Mongoose populate method not populating all fields after updating document - mongodb

I change the order of an array and then populate doesn't work. It still works on the documents that I did not try to update.
I have a seccion model with preguntas inside of it
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const seccionSchema = new Schema({
titulo: { type: String },
preguntas: [
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Pregunta',
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const preguntaSchema = new Schema({
titulo: { type: String, required: true },
A "Seccion" document with 2 "preguntas" looks something like this:
"preguntas": [
"_id": "5fb0a50fcb68c44c227a0436",
"titulo": "Seccion 2",
"__v": 3
What I want to do is change the order in the preguntas array, so that the _ids end up being [33, 32] instead of [32, 33] (last two digits of the _ids). I can update using ".save()" method or ".findOneAndUpdate()". Here is the code using "findOneAndUpdate":
router.put('/:id', async (req, res) => {
const seccionId =;
try {
const seccion = await Seccion.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: seccionId },
{ preguntas: ['5fb0a48ccb68c44c227a0433', '5fb0a48ccb68c44c227a0432'] },
{ new: true }
} catch (err) {
res.json({ message: err });
The result works (and the order is changed in mongo atlas):
"preguntas": [
"_id": "5fb0a50fcb68c44c227a0436",
"titulo": "Seccion 2",
"__v": 4
But when I try to use the "populate()" method of mongoose, only one of the "preguntas ids" or none are populated (below only the "pregunta" with id ending in 32 was populated):
"preguntas": [
"_id": "5fb0a48ccb68c44c227a0432",
"titulo": "Pregunta 3",
"__v": 0
"_id": "5fb0a50fcb68c44c227a0436",
"titulo": "Seccion 2",
"__v": 4
So my guess is that the populate method is not working correctly, but it does work on the other "Seccion" documents where I have not tryed to change the order of the "preguntas" inside the array. Here is the code that uses the "populate" method:
router.get('/:id', async (req, res) => {
const seccionId =;
try {
const seccion = await Seccion.findById(seccionId).populate('preguntas');
} catch (err) {
res.json({ message: err });
It has been really hard to make the populate work, I really appreciate anyone's help

Are you sure that pregunta of id 5fb0a48ccb68c44c227a0433 exists in the preguntas collection?
The way populate works is that it does a second find operation on the preguntas collection with the ids in the array, if a document is not found, it will be omitted from the array.
The issue is probably that the one ending with 33 does not exist in the preguntas collection.


How to create dynamic query in mongoose for update. i want to update multiple data(Not all) with the help of Id

If I'm doing this, the field which I don't want to update is showing undefined. Any solution? (Like generating dynamic query or something)
exports.updateStudentById = async (req, res) => {
try {
const updateAllField = {
first_name: req.body.first_name,
last_name: req.body.last_name,
field_of_study: req.body.field_of_study,
age: req.body.age,
const data = await student_master.updateOne(
{ _id: req.body._id },
{ $set: updateAllField }
res.json({ message: "Student Data Updated", data: data });
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
You can go for a dynamic query creation .Example
const requestBody = {
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Cena",
field_of_study: ""
const query={};
Check for the fields that are present in req.body and create a dynamic query
and when updating using mongoose use this
const data = await student_master.updateOne(
{ _id: req.body._id },
{ $set: query }
In this way only those fields would be updated which are present in your req.body

mongoose When I Use update it updates Nothing with status 200(success)

I use update Query for push some data in array in Mongodb and I use mongoose in nodeJs.Pplease anyone can help out from this.
Model Schema :
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
var schema = new Schema({
email: { type: String, require: true },
username: { type: String, require: true },
password: { type: String, require: true },
creation_dt: { type: String, require: true },
tasks : []
module.exports = mongoose.model('User',schema)
So I use this schema and I want to push data in tasks array and here is my route code for pushing data.
Route For Update Data in Tasks:"/newTask", isValidUser, (req, res) => {
addToDataBase(req, res);
async function addToDataBase(req, res) {
var dataa = {
pName: req.body.pName,
pTitle: req.body.pTitle,
pStartTime: req.body.pStartTime,
pEndTime: req.body.pEndTime,
pSessionTime: req.body.pSessionTime,
var usr = new User(req.user);
usr.update({ email: }, { $push: { tasks: dataa } });
try {
doc = await;
return res.status(201).json(doc);
} catch (err) {
return res.status(501).json(err);
Here I create a async function and call that function in route but when I post data using postman it response with status code 200(success) but it updates nothing in my database.
Output screenshot:
as you can see in this image task : [].. it updates nothing in that array but status is success
I don't know why is this happening.
You can achieve this task easier using findOneAndUpdate method.
router.put("/users", isValidUser, async (req, res) => {
var data = {
pName: req.body.pName,
pTitle: req.body.pTitle,
pStartTime: req.body.pStartTime,
pEndTime: req.body.pEndTime,
pSessionTime: req.body.pSessionTime,
try {
const user = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ email: },
$push: {
tasks: data,
{ new: true }
if (!user) {
return res.status(404).send("User with email not found");
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send("Something went wrong");
Also I strongly suggest using raw / JSON data for request body, that's how most ui libraries (reactjs, angular) send data.
To be able to parse json data, you need to add the following line to your main file before using routes.
Existing user:
"tasks": [],
"_id": "5e8b349dc285884b64b6b167",
"email": "",
"username": "Kirtan",
"password": "123213",
"creation_dt": "2020-04-06T14:21:40",
"__v": 0
Request body:
"pName": "pName 1",
"pTitle": "pTitle 1",
"pStartTime": "pStartTime 1",
"pEndTime": "pEndTime 1",
"pSessionTime": "pSessionTime 1"
"tasks": [
"pName": "pName 1",
"pTitle": "pTitle 1",
"pStartTime": "pStartTime 1",
"pEndTime": "pEndTime 1",
"pSessionTime": "pSessionTime 1"
"_id": "5e8b349dc285884b64b6b167",
"email": "",
"username": "Kirtan",
"password": "123213",
"creation_dt": "2020-04-06T14:21:40",
"__v": 0
Also as a side note, you had better to create unique indexes on username and email fields. This can be done applying unique: true option in the schema, but better to create these unique indexes at mongodb shell like this:
db.users.createIndex( { "email": 1 }, { unique: true } );
db.users.createIndex( { "username": 1 }, { unique: true } );
It's been awhile since I've done mongoose, but I'm pretty sure <model>.update() also actively updates the record in Mongo.
You use .update() when you want to update an existing record in Mongo, but you are instantiating a new User model (i.e. creating a new user)
try the following code instead for a NEW USER:'/newTask', isValidUser, (req, res) => {
async function addToDataBase(req, res) {
var dataa = {
pName: req.body.pName,
pTitle: req.body.pTitle,
pStartTime: req.body.pStartTime,
pEndTime: req.body.pEndTime,
pSessionTime: req.body.pSessionTime
// email field is already in `req.user`
var usr = new User({ ...req.user, tasks: [dataa] });
try {
return res.status(201).json(doc);
catch (err) {
return res.status(501).json(err);
Now, if you wanted to update an existing record :'/newTask', isValidUser, (req, res) => {
async function addToDataBase(req, res) {
var dataa = {
pName: req.body.pName,
pTitle: req.body.pTitle,
pStartTime: req.body.pStartTime,
pEndTime: req.body.pEndTime,
pSessionTime: req.body.pSessionTime
try {
await usr. updateOne({ email :}, { $push: { tasks: dataa } });
return res.status(201).json(doc);
catch (err) {
return res.status(501).json(err);
For more info read:

Mongoose: consistently save document order

Suppose we have a schema like this:
const PageSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
content: String
order: Number
We want order to be always a unique number between 0 and n-1, where n is the total number of documents.
How can we ensure this when documents are inserted or deleted?
For inserts I currently use this hook:
PageSchema.pre('save', async function () {
if (!this.order) {
const lastPage = await this.constructor.findOne().sort({ order: -1 })
this.order = lastPage ? lastPage.order + 1 : 0
This seems to work when new documents are inserted.
When documents are removed, I would have to decrease the order of documents of higher order. However, I am not sure which hooks are called when documents are removed.
Efficiency is not an issue for me: there are not many inserts and deletes.
It would be totally ok if I could somehow just provide one function, say fix_order, that iterates over the whole collection. How can I install this function such that it gets called whenever documents are inserted or deleted?
You can use findOneAndDelete pre and post hooks to accomplish this.
As you see in the pre findOneAndDelete hook, we save a reference to the deleted document, and pass it to the postfindOneAndDelete, so that we can access the model using constructor, and use the updateMany method to be able to adjust orders.
PageSchema.pre("findOneAndDelete", async function(next) { = await this.findOne();
});"findOneAndDelete", async function(doc, next) {
const result = await
{ order: { $gt: doc.order } },
$inc: {
order: -1
Let's say you have these 3 documents:
"_id": ObjectId("5e830a6d0dec1443e82ad281"),
"content": "content1",
"order": 0,
"__v": 0
"_id": ObjectId("5e830a6d0dec1443e82ad282"),
"content": "content2",
"order": 1,
"__v": 0
"_id": ObjectId("5e830a6d0dec1443e82ad283"),
"content": "content3",
"order": 2,
"__v": 0
When you delete the content2 with "_id": ObjectId("5e830a6d0dec1443e82ad282") with findOneAndDelete method like this:
router.delete("/pages/:id", async (req, res) => {
const result = await Page.findOneAndDelete({ _id: });
The middlewares will run, and adjust the orders, the remaining 2 documents will look like this:
"_id": ObjectId("5e830a6d0dec1443e82ad281"),
"content": "content1",
"order": 0,
"__v": 0
"_id": ObjectId("5e830a6d0dec1443e82ad283"),
"content": "content3",
"order": 1, => DECREASED FROM 2 to 1
"__v": 0
Also you had better to include next in your pre save middleware so that other middlewares also work if you add later.
PageSchema.pre("save", async function(next) {
if (!this.order) {
const lastPage = await this.constructor.findOne().sort({ order: -1 });
this.order = lastPage ? lastPage.order + 1 : 0;
Based on the answer of SuleymanSah, I wrote a mongoose plugin that does the job. This way, it can be applied to multiple schemas without unnessecary code duplication.
It has two optional arguments:
path: pathname where the ordinal number is to be stored (defaults to order)
scope: pathname or array of pathnames relative to which numbers should be given (defaults to [])
Example. Chapters should not be numbered globally, but relative to the book to which they belong:
ChapterSchema.plugin(orderPlugin, { path: 'chapterNumber', scope: 'book' })
File orderPlugin.js:
function getConditions(doc, scope) {
return Object.fromEntries([].concat(scope).map((path) => [path, doc[path]]))
export default (schema, options) => {
const path = (options && options.path) || 'order'
const scope = (options && options.scope) || {}
[path]: Number,
schema.pre('save', async function () {
if (!this[path]) {
const last = await this.constructor
.findOne(getConditions(this, scope))
.sort({ [path]: -1 })
this[path] = last ? last[path] + 1 : 0
})'findOneAndDelete', async function (doc) {
await this.model.updateMany(
{ [path]: { $gt: doc[path] }, ...getConditions(doc, scope) },
{ $inc: { [path]: -1 } }

Post to a mongoose schema with array of objects

I want to post some data to my mongo database.
However the structure of the schema confuses me about the implementation.
This is the schema:
var GraphSchema = new Schema({
nodes: [{id: String}],
links: [{source:String, target: String}]
This is what I've tried so far but it doesn't seem to working:'/graphs', (req, res) => {
const graph = new Graph();
graph.nodes = [{id:}];
graph.links = [{source: req.body.source, target:}]; => {
if(err) return res.status(500).json({ message: 'internal error' })
res.json({ message: 'saved...' })
For example I want to achieve something like this as a final result:
"data": [
"nodes": [
"id": "root"
"id": "input"
"id": "component"
"links": [
"source": "component",
"target": "root"
I a testing the operation with Postman
I am in a kind of dead end regarding how to proceed so I hope you can hint me something!
in your creation of the object , creat it like this'/graphs', (req, res) => {
const graph = new Graph({
links:[{source: req.body.source, target:}]
}); // you need to include your data inside the instance of the model when you create it that was the problem.. It should work fine now
In your code you don't actually create the array that you have defined in your schema. So tally with your schema like above and then save. below => {
if(err) {
res.status(500).json({ message: 'internal error' });
throw err;
res.send({ message: 'saved...' });
this is the way you have currently posted the question.. so the answer is valid for that, but I assume this should be sufficient enough for you to figure out what was the problem ..

Mongoose InsertMany not returning the _id of the saved documents in results

Im trying to save a list of vehicles into my mlab (mongodb) using mongoose. And this is my query:
Vehicle.insertMany(req.body, function(err, result){
//**req.body is a list of Vehicle objects**
if (err){
res.status(400).send( { message: 'Could not save the vehicles', meta: err } );
res.status(200).send( { message: 'Successfully saved the vehicles', data: result } );
And this is my Vehicle Schema:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const vehicleSchema = new Schema({
_id: String,
name: String,
type: String
const Vehicle = mongoose.model('vehicle', vehicleSchema);
module.exports = Vehicle;
The result of Vehicle.InsertMany returns the below:
"message": "Successfully saved the vehicles",
"data": [
"name": "KIA",
"type": "four wheeler",
"__v": 0
"name": "BDY",
"type": "four wheeler",
"__v": 0
My problem is, why isn't the result returning the _id field of the saved documents? And what is __v field?
(PS: Mongoose docs doesnt mention anything about _id in the insertMany documentation. Also, Im new to Mongoose and not sure if my Schema is correct)
Please point me in the right direction. Thanks.