Does the groupBy in Akka stream creates substreams that run in parallel? - scala

I created this example of groupBy -> map -> mergeSubstreamsWithParallelism using Akka streams. On the course that I am doing, it says that the groupBy will create X substreams regarding the parameter that I pass to it and then I have to merge the substreams to a single stream. So, I understand that the map operator is running in parallel. Is that right?
If so, why I can see the same thread executing the map operator in this code:
val textSource = Source(List(
"I love Akka streams", // odd
"this has even characters", // even
"this is amazing", // odd
"learning Akka at the Rock the JVM", // odd
"Let's rock the JVM", // even
"123", // odd
"1234" // even
val totalCharCountFuture = textSource
.groupBy(2, string => string.length % 2)
.map { c =>
println(s"I am running on thread [${Thread.currentThread().getId}]")
}// .async // this operator runs in parallel
.toMat(Sink.reduce[Int](_ + _))(Keep.right)
totalCharCountFuture.onComplete {
case Success(value) => println(s"total char count: $value")
case Failure(exception) => println(s"failed computation: $exception")
the output:
I am running on thread [16]
I am running on thread [16]
I am running on thread [16]
I am running on thread [16]
I am running on thread [16]
I am running on thread [16]
I am running on thread [16]
total char count: 116
then I added the .async to make the operator run in asynchronously. Then my output shows different threads executing the map operator:
I am running on thread [21]
I am running on thread [21]
I am running on thread [21]
I am running on thread [20]
I am running on thread [20]
I am running on thread [20]
I am running on thread [20]
I read the documentation at Akka docs about the async boundary:
Put an asynchronous boundary around this Flow. If this is a SubFlow
(created e.g. by groupBy), this creates an asynchronous boundary
around each materialized sub-flow, not the super-flow. That way, the
super-flow will communicate with sub-flows asynchronously.
So, do I need the .async after the groupBy to ensure that all substreams are executing in parallel or not? Is this test that I am doing validity the parallelism of an operator in Akka stream?

So, do I need the .async after the groupBy to ensure that all substreams are executing in parallel or not? Is this test that I am doing validity the parallelism of an operator in Akka stream?
The short answer is "yes", you need async.
As a rule of thumb in Akka Streams (and other reactive streams spec implementation like RxJava or Project Reactor), you need to explicitly demarcate async boundaries. By default the streams are executed single threaded (or single actor in case of Akka Streams). That includes operators like groupBy. This may seem a bit counter intuitive at first, but when you think about it, parallel execution is not really a must in groupBy semantics, even though often you want parallel execution because it's the very reason you apply groupBy, be it to use all cores available for some computation task or perhaps to call some external service in parallel and get better throughput. In those cases you need to explicitly code for that parallelism to occur. One way is using async as you did in your example, where the stream execution implementation logic would introduce that parallelism or you could also user mapAsync where the parallelism is introduced by some means external to the stream execution logic.


Opportunistic, partially and asyncronously pre-processing of a syncronously processing iterator

Let us use Scala.
I'm trying to find the best possible way to do an opportunistic, partial, and asynchronous pre-computation of some of the elements of an iterator that is otherwise processed synchronously.
The below image illustrates the problem.
There is a lead thread (blue) that takes an iterator and a state. The state contains mutable data that must be protected from concurrent access. Moreover, the state must be updated while the iterator is processed from the beginning, sequentially, and in order because the elements of the iterator depend on previous elements. Moreover, the nature of the dependency is not known in advance.
Processing some elements may lead to substantial overhead (2 orders of magnitude) compared to others, meaning that some elements are 1ms to compute and some elements are 300ms to compute. It would lead to significant improvements in terms of running time if I could pre-process the next k elements speculatively. A speculative pre-processing on asynchronous threads is possible (while the blue thread is synchronously processing), but the pre-processed data must be validated by the blue thread, whether the result of pre-computation is valid at that time. Usually (90% of the time), it should be valid. Thus, launching separate asynchronous threads to pre-process the remaining portion of the iterator speculatively would spear many 300s of milliseconds in running time.
I have studied comparisons of asynchronous and functional libraries of Scala to understand better which model of computation, or in other words, which description of computation (which library) could be a better fit to this processing problem. I was thinking about communication patterns and came about with the following ideas:
Use an AKKA actor Blue for the blue thread that takes the iterator, and for each step, it sends a Step message to itself. On a Step message, before it starts the processing of the next ith element, it sends a PleasePreprocess(i+k) message with the i+kth element to one of the k pre-processor actors in place. The Blue would Step to i+1 only and only if PreprocessingKindlyDone(i+1) is received.
AKKA Streams
AFAIK AKKA streams also support the previous two-way backpressure mechanism, therefore, it could be a good candidate to implement what actors do without actually using actors.
Scala Futures
While the blue thread processes elements ˙processElement(e)˙ in, then it would also spawn Futures for preprocessing. However, maintaining these pre-processing Futures and awaiting their states would require a semi-blocking implementation in pure Scala as I see, so I would not go with this direction to the best of my current knowledge.
Use Monix
I have some knowledge of Monix but could not wrap my head around how this problem could be elegantly solved with Monix. I'm not seeing how the blue thread could wait for the result of i+1 and then continue. For this, I was thinking of using something like a sliding window with foldLeft(blueThreadAsZero){ (blue, preProc1, preProc2, notYetPreProc) => ... }, but could not find a similar construction.
Possibly, there could be libraries I did not mention that could better express computational patterns for this.
I hope I have described my problem adequately. Thank you for the hints/ideas or code snippets!
You need blocking anyhow, if your blue thread happens to go faster than the yellow ones. I don't think you need any fancy libraries for this, "vanilla scala" should do (like it actually does in most cases). Something like this, perhaps ...
def doit[T,R](it: Iterator[T], yellow: T => R, blue: R => R): Future[Seq[R]] = it
.map { elem => Future(yellow(elem)) }
.foldLeft(Future.successful(List.empty[R])) { (last, next) =>
last.flatMap { acc => :: acc) }
I didn't test or compile this, so it could need some tweaks, but conceptually, this should work: pass through the iterator and start preprocessing right away, then fold to tuck the "validation" on each completing preprocess sequentially.
I would split the processing into two steps, the pre-processing that could be run in parallel and the dependent one which has to be serial.
Then, you can just create a stream of data from the iterator do a parallel map applying the preprocess step and finish with a fold
Personally I would use fs2, but the same approach can be expressed with any streaming solution like AkkaStreams, Monix Observables or ZIO ZStreams
import fs2.Stream
import cats.effect.IO
val finalState =
.fromIterator[IO](iterator = ???, chunkSize = ???)
.parEvalMap(elem => IO(preProcess(elem))
.fold(initialState) {
case (acc, elem) =>
computeNewState(acc, elem)
PS: Remember to benchmark to make sure parallelism is actually speeding things up; it may not be worth the hassle.

Cats Effect: which thread pool to use for Non-Blocking IO?

From this tutorial
async operations are divided into 3 groups and require significantly different thread pools to run on:
Non-blocking asynchronous operations:
Bounded pool with a very low number of threads (maybe even just one), with a very high priority. These threads will basically just sit idle most of the time and keep polling whether there is a new async IO notification. Time that these threads spend processing a request directly maps into application latency, so it's very important that no other work gets done in this pool apart from receiving notifications and forwarding them to the rest of the application.
Bounded pool with a very low number of threads (maybe even just one), with a very high priority. These threads will basically just sit idle most of the time and keep polling whether there is a new async IO notification. Time that these threads spend processing a request directly maps into application latency, so it's very important that no other work gets done in this pool apart from receiving notifications and forwarding them to the rest of the application.
Blocking asynchronous operations:
Unbounded cached pool. Unbounded because blocking operation can (and will) block a thread for some time, and we want to be able to serve other I/O requests in the meantime. Cached because we could run out of memory by creating too many threads, so it’s important to reuse existing threads.
CPU-heavy operations:
Fixed pool in which number of threads equals the number of CPU cores. This is pretty straightforward. Back in the day the "golden rule" was number of threads = number of CPU cores + 1, but "+1" was coming from the fact that one extra thread was always reserved for I/O (as explained above, we now have separate pools for that).
In my Cats Effect application, I use Scala Future-based ReactiveMongo lib to access MongoDB, which does NOT block threads when talking with MongoDB, e.g. performs non-blocking IO.
It needs execution context.
Cats effect provides default execution context IOApp.executionContext
My question is: which execution context should I use for non-blocking io?
But, from IOApp.executionContext documemntation:
Provides a default ExecutionContext for the app.
The default on top of the JVM is lazily constructed as a fixed thread pool based on the number available of available CPUs (see PoolUtils).
Seems like this execution context falls into 3rd group I listed above - CPU-heavy operations (Fixed pool in which number of threads equals the number of CPU cores.),
and it makes me think that IOApp.executionContext is not a good candidate for non-blocking IO.
Am I right and should I create a separate context with a fixed thread pool (1 or 2 threads) for non-blocking IO (so it will fall into the first group I listed above - Non-blocking asynchronous operations: Bounded pool with a very low number of threads (maybe even just one), with a very high priority.)?
Or is IOApp.executionContext designed for both CPU-bound and Non-Blocking IO operations?
The function I use to convert Scala Future to F and excepts execution context:
def scalaFutureToF[F[_]: Async, A](
future: => Future[A]
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): F[A] =
Async[F].async { cb =>
future.onComplete {
case Success(value) => cb(Right(value))
case Failure(exception) => cb(Left(exception))
In Cats Effect 3, each IOApp has a Runtime:
final class IORuntime private[effect] (
val compute: ExecutionContext,
private[effect] val blocking: ExecutionContext,
val scheduler: Scheduler,
val shutdown: () => Unit,
val config: IORuntimeConfig,
private[effect] val fiberErrorCbs: FiberErrorHashtable = new FiberErrorHashtable(16)
You will almost always want to keep the default values and not fiddle around declaring your own runtime, except in perhaps tests or educational examples.
Inside your IOApp you can then access the compute pool via:
If you want to execute a blocking operation, then you can use the blocking construct:
blocking(IO(println("foo!"))) >> IO.unit
This way, you're telling the CE3 runtime that this operation could be blocking and hence should be dispatched to a dedicated pool. See here.
What about CE2? Well, it had similar mechanisms but they were very clunky and also contained quite a few surprises. Blocking calls, for example, were scheduled using Blocker which then had to be somehow summoned out of thin air or threaded through the whole app, and thread pool definitions were done using the awkward ContextShift. If you have any choice in the matter, I highly recommend investing some effort into migrating to CE3.
Fine, but what about Reactive Mongo?
ReactiveMongo uses Netty (which is based on Java NIO API). And Netty has its own thread pool. This is changed in Netty 5 (see here), but ReactiveMongo seems to still be on Netty 4 (see here).
However, the ExecutionContext you're asking about is the thread pool that will perform the callback. This can be your compute pool.
Let's see some code. First, your translation method. I just changed async to async_ because I'm using CE3, and I added the thread printline:
def scalaFutureToF[F[_]: Async, A](future: => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): F[A] =
Async[F].async_ { cb =>
future.onComplete {
case Success(value) => {
println(s"Inside Callback: [${Thread.currentThread.getName}]")
case Failure(exception) => cb(Left(exception))
Now let's pretend we have two execution contexts - one from our IOApp and another one that's going to represent whatever ReactiveMongo uses to run the Future. This is the made-up ReactiveMongo one:
val reactiveMongoContext: ExecutionContext =
and the other one is simply runtime.compute.
Now let's define the Future like this:
def myFuture: Future[Unit] = Future {
println(s"Inside Future: [${Thread.currentThread.getName}]")
Note how we are pretending that this Future runs inside ReactiveMongo by passing the reactiveMongoContext to it.
Finally, let's run the app:
override def run: IO[Unit] = {
val myContext: ExecutionContext = runtime.compute
scalaFutureToF(myFuture)(implicitly[Async[IO]], myContext)
Here's the output:
Inside Future: [pool-1-thread-1]
Inside Callback: [io-compute-6]
The execution context we provided to scalaFutureToF merely ran the callback. Future itself ran on our separate thread pool that represents ReactiveMongo's pool. In reality, you will have no control over this pool, as it's coming from within ReactiveMongo.
Extra info
By the way, if you're not working with the type class hierarchy (F), but with IO values directly, then you could use this simplified method:
def scalaFutureToIo[A](future: => Future[A]): IO[A] =
See how this one doesn't even require you to pass an ExecutionContext - it simply uses your compute pool. Or more specifically, it uses whatever is defined as def executionContext: F[ExecutionContext] for the Async[IO], which turns out to be the compute pool. Let's check:
override def run: IO[Unit] = { => println(ec == runtime.compute))
// prints true
Last, but not least:
If we really had a way of specifying which thread pool ReactiveMongo's underlying Netty should be using, then yes, in that case we should definitely use a separate pool. We should never be providing our runtime.compute pool to other runtimes.

interrupt scala parallel collection

Is there any way to interrupt a parallel collection computation in Scala?
val r = new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
(1 to 3).par.foreach { _ => Thread.sleep(5000000) }
val t = new Thread(r)
Thread.sleep(300) // let them spin up
I'd expect t.interrupt to interrupt all threads spawned by par, but this is not happening, it keeps spinning inside ForkJoinTask.externalAwaitDone. Looks like that method clears the interrupted status and keeps waiting for the spawned threads to finish.
This is Scala 2.12
The thread that you t.start() is responsible just for starting parallel computations and to wait and gather the result.
It is not connected to threads that compute operations. Usually, it runs on default forkJoinPool that independent from the thread that submits computation tasks.
If you want to interrupt the computation, you can use custom execution back-end (like manually created forkJoinPool or a threadPool), and then shut it down. You can read about that here.
Or you can provide a callback from the computation.
But all those approaches are not so good for such a case.
If you producing a production solution or your case is complex and critical for the app, you probably should use something that has cancellation by design. Like Monix.Task or CancellableFuture.
Or at least use Future and cancel it with workarounds.

Alternative to using Future.sequence inside Akka Actors

We have a fairly complex system developed using Akka HTTP and Actors model. Until now, we extensively used ask pattern and mixed Futures and Actors.
For example, an actor gets message, it needs to execute 3 operations in parallel, combine a result out of that data and returns it to sender. What we used is
declare a new variable in actor receive message callback to store a sender (since we use it can be another sender).
executed all those 3 futures in parallel using Future.sequence (sometimes its call of function that returns a future and sometimes it is ask to another actor to get something from it)
combine the result of all 3 futures using map or flatMap function of Future.sequence result
pipe a final result to a sender using pipeTo
Here is a code simplified:
case RetrieveData(userId, `type`, id, lang, paging, timeRange, platform) => {
val sen = sender
val result: Future[Seq[Map[String, Any]]] = if (paging.getOrElse(Paging(0, 0)) == Paging(0, 0)) Future.successful(Seq.empty)
else {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val profileF = profileActor ? Get(userId)
Future.sequence(Seq(profileF, getSymbols(`type`, id), getData(paging, timeRange, platform)).map { result =>"Got ${result.size} news in ${System.currentTimeMillis() - start} ms")
}.recover { case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error(s"Failure on getting data: ${ex.getMessage}", ex)
Function getAndProcessData contains Future.sequence with executing 3 futures in parallel.
Now, as I'm reading more and more on Akka, I see that using ask is creating another actor listener. Questions are:
As we extensively use ask, can it lead to a to many threads used in a system and perhaps a thread starvation sometimes?
Using much also means different thread often. I read about one thread actor illusion which can be easily broken with mixing Futures.
Also, can this affect performances in a bad way?
Do we need to store sender in temp variable send, since we're using pipeTo? Could we do only pipeTo(sender). Also, does declaring sen in almost each receive callback waste to much resources? I would expect its reference will be removed once operation in complete.
Is there a chance to design such a system in a better way, meadning that we don't use map or ask so much? I looked at examples when you just pass a replyTo reference to some actor and the use tell instead of ask. Also, sending message to self and than replying to original sender can replace working with in some scenarios. But how it can be designed having in mind we want to perform 3 async operations in parallel and returns a formatted data to a sender? We need to have all those 3 operations completed to be able to format data.
I tried not to include to many examples, I hope you understand our concerns and problems. Many questions, but I would really love to understand how it works, simple and clear
Thanks in advance
If you want to do 3 things in parallel you are going to need to create 3 Future values which will potentially use 3 threads, and that can't be avoided.
I'm not sure what the issue with map is, but there is only one call in this code and that is not necessary.
Here is one way to clean up the code to avoid creating unnecessary Future values (untested!):
case RetrieveData(userId, `type`, id, lang, paging, timeRange, platform) =>
if (paging.forall(_ == Paging(0, 0))) {
sender ! Seq.empty
} else {
val sen = sender
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val resF = Seq(
profileActor ? Get(userId),
getSymbols(`type`, id),
getData(paging, timeRange, platform),
Future.sequence(resF).onComplete {
case Success(result) =>
val dur = System.currentTimeMillis() - start"Got ${result.size} news in $dur ms")
sen ! result
case Failure(ex)
logger.error(s"Failure on getting data: ${ex.getMessage}", ex)
sen ! Seq.empty
You can avoid ask by creating your own worker thread that collects the different results and then sends the result to the sender, but that is probably more complicated than is needed here.
An actor only consumes a thread in the dispatcher when it is processing a message. Since the number of messages the actor spawned to manage the ask will process is one, it's very unlikely that the ask pattern by itself will cause thread starvation. If you're already very close to thread starvation, an ask might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Mixing Futures and actors can break the single-thread illusion, if and only if the code executing in the Future accesses actor state (meaning, basically, vars or mutable objects defined outside of a receive handler).
Request-response and at-least-once (between them, they cover at least most of the motivations for the ask pattern) will in general limit throughput compared to at-most-once tells. Implementing request-response or at-least-once without the ask pattern might in some situations (e.g. using a replyTo ActorRef for the ultimate recipient) be less overhead than piping asks, but probably not significantly. Asks as the main entry-point to the actor system (e.g. in the streams handling HTTP requests or processing messages from some message bus) are generally OK, but asks from one actor to another are a good opportunity to streamline.
Note that, especially if your actor imports context.dispatcher as its implicit ExecutionContext, transformations on Futures are basically identical to single-use actors.
Situations where you want multiple things to happen (especially when you need to manage partial failure (Future.sequence.recover is a possible sign of this situation, especially if the recover gets nontrivial)) are potential candidates for a saga actor to organize one particular request/response.
I would suggest instead of using Future.sequence, Souce from Akka can be used which will run all the futures in parallel, in which you can provide the parallelism also.
Here is the sample code:
Source.fromIterator( () => Seq(profileF, getSymbols(`type`, id), getData(paging, timeRange, platform)).iterator )
.mapAsync( parallelism = 1 ) { case (seqIdValue, row) => seqIdValue -> _ )
}.runWith( Sink.seq ).map( => idWithDTO))
This will return Future[Seq[Map[String, Any]]]

Playframework non-blocking Action

Came across a problem I did not find an answer yet.
Running on playframework 2 with Scala.
Was required to write an Action method that performs multiple Future calls.
My question:
1) Is the attached code non-blocking and hence looking the way it should be ?
2) Is there a guarantee that both DAO results are caught at any given time ?
def index = Action.async {
val t2:Future[Tuple2[List[PlayerCol],List[CreatureCol]]] = for {
p <- PlayerDAO.findAll()
c <- CreatureDAO.findAlive()
}yield(p,c) => Ok(views.html.index(t._1, t._2)))
Thanks for your feedback.
Is the attached code non-blocking and hence looking the way it should be ?
That depends on a few things. First, I'm going to assume that PlayerDAO.findAll() and CreatureDAO.findAlive() return Future[List[PlayerCol]] and Future[List[CreatureCol]] respectively. What matters most is what these functions are actually calling themselves. Are they making JDBC calls, or using an asynchronous DB driver?
If the answer is JDBC (or some other synchronous db driver), then you're still blocking, and there's no way to make it fully "non-blocking". Why? Because JDBC calls block their current thread, and wrapping them in a Future won't fix that. In this situation, the most you can do is have them block a different ExecutionContext than the one Play is using to handle requests. This is generally a good idea, because if you have several db requests running concurrently, they can block Play's internal thread pool used for handling HTTP requests, and suddenly your server will have to wait to handle other requests (even if they don't require database calls).
For more on different ExecutionContexts see the thread pools documentation and this answer.
If you're answer is an asynchronous database driver like reactive mongo (there's also scalike-jdbc, and maybe some others), then you're in good shape, and I probably made you read a little more than you had to. In that scenario your index controller function would be fully non-blocking.
Is there a guarantee that both DAO results are caught at any given time ?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. In your current code, you're actually making these calls in sequence. CreatureDAO.findAlive() isn't executed until PlayerDAO.findAll() has returned. Since they are not dependent on each other, it seems like this isn't intentional. To make them run in parallel, you should instantiate the Futures before mapping them in a for-comprehension:
def index = Action.async {
val players: Future[List[PlayerCol]] = PlayerDAO.findAll()
val creatures: Future[List[CreatureCol]] = CreatureDAO.findAlive()
val t2: Future[(List[PlayerCol], List[CreatureCol])] = for {
p <- players
c <- creatures
} yield (p, c) => Ok(views.html.index(t._1, t._2)))
The only thing you can guarantee about having both results being completed is that yield isn't executed until the Futures have completed (or never, if they failed), and likewise the body of isn't executed until t2 has been completed.
Further reading:
Are there any benefits in using non-async actions in Play Framework 2.2?
Understanding the Difference Between Non-Blocking Web Service Calls vs Non-Blocking JDBC