How to play a List of video carousel in flutter? - flutter

I want to play a list of video in in a carousel. I tried to combine package like swiper and other carousel package and with video player.
I pass the URL to custom video Player class and and pass the URL according to the onIndexChanged function, But sometimes the 2nd video get initialize then the first.

A solution could be instead of using a custom carousel package, try using PageView.builder and then pass the indexedPage.


Video player in Flutter with own methods to play, pause etc

I need to add the video player to my Flutter app. Is there a way to display video but use my own methods to play, pause and stop presenting the video?
Now I'm using video_player dart package and when I'm calling my methods it doesn't work, the video reacts only on methods called on controller from package.
I need something to display the video only(widget?) and be able to manage it by myself. Is it possible?
Hi You need to use chewie its based on The video_player plugin and provides low-level access to video playback.
You can use _ControlsOverlay or create your custom controller widget using stack for any video player.

Flutter Multiple Image to Video Slideshow with Audio converter Using FFmpegKit

I want to render a video file using some images with animation.
I have tried some solution out there and i did not get any solution either I don't know how to write command of FFmpegKit. I also tried to first implement a single image with mp3 but it was also not working.

Displaying Multiple Videos In Flutter

I'm trying to display a list of videos on my UI just like the way the Youtube app is. But my issue is i just cant find how to display the list of videos using the VideoPlayer plugin. The video player plugin takes just a VideoPlayerController and i don't know how to set all the list of videos to the controller so when they user tap on any video it plays. Or would i have to create lots of VideoPlayerController in a loop and assign them to each video in the list?
Add Dependency
chewie: ^0.9.10
Overall, for showing youtube like list, you need separate thumbnail images, so that on clicked specific video can be played.
Run below code, where everything is available which you required.
just create new variable call path
String? _path;
_controller = VideoPlayerController.asset(_path!);
now, you can passing the path variable from resource that you have

How to float a video player over all pages like youtube in flutter?

I want to create a video player like youtube which will appear all over the screen like youtube app.
After minimize or back pressed this video will play like this for all screens:
You can try miniplayer dependencies and read how to persistence to pass miniplayer over all pages.
Use the same controller and pass it to a new widget( the one sitting down at bottom) and use hero animation to swap it there.

How to make video player in swift?

I am making video player in swift. I need add some custom buttons and functionality for standard video player:
1. Playing video from url (server)
2. Showing indicator while loading video like in VK
3. Add custom buttons to control (stop,pause buttons)
I try to use AVKit/AVPlayerViewController, but i cant understand how i can implement my tasks there. Can you give some advise, which is the better way to do this?