How to combine PostgreSQL text search with fuzzystrmatch - postgresql

I'd like to be able to query words from column of type ts_vector but everything which has a levenshtein distance below X should be considered a match.
Something like this where my_table is:
id | my_ts_vector_colum | sentence_as_text
1 | 'bananna':3 'tasty':2 'very':1 | Very tasty bananna
2 | 'banaana':2 'yellow':1 | Yellow banaana
3 | 'banana':2 'usual':1 | Usual banana
4 | 'baaaanaaaanaaa':2 'black':1 | Black baaaanaaaanaaa
I want to query something like "Give me id's of all rows, which contain the word banana or words similar to banana where similar means that its Levenshtein distance is less than 4". So the result should be 1, 2 and 3.
I know i can do something like select id from my_table where my_ts_vector_column ## to_tsquery('banana');, but this would only get me exact matches.
I also know i could do something like select id from my_table where levenshtein(sentence_as_text, 'banana') < 4;, but this would work only on a text column and would work only if the match would contain only the word banana.
But I don't know if or how I could combine the two.
P.S. Table where I want to execute this on contains about 2 million records and the query should be blazing fast (less than 100ms for sure).
P.P.S - I have full control on the table's schema, so changing datatypes, creating new columns, etc would be totally feasible.

2 million short sentences presumably contains far fewer distinct words than that. But if all your sentences have "creative" spellings, maybe not.
So you can perhaps create a table of distinct words to search relatively quickly with the unindexed distance function:
create materialized view words as
select distinct unnest(string_to_array(lower(sentence_as_text),' ')) word from my_table;
And create an exact index into the larger table:
create index on my_table using gin (string_to_array(lower(sentence_as_text),' '));
And then join the together:
select * from my_table join words
ON (ARRAY[word] <# string_to_array(lower(sentence_as_text),' '))
WHERE levenshtein(word,'banana')<4;


Postgis DB Structure: Identical tables for multiple years?

I have multiple datasets for different years as a shapefile and converted them to postgres tables, which confronts me with the following situation:
I got tables boris2018, boris2017, boris2016 and so on.
They all share an identical schema, for now let's focus on the following columns (example is one row out of the boris2018 table). The rows represent actual postgis geometry with certain properties.
brw | brwznr | gema | entw | nuta
290 | 285034 | Sieglar | B | W
the 'brwznr' column is an ID of some kind, but it does not seem to be entirely consistent across all years for each geometry.
Then again, most of the tables contain duplicate information. The geometry should be identical in every year, although this is not guaranteed, too.
What I first did was to match the brwznr of each year with the 2018 data, adding a brw17, brw2016, ... column to my boris2018 data, like so:
brw18 | brw17 | brw16 | brwznr | gema | entw | nuta
290 | 260 | 250 | 285034 | Sieglar | B | W
This led to some data getting lost (because there was no matching brwznr found), some data wrongly matched (because some matching was wrong due to inconsistencies in the data) and it didn't feel right.
What I actually want to achieve is having fast queries that get me the different brw values for a certain coordinate, something around the lines of
SELECT ortst, brw, gema, gena
FROM boris2018, boris2017, boris2016
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom,ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(7.130577, 50.80292),4326));
SELECT ortst, brw18, brw17, brw16, gema, gena
FROM boris
WHERE ST_Intersects(geom,ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(7.130577, 50.80292),4326));
although this obviously wrong/has its deficits.
Since I am new to databases in general, I can't really tell whether this is a querying problem or a database structure problem.
I hope anyone can help, your time and effort is highly appreciated!
Have you tried using a CTE?
SELECT ortst, brw, gema, gena FROM boris2016
SELECT ortst, brw, gema, gena FROM boris2017
SELECT ortst, brw, gema, gena FROM boris2018)
WHERE ST_Intersects(j.geom,ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(7.130577, 50.80292),4326));
Depending on your needs, you might wanna use UNION ALL. Note that this approach might not be fastest one when dealing with very large tables. If it is the case, consider merging the result of these three queries into another table and create an index using the geom field. Let me know in the comments if it is the case.

Keyword search using PostgreSQL

I am trying to identify observations from my data using a list of keywords.However, the search results contains observations where only part of the keyword matches. For instance the keyword ice returns varices. I am using the following code
select *
from mytab
WHERE myvar similar to'%((ice)|(cool))%';
I tried the _tsquery and it does the exact match and does not include observations with varices. But this approach is taking significantly longer to query. (2 keyword search for similar to '% %' takes 5 secs, whereas _tsquerytakes 30 secs for 1 keyword search.I have more than 900 keywords to search)
select *
from mytab
where myvar ## to_tsquery(('ice'));
Is there a way to query multiple keywords using the _tsquery and any way to speed the querying process.
I'd suggest using keywords in a relational sense rather than having a running list of them under one field, which makes for terrible performance. Instead, you can have a table of keywords with id's as primary keys and have foreign keys referring to mytab's primary keys. So you'd end up with the following:
keywords table
id | mytab_id | keyword
1 1 liver
2 1 disease
3 1 varices
4 2 ice
mytab table
id | rest of fields
1 ....
2 ....
You can then do an inner join to find what keywords belong to the specified entries in mytab:
JOIN keywords ON keywords.mytab_id =
WHERE keyword = 'ice'
You could also add a constraint to make sure the keyword and mytab_id pair is unique, that way you don't accidentally end up with the same keyword for the same entry in mytab.

Postgresql tsvector structure

lo here.
i am trying to utilizing tsvector for counting frequencies of terms.
i think i am almost there but i cannot find a way to obtain terms from tsvector structure.
what I have done is, after creating tsvector column:
select term_tsv, count(*) count from (select unnest(term_tsv) term_tsv from document_tsv) t group by term_tsv order by count desc;
the result is like:
stem_tsv | count
(3,{9},{D}) | 1
i am lost for not knowing what kind of expression the parenthesis represents.
can anybody tell me how to extract the term from shell?
thank you.
i figured out that something like the following lists top 10 frequent entries,
which was written in the official manual.
SELECT * FROM ts_stat('SELECT vector FROM apod')
ORDER BY nentry DESC, ndoc DESC, word
just for record.

Alternative when IN clause is inputed A LOT of values (postgreSQL)

I'm using the IN clause to retrieve places that contains certain tags. For that I simply use
select .. FROM table WHERE tags IN (...)
For now the number of tags I provide in the IN clause is around 500) but soon (in the near future) number tags will probably jump off to easily over 5000 (maybe even more)
I would guess there is some kind of limition in both the size of the query AND in the number values in the IN clause (bonus question for curiosity what is this value?)
So my question is what is a good alternative query that would be future proof even if in the future I would be matching against let's say 10'000 tags ?
ps: I have looked around and see people mentioning "temporary table". I have never used those. How will they be used in my case? Will i need to create a temp table everytime I make a query ?
One option is to join this to a values clause
with parms (tag) as (
values ('tag1'), ('tag2'), ('tag3')
select t.*
from the_table t
join params p on p.tag = t.tag;
You could create a table using:
id | tags
1 | tag1
2 | tag2
3 | tag3
And then do:
select .. FROM table WHERE tags IN (SELECT * FROM tablename)

Cassandra CQL3 select row keys from table with compound primary key

I'm using Cassandra 1.2.7 with the official Java driver that uses CQL3.
Suppose a table created by
row int,
column int,
txt text,
PRIMARY KEY (row, column)
Then I'd like to preform the equivalent of SELECT DISTINCT row FROM foo
As for my understanding it should be possible to execute this query efficiently inside Cassandra's data model(given the way compound primary keys are implemented) as it would just query the 'raw' table.
I searched the CQL documentation but I didn't find any options to do that.
My backup plan is to create a separate table - something like
CREATE TABLE foo_rows (
row int,
But this requires the hassle of keeping the two in sync - writing to foo_rows for any write in foo(also a performance penalty).
So is there any way to query for distinct row(partition) keys?
I'll give you the bad way to do this first. If you insert these rows:
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (1,1,'First Insert');
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (1,2,'Second Insert');
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (2,1,'First Insert');
insert into foo (row,column,txt) values (2,2,'Second Insert');
Doing a
'select row from foo;'
will give you the following:
Not distinct since it shows all possible combinations of row and column. To query to get one row value, you can add a column value:
select row from foo where column = 1;
But then you will get this warning:
Bad Request: Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING
Ok. Then with this:
select row from foo where column = 1 ALLOW FILTERING;
Great. What I wanted. Let's not ignore that warning though. If you only have a small number of rows, say 10000, then this will work without a huge hit on performance. Now what if I have 1 billion? Depending on the number of nodes and the replication factor, your performance is going to take a serious hit. First, the query has to scan every possible row in the table (read full table scan) and then filter the unique values for the result set. In some cases, this query will just time out. Given that, probably not what you were looking for.
You mentioned that you were worried about a performance hit on inserting into multiple tables. Multiple table inserts are a perfectly valid data modeling technique. Cassandra can do a enormous amount of writes. As for it being a pain to sync, I don't know your exact application, but I can give general tips.
If you need a distinct scan, you need to think partition columns. This is what we call a index or query table. The important thing to consider in any Cassandra data model is the application queries. If I was using IP address as the row, I might create something like this to scan all the IP addresses I have in order.
CREATE TABLE ip_addresses (
first_quad int,
last_quads ascii,
PRIMARY KEY (first_quad, last_quads)
Now, to insert some rows in my 192.x.x.x address space:
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000000001');
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000000002');
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000001001');
insert into ip_addresses (first_quad,last_quads) VALUES (192,'000001255');
To get the distinct rows in the 192 space, I do this:
SELECT * FROM ip_addresses WHERE first_quad = 192;
first_quad | last_quads
192 | 000000001
192 | 000000002
192 | 000001001
192 | 000001255
To get every single address, you would just need to iterate over every possible row key from 0-255. In my example, I would expect the application to be asking for specific ranges to keep things performant. Your application may have different needs but hopefully you can see the pattern here.
according to the documentation, from CQL version 3.11, cassandra understands DISTINCT modifier.
So you can now write
Partition row keys are used as unique index to distinguish different rows in the storage engine so by nature, row keys are always distinct. You don't need to put DISTINCT in the SELECT clause
INSERT INTO foo(row,column,txt) VALUES (1,1,'1-1');
INSERT INTO foo(row,column,txt) VALUES (2,1,'2-1');
INSERT INTO foo(row,column,txt) VALUES (1,2,'1-2');
will return 2 values: 1 and 2
Below is how things are persisted in Cassandra
| row key | column1/value | column2/value |
| 1 | 1/'1' | 2/'2' |
| 2 | 1/'1' | |