My Marks are the Count of a third dimension. I'd like to divide only 1 of the columns in the table by a constant but not all of them. When I have tried conditional statements, I receive the error regarding mix of non-aggregate and aggregate statements.
What is the best way to divide a single column's values based upon a condition?
Thanks in advance.
Typically the error regarding non-aggregate and aggregate statements can be resolved using the ATTR() function.
SUM([Sales]) / [Constant]
Turns to:
SUM([Sales]) / ATTR([Constant])
Or conversely, which might or might not fit your data:
[Sales] / [Constant]
You just cant mix the two as in the first example.
This is probably a more accurate place for the ATTR() function given what I'm guessing is your use case:
If ATTR([Segment]) = 'Corporate'
Then COUNT(Sales) / SUM([Constant])
Try turning the constant to a discrete measure and see if that works. (right-click on measure and select 'discrete')
Also, without seeing the conditional code you are using, you probably need to wrap the entire condition with count() in order to not get the Aggregate/Non-Aggregate error, like this:
Count(If [MyDimension] = "XX" then [MyOtherDimension] else Null End)
NOT like this:
If [MyDimension] = "XX" then Count([MyOtherDimension]) else Null End

Using COUNT in Tableau to count observations by group

Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer! I'm building a Tableau dashboard to explore housing affordability and school quality in different neighborhoods in my area. A user will select their occupation and see a graph of neighborhoods plotted based on school quality and housing affordability. To explore housing affordability, I'm using county level assessor data with the valuation of every property matched to neighborhoods.
The goal is to display the percentage of homes in an area that are affordable given the median occupational wages for the job a user selected. Right now, I'm trying to use a calculated field with COUNT([Parcels]<[Occupation])/COUNT([Parcels]), but I need to find a way to count the number of properties in each specific neighborhood below the cut off value.
Does anyone know of a way to count elements of a particular group in this way in Tableau?
I'm on a Mac, using Tableau Desktop, and doing the back end analysis work in R. Thank you!
You seem to misunderstand what the function COUNT() does. You are certainly not alone. Count() behaves in Tableau almost identically to how it does with SQL.
Count([some field]) returns the number of data rows where the value for [some field] is not null. It does not not return the number of rows where [some field] evaluates to true, or a positive number, or anything else.
If [some field] always has a non-null value, then Count([some field]) is the same as SUM([Number of Records]). If [some field] is always null, then Count([some field]) is zero. Count() is not like Excel's CountIf function.
If you want to count data rows that meet a condition, you could try COUNT(if [condition] then 1 end) Since the missing ELSE case defaults to null values, that expression will count rows where [condition] is true.
So one way to get the percentage of affordable homes is count(if [affordable] then 1 end) / count(1) assumes each Data row represents a home. Then format your field to display as a percentage. Another option is to learn to use quick table calcs
If you want to display the number of rows in a given visualized table you could also use SIZE()
Source, official docs:

Google Sheets Query - Sort By Date; Blanks/Null to the bottom

Running into an issue when running a query in Google Sheets. The results of the array formula query are correct but the column utilized to order the results (Col1) is comprised of both blank/null cells and dates. As such, when ordered by this column the blank/null values are listed first before the dates. Is it possible to have the dates ranked first and push the blank/null cells to the bottom?
Ordering by DESC will not work as I would want the earlier dates listed first. Additionally, the blank/null cells cannot be excluded entirely from the results either (e.g. they correspond to tasks without deadlines but must still be listed).
The formula I am currently using is:
Seems like there is an easy way to achieve this but I cannot find anything on the topic in other forums. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Use SORT()
I believe for your example you could make it work like so:
=SORT(ARRAYFORMULA((QUERY({DATA RANGE},"SELECT Col1 WHERE Col2 = X OR Col3 = X",0)), 1, 1) (untested)
If your LIMIT 10 is important, then I think you could wrap the whole thing in another query and re-add the LIMIT.
Illustrated Example:
Range That Needs Querying and Sorting
Simple version defining a range in which the header is omitted:
=SORT(QUERY(A2:B7, "select *"), 1, 1)
Version that handles headers:
={A1:B1;SORT(QUERY(tabname!A2:B7, "select *"), 1, 1)}
This version creates an array combining the header row and the data rows so it can sort the data rows independently of the header.
Queried and Sorted Results
Breakdown of Formula Components
Array {[range 1]; [range 2]}
SORT() SORT([range], [column to sort on], [sort ascending - true/false or 1/0)
Query() QUERY([range], "[query]")