Run Parallel jobs power shell - powershell

Hello PowerShell gurus
I made this script to get the latest KB patch installed on a remote PC. And its now working. AL though its crude and something I just put together (while learning PS). It gets the job done… Painfully slow but works. It takes over 2:40 hrs to run and check 128 PCs. I saw in other posts that creating parallels jobs for this might help. I have no idea on how to create parallel jobs please help me.
my script
Start-Transcript -Path "$(Get-location)\RESULTLOG-$(Get-date -Format "yyyyMMddTHHmmss").log"
Function Get-FileName{
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“”) | Out-Null
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = Get-Location
$OpenFileDialog.filter = “All files (*.*)| *.*”
$OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
$Importfile = Get-FileName
$Clients = Get-Content $Importfile
Foreach($Client in $Clients){
#CHECK IF PC IS ENABLED IN AD <<<<feature improvement
# if(get-adcomputer -Filter 'Name -like $p' -Properties Enabled)
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Client -Count 2 -Quiet) {
try {
Get-HotFix -ComputerName $Client -Description 'Security Update' | Select-Object -Last 1
catch {
"$Client;An error occurred."
"$Client;not on line "
I'm also trying to work on checking if PC is enabled in Active Directory before running the rest of the code, but I have that commented out for the mean time what I got works.
Can the performance in this be improved?? I know that network speed might have something to do but for the amount of data from each PC should not take this long

Take a look at the "-Parallel" switch of ForEach-Object:
You may need to change your code a bit in order to make it to work with the ForEach-Object call instead of the foreach block:
$Clients | ForEach-Object {
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 2 -Quiet) {
try {
Get-HotFix -ComputerName $_ -Description 'Security Update' |
Select-Object -Last 1
catch {
"$_;An error occurred."
else {
"$_;not on line "
} -Parallel
EDIT: As mentioned by #doug-maurer in the comments as well as in the link I provided, this will only work on PowerShell v7-Preview-3 onwards.


Check if certain VMs are backed up

I am looking for a way to check if a list of VMs has backup and what is the status.
I managed to get the status of VM backups but if the VM was not found in the $tasks I am not getting error.
I need to know if a VM is not present in the $tasks so that I know that no backup is configred for this VM.
The script so far.
Write-Host "Enter Backup Server" -ForegroundColor cyan
$h = read-host -Prompt 'Hostname'
Write-Host " "
write-host "Hostname--------Job-------------Status " -ForegroundColor Cyan
Foreach ($i in $Hostname) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $h -ScriptBlock {
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
foreach($Job in (Get-VBRJob))
$Session = $Job.FindLastSession()
$Tasks = $Session.GetTaskSessions()
$Tasks | ?{$_.Name -eq $using:i} | %{write-host $_.Name ":",$_.JobName,"===>"$_.Status}
Thanks in advance!
You are nearly there, you just need to unify your exit clause so that whether a VM has backup or not, it outputs something similar. Then when you run against a list of VMs and one or two aren't backed up, they'll appear in the output in a way that makes sense.
Foreach ($i in $Hostname) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $h -ScriptBlock {
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
foreach($Job in (Get-VBRJob))
$Session = $Job.FindLastSession()
computerName = $_.Name;
backupStatus = "Not backed up!";
jobs = $null;
$Tasks = $Session.GetTaskSessions()
$jobs = $Tasks | ?{ $_.Name -eq $using:i } | Select -ExpandProperty JobName
computerName = $_.Name;
backupStatus = "Backed up";
jobs = ($jobs -join ",")
With a few small tweaks, we now emit an object back if a machine doesn't have any results for $Session, but now also return a similar object for machines that do have backups enabled.
You will likely need to tweak the code to your desired results, as I don't have Veeam available I can't quite nail down what you'd like but this should get you going.
And as a perk getting PowrShell objects back is easier to work with. You can save them in a json file or csv, or run this automatically in the off hours and review the results later, all which are much easier than using Write-Host commands.
I managed to acheave my goal by comairing all backed up VMs with the VMs from my list:
Write-host "Unprotected VMs (No backup)" -ForegroundColor RED
Write-host "---------------------------" -ForegroundColor RED
invoke-command -computername $h -ScriptBlock {
Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin
$backup=Get-VBRBackupSession | Where-Object {$_.JobType -eq "Backup" -or $_.JobType -eq "Replica" -and $_.EndTime}|foreach{$_.gettasksessions() | Where-Object {$_.Status -ne "Failed"}} |foreach{$_.Name} | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
$diff=Compare-Object $using:hostname $backup| ? { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | Select -ExpandProperty InputObject
As a result I am getting only the VMs which are missing from $backup and are present only in my list $hostnames .

Slow Processing Script in Powershell, Worklfow first steps

as i was wondering why my script takes so long i was seachring on google and also here in stackoverflow.
But all that i could find any close to helpful was this one here, Powershell Script Running Slowly
As I'm still pretty new to Powershell this is a little complicated to get through and take over to my script as i dont know how to handle those mentiond things anyway as i never heard of it before.
My Script is pretty easy and just gives me some Informations if there is something that returns an echo or not.
I wanted to "scan" our entire Network so I made an csv with out local Networks IP's and pass it to Powershell to "Ping" those.
But I realised that the "was not responing" part takes a long time to execute.
$list = Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
foreach ($y in $x)
if(Test-Connection $y -Count 1 -quiet)
write-host "$y responded"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\PingSucceded.csv -Append
Write-Host "$y was not responding"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\Pingfailed.csv -Append
Write-Warning "Other Error occured"
There are not only Windows Clients out there so WMI is not an option and I don't know how to achvie this otherwise
After the Workflow input this is my "Try Version"
workflow Test-IPrange
$tocheck= $IPs.IP
foreach -parallel ($IP in $tocheck)
$pingsucceed = Test-Connection $IP -Count 1 -quiet
if($pingsucceed -eq "True")
$IP | Export-Csv -Path D:\testj.csv -Append
$IP | Export-Csv -Path D:\testn.csv -Append
Test-IPrange -IPs $(Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture)
My Output of Workflow Try
#TYPE System.String
With the Help of #Fourat
i edited my code to this form
Function Custom-Ping {
$ping = ping $Address /w 1 /n 1
$result = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ping -Like "*(0% Verlust)*")
return $result
$list = Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
foreach ($y in $x)
if(Custom-Ping $y)
Write-Host "$y responded"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\PingsuccededV3.csv -Append
Write-Host "$y was not responding"
$y | Export-Csv -Path D:\PingfailedV3.csv -Append
Write-Warning "Textline from CMD Command or other Error"
which works properly good and is faster
I think that your process time is spoiled by the timeouts. If all your IPs are in the local network, try to reduce the timeout (because the default value is 5 seconds).
If you have Powershell 6 :
Test-Connection $y -Count 1 -quiet -TimeoutSeconds 1
If you don't, just use ping :
ping /w 1 /n 1
You can also use a parallel for each loop, but it won't help much if you have multiple fails :
ForEach -Parallel ($x in $y)
In order to handle ping results, you can use a function like this (I used the keyword 'perte' because my computer is in French) :
Function Custom-Ping {
$ping = ping $Address /w 1 /n 1
$result = ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ping -Like "*(perte 0%)*")
return $result
I've used Workflow to solve this issue my self. It's a few years ago I did it, so something better and newer is out there. But this works great for me...
I've ping over 2000 computers within a few Min...
workflow Test-ComputersConnection
# Param1 help description
# Param2 help description
# [int]
# $Param2
foreach -parallel ($ComputerName in $Computernames)
$ConnectionTest = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Count 1
if ($ConnectionTest.Address -eq $ComputerName) {
Write-Output $(Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computername" -Value $ComputerName -InputObject $ConnectionTest -PassThru )
#Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "[$($ComputerName)]: Replays on Ping."
Else {
#Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "[$($ComputerName)]: Do not replays on Ping."
$OnlineNow0 = Test-ComputersConnection -Computernames $( Import-Csv -Path D:\ipcheck3.csv -UseCulture |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty name)
The code above is a quick edit of what I use... You will need to edit the $(Import ...) statement first, to make sure the PC name is being deliveret to the workflow.
I've just testet on my own computer and it gave me a reply...

PowerShell remote PC shutdown, single PC

OU=_ is a private company name. I know it's restart, this is only for testing before it goes into the real hutdown process.
function Get-LastBootUpTime {
param (
$OperatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName
$Days = -0
$ShutdownDate = (Get-Date).adddays($days)
$ComputerList = Get-ADComputer -SearchBase 'OU=TEST-OU,OU=_,DC=_,DC=_' ` -Filter '*' | Select -EXP Name
$ComputerList | foreach {
$Bootup = Get-LastBootUpTime -ComputerName $_
Write-Host "$_ last booted: $Bootup"
if ($ShutdownDate -gt $Bootup) {
Write-Host "Rebooting Computer: $_" -ForegroundColor Red
restart-Computer $Computer -Force
else {
Write-Host "No need to reboot: $_" -ForegroundColor Green
I'm trying to shutdown all of the PCs in my company that run longer than 2 days. The script is kind of done, but it shows an error when it comes to the point:
restart-Computer $Computer -Force
If I type instead of $Computer, $ComputerList the script shuts down every PC in that OU, even if they didnt run longer than 2 days.
So it only takes one PC to run longer than 2 days to shut down the entire company, and that's not what I want.
How can I tell the script to only turn the PCs off, when they have already run more than 2 days?
Your $Computer is not defined. You should use:
Restart-Computer $_ -Force
But the better approach would be to collect all of the computers that should restart in a variable and then restart them altogether. Would work much faster:
$toBeRestarted = $ComputerList | Where-Object { $ShutdownDate -gt (Get-LastBootUpTime -ComputerName $_) }
Restart-Computer $toBeRestarted -Force
You may add some more logging around if you like

Duplicated results in Powershell

I have put together a script from various sources, but cannot understand why i am getting duplicated entries in my results..
I need to check the scheduled tasks on remote servers, and verify which ones didnt complete sucesfully, and then investigate those.
I have a schedulers.csv file, which has two comlumns IP, and Name.
I downloaded the script Get-ScheduledTask.ps1 from
Works great and does what i needed.
I then wanted to from a list retrieve the servers names, run the above script as a parameter, then get back the scheduled tasks in a csv file.
NextRunTime Author Trigger State UserId ComputerName Name LastRunTime LastTaskResult Description NumberOfMissedRuns Enabled Path
The headers for the above script give me Name and LastTaskResult, which is what I wanted to query further.
The LastTaskResult should be 0 if it completed sucesfully, otherwise i would investigate further.
The code i have so far is :
$servers = Import-Csv "C:\test\schedulers.csv"
foreach($server in $servers){
$ServerName = $server.Name
$ServerAddress = $server.IP
Write-Host $ServerName : $ServerAddress
$importfile = Get-ScheduledTask.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName
|Export-Csv -Path c:\test\scheds.csv -NoTypeInformation
$Lines = Import-Csv "C:\test\scheds.csv"
ForEach($line in $lines){
$lines | %{
$TaskName = $
$taskresult = $_.LastTaskResult
if ($_.LastTaskResult -ne "0")
Write-Host $line.LastTaskResult : $ : $_.Path
There should be 3 results that show, that have a value of 1 in LastTaskResult, but i get about 38 which is the total amount of tasks on the two servers that i am testing on.
the 3 entries are there also as well, plus all the rest..
please can anyone see where i have gone wrong.. Many Thanks
not tested because i don't have your Get-ScheduledTask.ps1, but here's what i might change
$servers = Import-Csv "C:\test\schedulers.csv"
foreach ($server in $servers) {
$ServerName = $server.Name
$ServerAddress = $server.IP
Write-Host $ServerName : $ServerAddress
$importfile = Get-ScheduledTask.ps1 -ComputerName $ServerName
$importfile | Export-Csv -Path c:\test\scheds.csv -NoTypeInformation
foreach ($line in $importfile) {
if ($line.LastTaskResult -ne '0') {
Write-Host $line.LastTaskResult : $line.Name : $line.Path

Powershell try/catch with test-connection

I'm trying to have offline computers recorded in a text file so that I can run them again at a later time. Doesn't seem that it is being recorded or caught in catch.
function Get-ComputerNameChange {
[string]$logfile = 'C:\PowerShell\offline.txt'
Foreach($computer in $computername) {
$continue = $true
try { Test-Connection -computername $computer -Quiet -Count 1 -ErrorAction stop
} catch [System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException]
$continue = $false
$computer | Out-File $logfile
Get-EventLog -LogName System -ComputerName $computer | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 6011} |
select machinename, Time, EventID, Message }}}
try is for catching exceptions. You're using the -Quiet switch so Test-Connection returns $true or $false, and doesn't throw an exception when the connection fails.
As an alternative you can do:
if (Test-Connection -computername $computer -Quiet -Count 1) {
# succeeded do stuff
} else {
# failed, log or whatever
The Try/Catch block is the better way to go, especially if you plan to use a script in production. The OP's code works, we just need to remove the -Quiet parameter from Test-Connection and trap the error specified. I tested on Win10 in PowerShell 5.1 and it works well.
try {
Write-Verbose "Testing that $computer is online"
Test-Connection -ComputerName $computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
# any other code steps follow
catch [System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException] {
Write-Warning "The computer $(($computer).ToUpper()) could not be contacted"
} # try/catch computer online?
I've struggled through these situations in the past. If you want to be sure you catch the right error when you need to process for it, inspect the error information that will be held in the $error variable. The last error is $error[0], start by piping it to Get-Member and drill in with dot notation from there.
Don Jones and Jeffery Hicks have a great set of books available that cover everything from the basics to advanced topics like DSC. Reading through these books has given me new direction in my function development efforts.