How to deal with nested rigidbody? - unity3d

I can't seem to wrap my head around the following, I have a simple spaceship with 2 turrets:
My 'Player' the white ship has a rigidbody. The turrets have not.
I'm moving and rotating my player via the rigidBody, however I would like to also rotate the turrets via the physics system.
I thought about adding a rigidBody2D to the turrets, however that was not recommended from my understanding reading posts online. This is because rigidbodies in children would affect the parent in unforseen ways.
So dropping that idea, How can I move my turret and having it be affected by physics?
Some sidenotes:
I want the turrets to be influenced by physics. Lets say i try to rotate my turret, but it hits a wall, I want it to resist. Lets say some debris hit my turret's barrel, I want it to move in the opposite direction.
Although i could move the turret outside of its parent's container (the ship) I do ofcourse want it to 'stay on the ship in game'. The turret is part of the ship, its mounted to the hull or fuselage if you will. So it should move with the ship and keep its position.

As mentioned by derHugo joints where up for the task, although i had to restructure a bit, here is the outcome:
I added an empty transform to hold the ship and its sub-components, so turrets are no longer part of the ship parent, so that i can add a rigidBody to these child objects now.
Then I added a hingejoint and rigidbody to the player ét voila, it now works:
I still need to take a good look at how joints work exactly but this seems to work.


How to make an object follow the movements of an animated object in Unity?

So I've animated my spaceship. With it's previous rigid form I've got a particle system coming out of it's wings. Now that it's animated, I still want those particles to follow all of it's wings movements, but the particles don't move along with the animations, even being parented with the gameobject's wings, showcase video, 19seconds:
How can I make those particles move along with it's wings movements? Thanks
I would try to parent them with the bone of the armature, I don't remember if it worked for me though, but what I did is to add an empty in the modeling program to follow the animation and export it, so I can parent it to the things I needed, for you It would be the Particle System.

In Unity 2D, how do I achieve Non-trigger collsion that doesn't "physically" move the rigidbodies?

I have a bullet game object and an enemy game object.
I want to have the ability of getting the collision point/contact, which's why I think I need the collider of the bullet to not be a trigger collider - this way, I want to have the bullet bounce off the enemy. At times, the bullet will need to bounce off of rectangular objects (not a problem), but I also want the bullet to bounce off of elliptic objects (the problem).
I want the bullet not to "physically" push the enemy, which is why, intuitively, I should set the bullet's collider to be a trigger collider.
When the bullet's collider is a trigger collider, I seemingly don't have a way to implement the bouncing.
But when the collider's not a trigger collider, it pushes the enemy object.
There's no code errors, but I think the code hasn't got anything to do with the problem.
I suspect the problem may have something to do with the Physics Collision Matrix.
It seems that raycasting would be the solution to the problem, as Leoverload proposed. My problem became a different problem now, so I'll close off this thread, and open a new one.
Thanks for the help, #Leoverload ! :D
For the position of the hit it's very easy. You must have 2 colliders and 2 Rigidbody and then you can simply add a
Void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collision Coll) and inside it check for the tag : if(coll.compareTag("surface")) and inside you can get the position with collision.transform.position.
The collision matrix on the Physics menu only allows to remove Collision between certain layers, it's useful if you want the enemies not to push eachother!
If you don't want the player pushed you can change the collider to trigger, and destroy the bullet just after the collision with the same method as before with a void OnTriggerEnter2D and the compareTag. In this way it will look like it touches the enemy and explode, but it won't actually touch anything. If you want to add knockback to the player then you could do a simple AddForce based on the direction of the bullet and the work is done!
If you want to avoid the bullet to move walls you can set walls to static and it should work fine

The GameObject passes through the terrain - Unity3D

I am trying to make some kind of simulation program with Unity. The simulation includes a missile launched from an aircraft and a terrain.
I get the coordinate data required for the movement of the missile from another program using a socket connection.
I created an explosion effect for the missile to explode as soon as the missile and the terrain collided. But the explosion effect is not triggered in any way.
I used the OnCollisionEnter() method to detect the collision, but this method does not seem to work.
The missile has its own rigidbody and collider and The terrain has Terrain Collider, but still no collision is detected and the missile passes through the terrain.
What could be the cause of this error?
I thank everyone for their help, but none of the solutions worked. I solved the error using the OnTriggerEnter method. For this, I also had to enlarge the object's collider a little more.
As mentioned in the comment section above (I dont have enough rep to contribute to the discussion but will provide a solution), you need to enable continuous collision detection. Once you have done that we can move onto the next step.
It is generally bad practice to interact with rigidbodies in update and it can lead to all sorts of strange bugs so I wouldn't recommend it. That being said I dont think it's the cause of your issues. As #HumanWrites mentioned, you are manually moving the position each frame which causes your missile to never actually collide with your mesh. the solution to this is:
The reason for this is that by using the method on the rigidbody, you inform the physics engine that you want to move from one position to the other and you would like the physics to take care of this instead of you doing it directly. This allows it to "sweep" between the current position and target position and detect any collisions that would have happened along the way.
Your missile is moving too fast to ever actually touch the mesh within a frame so you need to rely on the physics engine doing that sweep check.

RigidBodies without Extra Physics Behavior in Unity

Currently I'm making a racing game.
I move my cars with the Transform.translate class.
Now the thing I want for my cars is not to move through each other.
I attach colliders and a RigidBody to my player car and it's working.
But my problem is that each time my CPU cars and player car encounter with each other, my player car shows unrealistic behavior like moving out of the screen or throwing away.
I know this is part of the physics engine behavior but is there a way to make the RigidBody only do one job and make objects not to move through each other not to add other physics behavior?
Any ideas?
There are just few problems:
1.You don't move Rigidbody with transform.translate. When you do this, colliders will go through other colliders.
You move Rigidbody with Rigidbody.AddForce, Rigidbody.velocity and Rigidbody.MovePosition. By moving Rigidbody with these methods, collision should be functioning properly.
2.You are not even supposed to move the Rigidbody of the car.
Use WheelCollider. There are many online tutorials on how to set them up on the internet but Unity's documentation is fine too.
WheelCollider.motorTorque is used to move the car forward or backwards.
WheelCollider.steerAngle is used to steer the car.
WheelCollider.brakeTorque is used to brake the car.
If you need further help, you can find a fully working WheelCollider samples here.

Unity Brick Breaker: Ball hitting in-between two bricks

I am making a 2D Brick Breaker game in Unity.
I have an issue with the scenario when ball hits in between two bricks. I have BoxCollider2D attached to all bricks and a CircleCollider2D attached to the ball. When the ball hits between 2 adjacent bricks, it bounces back in the same direction as if it hit the edge of the brick. There is no edge in between, but two adjacent bricks form a continuous surface. So, the ball should bounce off of the surface (in other direction) instead of bouncing back.
Anyone knows of any solution to tackle this problem? I asked this in the Unity Physics forums but didn't get any answer, so checking if anywhere here might have had this issue.
I am guessing this could be the problem:
When your ball is hitting the bricks with a strong force, There is a chance it might move one of the bricks by a very very slight distance, even if the mass of the brick is much heavier.
This movement might cause an uneven surface, which is why the ball bounces back in the same direction.
Try adding a Rigidbody Component on every brick (if you have not done it already), and set its isKinematic property to true.
Let me know if this solves it.
Way 1:
Use one box collider for the wall, but not for every single brick.
This will fix your issue + will optimize your project.
Way 2:
You need to build wall programmaly and colliders in this case must be without spaces between them. This must fix the issue.
Way 3:
Make your own hitting wall logic.
OnColliderEnter you need to get balls velocity.
OnColliderEnd you need to set manually velocity.