Exporting avatars from Daz3D, fbx to Unity material conflict - unity3d

I am having an issue in exporting models from Daz3D to Unity.
When I export as fbx from Daz3D then import to Unity some of the items have the wrong textures.
I figured out that the issue is if you have 2 items in Daz3D with the same name for a surface in Unity these get imported into the Assests/Materials directories, but if 2 surfaces have the same name Unity overwrites the file when it imports. (I assume it overwrites on import, could also be Daz overwriting on export I guess, but less likely).
Any idea of a workaround?
I also tried using the Unity Bridge in Daz3D, and its seems to work correctly, and creates _1 files names on conflicts. But with Unity Bridge the files sizes are too big and crashes some consoles/phones. Also does not work easily with older Unity versions (2018).

So I figured out a workaround at least. I export the clothing that conflicts as a seperate fbx, then drag/drop the material in Unity into the avatars clothing item in the scene. This overwrites the wrong material it was getting.
If anyone know how to reduce the fbx size for the Unity Bridge please reply, it exports about 2x the normal fbx export size.


Issue with importing Blender (v3.3) .fbx files to Unity (v.2017.2) - Imported .fbx object has multiple children

First of, let me say that the upcoming issue is not present in Unity version 2019 and above.
I am having trouble importing my fbx file from Blender to Unity. The issue is, as shown in the images, that the file has no mesh renderer and materials, and it has multiple children each with a submesh of the total object and with mesh renderers.
img 1
img 2
img 3
In Blender I have been sure to export the file without materials, applied modifiers, and even joined all meshes into one. As you can see in the image below the object in question is the spaceship.
img 4
I might be overlooking something basic since I am a noob at Blender, but it's still weird since with the same settings it works fine in newer Unity versions.
Thank you in advance!

How can I pack files inside Assets in Unity to reduce the quantity?

I work with unity game projects with thousands of models and other resources inside the Assets folder. After a while, this becomes too slow and inconvenient, due to the constant refresh and meta files. Most of these files do not change constantly, so we can consider them static. Deactivating auto-refresh is ok, but there are still too many files.
Is there a way to pack a bunch of files so Unity only handles one file for all of them inside the Assets folder? I know there are packages, and budles, but to use them in the editor, you have to unpack them. Therefore, packages and budles wont' help me.
Thank you.
According to your situation, you can first try organising them in different sub-folders. If one folder contains too many objects, it will cause lag for sure.
Instead of having thousands of prefab objects, you can also try export those 3D per scene as fbx in unity. Then, import this fbx as single file.
By doing this, your scene become single fbx instead.
For level or scene design, we used to combine everything or pack everything into one fbx object as possible. only keeping the necessary props as individual prefab.
ideally, you should also optimise the packed fbx in other 3D software. for example, removing duplicated faces, invisible faces..etc This workflow can cleanup the whole scene, and run smoother in low-end device or VR mobile headsets too.

How to export fbx with textures from Unity?

I have downloaded a Unity asset which included lots of 3d models with textures/materials etc.
I wanted to share one of those objects with an artist, so that they can create a new model on top of that model, so I exported the fbx from Unity using one of the Unity fbx exporter assets.
However, the model was exported without any textures and so it looked pretty much white as a whole. Therefore, the artist cannot really work on a model that includes textures and also send me back the finished work with those textures.
I am wondering, is there a way to actually export everything with the fbx
from Unity ? Thanks !
Assign your material in the source package, make sure there is a baked texture in the diffuse slot
Assign your other baked textures to the spec, normal and others
Check embed textures at export
Check 'import materials: by material name' is selected for your imported model (in the inspector)
Where possible use a portable file format like FBX and follow these guidelines.
http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/material-texture-faq.244786/ http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/HOWTO-exportFBX.html

Importing blender textured objects into unity

I am able to get this particular textured model from a 360 camera in blender. Blender Image
However, how do i get this .obj model into unity? I am only able to get the shaded version of it, not the textured version. Unity Image
When you export the .obj you should have a .mtl which contains the material data and texture mapping. Make sure when importing into unity (and exporting from blender) the file is generated and read.
Check your blender material properties and the individual texture properties. you should try to combine all materials into a single material so that its easier to reconfigure the textures in unity.
Once imported into unity, check the material settings and check if you need to reference the texture files again, most often when importing exporting .obj, the texture path gets lost so you must re-reference it in the target software. Sometimes it is also necessary to re-assign the materials themselves.
Also check your rendering options in unity, you may just be seeing it untextured in the unity viewport. (on the top left corner it says shaded, try changing it to textured or some other option)
You may as well try to use other mutually supported file types, like .3DS which do not use a separate material file, or check for blender add-ons that can export with all necessary settings for Unity.
Finally, your model is way too complex, it is raw data from a 3D scanner or ripper, I suggest you remake it so that you have manual control over each face and texture. (or at least for practice of doing the export-import operation).
More details like pictures of your material settings of both blender and unity would help in assisting you further.

Unity 3D importing

I used to code in c# using Xna then I saw Unity 3D engine and I downloaded latest version installed correctly started development of my game but suddenly when I was importing my animated character Unity 3d blocked my pc ! I noticed that my keyboard goes off when that happened and I cant move arrow or call task menager I can only restart pc ! So brother and sisters help me on my way .
Model files that are placed in the Assets folder in your Unity project are automatically imported and stored as Unity assets.
A model file may contain a 3D model, such as a character, a building, or a piece of furniture. The model is imported as multiple assets. In the Project view the main imported object is a Model Prefab. Usually there are also up to several Mesh objects that are referenced by the Model Prefab.
A model file may also contain animation data which can be used to animate this model or other models. The animation data is imported as one or more Animation Clips.
What I understand in your question is that whenever you try to import assets into unity it makes trouble.
Try to place them in the folder in your drive and then run the project in Unity.
The normal path of Unity project is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects
From what I understand; Your computer is spazzing out when you're trying to import Animated 3D characters into Unity 3D
I have faced a similar problem.
The solution I believe might work is :
Create the appropriate folders inside of unity. Assets > Models
Outside of unity, place the OBJ file for the models into your c:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Your Project or wherever it might be, in the Assets\Models folder.
Then when you're inside unity, it should be in there without any issues.
That should do the trick.