Kubernetes - Create a separate namespace for each customer - kubernetes

I want to deploy a traditional monolithic application in Kubernetes.
Thousands of customers use this application and each customer has its own instance of application. if we have 5 customers we should run 5 separate instances of this application.
The application also calls Kubernetes API for running some jobs.
I want to make sure that everything is isolated, Is it a good idea to create a separate namespace for each customer? Does it cause some performance issues? Is there any better solution for it?

I think you should create multi-tenant cluster.
Such clusters shared by multiple users and/or workloads which are referred to as "tenants". The operators of multi-tenant clusters must isolate tenants from each other to avoid the damage that a compromised. You should know that cluster resources must be fairly allocated among tenants.
When you plan a multi-tenant architecture you should consider the layers of resource isolation in Kubernetes: cluster, namespace, node, pod, and container. You should also consider the security aspects of sharing different types of resources among specific tenants.
Although Kubernetes cannot guarantee perfectly secure isolation between tenants, it does offer features that may be sufficient for specific solutions. For example you can separate each tenant and their Kubernetes resources into their own separate namespaces. Then use policies to enforce tenant isolation. Policies are usually scoped by namespace and can be used to restrict API access, to constrain resource usage, and to restrict what containers are allowed to do.
Read more: multi-tenant-cluster.
However while implementing multi-tenancy with Kubernetes, you need to decide if you need soft multi-tenancy (is focused on minimising accidents and managing the fallout) or hard multi-tenancy(assumes tenants to be malicious and therefore advocates zero trust between them). In any case, you have to answer questions: how to limit their resource usage, how to manage the users/tenants and how to isolate them from each other. There are many tools, for example: loft which can help you to get multi-tenancy with Kubernetes.
See: multi-tenant-loft.
Take a look: best-practices-multitenant.


Horizontal Scalability with Drools

Knowing that drools work with in memory data. Is there a way to distribute horizontally on different drools instances to enhance performance when performing CRUD operations on rules, fact types, etc? I guess the instances would need to be on sync with each other in some way, so they all have the same data in memory or share in some way a knowledge base. I'm kinda new on drools and trying to research on a way to move a monolith on a cloud environment (gcp) so it can take advantage on load balancing, scaling, etc. Want to know if there is any feature on drools itself that supports this or if there is any way to implement this myself, thanks in advance for any information/documentation/use case on this matter.
Currently I haven't tried a way to do this, but my goal is to improve performance and availability by using automatic scaling or support multiple instances of my app.
I'm not sure what kind of "CRUD" you're doing on Drools (or how). But if you just want to deploy new rules (for example), then this is identical to pushing any data or application changes to your deployment in a distributed system -- either your nodes are gradually updated, so during the upgrade process you have some mix of old and new logic/code; or you deploy new instances with the new logic/code and then transition traffic to your new instances and away from the old ones -- either all at once or in a controlled blue/green (or similar) fashion.
If you want to split a monolith, I think the best approach for you would be to consider Kogito [1] and microservice architecture. With microservices, you could even consider using the Function as a service approach - having small immutable service instances, that are just executed and disposed. Kogito mainly targets Quarkus platform, but there are also some Spring Boot examples. There is also OpenShift operator available.
As far as sharing the working memory, there was a project in the KIE community called HACEP [2]. Unfortunately that is now deprecated and we are researching other solutions to make the working memory persisted.
[1] https://kogito.kie.org/
[2] https://github.com/kiegroup/openshift-drools-hacep
The term "entry point" is related to the fact that we have multiple partitions in a Working Memory and you can choose which one you are inserting into. If you can organize your business logic to work with different entry points you can process 'logical partitions' on different machines in parallel safely. At a glance drools entry points gives you something like table partitioning in Oracle which implies the same options.
Use load balancer with sticky sessions if you can (from business point of view) partition 'by client'
you question looks more like an architecture question.
As a start, I would have a look into the Kie Execution Server component provided with Drools that helps you to create microservice decisions based on Drools rulesets.
Kie Execution Server (used in stateless mode by clients) could be embedded in different pods/instances/servers to ensure horizontal scalability.
As mentioned by #RoddyoftheFrozenPeas , one of the problem you'll face will be the simultaneous hot deploy of new rulesets on the "swarm" of kieserver that hosts your services.
That would have to be handled using a proper devops strategy.

Usage of Namespaces in Kubernetes

I got a question regarding namespaces and seeking your expertise to clear out my doubts.
What I understood about namespaces is that they are there to introduce logical boundaries among teams and projects.
Of course, I read somewhere namespaces can be used to introduce/define different environments within the same cluster.
However, if an organization is developing a solution and that solution consists of X number of microservices and have dedicated teams to look after those services,
should we still need to use namespaces to separate them or are they gonna deploy in one single namespace reflecting the solution?
E.g if we are developing an e-commerce application:
Inventory, ShoppingCart, Payment, Orders etc. would be the microservices that I can think of. Should we deploy them under the namespace of sky-commerce for an instance? or should they need dedicated namespaces.?
My other question is. if we deploy services in different namespaces, is it possible for us to access them through APIGateway/ Ingress controller?
For an instance, I have the front-end SPA application and it has its BFF (Backend For Frontend). can the BFF access the other services through the APIGateway/Ingress controller?
Please help me to clear these doubts.
Thanks in advance for your prompt reply in this regard.
Namespaces are cheap, use lots of them. Only ever put two things in the same namespace if they are 100% a single unit (two daemons that are always updated at the same time and are functionally a single deployment) or if you must because a related object is used (such as a Service being in the same ns as Pods it references).
When creating a new Kubernetes namespace, a request is sent using the namespace API using the defined syscalls, and since Kubernetes has admin privileges, a new namespace will be created. The new namespace will contain specifications for the capabilities of a new process assigned under its domain.
In regards to your question above, yes you can keep services in different namespaces as long as they are able to talk together and render the services to the outside world as one piece.
Since all organizations are different, it is up to you to figure out how best to implement and manage Kubernetes Namespaces. In general, aim to:
Create an effective Kubernetes Namespace structure
Keep namespaces simple and application-specific
Label everything
Use cluster separation when necessary

Swagger multiple definitions best practices

I have an API, and a consumer web app, both written in Node and Express. The API is defined by a OpenAPI Specification. Implemented by swagger-ui-express.
The above web apps are Dockerised and managed in Kubernetes.
The API has a handful of endpoints for managing the lifecycle of a user's registration/application to the service.
Currently, when I need to cleardown completed/abandoned applications, or resubmit failed applications, I employ a periodically run cronjob to carry out a database query for the actions mentioned. The cronjob is defined by a Kubernetes config YAML file. This is quickly becoming unmanageable, and hard to maintain.
I am looking in to having a dedicated endpoint for each of the above tasks. Then a dedicated cronjob could periodically send a request to the API endpoint to carry out the complex task. This moves the business logic back in to the API, and avoids duplication within a cronjob hosted elsewhere. I am ultimately asking if this is a good approach or is there a better workflow documented somewhere I could implement?
My thinking is that I could add these new endpoints to the already-existing consumer API, but have the new (housekeeping/management) endpoints separated from the others.
To separate each (current) endpoint in to their respective resource, I am defining tags within the specification. Tags don't seem to be sufficient for the separation of these new "housekeeping" endpoints.
Looking through the SwaggerUI documentation I can see that I can define multiple definitions (via the urls property) to switch between. These definitions being powered by individual Specification documents. This looks like a very clean way of separating the consumer API from the admin API, is this best practice?
Any input would be appreciated on this as I am struggling to find much documentation on this kind of issue.

Istio Mesh Federation Locality Aware

We are trying to migrate our microservices architecture to K8s and Istio. We will have two k8s different clusters. One per frontend applications and the another for backend apps. Our initial idea is to configure each cluster as a separated Istio Mesh.
My doubt is;
Can we keep the locality-aware routing between clusters when a frontend app do a request against a backend app?
I have read it is possible when you have one mesh distributed among K8s clusters but I'm not sure if this feature keeps working when a mesh federation architecture is implemented.
There is a functionality with something like that with istio multicluster configuration.
Depending on Your requirements there can be different types of multicluster models.
According to istio documentation:
When configuring a production deployment of Istio, you need to answer a number of questions. Will the mesh be confined to a single cluster or distributed across multiple clusters? Will all the services be located in a single fully connected network, or will gateways be required to connect services across multiple networks? Is there a single control plane, potentially shared across clusters, or are there multiple control planes deployed to ensure high availability (HA)? If there is more than one cluster being deployed, and more specifically in isolated networks, are they going to be connected into a single multicluster service mesh or will they be federated into a multi-mesh deployment?
All of these questions, among others, represent independent dimensions of configuration for an Istio deployment.
single or multiple cluster
single or multiple network
single or multiple control plane
single or multiple mesh
All combinations are possible, although some are more common than others and some are clearly not very interesting (for example, multiple mesh in a single cluster).
As for mesh functionality:
Single mesh
The simplest Istio deployment is a single mesh. Within a mesh, service names are unique. For example, only one service can have the name mysvc in the foo namespace. Additionally, workload instances share a common identity since service account names are unique within a namespace, just like service names.
A single mesh can span one or more clusters and one or more networks. Within a mesh, namespaces are used for tenancy.
Multiple meshes
Multiple mesh deployments result from mesh federation.
Multiple meshes afford the following capabilities beyond that of a single mesh:
Organizational boundaries: lines of business
Service name or namespace reuse: multiple distinct uses of the default namespace
Stronger isolation: isolating test workloads from production workloads
You can enable inter-mesh communication with mesh federation. When federating, each mesh can expose a set of services and identities, which all participating meshes can recognize.
To avoid service naming collisions, you can give each mesh a globally unique mesh ID, to ensure that the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for each service is distinct.
When federating two meshes that do not share the same trust domain, you must federate identity and trust bundles between them. See the section on Multiple Trust Domains for an overview.
So I suggest applying multicluster model to Your needs. The simplest solution is usually the best. Single mesh multicluster does allow for naming locality for Your multicluster environment.
There is also advanced example of multicluster istio with use of Admiral which allows to have custom naming possibilities.
Hope it helps.

How many namespace can a cluster k8s hold?

If I want to develop a SaaS system and want to use k8's namespace to do isolation, i.e., I will create a namespace for every user, it's a multi-tenancy system, then, how many namespaces can I have? Will k8s be slowdown when namespace increases?
To answer your question, namespace is a logical entity that is used to isolate the application environment from another application environment. It doesn't consume cluster resources like cpu and memory. Ideally you can create any number of namespaces. Am not sure if there is a limit on number of namespaces that is allowed in a custer
On the other hand it is not a good approach to have one namespace each for user. Applications multi tenancy should be better handled in the application code itself. Namespace is recommended to isolate the environment like one for Development, one for TEST, one for QA and Another one for production
This is a pretty good write-up on some best-practices around namespaces and how to organize things with them:
There are likely use-cases where you can have too many namespaces, but it is very unlikely that you will see this unless you have a custom application or controller that is doing something unwise and needs some of its logic reworked.