MATLAB Gurobi [in cvx] solver fails - matlab

When I was trying to solve a very simple bin packing problem, the Gurobi solver just won't work. I do try some very simple optimization problem with 1 inequality constraint with Gurobi and it works. But it always return NA for little complicated ones. I am quite frustrated. Highly appreciate for help if anyone can help
%% By Linear programming
weight = [4,4,5,7]';
cvx_solver SDPT3
variables I(4,1) X(4,4)
minimize sum(I)
subject to
X * weight <= 10 * I;
sum(X) == [1,1,1,1];
X >= 0
X <= 1
I >= 0
I <= 1
%% By Integer programming
weight = [4,4,5,7]';
cvx_solver Gurobi
variables I(4,1) X(4,4)
minimize sum(I)
subject to
X * weight <= 10 * I
sum(X) == [1,1,1,1]
X >= 0
X <= 1
I >= 0
I <= 1
And this is the error message
Calling Gurobi 9.00: 44 variables, 28 equality constraints
Status: Error
Optimal value (cvx_optval): NaN
Error using cvx_end (line 267)
model.quadcon must be a struct array with fields q, and rhs

Try use these commands instead of Gurobi solver
cvx_solver Gurobi_3
cvx_solver Gurobi_2
Seems using Gurobi as external solver of cvx is not a wise choice. See: They have reported the bug a few months ago.


Matlab use fminsearch to optimize a interval of numbers

In Matlab I want to use fminsearch to optimize a interval of numbers given a object function fun to minimize. The integer numbers can be selected from 1 to 30, and the number of integers is fixed to 5 for now. Assume the step size is 1. It will optimize many vectors such as:
[1 2 3 4 5]
[2 3 4 5 6]
[7 8 9 10 11]
[12 13 14 15 16]
In the long run, I may also try to optimize the step size and number of integers in the vector.
I want to know how to use fminsearch to properly realize this or maybe use other functions in the toolbox? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
First of all, as stated in documentation, fminsearch can only find minimum of unconstrained functions. fminbnd, on the other hand, can handle the bound constraint, however, non of these functions are meant to solve discrete functions. So you probably want to think of other options, ga for example.
Despite the fact that fminsearch does not handle constraints, but still you can use it to solve your optimization problem with cost of some unnecessary extra iterations. In this answer I assume that there is a fun function that takes an interval from a specific range as its argument and the objective is to find the interval that minimizes it.
Since the interval has a fixed step size and length, the problem is single-variable and we only need to find its start point. We can use floor to convert a continuous problem to a discrete one. To cover the bound constraint we can check for feasibility of intervals and return Inf for infeasible ones. That will be something like this:
%% initialization of problem parameters
minval = 1;
maxval = 30;
step = 1;
count = 5;
%% the objective function
fun = #(interval) sum((interval-5).^2, 2);
%% a function that generates an interval from its initial value
getinterval = #(start) floor(start) + (0:(count-1)) * step;
%% a modified objective function that handles constraints
objective = #(start) f(start, fun, getinterval, minval, maxval);
%% finding the interval that minimizes the objective function
y = fminsearch(objective, (minval+maxval)/2);
best = getinterval(y);
eval = fun(best);
where f function is:
function y = f(start, fun, getinterval, minval, maxval)
interval = getinterval(start);
if (min(interval) < minval) || (max(interval) > maxval)
y = Inf;
y = fun(interval);

GA with integer and linear constraints in MATLAB global optimization toolbox

According to the documentation of global optimization toolbox "ga does not enforce linear constraints when there are integer constraints. Instead, ga incorporates linear constraint violations into the penalty function".
In an optimization problem, I am trying to solve if linear constraints are violated, other constraints will return non-real values. How can I tackle this issue?
Simplified version of problem
Objective Function : min a + b
0 <= a <= 10
0 <= b <= 10
Subject to;
a*b - 25*a < 0
theta < 0
Where theta is function of a and b, and returns non-real value if first constraint is not satisfied

How to minimize a function with the constraint that its derivative should be always greater than 0

I am trying to optimize a nonlinear function with 1500 variables(instantaneous phase), with the help of fmincon in Matlab. The constraint to the optimum variable is that the difference between consecutive elements in the optimal variable obtained should be greater than 0. How can I implement this in the cost function? I have used a nonlinear constraint:
function [c,ceq] = insta_freq(phase)
ceq = [];
The optimization is performed by:
[variable_opt,fval,exitflag,output] = fmincon(fun,ph0,[],[],[],[],[],[],nonlcon,options);
The optimization should be such that the constraint nonlcon<=0 but while optimizing with fmincon, these constraints are not satisfied. Thus, is there any other way to make sure that difference of the optimal variable vector is always greater than 0?
You could try and reduce the constraint tolerance. Also in the question it seems you are referring to the derivatives of the objective function, whereas in the question itself it seems you want every single term to be greater than the preceding one as in x1 <= x2 <= x3 <= ... <= xn. I am suggesting a possible solution for the latter problem (the first one would not even define a local optimum, so I am assuming the reported condition is what you want).
You could rewrite the condition in a matrix for as in
A = [ 1 -1 0 ... 0 ; 0 1 -1 0 ... 0 ; .... 1 -1 ] so your constraints are inequality linear constraints, simply written Aineq x <= b where b = [0;...; 0];
you just then call
[variable_opt,fval,exitflag,output] = fmincon(fun,ph0,A,b,[],[],[],[],nonlcon,options);
where A and b are the ones defined above.

Solving a homogeneous underdetermined system of symbolic linear equations

Let's say I have 2 symbolic equations in 3 variables:
syms u v w
eq1 = u+v+w == 0
eq2 = w == 0
which both should equal 0.
Is there a way to feed these equations to Matlab and have Matlab conclude:
I tried the following:
%Attempt 1:
x=solve([eq1 eq2],[u v w]);
x.u, x.v, x.w
%Outputs 0 for each of these
% Attempt 2:
[A,B]=equationsToMatrix([eq1 eq2],[u v w]);
%Outputs 0 for all variables and gives a warning "Warning: The system is rank-deficient. Solution is not unique."
So it only seems to return the trivial zero-solution. This is of course an elementary example. I want it to work for 81 intertwined variables.
Since you have two equations you can only solve for two variables, not for three. You want to see u=-v and w=0, that is a solution in u and w but not in v.
For me x = solve([eq1,eq],u,w) works, it gives x.u=-v and x.w=0.

matlab: matrix symbolic solution

Thanks much for your time and for all your help.
Actually, I made a mistake in the previous post when specifying the problem. Thus, I reformulate my question using a simpler example. I need to solve symbolically the equation Ct = Z/(P-I) or Ct*(P-I) = Z.
I already know the answer => Ct = [sigma, 1-sigma]
How to program "correctly" the code in order to get the solution
syms sigma;
Ct = sym('Ct',[1 2]);
P = [sigma 1-sigma;
sigma 1-sigma];
I = [1 0;
0 1];
Z = [0 0];
solve(Ct*(P-I) == Z);
So far, I get :
Z =
0 0
Warning: The solutions are parametrized by the symbols:
z = C_
In solve at 190
In test_matrix_sigma at 13
Or with
solve(Ct == Z/(P-I), Ct);
I get:
Warning: System is rank deficient. Solution is not unique.
Warning: 4 equations in 2 variables.
In /opt/MATLAB/R2013a/toolbox/symbolic/symbolic/symengine.p>symengine at 56
In mupadengine.mupadengine>mupadengine.evalin at 97
In mupadengine.mupadengine>mupadengine.feval at 150
In solve at 170
In test_matrix_sigma at 13
Thanks for the answer !
Now I have two issues:
1) When I try to handla a more complicated system:
syms a b P1 P2;
I = [1 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0;
0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 1];
P = [a*P1 (1-a)*P1 (1-b)*(1-P1) b*(1-P1);
a*P1 (1-a)*P1 (1-b)*(1-P1) b*(1-P1);
b*(1-P2) (1-b)*(1-P2) (1-b)*P2 b*(1-P2);
b*(1-P2) (1-b)*(1-P2) (1-b)*P2 b*(1-P2)];
assume(a, 'real');
assume(b, 'real');
assume(P1, 'real');
assume(P2, 'real');
answer = null((P-I)');
I get
ans =
[ empty sym ]
as the only answer.
2) If there is a way in maltlab to "solve" the above symbolic matrix P and find the symbolic determinant ?
For instance, if I do eid(P) it works;
when I do det(P) it gives 0 as answer...
This post is an answer to a different problem, that was first asked by the OP before being edited. I leave the problem and solution here in case someone ever runs into the same problem:
I need to solve symbolically the following matrix equation to find out Ct (a vector ???):
syms a b P1 P2
P = [a*P1 (1-a)*P1 (1-b)*(1-P1) b*(1-P1);
a*P1 (1-a)*P1 (1-b)*(1-P1) b*(1-P1);
b*(1-P2) (1-b)*(1-P2) (1-b)*P2 b*(1-P2);
b*(1-P2) (1-b)*(1-P2) (1-b)*P2 b*(1-P2)];
solve(Ct*(P-1) == 0, Ct);
How to proceed ?
So far I get:
Undefined function or variable 'Ct'.
Error in matrix_test (line 10) solve(Ct*(P-1) == 0, Ct);
The error you get is because you did not assign Ct before trying to solve for your equation. In the equation Ct*(P-1) == 0, Matlab does not know what Ct is. You could remedy this by creating a symbolic vector (see sym documentation). For instance:
Ct = sym('Ct', [1 4]);
However, using solve on this would not give you the solutions you're looking for: instead, Matlab is going to give you the trivial answer Ct = 0, which of course is a correct answer to your equation.
What you really want to find is the null space of the (P-1)' matrix: the null space is the set of vectors X such that (P-1)'X = 0 (Which is the same thing as X'(P-1) = 0, so Ct = X'). The Matlab function null (see doc) is what you need. Using your code, I get:
ans =
[ -1, 0]
[ 1, 0]
[ 0, -1]
[ 0, 1]
This means that any linear combination of the vectors [-1, 1, 0, 0] and [0, 0, -1, 1] belong to the null space of (P-1)', and therefore its transpose is the Ct you were looking for.
N.B.: This result is easily confirmed by observation of your initial matrix P.
This edited problem is only slightly different from the first one. Once again, you are looking to solve an homogeneous system of linear equations.
The warnings you get simply warn you of that: there are an infinity of solutions ; The first warning tells you that the answer is parameterized by C_ (meaning it's in the complex plane, you could add assume(sigma, 'real') and assume(Ct, 'real') if you wanted, you'd get an answer parameterized by R_.
The solution is to find the null space of the matrix (P-I)', as for the previous problem.
ans =
-sigma/(sigma - 1)
Now if your vector Z became different from 0, you would need to add the particular solution, that is Z/(P-I). In the present case, it gives:
Warning: System is rank deficient. Solution is not unique.
ans =
[ 0, 0]
This means that in this case the particular solution is [0 0], and the result of null gives you the homogeneous solution. Remember that the complete solution of a linear system of equations is the sum of the particular solution + a linear combination of the elements of the null space. A way to express this in Matlab could be:
syms lambda real;
sol = Z/(P-I) + lambda * null((P-I)')'
sol =
[ -(lambda*sigma)/(sigma - 1), lambda]