Unity: Detecting taps on particles in a particle system - unity3d

I am making a scientific visualization app of the Galaxy. Among other things, it displays where certain deep sky objects (stars, star clusters, nebulae, etc) are located in and around the Galaxy.
There are 6 or 7 classes of object types (stars, star clusters, nebulae, globular clusters, etc). Each object within a class looks the same (i.e. using the same image).
I've tried creating GameObjects for each deep sky object, but the system can get bogged down with many objects (~10,000). So instead I create a particle system for each class of deep sky object, setting the specific image to display for each class.
Each particle (i.e. deep sky object) is created at the appropriate location and then I do a SetParticles() to add them to that class's particle system. This works really well and I can have 100,000 objects (particles) with decent performance.
However, I need to allow the user to click/tap on an object to select it. I have not found any examples of how to do hit testing on individual particles in the particle system. Is this possible in Unity?

You'll have to do the raycasting yourself.
Just implement a custom raycasting algorithm using a simple line rectangle intersection. Simply assume a small rectangle at each particle's position. Since you do not rely on Unity's built in methods you can do this async. For performance optimization you can also cluster the possible targets at simulation start, allowing the elimination of whole clusters when their bounding box is not hit by your ray.
Note: Imho you should choose a completely different approach for your data rendering.
Take a look at unity's entity component system. This allows for large amounts of data, but comes with some disadvantages (e.g. when using Unity's physics engine) (which will not be of relevance for your case I suppose).

I ended up rolling my own solution.
In Update(), upon detecting a click, I iterate through all the particles. For each particle, I calculate its size on the screen based on the particle's size and its distance from the camera.
Then I take the particle's position and translate that into screen coordinates. I use the screen size to generate a bounding rectangle and then test to see if the mouse point is inside it.
As I iterate through the particles I keep track of which is the closest hit. At the end, that is my answer.
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
Particle? closestHitParticle = null;
var closestHitDist = float.MaxValue;
foreach (var particle in gcParticles)
var pos = particle.position;
var size = particle.GetCurrentSize(gcParticleSystem);
var distance = Vector3.Distance(pos, camera.transform.position);
var screenSize = Utility.angularSizeOnScreen(size, distance, camera);
var screenPos = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(pos);
var screenRect = new Rect(screenPos.x - screenSize / 2, screenPos.y - screenSize / 2, screenSize, screenSize);
if (screenRect.Contains(Input.mousePosition) && distance < closestHitDist)
closestHitParticle = particle;
closestHitDist = distance;
if (closestHitDist < float.MaxValue)
Debug.Log($"Hit particle at {closestHitParticle?.position}");
Here is the angularSizeOnScreen method:
public static float angularSizeOnScreen (float diam, float dist, Camera cam)
var aSize = (diam / dist) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
var pSize = ((aSize * Screen.height) / cam.fieldOfView);
return pSize;


Checking if something is in the way or not in a 3d environment while also snapping to a different object

I have written some code that snaps a cylinder to an existing cylinder using a for loop on a gameobject list I call cylinders. Below is the code I use for "snapping" the cylinder to another cylinder using the mouse position and a "translucentPrefab". I would like to know if there is another object obstructing the placement. For performance reasons I would like to avoid using another for loop through my list to check each position. Is there any good solution for this. Could I use a "fake" 2d array since I mostly use full integer boxes and set squares to occupied in that array. Or is there a smarter approach?
`if (worldMousePosition.x > centerPoint.x && Vector3.Distance(worldMousePosition, centerPoint) < snappingRange)
translucentPrefab.transform.position = rightPosition;
snapped = true;
left = false;
if (renderer != null)
// Set the prefab material to translucent and green
material.color = new Color(0, 1, 1, 0.5f);
I have tried using box colliders in many ways to check in the same space as the new cylinder, however all attempts have been a faliure.
I suggest you to use Physics.SphereCastAll at point where you cursor is and just iterate over all object that SphereCastAll returns.
And if you don't want objects to count toward physics you can add special physic layer for just this. And that adjust collision matrix.

Best way to use Farseer/Box2D's DebugDraw in Unity3D?

Box2D/Farseer 2D physics has a useful component which draws a simple representation of the physics world using primitives (lines, polygons, fills, colors). Here's an example:
What's the best way to accomplish this in Unity3D? Is there a simple way to render polygons with fill, lines, points, etc.? If so, I could implement the interface of DebugDraw with Unity's API, but I'm having trouble finding how to implement primitive rendering like this with Unity.
I understand it'll be in 3D space, but I'll just zero-out one axis and use it basically as 2D.
In case you mean actually a debug box just displayed in the SceneView not in the GameView you can use Gizmos.DrawWireCube
void OnDrawGizmos()
//store original gizmo color
var color = Gizmos.color;
// store original matrix
var matrix = Gizmos.matrix;
// set gizmo to local space
Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
// Draw a yellow cube at the transform position
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
// here set the scale e.g. for a "almost" 2d box simply use a very small z value
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.2f, 0.001f));
// restor matrix
Gizmos.matrix = matrix;
// restore color
Gizmos.color = color;
you can use OnDrawGizmosSelected to show the Gizmo only if the GameObject is selected
you could also extend this by getting the box size over the inspector
[SerializeField] private Vector3 _boxScale;
and using
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, _boxScale);

What is the best way to evenly distribute objects to fill a curved space in Unity 3D?

I would like to fill this auditorium seating area with chairs (in the editor) and have them all face the same focal point (the stage). I will then be randomly filling the chairs with different people (during runtime). After each run the chairs should stay the same, but the people should be cleared so that during the next run the crowd looks different.
The seating area does not currently have a collider attached to it, and neither do the chairs or people.
I found this code which has taken care of rotating the chairs so they target the same focal point. But I'm still curious if there are any better methods to do this.
//C# Example (LookAtPoint.cs)
using UnityEngine;
public class LookAtPoint : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 lookAtPoint = Vector3.zero;
void Update()
Additional Screenshots
You can write a editor script to automatically place them evenly. In this script,
I don't handle world and local/model space in following code. Remember to do it when you need to.
Generate parallel rays that come from +y to -y in a grid. The patch size of this grid depends on how big you chair and the mesh(curved space) is. To get a proper patch size. Get the bounding box of a chair(A) and the curved space mesh(B), and then devide them(B/A) and use the result as the patch size.
Mesh chairMR;//Mesh of the chair
Mesh audiMR;//Mesh of the auditorium
var patchSizeX = audiMR.bounds.size.X;
var patchSizeZ = audiMR.bounds.size.Z;
var countX = audiMR.bounds.size.x / chairMR.bounds.size.x;
var countZ = audiMR.bounds.size.z / chairMR.bounds.size.z;
So the number of rays you need to generate is about countX*countZ. Patch size is (patchSizeX, patchSizeZ).
Then, origin points of the rays can be determined:
//Generate parallel rays that come form +y to -y.
List<Ray> rays = new List<Ray>(countX*countZ);
for(var i=0; i<countX; ++i)
var x = audiMR.bounds.min.x + i * sizeX + tolerance /*add some tolerance so the placed chairs not intersect each other when rotate them towards the stage*/;
for(var i=0; i<countZ; ++i)
var z = audiMR.bounds.min.z + i * sizeZ + tolerance;
var ray = new Ray(new Vector3(x, 10000, z), Vector3.down);
//You can also call `Physics.Raycast` here too.
Get postions to place chairs.
attach a MeshCollider to your mesh temporarily
foreach ray, Physics.Raycast it (you can place some obstacles on places that will not have a chair placed. Set special layer for those obstacles.)
get hit point and create a chair at the hit point and rotate it towards the stage
Reuse these hit points to place your people at runtime.
Convert each of them into a model/local space point. And save them into json or asset via serialization for later use at runtime: place people randomly.

Rotate model to face direction it's traveling in 3d with scenekit and swift - Boids implementation

I am implementing a boids simulation using Swift and Scenekit. Implementing the simulation itself has been fairly straight forward however I have been unable to make my models faces the direction they are flying (at least all the time and correctly) To see the full project, you can get it here (https://github.com/kingreza/Swift-Boids)
Here is what I am doing to rotate the models to face the direction they are going:
func rotateShipToFaceForward(ship: Ship, positionToBe: SCNVector3)
var source = (ship.node.position - ship.velocity).normalized();
// positionToBe is ship.node.position + ship.velocity which is assigned to ship.position at the end of this call
var destination = (positionToBe - ship.node.position).normalized();
var dot = source.dot(destination)
var rotAngle = GLKMathDegreesToRadians(acos(dot));
var rotAxis = source.cross(destination);
var q = GLKQuaternionMakeWithAngleAndAxis(Float(rotAngle), Float(rotAxis.x), Float(rotAxis.y), Float(rotAxis.z))
ship.node.rotation = SCNVector4(x: CGFloat(q.x), y: CGFloat(q.y), z: CGFloat(q.z), w: CGFloat(q.w))
Here is how they are behaving right now
Three years too late to help the original questioner, and the original YouTube video is gone, but you can see one at the project's GitHub page.
The original Boids code stored orientation as the three basis vectors of the boid’s local coordinate space, which can be thought of as the columns of a 3x3 rotation matrix. Each frame a behavioral “steering force” would act on the current velocity to produce a new velocity. Assuming “velocity alignment” this new velocity is parallel to the new forward (z) vector. It did a cross product of the old up (y) vector and the new forward vector to produce a new side vector. Then it crossed the new side and forward to get a new up vector. FYI, here is the code for that in OpenSteer
Since it looks like you want orientation as a quaternion, there is probably a constructor for your quaternion class that takes a rotation matrix as an argument.

How to prevent colliders from passing through each other?

I am having trouble keeping game objects inside of a contained space. When they reach the edge, there is some momentary push back but then they will go right through the wall.
I am using a Box Collider on the player, and a Mesh Collider for the level's wall. I am having issues with both a Player Character (a space ship) that the movement is controlled by the player. And with projectiles, which are fire and forget moving at a constant speed.
This is my movement code for my player. It is being run in the FixedUpdate() function.
haxis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed;
vaxis = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed;
moveVector.x = haxis;
moveVector.z = vaxis;
if(moveVector.magnitude > 1)
rigidbody.MovePosition(transform.position + moveVector * speed);
With the bullets, they are given a velocity and the engine calculates their moviements. They are using Box Collider and it is set as a Trigger so they don't have physics. But I use OnTriggerEnter to destroy them.
//Projectiles without physics collisiions
function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
Some, but not all of the bullets will be destroyed when hitting the mesh collider wall. The player will sometimes hit it and stop, but can usually push through it. How can I make the collisions with the mesh collider work every time?
Collision with fast-moving objects is always a problem. A good way to ensure that you detect all collision is to use Raycasting instead of relying on the physics simulation. This works well for bullets or small objects, but will not produce good results for large objects.
Pseudo-codeish (I don't have code-completion here and a poor memory):
void FixedUpdate()
Vector3 direction = new Vector3(transform.position - lastPosition);
Ray ray = new Ray(lastPosition, direction);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit, direction.magnitude))
// Do something if hit
this.lastPosition = transform.position;
I have a pinball prototype that also gave me much trouble in the same areas. These are all the steps I've taken to almost (but not yet entirely) solve these problems:
For fast moving objects:
Set the rigidbody's Interpolate to 'Interpolate' (this does not affect the actual physics simulation, but updates the rendering of the object properly - use this only on important objects from a rendering point of view, like the player, or a pinball, but not for projectiles)
Set Collision Detection to Continuous Dynamic
Attach the script DontGoThroughThings (https://www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/wordpress/?p=260) to your object. This script cleverly uses the Raycasting solution I posted in my other answer to pull back offending objects to before the collision points.
In Edit -> Project Settings -> Physics:
Set Min Penetration for Penalty to a very low value. I've set mine to 0.001
Set Solver Iteration Count to a higher value. I've set mine to 50, but you can probably do ok with much less.
All that is going to have a penalty in performace, but that's unavoidable. The defaults values are soft on performance but are not really intented for proper simulation of small and fast-moving objects.
How about set the Collision Detection of rigidbody to Continuous or Continuous Dynamic?
So I haven't been able to get the Mesh Colliders to work. I created a composite collider using simple box colliders and it worked exactly as expected.
Other tests with simple Mesh Colliders have come out the same.
It looks like the best answer is to build a composite collider out of simple box/sphere colliders.
For my specific case I wrote a Wizard that creates a Pipe shaped compound collider.
#script AddComponentMenu("Colliders/Pipe Collider");
class WizardCreatePipeCollider extends ScriptableWizard
public var outterRadius : float = 200;
public var innerRadius : float = 190;
public var sections : int = 12;
public var height : float = 20;
#MenuItem("GameObject/Colliders/Create Pipe Collider")
static function CreateWizard()
ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard.<WizardCreatePipeCollider>("Create Pipe Collider");
public function OnWizardUpdate() {
helpString = "Creates a Pipe Collider";
public function OnWizardCreate() {
var theta : float = 360f / sections;
var width : float = outterRadius - innerRadius;
var sectionLength : float = 2 * outterRadius * Mathf.Sin((theta / 2) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
var container : GameObject = new GameObject("Pipe Collider");
var section : GameObject;
var sectionCollider : GameObject;
var boxCollider : BoxCollider;
for(var i = 0; i < sections; i++)
section = new GameObject("Section " + (i + 1));
sectionCollider = new GameObject("SectionCollider " + (i + 1));
section.transform.parent = container.transform;
sectionCollider.transform.parent = section.transform;
section.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
section.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y = i * theta;
boxCollider = sectionCollider.AddComponent.<BoxCollider>();
boxCollider.center = Vector3.zero;
boxCollider.size = new Vector3(width, height, sectionLength);
sectionCollider.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(innerRadius + (width / 2), 0, 0);
1.) Never use MESH COLLIDER. Use combination of box and capsule collider.
2.) Check constraints in RigidBody. If you tick Freeze Position X than it will pass through the object on the X axis. (Same for y axis).
Old Question but maybe it helps someone.
Go to Project settings > Time and Try dividing the fixed timestep and maximum allowed timestep by two or by four.
I had the problem that my player was able to squeeze through openings smaller than the players collider and that solved it. It also helps with stopping fast moving objects.
Edit ---> Project Settings ---> Time ... decrease "Fixed Timestep" value .. This will solve the problem but it can affect performance negatively.
Another solution is could be calculate the coordinates (for example, you have a ball and wall. Ball will hit to wall. So calculate coordinates of wall and set hitting process according these cordinates )
Try setting the models to environment and static. That fix my issue.