How to evaluate an expression in nim? - macros

I'm trying to perform the equivalent of the eval method from Python in nim.
I was under the impression that parseStmt from the macros package should help me with this, but I'm facing a compilation issue that I don't understand.
import macros
echo parseStmt("1 + 2")
I would have expected this to print 3 when executed, but instead the compilation complains that
Error: request to generate code for .compileTime proc: $
I found this thread, and the examples there work, and following this, I was able to make the following program that works as I would expect:
import macros
import strformat
macro eval(value: string): untyped =
result = parseStmt fmt"{value}"
echo eval("1+2")
But I don't undertand why it needs to be written in this way at all. If I inline the statement, let value = "1 + 2"; echo parseStmt fmt"{value}", I get the same compile error as above.
Also, why is parseStmt value different from parseStmt fmt"{value}", in the context of the eval macro above?
What am I missing here?
Thank you in advance for any clarifications!

Unlike Python which is an interpreted language, Nim is compiled. This means that all code is parsed and turned into machine code on compile-time and the program that you end up with doesn't really know anything about Nim at all (at least as long as you don't import the Nim compiler as a module, which is possible). So parseStmt and all macro/template expansion stuff in Nim is done completely during compilation. The error, although maybe a bit hard to read, is trying to tell you that what was passed to $ (which is the convert-to-string operator in Nim, and called by echo on all its arguments) is a compile-time thing that can't be used on runtime. In this case it's because parseStmt doesn't return "3", it returns something like NimNode(kind: nnkIntLit, intVal: 3), and the NimNode type is only available during compile-time. Nim however allows you to run code on compile-time to return other code, this is what a macro does. The eval macro you wrote there takes value which is any statement that resolves to a string during runtime, passed as a NimNode. This is also why result = parseStmt value won't work in your case, because value is not yet a string, but could be something like reading a string from standard input which would result in a string during runtime. However the use of strformat here is a bit confusing and overkill. If you change your code to:
import macros
macro eval(value: static[string]): untyped =
result = parseStmt value
echo eval("1+2")
It will work just fine. This is because we have now told Nim that value needs to be a static i.e. known during compile-time. In this case the string literal "1+2" is obviously known at compile-time, but this could also be a call to a compile-time procedure, or even the output of staticRead which reads a file during compilation.
As you can see Nim is very powerful, but the barrier between compile-time and run-time can sometimes be a bit confusing. Note also that your eval procedure doesn't actually evaluate anything at compile-time, it simply returns the Nim code 1 + 2 so your code ends up being echo 1 + 2. If you want to actually run the code at compile-time you might want to look into compile-time procedures.
Hope this helps shed some light on your issue.

Note: while this answer outlines why this happens, keep in mind that what you're trying to do probably won't result in what you want (which I assumed to be runtime evaluation of expressions).
You're trying to pass a NimNode to parseStmt which expects a string. The fmt macro automatically stringifies anything in the {}, you can omit the fmt by doing $value to turn the node into a string.
As I already noted, this will not work as it does in Python: Nim does not have runtime evaluation. The expression in the string is going to be evaluated at compile time, so a simple example like this will not do what you want:
import std/rdstdin
let x = readLineFromStdin(">")
echo eval(x)
First of all, because you're stringifying the AST you pass to the eval, it's not the string behind the x variable that's going to get passed to the macro - it's going to be the symbol that denotes the x variable. If you stringify a symbol, you get the underlying identifier, which means that parseStmt will receive "x" as its parameter. This will effect in the string stored in x being printed out, which is wrong.
What you want instead is the following:
import std/rdstdin
import std/macros
macro eval(value: static string): untyped =
result = parseStmt(value)
echo eval("1 + 2")
This prevents runtime-known values from being passed to the macro. You can only pass consts and literals to it now, which is the correct behavior.


scala 22 param's and more args *

We know that scala does not support more than 22 params, but if i write this
def echo(args: String*) = for (arg <- args) println(arg)
we can use more than 22 params to call this function like this.
But I think this is an array. So, it can do that and i tried this
val a = Array[String]("1","2","3");echo(a)
This code must be wrong, so here's my first question, why is this happening?
and, if i try to write this
echo(a : _*)
It's right,the second question is, what does this sign means '_*'? I can't use this code in other ways like in for(). So, is echo(a : _ *) is a right code?
The echo function is defined to take a variable number of string arguments. This is really only syntactic sugar; the compiler will insert the necessary instructions to wrap the arguments in an array and then pass the array. So the function will actually only receive a single argument at runtime.
The reason you can't pass the array directly is that there is no additional compiler logic to automagically figure out that the string arguments are already wrapped. The function declaration indicates that zero or more strings are expected, the parameter is actually an array, and a compiler error results.
The : _* notation is additional syntactic sugar to account for this problem; by using this syntax you indicate to the compiler that you are intentionally passing an array instead of the variable number of string parameters.

Macro to evaluate expression and create import

This may seem odd and is perhaps impossible but I was wondering if there's a way to create a macro that evaluates the expression passed and performs an import.
I can get it to work easily enough if a string literal is the expression:
import macros
macro createImport(ex: expr): stmt =
result = newNimNode(nnkImportStmt)
let a = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
echo a.join("---") # using `join()` from the `strutils` module
But if a variable is passed, this of course will fail.
var s = "strutils"
(Note that the import could be a string path do a module.)
I've attempted many adjustments to the macro and scoured the docs and source but I just can't find a way to get the actual value of the ex: expr to be useful in the import.
I can get the macro to create an echo call that reveals the string passed but any attempt to use it with the import ends up using the variable name itself.
I guess it makes since since it would seem that the value may not be available when the macro itself is evaluated. Is it possible to do this and if so, how?
I'm not quite sure why you need such a helper macro and whether it's a good idea, but the simplest way to achieve what you need is the following:
template my_import(x: static[string]) = import x
const x = "strutils"
my_import x

When typechecking code from within a macro, is it possible to detect a typecheck failure caused by a macro expansion within that code?

I would like to write a macro that compiles code that it receives as a String literal and detect a typecheck error in the compiled code that is due to a macro expansion failure (either the macro was aborted, or the expanded macro failed to typecheck)
I was thinking something like this:
def myMacro(c: Context)(codeStringLiteral: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Unit] = {
val codeString = getString(codeStringLiteral) // this part is easy
val ast = c.parse(code)
val actualCode = util.Try(c.typecheck(ast)).recover{ case t: TypecheckException =>
if(t.isMacroExpansionFailure) doOneThing
else doOtherThing
Is this possible?
Such a macro would make testing other macros much more pleasant by deferring to runtime a failure that is due to a macro expansion, thus allowing one to execute the entire test suite even when a test case for your macro is broken.
Of course, it is easy enough to simply differ typechecking entirely to runtime, but it would be really nifty to only differ errors that are due to the macro you are writing under test and fail at compile time if it's the test code itself that is at fault.
Of course, it's possible for an unrelated macro to fail, but it's unlikely to happen very often.
There's an obscure flag for c.typecheck, called withMacrosDisabled. If you pass true there, that should prevent any macro from being expanded. Now you could compare the status of c.typecheck(withMacrosDisabled = false) and c.typecheck(withMacrosDisabled = true) and dispatch accordingly.
That won't work for whitebox macros, because withMacrosDisabled = false may make legit code using whitebox macros to fail typechecking, but for blackbox macros it should be more or less okay.

Parameterized logging in slf4j - how does it compare to scala's by-name parameters?

Here are two statements that seem to be generally accepted, but that I can't really get over:
1) Scala's by-name params gracefully replace the ever-so-annoying log4j usage pattern:
if (l.isDebugEnabled() ) {
logger.debug("expensive string representation, eg: godObject.toString()")
because the by-name-parameter (a Scala-specific language feature) doesn't get evaluated before the method invocation.
2) However, this problem is solved by parametrized logging in slf4f:
logger.debug("expensive string representation, eg {}:", godObject[.toString()]);
So, how does this work?
Is there some low-level magic involved in the slf4j library that prevents the evaluation of the parameter before the "debug" method execution? (is that even possible? Can a library impact such a fundamental aspect of the language?)
Or is it just the simple fact that an object is passed to the method - rather than a String? (and maybe the toString() of that object is invoked in the debug( ) method itself, if applicable).
But then, isn't that true for log4j as well? (it does have methods with Object params).
And wouldn't this mean that if you pass a string - as in the code above - it would behave identically to log4j?
I'd really love to have some light shed on this matter.
There is no magic in slf4j. The problem with logging used to be that if you wanted to log let's say
logger.debug("expensive string representation: " + godObject)
then no matter if the debug level was enabled in the logger or not, you always evaluated godObject.toString()which can be an expensive operation, and then also string concatenation. This comes simply from the fact that in Java (and most languages) arguments are evaluated before they're passed to a function.
That's why slf4j introduced logger.debug(String msg, Object arg) (and other variants for more arguments). The whole idea is that you pass cheap arguments to the debug function and it calls toString on them and combines them into a message only if the debug level is on.
Note that by calling
logger.debug("expensive string representation, eg: {}", godObject.toString());
you drastically reduce this advantage, as this way you convert godObject all the time, before you pass it to debug, no matter what debug level is on. You should use only
logger.debug("expensive string representation, eg: {}", godObject);
However, this still isn't ideal. It only spares calling toString and string concatenation. But if your logging message requires some other expensive processing to create the message, it won't help. Like if you need to call some expensiveMethod to create the message:
logger.debug("expensive method, eg: {}",
then expensiveMethod is always evaluated before being passed to logger. To make this work efficiently with slf4j, you still have to resort back to
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("expensive method, eg: {}",
Scala's call-by-name helps a lot in this matter, because it allows you to wrap arbitrary piece of code into a function object and evaluate that code only when needed. This is exactly what we need. Let's have a look at slf4s, for example. This library exposes methods like
def debug(msg: => String) { ... }
Why no arguments like in slf4j's Logger? Because we don't need them any more. We can write just
logger.debug("expensive representation, eg: " +
We don't pass a message and its arguments, we pass directly a piece of code that is evaluated to the message. But only if the logger decides to do so. If the debug level isn't on, nothing that's within logger.debug(...) is ever evaluated, the whole thing is just skipped. Neither expensiveMethod is called nor any toString calls or string concatenation happen. So this approach is most general and most flexible. You can pass any expression that evaluates to a String to debug, no matter how complex it is.

How can I reuse definition (AST) subtrees in a macro?

I am working in a Scala embedded DSL and macros are becoming a main tool for achieving my purposes. I am getting an error while trying to reuse a subtree from the incoming macro expression into the resulting one. The situation is quite complex, but (I hope) I have simplified it for its understanding.
Suppose we have this code:
val y = transform {
val x = 3
println(y) // prints 3
where 'transform' is the involved macro. Although it could seem it does absolutely nothing, it is really transforming the shown block into this expression:
3 match { case x => x }
It is done with this macro implementation:
def transform(c: Context)(block: c.Expr[Int]): c.Expr[Int] = {
import c.universe._
import definitions._
block.tree match {
/* {
* val xNam = xVal
* xExp
* }
case Block(List(ValDef(_, xNam, _, xVal)), xExp) =>
println("# " + showRaw(xExp)) // prints Ident(newTermName("x"))
Bind(xNam, Ident(newTermName("_"))),
/* xExp */ Ident(newTermName("x")) ))))
case _ =>
c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Can't transform block to function")
block // keep original expression
Notice that xNam corresponds with the variable name, xVal corresponds with its associated value and finally xExp corresponds with the expression containing the variable. Well, if I print the xExp raw tree I get Ident(newTermName("x")), and that is exactly what is set in the case RHS. Since the expression could be modified (for instance x+2 instead of x), this is not a valid solution for me. What I want to do is to reuse the xExp tree (see the xExp comment) while altering the 'x' meaning (it is a definition in the input expression but will be a case LHS variable in the output one), but it launches a long error summarized in:
symbol value x does not exist in org.habla.main.Main$delayedInit$body.apply); see the error output for details.
My current solution consists on the parsing of the xExp to sustitute all the Idents with new ones, but it is totally dependent on the compiler internals, and so, a temporal workaround. It is obvious that the xExp comes along with more information that the offered by showRaw. How can I clean that xExp for allowing 'x' to role the case variable? Can anyone explain the whole picture of this error?
PS: I have been trying unsuccessfully to use the substitute* method family from the TreeApi but I am missing the basics to understand its implications.
Disassembling input expressions and reassembling them in a different fashion is an important scenario in macrology (this is what we do internally in the reify macro). But unfortunately, it's not particularly easy at the moment.
The problem is that input arguments of the macro reach macro implementation being already typechecked. This is both a blessing and a curse.
Of particular interest for us is the fact that variable bindings in the trees corresponding to the arguments are already established. This means that all Ident and Select nodes have their sym fields filled in, pointing to the definitions these nodes refer to.
Here is an example of how symbols work. I'll copy/paste a printout from one of my talks (I don't give a link here, because most of the info in my talks is deprecated by now, but this particular printout has everlasting usefulness):
>cat Foo.scala
def foo[T: TypeTag](x: Any) = x.asInstanceOf[T]
>scalac -Xprint:typer -uniqid Foo.scala
[[syntax trees at end of typer]]// Scala source: Foo.scala
def foo#8339
[T#8340 >: Nothing#4658 <: Any#4657]
(x#9529: Any#4657)
(implicit evidence$1#9530: TypeTag#7861[T#8341])
: T#8340 =
To recap, we write a small snippet and then compile it with scalac, asking the compiler to dump the trees after the typer phase, printing unique ids of the symbols assigned to trees (if any).
In the resulting printout we can see that identifiers have been linked to corresponding definitions. For example, on the one hand, the ValDef("x", ...), which represents the parameter of the method foo, defines a method symbol with id=9529. On the other hand, the Ident("x") in the body of the method got its sym field set to the same symbol, which establishes the binding.
Okay, we've seen how bindings work in scalac, and now is the perfect time to introduce a fundamental fact.
If a symbol has been assigned to an AST node,
then subsequent typechecks will never reassign it.
This is why reify is hygienic. You can take a result of reify and insert it into an arbitrary tree (that possibly defines variables with conflicting names) - the original bindings will remain intact. This works because reify preserves the original symbols, so subsequent typechecks won't rebind reified AST nodes.
Now we're all set to explain the error you're facing:
symbol value x does not exist in org.habla.main.Main$delayedInit$body.apply); see the error output for details.
The argument of the transform macro contains both a definition and a reference to a variable x. As we've just learned, this means that the corresponding ValDef and Ident will have their sym fields synchronized. So far, so good.
However unfortunately the macro corrupts the established binding. It recreates the ValDef, but doesn't clean up the sym field of the corresponding Ident. Subsequent typecheck assigns a fresh symbol to the newly created ValDef, but doesn't touch the original Ident that is copied to the result verbatim.
After the typecheck, the original Ident points to a symbol that no longer exists (this is exactly what the error message was saying :)), which leads to a crash during bytecode generation.
So how do we fix the error? Unfortunately there is no easy answer.
One option would be to utilize c.resetLocalAttrs, which recursively erases all symbols in a given AST node. Subsequent typecheck will then reestablish the bindings granted that the code you generated doesn't mess with them (if, for example, you wrap xExp in a block that itself defines a value named x, then you're in trouble).
Another option is to fiddle with symbols. For example, you could write your own resetLocalAttrs that only erases corrupted bindings and doesn't touch the valid ones. You could also try and assign symbols by yourself, but that's a short road to madness, though sometimes one is forced to walk it.
Not cool at all, I agree. We're aware of that and intend to try and fix this fundamental issue sometimes. However right now our hands are full with bugfixing before the final 2.10.0 release, so we won't be able to address the problem in the nearest future. upd. See!topic/scala-internals/rIyJ4yHdPDU for some additional information.
Bottom line. Bad things happen, because bindings get messed up. Try resetLocalAttrs first, and if it doesn't work, prepare yourself for a chore.