Install4j Language and Message Issue - install4j

I have defined principle language in all my projects and also there is no other language added but it is observed that sometimes it shows language selection for uninstaller only and the frequency is also low not seen for installer and only language in language selection is
And also for some minimal machines i.e without GUI packages if we run the installer script it shows random messages to the user the frequency is quite low.

The language selection window can only be shown if additional languages are defined in the project. Maybe you have added them at some point and are using a build where they were configured.
The second message is displayed if no GUI can be shown. It is not a random message.


Disable competing language servers / code highlighters

I want to add a language server to handle completion / highlighting / etc. for a file.
As a basis for testing stuff I am using an example from Microsoft ( and changed it to be active for any File. This language server highlights any word in all capital letters.
When opening a C++ File, I get the highlighting / completion of my language server and the default one for C++ (See image).
I would like to detect if some other extension / build in highlighter is active for a file and deactivate it for this workspace or the current file if it is impossible for the current workspace)
Is there a way to do this in a generic way where I do not have to know which extensions are highlighting code?
If no, is there a way to do this, if I know a set of extensions I want to deactivate?
I finally had enough time to try around a bit more and found that providing your own language for the same extension is enough.
In package.json I added an element in contributes.languages with extensions containing .cpp (since I am using cpp files for testing).
I also copied over some implementation code from an example.
This suppressed the default highlighter and code completion for cpp files. Since i am only implementing a semantic token provider, I can see the default highlighting before my provider takes over. (I think this could be solved by adding a syntax highlighter, but this is already sufficient fo my preliminary testing)
I am not sure, how stable all of this would be as a plugin (I only tested in Extension Development Host mode)
Here an image of the results:

wso2 BPEL message-variable becomes un-expandable after some time

I am using Developer Studio 3.8.0 on top of Eclipse Lunar to develop an BPEL project...
I have able to create a partner link, assign the input message variable, and invoke the partner link.
however, I found out that after sometime, the message variable (the input/output variable used when calling a partner link) become un-expandable.
see the snapshot below
I tried to create a new message variable with the same partner link ( of different operation), and the message variable is expandable. (see shap shot below)
this is very annoying, because I am totally depending on the graphic designing iterface; and it become almost impossible to any job when complex composite variables become un-expandable in the GUI
anyone has any idea? or any suggestion?
WSO2 Developer studio is using the JDT UI elements in Eclipse platform[1]. However in some cases, JDT UIs are not working properly with lower window resolutions. In your attached screenshots, we can see that it has very low resolution.
So please try to increase the resolution first. If it is not working, edit your bpel with the source view. You can switch to the source view by clicking on the source view tab in bottom of your Gups.bpel window.

Cinnamon show an application in all workspaces

I have a number of monitors. I typically move between up to 4 or 5 workspaces for different areas of focus during the day (simply different projects, PyCharm for Python projects vs Eclipse for Java projects, e-mail and project management activities, etc.)
I would like to throw a chat application up on a monitor that would be mapped into all workspaces so that it's always up attracting my attention and doesn't change when I change workspaces.
I don't see in Cinnamon any option to do this and find no search expression getting me help in Google to solve it.
At the moment, this is not possible in Cinnamon. It is a long standing feature request (since 2012!).
However, there are alternatives to it. Namely, the program devilspie2 (available in the repositories) allows one to manage windows and their placement, with the help of a small Lua script.
Here1 is how I stick my Firefox and Pidgin window on all workspaces, while some other windows in a given workspace WORK (because I don't want to see them when I'm not working (: ).
-- Make windows of all these apps visible on all workspaces
GLOBAL_WINDOWS='Firefox;System Monitor;Pidgin'
if (GLOBAL_WINDOWS:find(get_application_name())) then
-- Firefox should be tall maximised
if (get_application_name() == 'Firefox') then
-- Put the Sublime on their correct workspaces
if (get_application_name() == 'Sublime Text' and get_window_name():find('WORK')) then
This should be placed in a config file in your home directory. Check the documentation :). And don't forget to set devilspie2 as the first startup app.
1 also posted in that issue

Eclipse debugger for GEF editor

I have a GEF editor which represent a finite state machine. Editor's input (and output) is XML. What I am looking for is a way to debug my editor visually.
The way editor works is you create a state Start->Email->End, XML that is created is send to the server and there magic happens, of course Email object has properties that you set: from email, to email, subject, etc. What I am looking for is a way I can launch a debugger and step through each step of execution. So for example if I break at Email step I would be able to see what message was, whom it was for and what server returned at the end.
Is this something that is possible to accomplish and if so are there any articles I need to read to familiarize myself with how to create this debugger?
I found some discussion about Eclipse debuggers (1,2) but nothing about what I am interested in doing.
There are two different issues here.
One is writing a debugger engine, that manages the execution of your model, for example steps the execution, allows querying the variables/states, etc., and another one that outputs the result in your editor.
The articles you have linked work with the first issue: creating an engine that executes the model in the background, and integrates the engine into the Eclipse environment using 1) the launch framework to execute it similarly as Java programs, and 2) allows displaying the state in the textual editors.
You want to display the state in graphical editors. Because graphical editors have much less in common, the back-annotation of the debug state has to be done manually (instead of the generic support for text editors). Basically, I would create actions that set up breakpoints, and update the model to be able to store/query the execution state, and then update the GEF views to display it on the GUI. For this you have to change your Figures and your EditParts at least, and possibly other places as well.

Is it possible to make the auto-complete in netbeans not depend on a key-combination?

Is it possible to make the code-completion on Netbeans automatic, like on Aptana or Visual Studio?
I've noticed that Netbeans can sometimes take a while to populate the list, so this might be asking a bit too much, but if possible, I'd like to somehow enable it.
The onlything I've found in the options is the ability to set a custom key-combo, but not to make this automatic.
I know that if you wait a bit, the auto-completion shows up anyway, but I want it to be without delay.
It appears there is a setting in some NetBeans versions that sets the delay for the popup window.
Choose Tools | Options
Choose Advanced Options
Open the Editing and then Editor Settings folders
Select Java Editor and find the Delay of Completion Window Auto Popup property
Enter a new Delay value in milliseconds (default is 250).
Article where I found it:
The problem is that this article is a couple years old, so I opened NetBeans (6.1) on my computer and looked for the property but it didn't exist for the Java Editor (It did for other editors like the XML Editor). This leads me to believe my version is newer than the one in the article and the delay property no longer exists for the Java Editor (checking couldn't hurt though).
So instead, I decided to test the delay. I made a sample project, imported and instantiated a list, and then went to call a method. I stopped at the dot to let NetBeans offer suggestions and it was basically immediate (no noticeable delay). It is at this point, I am wondering if the delay you are experiencing is due purely to performance of the computer, especially since you indicate this occurs "sometimes". It is possible that you are looking at rather large classes, and NetBeans is taking extra time to look up the completions. You could try and test to see if this is true or not by testing code completion on a known large class. The other possibility is your computer is not as fast, or is doing work for another program at the same time. You can try and test this by restarting the computer, opening only NetBeans (to maximize resources to NetBeans), and try some code completions. If either exhibit noticeably faster delays, this is most likely the problem.
Hope this helps.
I think I found a solution. I set up autocomplete keyboard shortcuts for all letters and #, it seems to work. In some cases there is a small lag, but it doesn't prevent you from typing. It took about 5 minutes to add those shortcuts.
I tried to get the desired feature by adding the alphabet to the completion selectors. It worked somewhat, you can always try it.
This works for the first two characters you type This is updated one
Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Code Completion
Language: [C/C++]
Autopop Triggers for C/C++ Identifiers
.;->;.*;->*;::;new ; 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Good Luck!