Date Picker is not disabling dates - datepicker

I need to disable the first and third Wednesday in each month. The code I am using is below.This was working but when I added the new dates for 2021 it stopped working. Please help. Thanks
var dates = ["6-3-2019","20-3-2019","3-4-2019","17-4-2019","1-5-2019","15-5-2019","5-6-2019","19-6-2019","3-7-2019","17-7-2019","7-8-2019","21-8-2019","4-9-2019","18-9-2019","2-10-2019","16-10-2019","6-11-2019","20-11-2019","4-12-2019","18-12-2019","1-1-2020","15-1-2020","5-2-2020","19-2-2020","4-3-2020","18-3-2020","1-4-2020","15-4-2020","6-5-2020","20-5-2020","3-6-2020","17-6-2020","1-7-2020","15-7-2020","5-8-2020","19-8-2020","2-9-2020","16-9-2020","7-10-2020","21-10-2020","4-11-2020","18-11-2020","2-12-2020","16-12-2020","06-01-2021","20-01-2021","03-02-2021","17-02-2021","03-03-2021","17-03-2021","07-04-2021","21-04-2021","05-05-2021","19-05-2021","02-06-2021","16-06-2021","07-07-2021","21-07-2021","04-08-2021","18-08-2021","01-09-2021","15-09-2021","06-10-2021","20-10-2021","03-11-2021","17-11-2021","01-12-2021","15-12-2021"];
function DisableDates(date) {
var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('dd/mm/yy', date);
return [dates.indexOf(string) == -1];
$(function() {
beforeShowDay: DisableDates,
minDate: +1


jquery DatePicker on specific date

I need to show a datepicker allowing customer to choose multiple dates based on below criteria and also based on business logic that number of Orders can delivery per day.
Show T + 5 days only where T is current date and customer can choose only 5dates in datepicker for delivery. Other dates will be de activated
No Sundays
There will be threshold limit for order delivery. If for example no of orders on specific date met the threshold limit, then that date should be disabled from choosing and show next date for customer to choose for delivery.
$(document).ready( function() {
var threshold_orderlimit = 100; // limit for orders to accept
var tdays = 5; // show today + 5 days
var noOfOrdersPlaced = 40; // current order count
if(noOfOrdersPlaced >= threshold) {
tdays = tdays +1; // next 5 days
$("#date").datepicker( {
minDate: +tdays,
maxDate: '+5D', // show only 5 days
beforeShowDay: function(date) { // No sundays
var day = date.getDay();
return [(day != 0), ''];
Can some one help me to check if it is achievable in Jquery Date Picker
In case of using the Jquery Datepicker, its not possible to select multiple dates. Need to add a plugin jQuery MultiDatePicker.
var date = new Date();
var threshold_reached_dates = [date.setDate(15), date.setDate(29),date.setDate(18)];
var today = new Date();
var maximumdays_limit = 5;
var pickable_range = 6;
beforeShowDay : function(date){ return [date.getDay()!=0,'']},
maxPicks : maximumdays_limit,
pickableRange : pickable_range,
adjustRangeToDisabled: true,
addDisabledDates : threshold_reached_dates
function getSelectedDates()
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="datepicker">
<button onclick="getSelectedDates()">Get Selected Dates</button>
In case of using the Bootstrap Datepicker
var startdate = new Date();
var enddate = new Date();
var threshold_reached_dates = ["2018-07-05","2018-07-25","2018-07-13","2018-07-17"];
var maximumdays_limit = 5;
var l = threshold_reached_dates.filter(function(d){return new Date(d)>=startdate && new Date(d)<=enddate;}).length;
(l && enddate.setDate(enddate.getDate()+l));
format: "yy-mm-dd",
startDate : startdate,
endDate : enddate,
daysOfWeekDisabled : '0',
datesDisabled: threshold_reached_dates,
multidate: true,
multidateSeparator: ",",
var dates = event.dates, elem=$('#date');
function getDates()
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<input type="text" id="date">
<button onclick="getDates()">Get Dates</button>

How To Disable Specific Days and Dates Using BeforeShowDay In jQueryUiDatepicker?

I already have functioning code in jQueryUiDatepicker that disables Fridays and Saturdays and all previous days (plus 2 days). My issue is trying to add 2 specific dates to this existing Datepicker code that will also disable these dates.
This is my existing code on starting line 92 in jQueryUiDatepicker:
beforeShowDay: function(date) {
var show = true;
if(date.getDay()==5||date.getDay()==6) show=false
return [show];
beforeShow: function(){
var dateTime = new Date();
var hour = dateTime.getHours();
//If Hour is greater or equals to 8AM
if(hour >= 08){
//Disable all past days including tomorrow and today
$(this).datepicker( "option", "minDate", "+2" );
I am trying to disable 18th and 19th October 2017 and failing, this is the code I have added directly underneath the above code:
beforeShowDay: var array = ['18/10/2017', '19/10/2017']
beforeShowDay: function(date){
var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('dd/mm/yy', date);
return [ array.indexOf(string) == -1 ]
My question is how can I disable all previous dates, all Fridays and Saturdays and these 2 dates in the October?
Note# This coding has to be done in jquery.ui.datepicker, not a script in html
Hope this helps
use inArray instead of indexOf and you can also disable all previous dates using minDate
var array = ["18/10/2017", "19/10/2017"];
$(function() {
minDate: new Date(),
beforeShowDay: function (date) {
$thisDate = date.getDate() + "/" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + date.getFullYear();
var day = date.getDay();
if ($.inArray($thisDate, array) == -1&&day!=5&&day!=6) {
return [true, ""];
} else {
return [false, "", "Unavailable"];

End date must be equal and greater than start selected date in boostrap

Requirements - End date must be equal and greater then start selected start date in boostrap datepicker and before selected start date disable.
Problem - its possible in jquery date but I want to know how to make in boostrap date.
my boostrap code is
$('#start_date').datepicker({autoclose: true,startDate: new Date()});
$('#end_date').datepicker({autoclose: true,startDate: new Date()});
for reference check jquery code
Note - I want exact implemention of this picker in bootstrap
Can anyone help me?
Please check out this JSFiddle demo. I have placed the code below that uses bootstrap datepicker.
format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
autoclose: true,
}).on('changeDate', function (selected) {
var startDate = new Date(;
$('.to_date').datepicker('setStartDate', startDate);
}).on('clearDate', function (selected) {
$('.to_date').datepicker('setStartDate', null);
format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
autoclose: true,
}).on('changeDate', function (selected) {
var endDate = new Date(;
$('.from_date').datepicker('setEndDate', endDate);
}).on('clearDate', function (selected) {
$('.from_date').datepicker('setEndDate', null);

ALLOYUI Datepicker setter and getter method

I have two input text box startdate and enddate
<input type="text" id="startdate"/>
<input type="text" id="enddate"/>
I need two simple things
On click of startdate and selection of start date, need to update
end date with +7 days.
Format needed is mm/dd/yyyy
So if any one click startdate with 01/01/2015 i.e 1st January 2015 , than end date should automatically set with 01/08/2015
On selection of startdate, I need to get enddate open automatically.
The datepicker Library I had used is ALLOYUI datepicker version 3.0
Can anyone please write down code please.
var datefrom;
function(Y) {
datefrom = new Y.DatePicker(
trigger: '#dpfrom',
popover: {
zIndex: 1
calendar: {
//maximumDate : new Date(today.getFullYear(),today.getMonth()+1,today.getDate()),
minimumDate : new Date(),
on: {
selectionChange: function(event) {
I found the may to set minimum and maximum date but still i donot have the way to set end date +7 days to current date.
Please find similar and working one for me. Please customize it if you need anything.
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="selecteddate" placeholder="Day, Mon dd, yyyy"></input>
function(Y) {
var datepicker = new Y.DatePicker(
trigger: 'input',
popover: {
zIndex: 1
after: {
selectionChange: function(event) {
var myDate=Y.DataType.Date.addDays(new Date(datepicker.getSelectedDates()),+6);
if (myDate.isValid()) {
Date.prototype.isValid = function () {
// An invalid date object returns NaN for getTime() and NaN is the only
// object not strictly equal to itself.
return this.getTime() === this.getTime();

Bootstrap DateTimePicker Start Time

I'm using two DateTimePickers in my code: one for choosing a date (pickTime disabled) and the other for the time (pickDate disabled).
I've managed to set a startDate for the date, but how can I set a startTime and an endTime, in such a way that the any time before that startTime is disabled?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
pickTime: false,
startDate: new Date(2013,9,8)
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
pickDate: false,
startTime: ???
This question is OLD but thought it might help some one.
format: 'LT'
var date =;// is a moment object
var target = $('name');
console.log(date.format("HH:mm:ss"))//get time by using format
}) is a moment object thus time can derived by using format("HH:mm:ss")