I have a use case , where I have a choice to apply NVL or COALESCE .
ex: COALESCE(col_1,'alternate_string')
I know about IS NULL and IS NOT NUll , but tell me how will I adapt it to this query :
DELETE FROM TABLE_1 T1 USING TABLE_2 T2 WHERE T1.col_1 = T2.col1 t1.col2 = t2.col2 and so on . ..... Should I be using Cases for that ?
How will handle for boolean types.
I want to know which one runs faster in terms of execution time in AWS Redshift ?
They are the same:
Synonym of the NVL expression.
An NVL expression is identical to a COALESCE expression
Is there any way we can take a computed result inside the select clause and insert it into another computation inside the select clause?
For example this is what I want to have but can't so far:
select trim(leading https://www.amazon.com for url) as trimmedURL,
substring(trimmedURL, from position('/' in trimmedURL) for position ('html' in trimmedURL))....
As you can see I have used trimmedURL 3 times inside the substring function. I know how to naively do that be copy/paste of trim(leading https://www.amazon.com for url) into the substring function.
Is there any way to avoid that and not create really large function calls as the first value computed might be placed many times inside other functions. This will improve code readability and usability.
you could use a lateral join and place the computed fields i the lateral query. the lateral fields are then accessible from the main query.
Postgres documentation for lateral join
, SUBSTRING(trimmedURL,10,20) url_part
FROM mytable
LEFT JOIN LATERAL (SELECT trim(leading https://www.amazon.com for url) as trimmedURL) trmd
also, note that postgresql ignores casing in the naming of columns / tables etc unless they are quoted.
Here's a self-contained example:
WITH x(col) AS (Values ('abc://cdf/def'), ('abc://xyz/pqr'))
SELECT x.col, SUBSTRING(y.col2 from position('/' in y.col2)) resuing_computation
LEFT JOIN LATERAL (SELECT trim(leading 'abc://' from col) col2) y ON TRUE
I have a function that accepts two integers as parameters my_function(input_a, input_b). Is there an easy way to pass the results of a CTE (that returns records of input_a, input_b) into the function?
Should I be looking into writing a custom function with a for loop or is there a better approach?
If the function returns a single record then:
WITH cte AS (SELECT 1 a, 2 b)
SELECT my_function(a, b) FROM cte;
will work. However, if the function is an SRF (Set-Returning-Function), then you need to use LATERAL, to let the database know that you want to feed the results of the prior tables in the JOIN statement to the functions later on in the JOIN. This is accomplished like so:
WITH cte AS (SELECT 1 a, 2 b)
SELECT * FROM cte, LATERAL my_function(a, b);
The LATERAL will cause PostgreSQL to take each row from the CTE and run "my_function" with the values from that row, returning the results of that function to the overall SELECT statement.
I have this query:
with serie as (
select to_char(kj, 'yyyymmdd')::numeric
from generate_series('2016-02-06 01:56:00','2016-02-06 23:57:00', '1 day'::interval) kj
select col1,col2,col3
from foreign_table
where col3 in (select * from serie) -- from CTE serie here is only one number 20160216
And its performance is poor, the foreign table has an index on col3.
But if I write the values from CTE serie manually it performs fast
select col1,col2,col3
from foreign_table
where col3 in (20160216,20160217)
I put there one more value just to show it works fast with more than one value
And if I write "=" to first query instead of "in" it also performs fast
with serie as (
select to_char(kj, 'yyyymmdd')::numeric
from generate_series('2016-02-06 01:56:00','2016-02-06 23:57:00', '1 day'::interval) kj
select col1,col2,col3
from foreign_table
where col3 = (select * from serie) -- I can write "=" in this case because I have just one number returned from CTE
(I am using Postgres 9.5.1)
Why does Postgres performs so poorly with in-clase with CTE compare to manually writing these values or using "=". I obviously can not write values manually all the time since I need this query universal and I can not put there "=" because I need it universal here as well.
So any ideas here ?
btw: This is not the only case when in-clause made a poor performance compare to other two methods I showed here
These are the query plans, I have other queries that are not affected by foreign table, once I find them I will put them here as well
I have a user defined function. This question shows how to loop through dates. Using this approach, I tried this query:
select myfun(a::date) from generate_series('2015-01-01'::date,'2016-01-27','1 day') s(a)
This doesn't quite work. What it returns is a single column of the form:
(10101, "Sample", "test")
(10102, "Sample2", "test2")
When in reality there should be three columns. It merges them into one.
I noticed that this is the same behavior that you get in a vanilla query such as select mytable when I omit the asterisk. The above query doesn't have an asterisk in it, but adding one causes an error.
Place the function call in the FROM clause:
select f.*
generate_series('2015-01-01'::date,'2016-01-27','1 day') s(a),
myfun(a::date) f;
or using more formal syntax:
select f.*
from generate_series('2015-01-01'::date,'2016-01-27','1 day') s(a)
cross join myfun(a::date) f;
This form of the FROM clause is known as lateral join.
I thought I understood how I can do a SELECT from the results of another SELECT statement, but there seems to be some sort of blurring of scope that I don't understand. I am using SQL Server 2008R2.
It is easiest to explain with an example.
Create a table with a single nvarchar column - load the table with a single text value and a couple of numbers:
CREATE TABLE #temptable( a nvarchar(30) );
INSERT INTO #temptable( a )
INSERT INTO #temptable( a )
INSERT INTO #temptable( a )
select * from #temptable;
This will return: apple, 1, 2
Use IsNumeric to get only the rows of the table that can be cast to numeric - this will leave the text value apple behind. This works fine.
select cast(a as int) as NumA
from #temptable
where IsNumeric(a) = 1 ;
This returns: 1, 2
However, if I use that exact same query as an inner select, and try to do a numeric WHERE clause, it fails saying cannot convert nvarchar value 'apple' to data type int. How has it got the value 'apple' back??
select cast(a as int) as NumA
from #temptable
where IsNumeric(a) = 1
) x
where x.NumA > 1
Note that the failing query works just fine without the WHERE clause:
select cast(a as int) as NumA
from #temptable
where IsNumeric(a) = 1
) x
I find this very surprising. What am I not getting? TIA
If you take a look at the estimated execution plan you'll find that it has optimized the inner query into the outer and combined the WHERE clauses.
Using a CTE to isolate the operations works (in SQL Server 2008 R2):
declare #temptable as table ( a nvarchar(30) );
INSERT INTO #temptable( a )
VALUES ('apple'), ('1'), ('2');
with Numbers as (
select cast(a as int) as NumA
from #temptable
where IsNumeric(a) = 1
select * from Numbers
The reason you are getting this is fair and simple. When a query is executed there are some steps that are being followed. This is a parse, algebrize, optimize and compile.
The algebrize part in this case will get all the objects you need for this query. The optimize will use these objects to create a best query plan which will be compiled and executed...
So, when you look into that part you will see it will do a table scan on #temptable. And #temptable is defined as the way you created your table. That you will do some compute on it is a different thing..... The column still has the nvarchar datatype..
To know how this works you have to know how to read a query. First all the objects are retrieved (from table, inner join table), then the predicates (where, on), then the grouping and such, then the select of the columns (with the cast) and then the orderby.
So with that in mind, when you have a combination of selects, the optimizer will still process it that way.. since your select is subordinate to the from and join parts of your query, it will be a reason for getting this error.
I hope i made it a little clear?
The optimizer is free to move expressions in the query plan in order to produce the most cost efficient plan for retrieving the data (the evaluation order of the predicates is not guaranteed). I think using the case expression like bellow produces a NULL in absence of the ELSE clause and thus takes the APPLE out
select a from #temptable where case when isnumeric(a) = 1 then a end > 1