enter image description here
how to fill the Screen?
You can use Expanded instead of Container widget to fill the screen with the ListView
[the picture widget fills a strange space][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Hktgz.png
I've set both halign and valign for every widget to Gtk.Align.START, but while the label widget works okay, the picture widget still fills the window until there is no enough space.
So I put a frame out of the picture, but nothing changes.
What's wrong with it?
I have a widget tree like this: <b/r>
The problem is that data inside StickyGroupedListView is not display on screen, only blank white screen. If I remove SingleChildScrollView, the list is display perfectly.
How to make it work with SingleChildScrollView ?
I want to add a buttombar to my application Contains only just one text with background color .
I need it to write the copyright in my application, but I find just that I have to add At least a two-item
In the list,
I don't need this
Just i want to add a single one text with a background color
In your case you do not need a bottombar widget.
you can create a container with specific height and background color and center a text widget in the container.
If you are looking to add bottomNavigationBar with one item only you can just write your own widget in the bottom navigation bar like a Container and set a background of your choice and give it a child widget wrapped in an INKWELL or GESTUREDETECTOR and if it overlaps with the Phone's GUI you can wrap the inkwell with SAFEAREA widget
hi i want someone to help me for this problem in flutter ,I will put the picture to understand
enter image description here
Wrap your page in a Listview() widget or a Single ChildScrollview
This means that your widget needs space more than the space that is available. You can either change the size of the widget, or make your page/widget scrollable, which will give it more vertical space. To do that, wrap your widget/page with a SingleChildScrollView widget.
I want to create some applications with widget ListView. When you scrolling up, image at first index will be expanded, and if you scroll again, next image will be expanded again, and if you scrolling down, image will be collapsed again.
Is it possible to create this with flutter?