How to get Script Parameters ( SuiteScript 2.0) using VS Code? - visual-studio-code

I would like to know if there is any way to get all the scripts parameters when you create a new script (SuiteScript 2.0) using VS Code.
I'm aware that it is possible when using Eclipse IDE but I do really would like to keep using VS Code as I'm already using for Python and JavaScript.
This is what I'm looking for:
* Function definition to be triggered before record is loaded.
* Task #5060 : calculate PO Spent Amount and Balance in realtime
* #param {Object} scriptContext
* #param {Record} scriptContext.newRecord - New record
* #param {Record} scriptContext.oldRecord - Old record
* #param {string} scriptContext.type - Trigger type
* #Since 2015.2
BTW, I'm already using VS Code Intelisense and NetSuite Uploader extensions.

At the time of writing, there are no official plugins from Netsuite for VS Code, only Eclipse & Webstorm are available. However, there is an unofficial plugin from Head-in-the-Cloud that might do what you're after.


Preserving jsdoc comments and VS Code intellisense with babel

I have a javascript library for communicating with server APIS, written in modern ECMAScript.
It is fully documented with JSDoc comments:
* #class - TODOS API Client class
class todosApi {
* Gets Todos, given the parameters
* #param {number} personId
* #param {number} [year]
* #param {number} [month]
* #param {number} [todoTypeId]
* #returns {Object} - api response object, data will be array of todos
fetchTodos = async (....
When using this API in the unit tests in this project, in Visual Studio code, I have excellent intellisense from these comments, and it's a beautiful thing.
However, this library is used by/referenced in a separate react application created with create-react-app. When I run this through babel to transpile into a format that is consumable by my create-react-app app, it ends up like this:
* #class - TODOS API Client class
class todosApi {
_defineProperty(this, "fetchTodos", async (personId, eventYear, eventMonth, todoTypeId) => {
And I lose my intellisense for fetchTodos, and actually the class itself because of how it is exported in and index.js file. babel does have the option to include comments by default, however the class gets a little mangled in transpiling and loses some comments.
Is there any way to transpile and still preserve this intellisense for VS Code?
Use tsd-jsdoc to create a types.d.ts file.
In your package.json add a script to run ...
jsdoc -r src -t node_modules/tsd-jsdoc/dist -d lib
And set types to lib/types.d.js.
Include that script as part of prepublishOnly so it runs before every npm publish.

performApply does not save at BinaryParsTab class

I browse and select new values at C build - Settings - Binary Parsers via
Binary Parser Options as a command.
But these selected values are can not be saved.
At the BinaryParsTab there is a comment. So these BinaryParserPages are can
not be saved at the moment as well ...
* #noextend This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
public class BinaryParsTab extends AbstractCPropertyTab {
/* Settings from binary parser pages are NOT saved by prior CDT version.
* So existing binary parsers _always_ use default values.
* Moreover, obsolete interface is used while attempting to save.
* We have to affect both parsers and pages
* to teach them to save data really.
* It will be done in next versions. Currently pages are disabled.

Netbeans 8 auto add author to method comment

When I type a methods and generate comments via /** enter.
It generates comment like this.
* #param int $weight
* #return \KT_Forbes_Theme_Model
Is the a possibility to auto add #author ?
* #author A good guy
* #param int $weight
* #return \KT_Forbes_Theme_Model
I have to add the #autor manualy for all the method, it is really anoing.
It seems that it is not possible in current NetBeans versions as reported in Also there are some related posts about this issue Modify command / template for function commenting in NetBeans. Triggering with "/** + Enter key" or Edit Comment Template in Netbeans PHP 6.8 (this last one does not solve the issue - at least in NetBeans 8.1).
I'm currently fighting with the IDE to include the auto comments with some data cause the comment added looks like:
whitout any info included.
This output is given typically for void methods, with no parameters.
i.e. public void parameterMapping()
For methods that have parameters and a return value should look like this:
* #param parameter
* #return
private ASTNode recursiveParameterParser(ASTNode parameter)

Google Sheets not showing custom function in autocomplete

I can't get the google sheets autocomplete to show my custom function even when I use Google's version (see below). I have the jsdoc info correctly formatted, but it still doesn't show up. I'm sure I'm just overlooking something stupid, but I can't find it. So what am I missing?
Google's demo code:
* Multiplies the input value by 2.
* #param {number} input The value to multiply.
* #customfunction
function double(input) {
return input * 2;
BTW, I'm using Chrome to develop my custom functions. Also, my function works, just no autocomplete. All the built-in functions autocomplete works.
Thanks in advance for the help!
I managed to get the custom function autocomplete working yesterday. It seems to only work with container-bound scripts, so any JSDoc info inside a script being used as a library will not come across. To verify it works, I did the following:
Create new Google Sheet
Open Script Editor
Enter the following in the script:
* Returns amount multiplied by itself.
* #param {Number} amount The amount to be multiplied by itself.
* #return {Number} The amount multiplied by itself.
* #customfunction
function test(amount) {
return amount*amount;
Then, when entering =test into a cell in the spreadsheet, the information above the function appears in the autocomplete hint, like any other built-in spreadsheet function.

Generate getters and setters (Zend Studio for Eclipse)

I'm using Zend Studio for Eclipse (Linux), and I'm trying to generate getter and setters methods in a PHP class.
I try to do this:
but I haven't "Generate Getters and Setters" option in Source Menu, it's missed!
Could u help me? Thanks!
Like Omnipotent say, you can use templates to do this. Here what I use:
* #var ${PropertyType}
private $$m${PropertyName};
* Getter for ${PropertyName}
* #author ${user}
* #since ${date} ${time}
* #return ${PropertyType} private variable $$m_${PropertyName}
public function get${PropertyName}()
return $$this->m_${PropertyName};
* Setter for ${PropertyName}
* #author ${user}
* #since ${date} ${time}
* #param ${PropertyType} $$Value
public function set${PropertyName}($$Value)
$$this->m_${PropertyName} = $$Value;
To create the template just go to the preferences. Then in PHP/Templates you will have your list of templates.
It has to be there under the menu - source in Eclipse. Could you provide a snapshot of your Eclipse to verify.
EDITED: I guess it is not possible to generate getters and setters automatically in your version, though you would be able to create templates for the same and use it as per your requirements. Omnipotent (0 seconds ago)
I haven't seen anyone mention the Zend Studio ctrl+3 shortcut/search:
ctrl+3 and search...
I type "setters", and first option on the menu is the "Generate Getters and Setters" wizard.
If there is a 'Refactor' menu, check in there as well. A lot of those methods have been moved to the 'Refactor' menu in later versions of eclipse and if Zend has updated recently and not updated it's documentation, the items may have encountered an undocumented move.
#Omnipotent It's Zend Studio v6.01, "generate getters and setters" feature should be available. I can see doc about it in Help Contents.
By the way i'll try updating to v6.1
Thanks anyway!
EDITED: Templates and Code Assist works fine but are not usefull as "Generate getters and setters".