Find all objects in Matlab figure which have a callback - matlab

In my current figure I need to find all objects which have some callback set. More specifically, all objects which have a non-empty ButtonDownFcn.
I tried everything, e.g. findobj(gca, '-regexp', 'ButtonDownFcn', '\s+'), but I get this error: Warning: Regular expression comparison is not supported for the 'Callback' property: using ordinary comparison.
The problem is that the objects have no tags or anything which would "define" them uniquely, except that they are all "clickable". Is there an easy way to do it? Using findobj or findall.

findobj does not support regular expression comparison for the 'ButtonDownFcn' property, as the warning says. This probably happens because the contents of the property are not necessarily text (they can be function handles).
You can use a for loop over all objects of the figure:
result = [];
hh = findobj(gcf);
for h = hh(:).'
if ~isempty(get(h, 'ButtonDownFcn'))
result = [result h];
Or equivalently you can use arrayfun:
hh = findobj(gcf);
ind = arrayfun(#(h) ~isempty(get(h, 'ButtonDownFcn')), hh);
result = hh(ind);


What does the code '[~, width ] = size(I);'mean?I can't undestand '~'especially [duplicate]

Is it possible to get the 'nth' return value from a function without having to create dummy variables for all n-1 return values before it?
Let's say, I have the following function in MATLAB:
function [a,b,c,d] = func()
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
Now suppose, I'm only interested in the third return value. This can be accomplished by creating one dummy variable:
[dummy, dummy, variableThatIWillUse, dummy] = func;
clear dummy;
But I think this is kind of ugly. I would think that you might be able to do something like one of the following things, but you can't:
[_, _, variableThatIWillUse, _] = func;
[, , variableThatIWillUse, ] = func;
variableThatIWillUse = func(3);
variableThatIWillUse = func()(3);
Are there any elegant ways to do this that do work?
So far, the best solution is to simply use the variableThatIWillUse as a dummy variable. This saves me from having to create a real dummy variable that pollutes the work-space (or that I would need to clear). In short: the solution is to use the variableThatIWillUse for every return value up until the interesting one. Return values after can simply be ignored:
[variableThatIWillUse, variableThatIWillUse, variableThatIWillUse] = func;
I still think this is very ugly code.
With MATLAB Version 7.9 (R2009b) you can use a ~, e.g.,
[~, ~, variableThatIWillUse] = myFunction();
Note that the , isn't optional. Just typing [~ ~ var] will not work, and will throw an error.
See the release notes for details.
This is somewhat of a hack, but it works:
First a quick example function:
Func3 = #() deal(1,2,3);
% yields a=1, b=2, c=3
Now the key here is that if you use a variable twice on the left-hand side of a multiple-expression assignment, an earlier assignment is clobbered by the later assignment:
% yields b=2, c=3
% yields c=3
(Just to check, I also verified that this technique works with [mu,mu,mu]=polyfit(x,y,n) if all you care about from polyfit is the third argument.)
There's a better approach; see ManWithSleeve's answer instead.
If you wish to use a style where a variable will be left to fall into the bit bucket, then a reasonable alternative is
[ans, ans, variableThatIWillUse] = myfun(inputs);
ans is of course the default junk variable for MATLAB, getting overwritten often in the course of a session.
While I do like the new trick that MATLAB now allows, using a ~ to designate an ignored return variable, this is a problem for backwards compatibility, in that users of older releases will be unable to use your code.
I generally avoid using new things like that until at least a few MATLAB releases have been issued to ensure there will be very few users left in the lurch. For example, even now I find people are still using an old enough MATLAB release that they cannot use anonymous functions.
Here's another option you can use. First make a cell array to capture all the outputs (you can use the NARGOUT function to determine how many outputs a given function returns):
a = cell(1,3); % For capturing 3 outputs
% OR...
a = cell(1,nargout(#func)); % For capturing all outputs from "func"
Then call the function as follows:
[a{:}] = func();
Then simply remove the element from a that you want, and overwrite a:
a = a{3}; % Get the third output
I wrote a kth out function:
function kth = kthout(k, ffnc, varargin)
% kthout: take the kth varargout from a func call %FOLDUP
% kth = kthout(k, ffnc, varargin)
% input:
% k which varargout to get
% ffnc function to call;
% varargin passed to ffnc;
% output:
% kth the kth argout;
[outargs{1:k}] = feval(ffnc, varargin{:});
kth = outargs{k};
end %function
You can then call
val_i_want = kthout(3, #myfunc, func_input_1, func_input_2);
You could also wrap up the function like:
func_i_want = #(varargin)(kthout(3, #myfunc,varargin{:})); % Assuming you want the third output.
After which you use
val_i_want = func_i_want(func_input_1, func_input_2);
Note that there is overhead associated with using anonymous functions like this, and this is not something I would do in code that would be called thousands of times.
In MATLAB 2010a, I found a neat way of doing what you are asking for.
It is simply to use the character "~" (without the quotes of course) as your dummy variable (as many as you want when returning multiple parameters). This also works for input parameters to functions if the functions are designed to handle missing data.
I don't know if this existed in previous versions, but I just came across it recently.
You can make a function (or anonymous function) that only returns selected outputs, e.g.
select = #(a,b) a(b);
Then you can call your function like this:
Or you can assign the output to a variable:
output(1,2:4) = select(func,1:3);
I don't see any reason not to use ans(n). Like this:
size(rand([5 10 20 40]));
b = ans(2);
It gives b = 10, and this way would be compatible with all MATLAB versions. Note that size() here is just used to represent any function that has multiple return variables.
Furthermore, this works to get the second output argument when you don't know how many arguments there will be! Whereas, if you do this:
[~, b] = size(a);
Then b = 8000! (You need to end with ~, to catch more arguments!)

make iterative variable a cell array in matlab

In matlab, is it possible to make the iterative variable a cell array? is there a workaround? This is the code I ideally want, but throws errors:
for dim{1}=1:5
for dim{2}=1:5
a(dim{:})=1; %aimed to be equivalent to a(dim{1},dim{2})=1;
for dim{1}=1:5
Error: Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use
parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
I tested that you cannot have A(1), or A{1} or A.x as index variable. doesn't explicitly prohibit that, but it doesn't allow it either.
After very slight changes on your code, this should achieve what you seem to want:
a = magic(5);
for dim1=1:5
dim{1} = dim1;
for dim2=1:5
dim{2} = dim2;
a(dim{:})=1; %aimed to be equivalent to a(dim{1},dim{2})=1;
However, I believe the following is a slightly better solution keeping the spirit of "use a cell array to index in your array":
CV = combvec(1:5,1:5); % get all combinations from (1,1) to (5,5). 2x25 double array. This function is a part of deep learning toolbox. Alternatives are available.
CM = num2cell(CV); % 2x25 cell array. Each element is a single number.
for dim = CM
% dim is a 2x1 cell array, eg {2,3}.
a(dim{:}) = 1; % as above.
However, none of these are likely a good solution to the underlying problem.

Loopin through all the structures in a workspace [duplicate]

I have 40 structures in my Workspace. I Need to write a script to calculate the directional derivatives of all the elements. Here is the code :
[dx,dy] = gradient(Structure_element_1.value);
dxlb = min(min(dx));
dxub = max(max(dx));
dylb = min(min(dy));
dyub = max(max(dy));
[ddx,ddy] = gradient(gradient(Structure_element_1.value));
ddxlb = min(min(ddx));
ddxub = max(max(ddx));
ddylb = min(min(ddy));
ddyub = max(max(ddy));
This is the code for one element. I Need to find out the same for all the 40 elements and then use it later. Can anyone help with this.
To answer your literal question, you should store the variables in a structure array or at least a cell array. If all of your structures have the same fields, you can access all of them by indexing a single array variable, say Structure_element:
for i = 1:numel(Structure_element)
field = Structure_element(i).value
% compute gradients of field
Now to address the issue of the actual gradient computation. The gradient function computes an approximation for , where is your matrix of data. Normally, a MATLAB function is aware of how many output arguments are requested. When you call gradient(gradient(F)), the outer gradient is called on the first output of the inner gradient call. This means that you are currently getting an approximation for .
I suspect that you are really trying to get . To do this, you have to get both outputs from the inner call to gradient, pass them separately to the
outer call, and choose the correct output:
[dx,dy] = gradient(F);
[ddx, ~] = gradient(dx);
[~, ddy] = gradient(dy);
Note the separated calls. The tilde was introduced as a way to ignore function arguments in MATLAB Release 2009b. If you have an older version, just use an actual variable named junk or something like that.

How to access Matlab's handle object's sub-property: 'allowedStyles'

I would like to progmatically access the 'sub-property' of a lineseries object's 'MarkerFaceColor' property called 'allowedStyles'. This 'sub-property' can be seen in Matlab's inspector, (inspect(handle)) by expanding the 'MarkerFaceColor' property row.
I would like to do something like the following or get the equivalent of such a command.
allowedstyles = get(hh,'MarkerFaceColorAllowStyles');
Screen shot of Matlab's Inspect window indicating information I seek.
For completeness my final solution for accessing this information via a cellstr was to write the following function. Thanks to Hoki.
FYI, this information (allowed styles) is useful for a GUI when you want to offer user choices for a property such as MarkerFaceColor, where you don't know the type of graphics object they are modifying. I populate a listbox with these 'allowedStyles' along with an option to set a colour. Mesh plot 'MarkerFaceColor' allows styles {'none','auto','flat'}, while a lineseries plot has {'none','auto'}.
function out = getAllowedStyles(hh,tag)
% hh - handle returned from plot, surf, mesh, patch, etc
% tag - the property i.e. 'FaceColor', 'EdgeColor', etc
out = [];
aa = java(handle(hh(1)));
bb = eval(sprintf('aa.get%s.getAllowedStyles;',tag));
bb = char(bb.toString);
bb(1) = []; bb(end) = [];
out = strtrim(strsplit(bb,','));
I think it is indeed ReadOnly (or at least I couldn't find the correct way to set the property, but it is definitely readable.
You need first to access the handle of the underlying Java object, then call the method which query the property:
h = plot([0 1]) ; %// This return the MATLAB handle of the lineseries
hl = java(handle(h)) ; %// this return the JAVA handle of the lineseries
allowedstyles = hl.getMarkerFaceColor.getAllowedStyles ; %// this return your property :)
Note that this property is actually an integer index. Your inspect windows translate it to a string saying [none,auto] while in my configuration even the inspect windows only shows 1.
If you want the exact string translation of other values than one, you can call only the parent method:
This will display the allowed style in plain text in your console window.
ans =
com.mathworks.hg.types.HGMeshColor#28ba43dd[style=none,allowedStyles=[none, auto],red=0.0,green=0.0,blue=0.0,alpha=0.0]
If you insist on getting this property as a string progamatically, then you can translate the above using the toString method.
S = char( hl.getMarkerFaceColor.toString )
S =
com.mathworks.hg.types.HGMeshColor#1ef346e8[style=none,allowedStyles=[none, auto],red=0.0,green=0.0,blue=0.0,alpha=0.0]
then parse the result.

How to elegantly ignore some return values of a MATLAB function

Is it possible to get the 'nth' return value from a function without having to create dummy variables for all n-1 return values before it?
Let's say, I have the following function in MATLAB:
function [a,b,c,d] = func()
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
Now suppose, I'm only interested in the third return value. This can be accomplished by creating one dummy variable:
[dummy, dummy, variableThatIWillUse, dummy] = func;
clear dummy;
But I think this is kind of ugly. I would think that you might be able to do something like one of the following things, but you can't:
[_, _, variableThatIWillUse, _] = func;
[, , variableThatIWillUse, ] = func;
variableThatIWillUse = func(3);
variableThatIWillUse = func()(3);
Are there any elegant ways to do this that do work?
So far, the best solution is to simply use the variableThatIWillUse as a dummy variable. This saves me from having to create a real dummy variable that pollutes the work-space (or that I would need to clear). In short: the solution is to use the variableThatIWillUse for every return value up until the interesting one. Return values after can simply be ignored:
[variableThatIWillUse, variableThatIWillUse, variableThatIWillUse] = func;
I still think this is very ugly code.
With MATLAB Version 7.9 (R2009b) you can use a ~, e.g.,
[~, ~, variableThatIWillUse] = myFunction();
Note that the , isn't optional. Just typing [~ ~ var] will not work, and will throw an error.
See the release notes for details.
This is somewhat of a hack, but it works:
First a quick example function:
Func3 = #() deal(1,2,3);
% yields a=1, b=2, c=3
Now the key here is that if you use a variable twice on the left-hand side of a multiple-expression assignment, an earlier assignment is clobbered by the later assignment:
% yields b=2, c=3
% yields c=3
(Just to check, I also verified that this technique works with [mu,mu,mu]=polyfit(x,y,n) if all you care about from polyfit is the third argument.)
There's a better approach; see ManWithSleeve's answer instead.
If you wish to use a style where a variable will be left to fall into the bit bucket, then a reasonable alternative is
[ans, ans, variableThatIWillUse] = myfun(inputs);
ans is of course the default junk variable for MATLAB, getting overwritten often in the course of a session.
While I do like the new trick that MATLAB now allows, using a ~ to designate an ignored return variable, this is a problem for backwards compatibility, in that users of older releases will be unable to use your code.
I generally avoid using new things like that until at least a few MATLAB releases have been issued to ensure there will be very few users left in the lurch. For example, even now I find people are still using an old enough MATLAB release that they cannot use anonymous functions.
Here's another option you can use. First make a cell array to capture all the outputs (you can use the NARGOUT function to determine how many outputs a given function returns):
a = cell(1,3); % For capturing 3 outputs
% OR...
a = cell(1,nargout(#func)); % For capturing all outputs from "func"
Then call the function as follows:
[a{:}] = func();
Then simply remove the element from a that you want, and overwrite a:
a = a{3}; % Get the third output
I wrote a kth out function:
function kth = kthout(k, ffnc, varargin)
% kthout: take the kth varargout from a func call %FOLDUP
% kth = kthout(k, ffnc, varargin)
% input:
% k which varargout to get
% ffnc function to call;
% varargin passed to ffnc;
% output:
% kth the kth argout;
[outargs{1:k}] = feval(ffnc, varargin{:});
kth = outargs{k};
end %function
You can then call
val_i_want = kthout(3, #myfunc, func_input_1, func_input_2);
You could also wrap up the function like:
func_i_want = #(varargin)(kthout(3, #myfunc,varargin{:})); % Assuming you want the third output.
After which you use
val_i_want = func_i_want(func_input_1, func_input_2);
Note that there is overhead associated with using anonymous functions like this, and this is not something I would do in code that would be called thousands of times.
In MATLAB 2010a, I found a neat way of doing what you are asking for.
It is simply to use the character "~" (without the quotes of course) as your dummy variable (as many as you want when returning multiple parameters). This also works for input parameters to functions if the functions are designed to handle missing data.
I don't know if this existed in previous versions, but I just came across it recently.
You can make a function (or anonymous function) that only returns selected outputs, e.g.
select = #(a,b) a(b);
Then you can call your function like this:
Or you can assign the output to a variable:
output(1,2:4) = select(func,1:3);
I don't see any reason not to use ans(n). Like this:
size(rand([5 10 20 40]));
b = ans(2);
It gives b = 10, and this way would be compatible with all MATLAB versions. Note that size() here is just used to represent any function that has multiple return variables.
Furthermore, this works to get the second output argument when you don't know how many arguments there will be! Whereas, if you do this:
[~, b] = size(a);
Then b = 8000! (You need to end with ~, to catch more arguments!)