Some questions about the render order of the Uis in Unity3D - unity3d

Found something beyond my understanding.
two images with a text overlapping one of them.
how they're ordered.
3 batches!
This is confusing me. As some official article I've read, "Unity UIs are constructed back-to-front, with objects’ order in the hierarchy determining their sort order. Objects earlier in the hierarchy are considered behind objects later in the hierarchy. Batches are built by walking the hierarchy top-to-bottom and collecting all objects which use the same material, the same texture and do not have intermediate layers."
In my understanding, the text should be rendered before the two images,and that the batches should be 2 rather than 3. So what's really happening here?

Because the text is rendering first, when the square renders, it goes over top of the already drawn pixels.
"As for batches, batching means that it takes all the same elements, that have the same texture and material, and tries to put them in 1 draw call if it can. Text, on the other hand, is always in a different atlas. So if you have an Image followed by Text , you'll have 2 draw calls as they cannot be batched together." - referenced here
You may need to enable static or dynamic batching in the Player Settings as well, if they are static, try marking them batching static in the inspector. I would refer to the link above for more of the reasons as to why batching may not work, as it seems there can be plenty of reasons!
EDIT: Are you using the default Unity text, or Text Mesh Pro? It will most likely work the same in terms of render orders and batches, but if you are not using TMP, you should be, as it is much more efficient, and renders better, and has more capabilities in general. There is a good reason Unity bought the product to adapt into their base engine.


How do I determine the shape of a child of a MultiChildRenderObjectWidget in Flutter?

I'm working on a widget that displays a graph of nodes and edges using a MultiChildRenderObjectWidget that accepts a list of node widgets as children. I can determine the size and position of the children during layout and thus have the graph edges align with the square intrinsic size of the nodes. However, what if the nodes are not square (if they have a border radius for example)? Then the edges do not line up with the node's border on the diagonals. Here's a picture of what I mean:
My first guess on how to do this would be to layout all children and then during painting, keep performing hit tests along the edge line until the hit test doesn't find the child. Is there a better way of doing this?
I like this question :)
As the scope of the question is broad, I will also present you with a broad answer. That means that this is not a specific implementation but rather an explanation of the concepts needed for this.
Hit testing
You presented hit testing as a way to deal with this issue. I believe that this is not feasible in most cases, let me explain.
Iteration problem: "keep performing hit tests along the edge line" - maybe there is a good algorithm for doing this in a somewhat efficient fashion, however, if you think about it, you would have to perform a lot of checks to get results depending on the approach you take (the difficult question here is how you determine success for your algorithm, i.e. when it should stop searching).
Also note that "Hit testing requires layout to be up-to-date but does not require painting to be up-to-date.", which means that it is not intended to rely on painting in hitTest - I am also not aware of a way to perform hit tests on a canvas, so the idea of easily checking where the canvas painted might not actually be possible.
Parent data
The way I would approach this problem is using parent data, specifically BoxParentData.
Ideally, you would paint your nodes using render objects as well because that allows you to work with the parent data easily.
Before I go into a little bit of how it can be implemented, here is my idea:
You have a render object container (your MultiChildRenderObjectWidget) that can handle your nodes.
The nodes will have GraphContainerNodeParentData (example name).
Each node paints based on a description of the shape. This description could be a Path (you could use PathMetrics to evaluate that later) or something simpler if you can find a way to simplify e.g. the description of the rounded rectangle.
The node sets that shape description as its parent data (variables in the GraphContainerNodeParentData.
The render object container will be able to read the GraphContainerNodeParentData, which contains the information about the shape. Now, you will be able to go through your children during painting and read the parent data, where the shape description is stored → problem solved :)
This is the way Stack et al. work. You can find the implementation of rendering for Stack in the framework:
Parent data implementation
Container render box implementation (btw, "container" in my answer refers to the concept of a render box that is a container for other render boxes; it has nothing to do with the Container widget :D)
Furthermore, I used an abstract way of dealing with parent data in my open source Flutter Clock submission. If you are interested in understanding parent data better, it could be helpful. The abstract multi child (container) render object can be found here.
You might not need to go that deep (depending on what you are trying to achieve).
You can also set parent data using a ParentDataWidget and potentially combine that with simpler ways of composing your shapes.
For example, you could just use a ClipRRect or something with a specific border radius and pass that border radius to the parent data. With some math, you will always be able to find the correct edges for your shapes with variable border radii in your multi child render object paint method :)
If you do not need to handle abstract cases, i.e. in your case all kinds of different shapes (which could be implemented using the parent data shape description as I outlined), you could also just leave out all of this.
Imagine you always use the same border radius. Why would you worry about even passing parent data then? You could simply calcuate where the edges are based on the size when you have a fixed border radius or fixed shape.
So I want you to keep in mind that even though I proposed this abstract way of dealing with it (which is not difficult at all to work with when you understand but can be cumbersome to get into), you should find the simplest way of solving the problem for your specific case.
More abstraction is always possible - I could e.g. pour a lot of effort into something like this, creating an extremely abstract API that can handle shapes of any kind (using PathMetrics e.g.) to always find the perfect spots, no matter what kind of cubics you used to paint your nodes. However, that might be completely unnecessary and even lead you off track because you are not able to handle the more difficult solution.
Approach 1: abstraction for all cases
If you are looking for something abstract, look at my canvas_clock implementation for inspiration - it uses basically only RenderBoxes, so you will find what you are searching for in that :) In hindsight, the code quality is not amazing, the structure was not well chosen, and it obviously glosses over hit testing, intrinsic sizing, etc., however, for what it does, it goes the way of the abstract extreme (:
Approach 2: pragmatism for a specific case
There are a bunch of exisitng abstractions (like ParentDataWidget and CustomPainter) that can be used instead and you might not even need to handle different shapes (just a bit of math if you e.g. always draw the same rounded rectangle).
If you are only interested in one specific shape, I think that most of the parent data stuff is not strictly necessary :)
I think that I presented you with a few approaches for how this could be pulled off. I did not go into any specifics (maths or how to do it using PathMetrics - hint: you can use one Path object for canvas.drawPath and also extract information using PathMetrics), however, that is due to the broad nature of the question.
I hope that this information was useful to you in any way - I sure did enjoy sharing my thought :)
Btw, I am sorry for the ramble. I would consider this a low quality answer because I only quickly wrote down my thoughts instead of thoroughly structuring the answer and conducting some more research.

How to bake static Unit scene into one big mesh and texture

I have a big complex unity scene including terrain, trees, grass, flowers and many other objects.
I'm having performance problems and i was wondering if its possible to bake all static objects that never move or change like terrain trees, houses, and other props etc, into one big static object to increase performance?
Check out the Unity documentation on Static Objects here.
Many optimisations need to know if an object can move during gameplay. Information about a Static (ie, non-moving) object can often be precomputed in the editor in the knowledge that it will not be invalidated by a change in the object’s position. For example, rendering can be optimised by combining several static objects into a single, large object known as a batch.
To mark a GameObject as static, you simply need to check the Static box in the inspector window with the desired GameObject selected.
That wouldn't be a good idea. Having separate meshes is much more beneficial and efficient than combining them all into one huge mesh. This will allow you to set different LOD systems for the objects, billboarding of trees and detail objects, and will allow for finer control over your scene without having to rebuild that huge object again and again.
For large scenes, it is important that you set up a Level Of Detail (LOD) system. What it essentially means is that based on the distance of the object from the camera, a higher or lower quality model of that object will be rendered. At close distances, the highest polygon model will be rendered. At huge distances where detail is not required, lower polygon count models can be used. Consult the Unity Manual for more details. You can also look for scripts and tutorials on the internet.
Also, make sure that your terrain settings are reasonable. Setting the Pixel Error of the terrain to 1 is overkill, something like 4-5 is more than enough. Detail Density, Billboard Start, Detail and Tree Distance all these can be toned down.
Or just check for an unoptimized script or shader gone awry, that's usually the problem. Unoptimized 3d models are hell too. You'll have to do more than just pick up a model from Sketchup's 3D warehouse (speaking from personal experience). You will have to pay an artist to get high quality, optimized models with their LOD meshes also unless you have the skills yourself.

How can I create larger worlds/levels in Unity without adding lag?

How can I scale up the size of my world/level to include more gameobjects without causing lag for the player?
I am creating an asset for the asset store. It is a random procedural world generator. There is only one major problem: world size.
I can't figure out how to scale up the worlds to have more objects/tiles.
I have generated worlds up to 2000x500 tiles, but it lags very badly.
The maximum sized world that will not affect the speed of the game is
around 500x200 tiles.
I have generated worlds of the same size with smaller blocks: 1/4th the size (it doesn't affect how many tiles you can spawn)
I would like to create a world at least the size of 4200x1200 blocks without lag spikes.
I have looked at object pooling (it doesn't seem like it can help me
that much)
I have looked at LoadLevelAsync (don't really know how to use this,
and rumor is that you need Unity Pro which I do not have)
I have tried setting chunks Active or Deactive based on player
position (This caused more lag than just leaving the blocks alone).
Additional Information:
The terrain is split up into chunks. It is 2d, and I have box colliders on all solid tiles/blocks. Players can dig/place blocks. I am not worried about the amount of time it takes for the level to load initially, but rather about the smoothness of the game while playing it -no lag spikes while playing.
question on Unity Forums
If you're storing each tile as an individual GameObject, don't. Use a texture atlas and 'tile data' to generate the look of each chunk whenever it is dug into or a tile placed on it.
Also make sure to disable, potentially even delete any chunks not within the visible range of the player. Object pooling will help significantly here if you can work out the maximum number of chunks that will ever be needed at once, and just recycle chunks as they go off the screen.
There is a lot to talk about for the optimal generation, so I'm going to post this link ( It shows you how to do it in a 3D space, but the principales are essentially the same if not a little easier for 2D space. The following is just a rough outline of what might be involved, and going down this path will result in huge benefits, but will require a lot of work to get there. I've included all the benefits at the bottom of the answer.
Each tile can be made to be a simple struct with fields like int id, vector2d texturePos, bool visible in it's simplest form. You can then store these tiles in a 2 dimensional array within each chunk, though to make them even more memory efficient you could store the texturePos once elsewhere in the program and write a method to get a texturePos by id.
When you make changes to this 2 dimensional array which represents either the addition or removal of a tile, you update the chunk, which is the actual GameObject used to represent the tiles. By iterating over the tile data stored in the chunk, it will be possible to generate a mesh of vertices based on the position of each tile in the 2 dimensional array. If visible is false, simply don't generate any vertices for it.
This mesh alone could be used as a collider, but won't look like anything. It will also be necessary to generate UV co-ords which happen to be the texturePos. When Unity then displays the mesh, it will display specific points of the texture atlas as defined by the UV co-ords of the mesh.
This has the benefit of resulting in significantly fewer GameObjects, better texture batching for Unity, less memory usage, faster random access for any tile as it's not got any MonoBehaviour overhead, and a genuine plethora of additional benefits.

Is using MapServer to merge several MapLayers on runtime to use with Leaflet a good idea?

We´re doing a Project right now where we have to display a huge image (containing chemical compounds and elements, so not geo referenced) as a map within a Web-Application (with Leaflet). The image itself is an Adobe Illustrator-File, so its actually a bunch of vector graphics. To makes things easy, we just converted it into a large .png (27.000x19.000 px) and then used MapTiler to create the needed MapRessources for Leaflet, easily included within a TileLayer.
The Problem is:
The user needs to be able to dynamically add and remove different Layers (== Filter) of the map to show more or less informationes from the picture. So we first created those layers within the Illustrator-File, then exported every layer as its own transparent .png-File, mapTiled it and included it as an own Leaflet-Layer.
Right now, we have 6 Filter-Layers and two more base Layers for the background and an overlay. This means that when all Filters are activated (which is the default), we have 8 Leaflet-Layers stacked on top of each other at once. As you can imagine, this causes some performance issues in the Browser, since Leaflet has to load and render 8 Layers with all its Tiles (depending on Screen size up to 25 at once) for every zoom or drag-action. Its still in a point that is not impossible to bear, but we are expecting several more filters to come and therefore wanna stay scalable in the future.
This means we will somehow have to change our approach of generating the Layers.
Since we actually have a vector-graphics based map, i thought there have to be better alternatives. But it seems that we have a rare case of requirements, since my researches mostly ended in dead ends, especially since most of the cases only cover REAL geographical maps, but what we have is a raster map. I also thought about somehow putting the map into a GeoJSON or redraw it somehow directly with SVG, but since we have LOTS of single elements on the map (> 20k), I dont think this would perform much better.
So I kind of need to stay with the Bitmaps, and therfore my main goal is simple: I wanna reduce the number of layers by merging the tiles of the currently activated Filter into one single .png which then gets delivered to leaflet within ONE Layer. I spent some hours now researching, but I always run into dead ends since it seems we have a rare case of requirements here (especially since most people deal with georeferenced data, not with custom raster maps).
So right now, I can think of 2 different options:
Create ONE Layer for every Filter-Combination. This means we would have to create 2^n layers, so this would only work up to a certain number of filters (which probably will increase) - therefore, i would prefer another solution (this is only last case)
Use MapServer and somehow import my Layers. Then we could merge the Layers on runtime with a query (I read about Union Layer here) and therefore only deliver ONE Layer to leaflet.
I have absolutely no experience with MapServer and im therefore not even sure if that is a use-case or if its capabale of doing this, and more important: If it would really give us a performacne boost, since it probably requires a lot of logic ServerSide.
Before i start spending another hours to try this out:
Can someone who already worked with MapServer give me some feedback if that is even a good idea or if I am misunderstanding something with MapServer completely?
Also, if someone has another alternative or idea for me, you´re more than welcome to share it, im grateful for every input. :)
Thanks in advance!
You might want to look at OpenLayers where you can display a mix of raster and vector layers. another option might be mapcache a tile caching engine part of the mapserver project. This has the ability to do vertical assembly of tiles. So if you case where you have 8 layers you can ask mapcache to stack all the eight tiles into a single tile. You can give it a list of layers to stack and it takes care of it for you. You can also do this with mapserver. The difference being that mapcache is a lightweight apache module that just works with tiles and is probably a little faster. Mapserver is a cgi-bin process and work efficiently at rendering and combining raster layers but is probably not as fast as mapcache for simple assembly of tiles.

what is better: one big sprite or many small

I'm new to game programming. And i have a question. I want to have a dotted circle to be drawn on the screen. I can use one big sprite (for example 256x256 pixels) which contains all the circle or i can use many small sprites representing dots.
I use cocos2d libs and i'm able to render using batch. So what is the best way to perform such tasks ?
In my opinion your best bet (if all the dots are the same) is to have one sprite of the dot, and repeat it in the shape you are looking for.
Generally you'll want a single asset for each unique graphic. You can combine those assets into a single sprite and reuse them. This allows for more flexibility as well as speed.
Most of todays graphics hardware is optimized to texture dimensions that are a power of two. Your sprites are likely to have other dimensions. By using sprites, you can minimize the padding that is needed to fill this space (and thus, minimize CPU/GPU cycles spent on correcting this internally). Besides that, the file size will be smaller, since you need less overhead and compression is likely to be more effective.
Go with one large sprite. It's fewer calls into the rendering engine, and adds flexibility to change the look (for example, if you decide to have the circle made of dashed lines rather than dots).