Zipkin integration with vert.x with 3.x version - vert.x

I see active work going on for vert.x integration with zipkin.
Will it be backward compatible with vert.x 3.8.x version? If yes, can you share tentative timelines for the same?

No, the tracing SPI will not be backported to Vert.x 3.
I would recommend to check out Migrate from Vert.x 3 to Vert.x 4:
When­ever pos­si­ble, Vert.x 4 APIs have been made avail­able in
Vert.x 3 with a dep­re­ca­tion of the old API, giv­ing the
op­por­tu­nity to im­prove a Vert.x 3 ap­pli­ca­tion with a bet­ter
API while al­low­ing the ap­pli­ca­tion to be ready for a Vert.x 4
In other words, one of the Vert.x 4 goals was to minimize the upgrading effort.


How to upgrade Apache Kafka 2.0 to Apache Kafka 2.6 in running environment?

we are using Apache kafka 2.0 in our production environment and now we are planning to upgrade the kafka version to 2.6 from 2.0
we are running in three broker based cluster setup
i am having the below questions.
1)is it possible to upgrade the kafka from one version to higher version?
2)while upgrading is there any data loss happen?
3)is it possible to perform while the cluster is running?
4)How to rollback to the down version if something wrong happened?
can you share your valuable thoughts for this question..
it would be helpful to setup..
Yes, upgrades are possible -
Data that's already written to the topics shouldn't get lost if you follow the guide. Active clients might experience network exceptions, retries, and potential dropped packets while individual brokers are restarting.
A rolling upgrade is possible to prevent downtime
Depending on the exact version, rollbacks are not possible due to internal log format changes (as indicated in the documentation)

Kafka Streams client library compatibility with kafka broker version

I am using kafka client & streams library version 2.7.0 for building my application. However the kafka brokers(2 different clusters) are at older version ( 2.4.1 & 2.6.0).
As i understand we can use the latest clients & Streams library and it should run fine with older version of kafka brokers. Am i correct ? Is there any compatibility matrix between client & streams library with kafka brokers ?
I tried running in my application (with 2.7.0 client library) in local environment ( with kafka version 2.6.0) and it worked fine but wanted to get the supported compatibility between them
Update: As onecricketeer has helpfully pointed out, you can refer to the Kafka Compatability Matrix. He also notes:
There is a general answer. Clients above 0.10.2 work with brokers down to that version for all basic functionality until stated otherwise. Extra functionality includes transactional/idempotence and record headers, which Spring may depend on, but Kafka Streams natively has no dependency on.
Additionally, the upgrade section of the Kafka Documentation provides guidance on upgrade order for various Kafka versions.
The compatability matrix provided by the spring-cloud-stream project may also be of assistance.

Modules in Vert.X 3

I am new to Vert.X , I am interested in knowing how the module system is different in Vert.X 3 than 2 , I couldn't find any useful documentation for same.
Vert.x 3 does not provide a module system and instead should be considered as a library and you are responsible for handling classloading.
Vert.x 3 provides however a service deployment, that you can use to package vertx services .

Spring Cloud Bus

I see that currently Spring Cloud Bus uses rabbit. Is there the possibility that it might be ported to kafka ( at some point?
Absolutely! Pull requests welcome! The bus was made with spring integration so other technologies may be used. Spring Integration Kafka was just released 4 days ago.

Using Netty 4 with Akka (Scala)

I'm using scala to develop an application server. I'm using Netty 4 for my networking stuff and then I want to use Akka actor to process the message. Now I want to test the communication between different machines with remote actor. But I saw that akka remote actor is using Netty 3. So my question is can my application server run with both Netty 3 and 4 dependencies?
Yes... Netty 3 and Netty 4 can co-exist as those use different java packages.