Is there a way to reserve a range in a postgres sequence? - postgresql

I'm writing a program that generates large numbers of rows to be inserted into a PostgreSQL database. Due to the presence of multiple indices, this process is getting slower over time. That's why I want to move to using COPY which seems to be significantly faster. The problem is that one of the tables has a foreign key into another, and I do not have the IDs for the foreign key column.
I was thinking that maybe if I could reserve a range in the sequence used for the primary key of the first table, I could do the ID assignment manually but I don't think Postgres natively supports such an operation. Is there a way to achieve this another way?

First off from your source data identify the business key for the parent and child tables. Create those tables and a unique constraint business key. This will not be the surrogate - auto generated - PK. Now create a staging table with all the columns necessary (except the FK). Since you will most likely be using across sessions this is a permanent table, but the intent is single time usage. With this insert into the parent table generating the pk from the sequence. Then insert into the child selecting the FK by referencing the business key from the parent.
insert into parent( <columns> )
select column_list
from stage
on conflict (business key ) do nothing;
insert into child ( <columns>, )
select s.<columns>,
from stage s
join parent a on key = key
on conflict (a.parent_id, child_bk) do nothing;
Since the above is rather obscure in the abstract see a concrete example here. There is no need attempting to "reserve a range", just let the pk/fk develop naturally.


In PostgreSQL 12, Does creating partitioning via inheritance improve query performance if queries are contained with a child table?

Using PostgreSQL 12, I'd like to take advantage of partitioning to 1: Aid in query performance, 2: Allow removing historic data more easily to keep mitigate database growth.
Unfortunately, declarative partitioning requires the key to be part of the PKs. A temporal field as primary key doesn't work well for my model -- so I'm exploring using inheritance instead (as per the docs).
My question is whether using this approach will similarly isolate the amount of rows that my SELECT statement will be exposed to if an item in my WHERE statement limits the results to a single child table.
Books => BooksJan2020, BooksFeb2020, BooksMar2020.
SELECT * FROM Books WHERE created < '01 20 2020' and author LIKE 'John%';
In declarative partitioning, I would expect the 'LIKE' statement to only be exposed to rows within the January table. Can I expect the same with inheritance? When studying how to create inherited tables, I don't see a mechanism that would tell the planner which child table to pull from.
You can do that by creating the appropriate check constraints on the inheritance children and leaving constraint_exclusion at its default value on.
But I want to dissuade you from using anything but declarative partitioning in v12. Partitioning by inheritance hurts. Besides, you cannot get a true primary key on anything that does not contain the partitioning key that way: even though you have a primary key on all partitions, nothing can prevent you from inserting the same key in different partitions.
My advice is to go with a primary key on (id, created). True, that does not guarantee global uniqueness of id, but it goes a long way towards that goal. With values generated from a single sequence, the risk of duplicates is marginal.
The remaining down side of a composite primary key is that you have to include both columns into any table that has a foreign key constraint to the partitioned table, but I'd say that is the price you pay for the advantages of partitioning. Besides, with inheritance partitioning you couldn't have foreign keys pointing to the partitioned table at all.

How can a relational database with foreign key constraints ingest data that may be in the wrong order?

The database is ingesting data from a stream, and all the rows needed to satisfy a foreign key constraint may be late or never arrive.
This can likely be accomplished by using another datastore, one without foreign key constraints, and then when all the needed data is available, read into the database which has fk constraints. However, this adds complexity and I'd like to avoid it.
We're working on a solution that creates "placeholder" rows to point the foreign key to. When the real data comes in, the placeholder is replaced with real values. Again, this adds complexity, but it's the best solution we've found so far.
How do people typically solve this problem?
Edit: Some sample data which might help explain the problem:
Let's say we have these tables:
UNIQUE (order_number)
CREATE TABLE line_item (
order_number INTEGER REFERENCES order(order_number),
If I insert an order first, not a problem! But let's say I try:
INSERT INTO line_item (order_number) values (123) before order 123 was inserted. This will fail the fk constraint of course. But this might be the order I get the data, since it's reading from a stream that is collecting this data from multiple sources.
Also, to address #philpxy's question, I didn't really find much on this. One thing that was mentioned was deferred constraints. This is a mechanism that waits to do the fk constraints at the end of a transaction. I don't think it's possible to do that in my case however, since these insert statements will be run at random times whenever the data is received.
You have a business workflow problem, because line items of individual orders are coming in before the orders themselves have come in. One workaround, perhaps not ideal, would be to create a before insert trigger which checks, for every incoming insert to the line_item table, whether that order already exists in the order table. If not, then it will first insert the order record before trying the insert on line_item.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."fn_insert_order" () RETURNS trigger AS $$
INSERT INTO "order" (order_number)
SELECT NEW.order_number
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "order" WHERE order_number = NEW.order_number);
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
# trigger
CREATE TRIGGER "trigger_insert_order"
EXECUTE PROCEDURE fn_insert_order()
Note: I am assuming that the id column of the order table in fact is auto increment, in which case Postgres would automatically assign a value to it when inserting as above. Most likely, this is what you want, as having two id columns which both need to be manually assigned does not make much sense.
You could accomplish that with a BEFORE INSERT trigger on line_item.
In that trigger you query order if a matching item exists, and if not, you insert a dummy row.
That will allow the INSERT to succeed, at the cost of some performance.
To insert rows into order, use
INSERT INTO order ...
id =;
Updating a primary key is problematic and may lead to conflicts. One way you could get around that is if you use negative ids for artificially generated orders (assuming that the real ids are positive). If you have any references to that primary key, you'd have to define the constraint with ON UPDATE CASCADE.

DB2 access specific row, in an non Unique table, for update / delete operations

Can I do row-specific update / delete operations in a DB2 table Via SQL, in a NON QUNIQUE Primary Key Context?
The Table is a PHYSICAL FILE on the NATIVE SYSTEM of the AS/400.
It was, like many other Files, created without the unique definition, which leads DB2 to the conclusion, that The Table, or PF has no qunique Key.
And that's my problem. I can't override the structure of the table to insert a unique ID ROW, because, I would have to recompile ALL my correlating Programs on the AS/400, which is a serious issue, much things would not work anymore, "perhaps". Of course, I can do that refactoring for one table, but our system has thousands of those native FILES, some well done with Unique Key, some without Unique definition...
Well, I work most of the time with db2 and sql on that old files. And all files which have a UNIQUE Key are no problem for me to do those important update / delete operations.
Is there some way to get an additional column to every select with a very unique row id, respective row number. And in addition, what is much more important, how can I update this RowNumber.
I did some research and meanwhile I assume, that there is no chance to do exact alterations or deletes, when there is no unique key present. What I would wish would be some additional ID-ROW which is always been sent with the table, which I can Refer to when I do my update / delete operations. Perhaps my thinking here has an fallacy as non Unique Key Tables are purposed to be edited in other ways.
Try the RRN function.
WHERE ...;
SET ...

Redshift: Is using a foreign key necessary to take advantage of distribution keys?

In Amazon's guide, they mention specifying PRIMARY and FOREIGN KEYs for all of your tables, and then designating distribution keys where it makes sense, like on columns that often get used to join tables together. I understand that even with a single table query, the right DISTKEY specification would help in doing GROUP BY, but for JOINing two or more tables, do the DISTKEY columns have to be specified as FOREIGN KEYs as well? Or will Redshift co-locate rows from different tables to the same nodes based on the data-type (and maybe name) of columns used as the DISTKEY?
The reason I'm asking is because I'm not really using dimension tables in my application. I could create them simply to use as a foreign key reference to help with the distribution, but then the dimensions tables would have to be maintained.
Consider the following example where I have two tables that are frequently joined:
CREATE TABLE motorcycles
id INT,
hexcolor CHAR(6)
id INT,
hexcolor CHAR(6)
Now suppose in my application, we frequently join the motorcycles table to the helmets table on the hexcolor column. Then it would make sense to use DISTSTYLE KEY and use DISTKEY (hexcolor), right? However, you can't really say that the hexcolor column from the motorcycles table is a foreign key to the helmets table or vice-versa. I could create a dimension table that just had a list of all the possible hexcolor values, and then both the motorcycles and helmets tables could have a foreign key to this dimension table, but it would be a pain to have to maintain this dimension table (Amazon's guide also warns against specifying primary or foreign keys that are not properly maintained, because it will confuse the query planner).
So, with my motorcycles and helmets example, would a foreign key to a dimension table be necessary? Or will Redshift make an assumption that it should distribute the rows for both of these tables the same way based on the fact that the data type of the column used as the distribution key is the same?
As long as the columns have the same data type, you should expect Redshift to distribute the motorcycles and helmets tables in the same fashion.
There is no justification for a foreign-key in your case. The query planner will be able to take advantage of the fact that the tables are distributed by the same key.
But it's always good to read the execution plan and make sure that it says DS_DIST_NONE - which means that no data redistribution was needed.

How to maintain record history on table with one-to-many relationships?

I have a "services" table for detailing services that we provide. Among the data that needs recording are several small one-to-many relationships (all with a foreign key constraint to the service_id) such as:
service_owners -- user_ids responsible for delivery of service
service_tags -- e.g. IT, Records Management, Finance
customer_categories -- ENUM value
provider_categories -- ENUM value
software_used -- self-explanatory
The problem I have is that I want to keep a history of updates to a service, for which I'm using an update trigger on the table, that performs an insert into a history table matching the original columns. However, if a normalized approach to the above data is used, with separate tables and foreign keys for each one-to-many relationship, any update on these tables will not be recognised in the history of the service.
Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems like I need to store child keys in the service table to maintain the integrity of the service history. Is a delimited text field a valid approach here or, as I am using postgreSQL, perhaps arrays are also a valid option? These feel somewhat dirty though!
If your table is:
create table T (
ix int identity primary key,
val nvarchar(50)
And your history table is:
create table THistory (
ix int identity primary key,
val nvarchar(50),
updateType char(1), -- C=Create, U=Update or D=Delete
updateTime datetime,
updateUsername sysname
Then you just need to put an update trigger on all tables of interest. You can then find out what the state of any/all of the tables were at any point in history, to determine what the relationships were at that time.
I'd avoid using arrays in any database whenever possible.
I don't like updates for the exact reason you are saying lose information as it's over written. My answer is quite simple...don't update. Not sure if you're at a point where this can be implemented...but if you can I'd recommend using the main table itself to store historical (no need for a second set of history tables).
Add a column to your main header table called 'active'. This can be a character or a bit (0 is off and 1 is on). Then it's a bit of trigger magic...when an update is preformed, you insert a row into the table identical to the record being over-written with a status of '0' (or inactive) and then update the existing row (this process keeps the ID column on the active record the same, the newly inserted record is the inactive one with a new ID).
This way no data is ever lost (admittedly you are storing quite a few rows...) and the history can easily be viewed with a select where active = 0.
The pain here is if you are working on something already implemented...every existing query that hits this table will need to be updated to include a check for the active column. Makes this solution very easy to implement if you are designing a new system, but a pain if it's a long standing application. Unfortunately existing reports will include both off and on records (without throwing an error) until you can modify the where clause