CQRS pattern: using command for external api call - rest

I am aware of CQRS pattern wherein Query to be used for Reading data and Command to be used for updating the data.
In a peculiar case where the rest api is POST but not updating the data directly rather calling an external POST api of other system and passing the details.
In such case which one holds true - use Query or Command?
*Update *
System involves multiple DB. Not necessarily different DB for query and command however

Super simple. If you know for sure the call will not update or modify state or data, then it's a query, if it does (or might) then it's a command.
However, CQRS is often more about the physical structure of your system. You might have separate command and query databases... and that complicates the answer. It can have both logical and physical aspects.


Can I assume that all databases will return a promise?

I am designing a set of unit and integration tests with a friend of mine, and we had a doubt. We know the answer, at least, what is more likely to be true. However, we would like to hear your thoughts.
We are designing a test for MongoDB, and we expect that we should receive a promise, after asking to save a document. So far so good.
What about if we change the database??? can we assume for sure that all databases when queried will return a promise??
I guess regarding the _id, it depends from database to database, we are using _id from MongoDB for testing reasons.
We are using the following test using in Jest
create://this method do exist on service, however, at the moment of testing, it is empty, just a placeholder
jest.fn().mockImplementation((cat: CreateCatDto) =>
Promise.resolve({ _id: 'a uuid', ...cat })
The idea is to design backends that do not depend on the database, but for testing and developing reasons, we are using MongoDB and PostgreSQL.
Keep in mind the term promise doesn't exist as a concept for all databases, and to provide a conclusive answer to your question for all databases is not possible.
That being said, if by promise you mean the primary key or identity (in general database terms) after inserting new data, then the answer is no, there is no guarantee, not even on PostgreSQL that'll you be able to do that. It's possible for tables, even in PostgreSQL, to exist without those constraints.
Otherwise, if by promise, you mean specifically the concept in a procedural or functional language like JavaScript (as your example code in your update indicates), then yes, you should always receive a promise object if your application code is utilizing asynchronous calls appropriately.
But that would be regardless of what the asynchronous call was to whether it's a database directly (and regardless of what database system that was), an API endpoint, or another piece of application code. Also, in that case, your question (or any follow up questions) would be better suited for StackOverflow.com.
Can I assume that all databases return a promise?
No. Most if not all database wire protocols are synchronous, meaning the client blocks until it gets a response. Even the databases that expose some sort of RESTful APIs are synchronous, because HTTP.
Some client-side drivers may wrap this synchronous logic and exhibit asynchronous behaviour by returning something like JavaScrpt Promises or Java Futures, but it is entirely up to the driver implementation you choose to use.

Multiple GET Rest APIs on different fields of a table or One Rest API in DDD

I wanted to provide functionality to clients from my service to get the data based on different fields or sometimes combination of fields. Eg.
In domain driven design, while designing the GET APIs, what should I do out of the following 2:
Should I create individual get api for all such functionalities I wanted to provide?
Should I create one get API with all the possible gets by using all these fields in query parameter. Eg.
Which one is the better way to do this? Any suggestions on best practice?
There is a middle path between using individual GET APIs for each of these queries and creating one GET API.
You could use the Specification pattern to expose one GET API, but translate it into a Domain Specification Object before passing it on to the Domain layer for querying. You typically do this transformation in your View Controller, before invoking the Application Service.
Martin Fowler and Eric Evans have published a great paper on using Specifications: https://martinfowler.com/apsupp/spec.pdf
As the paper states, The central idea of Specification is to separate the statement of how to match a candidate, from the candidate object that it is matched against.
You are fine if you are using this pattern for the Query side as you have outlined in your question, and avoid reusing it in different contexts. For ex., DO NOT use a specification object on both the query side and command side, if you are using (or plan to use) CQRS. You will be creating a central dependency between two parts, that NEED to be kept separate.
Specifications are handy when you want to represent a domain concept. Evaluate your queries (getByAandB and getByAandC) to draw out the question you are asking to the domain (For ex., ask your domain expert to describe the data he is trying to fetch).

What is more recommended to use in the C Driver , mongoc_collection_command with "insert" or mongoc_collection_insert

After working for awhile with the C driver , reading the tutorials and the API .
I little confused ,
According to this tutorial : http://api.mongodb.org/c/current/executing-command.html
i can execute DB and Collections commands which include also the CRUD commands.
And i can even get the Document cursor if i don't use "_simple" in the command API
so why do i need to use for example the mongoc_collection_insert() API command ?
What are the differences ? what is recommended ?
This question is probably similar to what's the difference between using insert command or db.collection.insert() via the mongo shell.
mongoc_collection_insert() is specific function written to insert a document into a collection while mongoc_collection_command() is for executing any valid database commands on a collection.
I would recommend to use the API function (mongoc_collection_insert) whenever possible. For the following reasons:
The API functions had been written as an abstraction layer with a specific purpose so that you don't have to deal with other details related to the command.
For example, mongoc_collection_insert exposes the right parameters for inserting i.e. mongoc_write_concern_t and mongoc_insert_flags_t with the respective default value. On the other hand, mongoc_collection_command has broad range of parameters such as mongoc_read_prefs_t, skip, or limit which may not be relevant for inserting a document.
Any future changes for mongoc_collection_insert will more likely be considered with the correct context for insert.
Especially for CRUD, try to avoid using command because the MongoDB wire protocol specifies different request opcodes for command (OP_MSG: 1000) and insert (OP_INSERT: 2002).

Marklogic REST API search for latest document version

We need to restrict a MarkLogic search to the latest version of managed documents, using Marklogic's REST api. We're using MarkLogic 6.
Using straight xquery, you can use dls:documents-query() as an additional-query option (see
Is there any way to restrict marklogic search on specific version of the document).
But the REST api requires XML, not arbitrary xquery. You can turn ordinary cts queries into XML easily enough (execute <some-element>{cts:word-query("hello world")}</some-element> in QConsole).
If I try that with dls:documents-query() I get this:
<cts:properties-query xmlns:cts="http://marklogic.com/cts">
Apart from being less than totally transparent... how safe is that number? We'll need to put it in our query options, so it's not something we can regenerate every time we need it. I've looked on two different installations here and the the number's the same, but is it guaranteed to be the same, and will it ever change? On, for example, a MarkLogic upgrade?
Also, assuming the number is safe, will the registered-query always be there? The documentation says that registered queries may be cleared by the system at various times, but it's talking about user-defined registered queries, and I'm not sure how much of that applies to internal queries.
Is this even the right approach? If we can't do this we can always set up collections and restrict the search that way, but we'd rather use dls:documents-query if possible.
The number is a registered query id, and is deterministic. That is, it will be the same every time the query is registered. That behavior has been invariant across a couple of major releases, but is not guaranteed. And as you already know, the server can unregister a query at any time. If that happens, any query using that id will throw an XDMP-UNREGISTERED error. So it's best to regenerate the query when you need it, perhaps by calling dls:documents-query again. It's safest to do this in the same request as the subsequent search.
So I'd suggest extending the REST API with your own version of the search endpoint. Your new endpoint could add dls:documents-query to the input query. That way the registered query would be generated in the same request with the subsequent search. For ML6, http://docs.marklogic.com/6.0/guide/rest-dev/extensions explains how to do this.
The call to dls:documents-query() makes sure the query is actually registered (on the fly if necessary), but that won't work from REST api. You could extend the REST api with a custom extension as suggested by Mike, but you could also use the following:
That is the query that is registered by dls:documents-query(). Might not be future proof though, so check at each upgrade. You can find the definition of the function in /Modules/MarkLogic/dls.xqy

"Why" does Backbone NOT have a save (PUT/POST) method for its collections - is it unRESTful?

I asked a question a while back i.e. "How save an entire backbone collection?". However what intrigues me is that why is a save method not offered? Is it unRESTful to save (PUT/POST) entire collections or is it uncommon to do so in the REST-land?
GET: /MySite/Collections - allowed by collection.fetch()
POST: /MySite/Collections - for the model(s) in the collection to be Posted when calling model.save()
PUT: /MySite/Collections/{id} - for the model(s) to be updated individually
GET: /MySite/Collections/{id} - to fetch an individual model throuth model.fetch()
So why not allow for POST/PUT an entire collection of resources? It is convenient sometimes and although one can wrap/hack out some code using collection.toJSON why not include it? I'm just curious about its absence and the rationale for the same. Frameworks not having the capability of a few things usually implies bad programming/design and are thus left out. Is saving an entire collection 'bad practice'?
The wikipedia article about REST does mention CRUD verbs for collection.
But, in my opinion, a Collection is not a resource, it is not an entity, and it has not state. It is, instead, a bunch of resources. And if there would be an UPDATE command for a Collection it would be nothing else but a multiple UPDATE commands over multiple Models. Having the possibility of multiple UPDATE commands in only one request would be helpful but I think this is not a job for the REST implementation.
Also there will be problems of ambiguity, for example in a Collection that contains already saved Models with id and so on, and others that not, what will a POST command mean?... or an UPDATE command?...
No talking about the increase of the complexity in the server side where, if this Collection REST support should be taken like standard, we should to work the double to accomplish the casuistic.
Summarizing: I don't see any case where the need of a Collection REST command can't be solved with the actual, simpler, only-Model REST commands, so keeping the things as simple as possible I think is a good habit.