SQL Workbench and WbExport - camelcasing

I've searched high and low and can't seem to find a solution. I've got a query that runs and then does the WbExport function once complete. This is exporting to an .xls file. However, it's exporting as all lower case for the header. The table headers are this way as well. Recreating the table as camel case doesn't fix it because the table headers still remain as all lower case. The exported file needs to have camel case. Is there any way for me to fix this without correcting it manually every time?


Find the corrupted doc in DynamoDB

I am using dynamoose to scan a table. However one key (or more) seems to be corrupted. The scan fails with this error: Expected _modifiedAt to be of type number, instead found type object
The Schema is expecting a Number but somewhere in the table there is a doc where the key is an object.
How do I find this? We have thousands of keys, so I guess a simple search won't cut it.
So, since I need to do this because of a schema migration, I decided to simply export all data as CSV (This tool is only needed if you have over 100 keys, before that you can export directly within dynamoDB). And then write a custom migration script which handles all the error handling etc.
Hope this might help someone ;)

Working with PowerShell and file based DB operations

I have a scenario where I have a lot of files in a CSV file i need to do operations on. The script needs to be able to handle if script is stopped or failed, then it should continue where i stopped from. In a database scenario this would be fairly simple. I would have an updated column and update that when operation for the line has completed. I have looked if I somehow could update the CSV on the fly, but I dont think that is possible. I could start having multiple files, but not that elegant. Can anyone recommend some kind of simple file based DB like framework? Where I from PowerShell could create a new database file (maybe json) and read from it and update on the fly.
If your problem is really so complex, that you actually need somewhat of a local database solution, then consider to go with SQLite which was built for such scenarios.
In your case, since you process an CSV row-by-row, I assume storing the info for the current row only will be enough. (Line number, status etc.)

DB2 updated rows since last check

I want to periodically export data from db2 and load it in another database for analysis.
In order to do this, I would need to know which rows have been inserted/updated since the last time I've exported things from a given table.
A simple solution would probably be to add a timestamp to every table and use that as a reference, but I don't have such a TS at the moment, and I would like to avoid adding it if possible.
Is there any other solution for finding the rows which have been added/updated after a given time (or something else that would solve my issue)?
There is an easy option for a timestamp in Db2 (for LUW) called
This is managed by Db2 and could be defined as HIDDEN so existing SELECT * FROM queries will not retrieve the new row which would cause extra costs.
Check out the Db2 CREATE TABLE documentation
This functionality was originally added for optimistic locking but can be used for such situations as well.
There is a similar concept for Db2 z/OS - you have to check that out as I have not tried this one.
Of cause there are other ways to solve it like Replication etc.
That is not possible if you do not have a timestamp column. With a timestamp, you can know which are new or modified rows.
You can also use the TimeTravel feature, in order to get the new values, but that implies a timestamp column.
Another option, is to put the tables in append mode, and then get the rows after a given one. However, this option is not sure after a reorg, and affects the performance and space utilisation.
One possible option is to use SQL replication, but that needs extra tables for staging.
Finally, another option is to read the logs, with the db2ReadLog API, but that implies a development. Also, just appliying the archived logs into the new database is possible, however the database will remain in roll forward pending.

Extract Active Directory into SQL database using VBScript

I have written a VBScript to extract data from Active Directory into a record set. I'm now wondering what the most efficient way is to transfer the data into a SQL database.
I'm torn between;
Writing it to an excel file then firing an SSIS package to import it or...
Within the VBScript, iterating through the dataset in memory and submitting 3000+ INSERT commands to the SQL database
Would the latter option result in 3000+ round trips communicating with the database and therefore be the slower of the two options?
Sending an insert row by row is always the slowest option. This is what is known as Row by Agonizing Row or RBAR. You should avoid that if possible and take advantage of set based operations.
Your other option, writing to an intermediate file is a good option, I agree with #Remou in the comments that you should probably pick CSV rather than Excel if you are going to choose this option.
I would propose a third option. You already have the design in VB contained in your VBscript. You should be able to convert this easily to a script component in SSIS. Create an SSIS package, add a DataFlow task, add a Script Component (as a datasource {example here}) to the flow, write your fields out to the output buffer, and then add a sql destination and save yourself the step of writing to an intermediate file. This is also more secure, as you don't have your AD data on disk in plaintext anywhere during the process.
You don't mention how often this will run or if you have to run it within a certain time window, so it isn't clear that performance is even an issue here. "Slow" doesn't mean anything by itself: a process that runs for 30 minutes can be perfectly acceptable if the time window is one hour.
Just write the simplest, most maintainable code you can to get the job done and go from there. If it runs in an acceptable amount of time then you're done. If it doesn't, then at least you have a clean, functioning solution that you can profile and optimize.
If you already have it in a dataset and if it's SQL Server 2008+ create a user defined table type and send the whole dataset in as an atomic unit.
And if you go the SSIS route, I have a post covering Active Directory as an SSIS Data Source

Data Warehousing Postgres

We're considering using SSIS to maintain a PostgreSql data warehouse. I've used it before between SQL Servers with no problems, but am having a lot of difficulty getting it to play nicely with Postgres. I’m using the evaluation version of the OLEDB PGNP data provider (http://www.postgresql.org/about/news.1004).
I wanted to start with something simple like UPSERT on the fact table (10k-15k rows are updated/inserted daily), but this is proving very difficult (not to mention I’ll want to use surrogate keys in the future).
I’ve attempted (Link) and (http://consultingblogs.emc.com/jamiethomson/archive/2006/09/12/SSIS_3A00_-Checking-if-a-row-exists-and-if-it-does_2C00_-has-it-changed.aspx) which are effectively the same (except I don’t really understand the union all at the end when I’m trying to upsert) But I run into the same problem with parameters when doing the update using a OLEDb command – which I tried to overcome using (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141773.aspx) but that just doesn’t seem to work, I get a validation error –
The external columns for complent.... are out of sync with the datasource columns... external column “Param_2” needs to be removed from the external columns.
(this error is repeated for the first two parameters as well – never came across this using the sql connection as it supports named parameters)
Has anyone come across this?
The fact that this simple task is apparently so difficult to do in SSIS suggests I’m using the wrong tool for the job - is there a better (and still flexible) way of doing this? Or would another ETL package be better for use between two Postgres database? -Other options include any listed on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract,_transform,_load#Open-source_ETL_frameworks). I could just go and write a load of SQL to do this for me, but I wanted a neat and easily maintainable solution.
I have used the Slowly Changing Dimension wizard for this with good success. It may give you what you are looking for especially with the Wizard
The External Columns Out Of Sync: SSIS is Case Sensitive - I encountered this issue multiple times and it makes me want to pull my hair out.
This simple task is going to take some work either way. SSIS is by no means an enterprise class ETL product yet, but it does give you some quick and easy functionality, and is sufficient for most ETL work. I guess it is also about your level of comfort with it as well.
SCD is way too slow for what I want. I need to use set based sql.
It turned out that a lot of my problems were with bugs in the provider.
I opened a forum topic (http://www.pgoledb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=49) and had a useful discussion with the moderator/support/developer person.
Also Postgres doesn't let you do cross db querys, so I solved the problem this way:
Data Source from Production DB to a temp Archive DB table
Run set based query between temp table and archive table
Truncate temp table
Note that the temp table is not atchally a temp table, but a copy of the archive table schema to temporarily stored data in.
Took a while, but I got there in the end.
This simple task is going to take some work either way. SSIS is by no means an enterprise class ETL product yet, but it does give you some quick and easy functionality, and is sufficient for most ETL work. I guess it is also about your level of comfort with it as well.
What enterprise ETL solution would you suggest?