Selenium WebDriver Handling Windows Server Authentication using powershell - powershell

Selenium Webdriver based test using powershell and chrome,
The windows server, is returning an authentication pop up window.
This is my current script:
$CDriver = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver
I understand, that i will not be able to use elements, as this isn't a message from the website itself.
But i'm trying to understand if i can use the Alert mechanism in Selenium Webdriver,
Instead of passing the username and password, into the actual url?
This what i tried so far, but with no successes:
$alert = $CDriver.SwitchTo().Alert()
Is there is any official documentation for Selenium WebDriver and powershell?

Many websites would rediret to a authentication site while accepting the credentials.
This renders $CDriver.Navigate().GoToURL('http://admin:adm!n#mytestserver/login/') useless.
An option which worked for me was as follows:
[Ofcourse this is in java, but i hope you figure it out]
`//url=orignal url of your application.
authURL = driver.getCurrentUrl();
Hope that works or please let me know in case of any questions.


Using Selenium WebDriver, Pester, and PowerShell to get and verify the network response after clicking a button

I managed to use PowerShell 7.1 and Selenium WebDriver and Module to control the Chrome Browser. I need now to access the network response of a post request which will be invoked after the button is clicked from Selenium.
I found some good info here, here, here, and here , however, it is for Python and Java so I need to convert some code to PowerShell. I hope you can help me out.
The code snippet below from one of the above-mentioned sources is where I am having difficulties with:
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install(), chrome_options=options)
dev_tools = pychrome.Browser(url="http://localhost:8000")
tab = dev_tools.list_tab()[0]
Specifically, this part dev_tools = pychrome.Browser(url="http://localhost:8000")
Below is another code snippet I got from one of the above-mentioned sources:
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
DevTools devTool = driver.getDevTools()
devTool.send(Network.enable(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));
devTool.addListener(Network.responseReceived(), <lamda-function>)
So it is clear the Selenium 4 has support for DevTools, but I am not finding the main C# documentation so that I can use it with PowerShell.
Finally, after accessing the response, I need to verify it using PowerShell Pester.
I appreciate your help.

InternalServiceFault when trying to connect SPGo to SP Online in VS Code

I'm trying to connect the SPGo plugin in Visual Studio Code to a Sharepoint Online site. There are lots of guides for this, for instance this one:
In short, I'm doing it like this:
Open VS Code
Open a local, empty folder)
SPGO: Configure workspace (follow guide, ending up with spgo.json
looking like the one I pasted)
SPGO: Populate local workspace (asking me for credentials and I plot
it in O365 style (email and password).
Statusbar says "Populating workspace"
After about 10 seconds I get the pasted error in the output window (spgo)
I'm using newest versions:
Visual Studio Code 1.37.1
SPGo 1.4.3
I have tried various sites in my tenant and I know they are up. I am Site Collection Administrator for the sites. I know the credentials are correct, of course. the remoteFolders and publishingScope doesn't affect anything, when changed. I assume authenticationType should be "Digest".
"sourceDirectory": "src",
"sharePointSiteUrl": "",
"publishingScope": "Major",
"authenticationType": "Digest",
"remoteFolders": [
I don't get any files in the local folder, instead I get an error in the output:
================================ ERROR ================================
<s:Value xmlns:a="">a:InternalServiceFault</s:Value>
<s:Text xml:lang="en-US">The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.</s:Text>
Error Detail:
Sorry I missed this post for so long. First- thanks for the detailed write-up. This is the first time I've seen this specific issue with SPGo, so I do not know for sure what is the root cause.
Couple questions:
Are you using ADFS Authentication with your Office 365/SharePoint Online instance?
Are you able to use Addin-Only Authentication on this SP Site?
SPGo should be able to automatically work with ADFS in SharePoint Online but, as a fall-back, you could use Addin-Only Authentication. In this scenario you would create a ClientId and ClientSecret pair for the SharePoint Site Collection you are accessing and authenticate using those credentials. The ClientId would act as your UserName, and the ClientSecret would be your password.
Under the covers, I am using the node-sp-auth package for user authentication. Sergei (s-KaiNet on Github) has a great write-up on how to enable Addin-Only Authentication in SharePoint Online on his site, which you can find here.
Thanks for using SPGo!

Can I call synchroniseUserDirectories (ConfluenceRpc) via REST, SOAP or XML-RPC?

I am using Confluence 4.2.5 (build 3284) with CAS SSO connected to my LDAP server and would like to be able to call synchroniseUserDirectories() from the LDAP server when a user changes their password so that the change is instantaneous.
The way it works now is that users have to wait for the Confluence to run it's periodic LDAP synchronization which can be disconcerting for them.
I have tried using the XML-RPC interface to call changeUserPassword() (as an administrator) but it doesn't work. The operation raises an exception "Error changing password for user ...". I presume that that is because the user is defined in the LDAP but I can't tell for sure because the exception message wasn't clear about the cause.
Here is example code that I would like to be able to use. It doesn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import xmlrpclib
url = ''
admin_user = 'frobisher'
admin_pass = 'supersecretstuff'
username = 'bigbob'
new_password = 'bigbobsbigsecret'
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url + '/rpc/xmlrpc')
token = server.confluence2.login(admin_user, admin_pass)
# this doesn't exist but would be my preferred approach.
# It raises a NoSuchMethodException exception.
# this throws a general exception, because of the LDAP? The message
# wasn't clear about the source of the problem.
# username,
# password)
Is there any way to do this using SOAP or REST? I was concerned about REST because it sounds like it is still a prototype.
If none of those approaches will work, can it be done with a simple plugin considering that this must be a push operation from the LDAP server to the Confluence server? I have no experience writing plugins but I do some java work occasionally.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
The short answer is "no". The ability to synchronise remote user directories is not exposed as a remote operation in Confluence.
The long answer is "yes", you can write a plugin to do this. If you're already familiar with java, then perhaps the best answer is to just show you some source code I've written that performs a similar function: This plugin gives you SOAP, XML-RPC and JSON-RPC methods to force an individual user account to be synced in to Confluence from a remote directory.
That might suit your purposes as-is, but I imagine it would be possible to edit the source of this plugin and change it to synchronise an entire directory, too.

CakePHP Facebook plugin error in HTTPS not in HTTP

I have set up the facebook plugin like the instructions.
Downloaded package and installed in app/plugins/facebook
Created app/config/facebook.php with my app's id, key and secret numbers, based on the example config file
Included $helpers = array('Facebook.Facebook') in my app_controller.php
Echoed the $this->Facebook->html() function in my layout (replcing the default html tag)
Echoed the $this->Facebook->init() function at the bottom of the layout, before
I run this code:
echo $this->Facebook->share('link');
If I go to: it works but if I go to the same with HTTPS I just get a text share. In IE 10 and Chrome I get a Not safe content error. If I accept it it works.
How do I run it over SSL? I have bought the certificate, so it is valid and not a home-made self-signed one. I am running Cake PHP version 2.
I have tried to search the web, but I just find problems with the login function and not with the share button.
Please follow the below links for reference.
Do I need to support ssl on my site that allows login through facebook connect

How do I use certificate-based authentication with WATIR-WebDriver?

I've been using ruby Mechanize for several years to do automated testing of the SaaS product we host. The site is using JS more and more, making maintenance of the Mechanize scripts nearly impossible. I've decided to try using WATIR-WebDriver instead. However, the login process requires a user certificate and password. I can't find any reference to using a cert like this.
If you're using Chrome, you can ignore certificate errors by passing an command line option to the Chrome Driver:
b = :chrome, :switches => ['--ignore-certificate-errors']
If you're using Firefox, try
profile =
profile.assume_untrusted_certificate_issuer = true
b = WEB_DRIVER, :profile => profile