How to use ngrok in conjuction with Okta with Android Emulator - android-emulator

I am testing SSO with okta. I am trying to login to okta using an Android Emulator. For me to be able to hit my local host from the emulator I used ngrok. Now i am able to access the local host from ngrok provided url "". I can get to the okta screen but when I login to okta it does not render the page but throws errors according to following saml settings on OKTA
I have the following SAML settings on OKTA
Single Sign On URL : https://localhost:port/signin-saml
Recipient URL : https://localhost:port/signin-saml
Destination URL : https://localhost:port/signin-saml
Audience Restriction : https:/localhost:port/saml
I get the following error
Webpage not available
The webpage at https://localhost:port/sigin-saml could not be loaded because
I tried changing the saml settings to the following in Okta
Single Sign On URL :
Recipient URL :
Destination URL :
Audience Restriction :
I get back the following error,
Exception: SAML Response has invalid Destination
I am not sure how i can use the ngrok url to redirect to android emulator.
Thank you!!


URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s

Good morning everyone,
For a few days I have been failing to log in with facebook on my website made with WordPress.
The error message I get is the following:
"URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs."
I have tried creating a new Facebook login app and get exactly the same error window.
Can someone please try what is the problem?
I attach the screenshots with the error and the URI configuration that I have applied in the Facebook login app.
Thank you very much.
Facebook connect button
URIs error
URIs config

Browsers block redirection to chrome extension application

in chrome extension application it has a url like chrome-extension://lcoibdhlihchjibnocnoofbfobniiofp/index.html
and it request to server to authenticate using SNS Oauth
Flow looks like these
chrome extension -> API server -> google -> API server(callback) -> chrome extension (redirect to)
the situation is
if browser keeps google oauth session it works well
initiator request to API server using callback endpoint
and it redirects to chrome extension well
if browser doesn't keep session so i must enter password to authenticate browser blocks redirection
I have no idea where to check to fix the issue.
i got new difference between two situation
the one Oauth session is not kept
the other Oauth session is kept
could possibly initiator matter ?

Facebook login flutter app error

I have encountered the following FB error:
Given URL is not allowed by the application configuration: One or more
of the given URL is not allowed by the App's settings. To use this URL
you must add a valid native platform in your App's settings.
Also Facebook OAuth redirect URI, does not accept http local host.
You may need to review the OAuth settings for your Facebook application
Also Facebook OAuth redirect URI, does not accept http local host
HTTPS is required for new Facebook integrations. You can get free certificates from Lets Encrypt or use self-signed certs and add them to your mobile device. It's a little more complicated, but it's really for the best :-)

ADFS 3.0 redirects the request to internal IP instead of DNS

I have configured ADFS 3.0 in my lab and trying to integrate with Salesforece. When I try to access the SalesForce using ADFS. It redirects me to ADFS login page which is expected behavior but after entering the credentials, it automatically redirect to internal IP Address instead of DNS name. I have checked on ADFS server but nothing found abnormal.
First URL (Login Page)
After entering the credentails, redirects to below URL
Please help.
End point URL :

Meteor accounts-facebook not working on server

I have followed the this tutorial ( to setup Meteors accounts-facebook package. The application worked fine while working on the local environment(localhost).
Now that I have hosted the app on my server I have the following configuration on my Facebook Apps Dashboard.
But when I try to login from my application I receive the following error message:
"URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app’s Client OAuth Settings. Make sure Client and Web OAuth Login are on and add all your app domains as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs."
My app is hosted on the port '3002' so, I have set the port along with the domain name on the Site URL section on facebook and with respect to the site URL I have also set the redirect URI as given on the image.
Thanks in Advance.
Found a Fix! Setting the ROOT_URL environment variable did the trick for me.